Chapter 529

“My son wait a minute, it’s all right in a moment.”

Palace Master Hanyue took out a stove and a green stove from Qiankun’s bag.

Then, with the capital of the palace lord, he burned incense for Ling Xiao to make tea.


In the Lingxiao Soul Sea, after the holy religion divine envoy finally tried dozens of times, a ray of divine consciousness sprang from the cauldron.

Feeling the fluctuation, Ling Xiao suddenly raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, and directly suppressed the power of the ancient pangu stone, allowing it to rush on the avenue of freedom.

“My son! The tea is ready, you can taste it.”

Palace Master Hanyue picked up the teapot, gently knelt beside Ling Xiao, and filled the jade cup in front of him.

And in the sea of ​​soul, the smile on the original face of the Holy Cult God Envoy instantly solidified.

I…! !

Did I really guess it? !

This Ren Yueying, really took refuge in the demon? !

Suddenly, a touch of resentment suddenly appeared on the face of the Holy Spirit God Envoy.

I just said! ! !

Can order the emperor of the Xijiang Dynasty, besides this Ren Yueying, who else in Xijiang can do it.

This woman pretends to be a person of sacred religion, with her back leaning on the tree, but…using her identity to help the gods?

Thinking about it this way, everything seems to be a matter of course.

The god emperor bows his head, the god of war is in awe, relying on him as a godly man?

and! !

If Ren Yueying hadn’t taken refuge in the demon, with the power of the seventh-ranked divine emperor of her sacred religion, why would he be so humble to this young man?

Is he… handsome?

Kneeling down?

I, Partridge Li, the fourth divine envoy of the sacred religion, the eighth grade divine emperor, admired by thousands of people! !

But on the day I came to Xijiang, I didn’t see you kneel down for me? !

Ren Yueying, you must die! !

No, you have to hold back! !

Otherwise, once Ling Xiao knows, I accidentally see their secrets, and I will surely kill me.


Even if Partridge carefully concealed the divine consciousness, and with his Eighth Stage Emperor Realm’s means, no one can usually detect…

However, Ling Xiao, who was toasting a cup of tea, suddenly frowned, and the soul appeared in front of the Dao Cauldron.

Partridge hurriedly withdrew his consciousness, roaring in pain.

But Ling Xiao’s eyes flashed a bit of playfulness, and he circled Dao Ding.

Don’t, don’t find out! !

The partridge screamed more and more intensely, trying to show his pain and distract Ling Xiao’s attention.

But before his cry fell, when Ling Xiao suddenly waved his palm, only a black ancient tower appeared in the sky.

On top of it, although there is no magic in it, it is inexplicably…familiar.

“This tower…”

The partridge condensed slightly away from his eyes, and a trace of confusion suddenly appeared in his heart.

Where have you seen it?

It’s just that he couldn’t figure out the reason for the matter after all, and was directly included in the fourth floor of the ancient pagoda by Ling Xiao together with the Dao Cauldron.


With a buzzing sound, Ling Xiao’s figure also appeared on the fourth floor of the ancient pagoda.

“Wind chimes, I will send you a fun toy.”

Even though it was the method of the Taixuan Dao master, it might be difficult for this holy religion and divine envoy to truly break the seal and walk out of the Dao Ding.

But after all, this tripod has been broken, after all, there is such a risk.

The villain must be cautious in doing things.

This divine envoy is still very useful and cannot be killed or stayed.

The ancient tower of the Zhenmo can seal the true demons, trapping a broken body, the eighth-rank god emperor whose spirit is sealed…it shouldn’t be a big problem.

But just to be on the safe side… it is best that the little ancestor personally stare at him, so that he can be completely relieved.

“What toy.”

Feng Ling’s figure walked out of the void and stood in front of Dao Ding.

Although Ling Xiao didn’t know where this girl came from until now.

But she and the Mogu Tower in this town must have some kind of connection.

“In this cauldron, there is an eighth rank god emperor. I want to temporarily seal him in the tower. Can you help me watch it?”

Ling Xiao smiled gently, but Feng Ling frowned, and Xiao Xiaoqiong let out a cold snort, “Huh, are you telling me to do something?”

“Hehe, the eighth rank god emperor, the top of the holy state, also, not everyone can suppress it, then I will think of a separate way.”

Ling Xiao shook his head and smiled before turning around to leave.

“Wait a moment!”

But at this moment, a coldness flashed in Feng Ling’s eyes, “A mere eighth rank god emperor? I can suppress it with a single finger, but you have to promise me one condition.”


Ling Xiao gave Feng Ling a wary look.

This girl’s requirements have always been harsh and mean, especially delicious.


You said that if she proposes to… stew the flowers, should I resist it?

“You will fight with people in the future, don’t use the spiritual curtain to block, I want to see the details!”


Ling Xiao looked stunned for a while, and was silent for a while, and finally swallowed fiercely.

Little girl, are you sure you’ve seen too much of this kind of thing and won’t get angry?

However, it’s okay, Loli, I’m so impressed.

It seems that some classic processes have to be carefully demonstrated in the future.


“Okay, I promise you, but if…”

“Don’t worry, I Feng Ling told him to kneel, and he won’t be able to stand up to death.”

A touch of contempt was raised on Feng Ling’s face, and with a light wave of his jade hand, he saw that Dao Cauldron was immediately covered with a layer of bright silver light.

Then, the scream of the holy religious envoy suddenly disappeared.


Even with Ling Xiao’s disposition, seeing this scene felt inexplicably shocked.

Although, he had seen Feng Chime wave his hand to suppress the horrible means of dragon veins, but…

Eight-Rank God Emperor.

If this little ancestor can be dealt with, the holy religion… can’t it be removed easily?

However, this girl’s personality is really strange and unpredictable, even Ling Xiao could not find a suitable way to start.

Or… wait and see again.

I have time, waiting for you to grow up.

“The son? The son?”

In the Great Hall of the Cold Moon Palace, the Lord of the Cold Moon Palace held the copper pot and called out softly.

Ling Xiao’s eyes flashed with soul light, and a wry smile suddenly appeared on his face.

“Palace Master, I’m rude, but…just now it was the ambassador who passed the faith to me…”

“Huh? Lord God Envoy?!”

Palace Master Hanyue’s jade hand trembled lightly, and his face also had a dignified look.

“What did the lord say? Uh…Master, I was abrupt.”

With the means of a divine envoy, the transmission of divine consciousness can be said to be a breeze.

Even she has a sound transmission magical talisman in her hand, which can communicate with the divine envoy through divine orders.

So at this time, Palace Master Hanyue didn’t have a hint of doubt, just…

My lord didn’t give me a voice transmission, I’m afraid there are some things that are inconvenient to talk about.

So, when she asked, she was really abrupt.

“It’s okay, the adults may think that the fairy trails are about to open, you must be very busy, so you greeted me first and asked me to… ask the palace lord to do something.”

Ling Xiao smiled gently, with a gentle temperament, with a sense of immortality lingering in her own way.

“say hi?”

Palace Master Hanyue couldn’t react for a while, and then there was a touch of shock in his eyes.

In just a few days, this Young Master Ling Xiao has been so highly regarded by the Lord God?

If you want me to do something, but tell the son, and then tell me?

It seems… the Lord God Envoy really intends to help Young Master go to the top.

Inexplicably, Palace Master Hanyue looked at Ling Xiao’s eyes, becoming more respectful.

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