Chapter 461

For a whole day, Ling Xiao sat on Long Nian and hurried towards Xuanyang City, the capital of the Great Qin Emperor, with Qin Wushuang.

Along the way, the latter did not say a word with Ling Xiao.

But Ling Xiao looked at that heroic and indifferent figure with interest.

Especially when the wind lifted up her red cloak, revealing those slender and straight legs and… the roundness.

Not to mention, Qin Wushuang’s beauty is completely different from Ye Qingchan’s.

It’s a kind of sadness that weary for the rest of my life.

This is a woman with a story. The first thing Ling Xiao decided to do was to find a big Qin attendant and search for it.

And her figure was the perfect one that Ling Xiao had ever seen, except for Nian Qingyun.

Tall and well-proportioned, and slightly heroic.

Like a fierce horse, there is no surrender, only conquest.

At the age of forty, the second grade of God Emperor.

Although there is no luck, he is also…unusually talented.

Moreover, in this land of Western Xinjiang, it is always necessary to find a spokesperson.

I, Ling Xiao, a good man, fighting all over the world, how can I stay in a corner?

In my whole life, I will follow the teachings of the saints and be fraternity! !


Although now, Qin Wushuang seems to have no interest in anything or anyone at all.

But… I have a million ways to make her fall.

It wasn’t until the end of the line of sight that a heroic city emerged in outline, Ling Xiao’s mouth raised a smile.

Above the city, an ancient formation covering the sky bloomed with golden brilliance, revealing the power of Godlessness.

At the city gate, Xiao Beifa stood in front of others in a blood armor.

Countless powerful auras followed, looking into the sky.

Ling Xiao stood up from the front and fell side by side with Qin Wushuang.

Behind the two, Ten Thousand Blood Guards stood neatly without making a sound, but the blood evil that pervaded them was also shocking.

“Meet the Dragon Lord!!”

Xiao Beifa walked in stride, then knelt on one knee in Qin Wushuang’s frightened eyes, shouting loudly.

Hearing that, the Da Qin officials who were still hesitating did not dare to hesitate anymore, they also knelt on the ground and bowed down to Ling Xiao.

I’m gonna!

Who is Xiao Beifan!

Great Qin Protector of the Country, Commander-in-Chief of the Blood Dragon Guard!

Unlike Ning Tiance, this war fighter is not a gentle person.

In recent years, Qin Wushuang was able to stand on the top of the dynasty amidst the swaying winds and rains, and Qin Wushuang naturally contributed the most, but the name of the Northern Expedition of Xiao Xiao also shocked the world.

It is said that his hair is not bloody.

It was only because of too many killings and blood penetration that it became what it is now.

Listen, isn’t it scary?

Even the people of Daqin, although they fear this peerless general, they often use his name to intimidate children.

If you don’t be obedient, let General Xiao eat you.


Moreover, Qin Wushuang is not orthodox after all, but is temporarily waiting for the court.

Although the officials didn’t know how exactly Xiao Beifa was determined, the one in front of him was the descendant of Emperor Qin, but…

We don’t dare to ask, we don’t dare to say.

What if I make General Xiao angry and pierce us to death with a halberd?

Don’t say, any important court official, Da Qin Guozhu, in the eyes of Xiao Beifa, is really a fart.

When he returned to the dynasty to quell the chaos, there was a god emperor who questioned his intentions. As a result, Xiao Beifa didn’t say a word and smashed it into rotten flesh with his halberd.

From then on, Daqin saw General Xiao as his father.

At this time, General Xiao knelt down. If we don’t kneel anymore, wouldn’t it… appear to disrespect him?

Seeing this scene, Ling Xiao nodded indifferently, his eyes swept across the crowd, but his heart was slightly surprised.

Daqin Chaotang, five emperors and seven kings.

The strongest is a white-haired old man, the sixth rank of God Emperor, with a strong aura.

It seemed that Xiao Beifan had a special status in this Great Qin, and even the sixth-rank god emperor was following him at this time.

An unexpected little surprise.

However, when Ling Xiao saw this Xiao Bei Expedition, he was shocked by the blood evil on his body.

Although he is also out of luck, he kills too much for fear of being punished by heaven.

However, compared to Ning Tiance, this person is actually more suitable to stay with him as a follower.

Ning Tiance’s way is to command the troops on the battlefield.

In other words, leaving Xijiang, he was at most a third-rank god emperor, and his combat power alone might not have been overwhelming.

But Xiao Bei Expedition was different, this man was very life-threatening.

When it is critical, a husband can be the guard and die for the Lord!


In this magnificent Qin Dynasty, there is not even a lucky person?

“Hehe, get up! Although I am the Dragon Lord, Wushuang is the emperor in Daqin today.”

How Ling Xiao couldn’t feel the coldness radiating from Qin Wushuang next to him.

It’s just obvious that she was also afraid of Xiaobei Expedition.

If you want the empress to return, of course, you have to let her put her guard down first, and then slowly figure it out.

Give her safety, give her expectation, give her… happiness.


Sure enough, hearing what Ling Xiao said, Qin Wushuang’s cold face seemed to flash with surprise.

At this moment, she didn’t put down her guard, but felt more and more that she couldn’t see Ling Xiao.

As the emperor of a dynasty, she has never liked the feeling of being out of control.

It seems that we still have to find an opportunity to get rid of this disaster.

“Let’s go, Advanced City.”

Ling Xiao took the lead and walked towards Xuanyang City.

At this time, both sides of the street were already surrounded by the people of Daqin Xiuers.

And when he saw the young man in white surrounded by his ministers, his face was full of excitement.

Daqin orthodox.

These four characters alone represent a kind of public opinion, commonly known as popular.

Even if Qin Wushuang manages Qin Chao in an orderly manner, she is still a sideline and a substitute.

Now that Ling Xiao returns to the court, it is the destiny!

When the young king returns, the blood guard surrenders, and the great Qin is rejoicing! !

“General Xiao, take me to the Blood Dragon Palace first.”

Until the crowd walked to the center of Xuanyang City, a magnificent ancient palace, Ling Xiao suddenly turned to look at Xiao Beifa and said calmly.


Xiao Beifa bowed and bowed, and personally led Ling Xiao to walk to the side of the imperial palace, leaving the group of officials standing in a mess in the wind.


They were not qualified to step into the Blood Dragon Palace, but the Dragon Lord didn’t say let us go first.

This… should we go or wait?

“Humph! Follow me back to the palace!”

Qin Wushuang’s silver teeth clenched, killing intent flowing in his beautiful eyes.

These two bastards simply didn’t put their own, the Great Qin Emperor, in their eyes.

Although Ling Xiao didn’t have the heart to seize the emperor, what was the significance of this emperor with him? !

Humph, Blood Dragon Guard, Xiao Beifan, if you don’t want to follow me, then…get rid of them all.

Fortunately, I have worked hard in the past few years, the courtiers returned to my heart, and the whole Daqin strong people regarded me as the king.

Just relying on the two of you, are you trying to stand up to me?

only! ! !

When Qin Wushuang raised his foot and walked towards the imperial palace, he felt that there seemed to be no footsteps behind him, and a hint of doubt flashed across Qiao’s face.

And just when she turned her head to look around, the spiritual power of the whole body finally surged out unchecked.


Like a ghostly whistling sound from the depths of Jiuyou, Qin Wushuang’s eyes flashed with grey light, revealing weirdness.

At this moment, before the gate of the palace, the courtiers were looking at her with embarrassment, but they never moved lightly.


Xiao Beifa didn’t speak, would they dare to move?

If this happens, it will cause a murderous disaster, it is really…not worth it.

“You…you guys!! Humph!!”

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