Chapter 460: The Name of Lingxiao

The Great Zhou Palace, before the treasure house.

Ling Xiao looked at the dazzling array of Lingbao materials in front of him, and a smile suddenly appeared on his face.

With the number of artifacts in his hand, the combat power of armed with a full artifact shouldn’t be a problem.

The Blood Dragon Guard is loyal and loyal, and the cultivation base is breaking through.

If they were to be matched with Lingbao Pills, I would like to ask who is the enemy in Xijiang?

With a wave of a small hand, the treasure house emptied.


Don’t leave some for Ning Tiance and the others?


Sooner or later, Lao Tzu will ascend to the upper realm.

Even if this Saint State explodes in the future, what does it have to do with me?

Do you understand?

This Lingbao material will be useful everywhere, so I can take it on my body, and I feel at ease.

At the end of the Zhou Palace, Ling Xiao stood with his hands behind.

The palace here is a retreat for the ancestors of the Great Zhou Dynasty, and it is also a forbidden place in the Zhou Palace.

Before entering, Ling Xiao felt a terrifying trend rushing toward his face.

Obviously, the dragon veins are in it.


Ling Xiao held the magic knife horizontally in his hand, raised his foot and walked into the hall, where a golden dragon pillar stood in the middle.

A chain is wound on it, and there are also layers of runes flickering, which is obviously suppressing something.

The reason why Zhou Zuxiu was able to step into the pinnacle of the seventh rank was inseparable from this dragon vein.

And it seems that he should have found a way and sealed it here.

So…it’s much more convenient.

Ling Xiao grinned, directly lifted the dragon pillar and disappeared in place.

In the realm, Ling Xiao stood on the palace of heaven with his hands in his hands.

The seal broke open, and the dragon veins inevitably poured out.

With Ling Xiao’s current strength, it is difficult to truly suppress it.

Therefore, at this time, Xing Shen and others were behind, quietly looking at the young man in front of him, his eyes filled with awe.

The fourth dragon vein! !

Although they did not participate in the process of snatching the dragon veins, as they are today, those who can occupy these spiritual things are the top power sects.

No matter how the Lord took it, the methods were terrifying.


Ling Xiao held the magic knife horizontally in his hand and fought fiercely forward.

And the golden pillar that sealed the dragon veins instantly shattered and opened, a ray of dragon aura suddenly shining brightly, turned into a dragon shadow, and stood above the void.


The ear-piercing dragon roar instantly resounded across the sky, and spirit winds were everywhere in the domain.

At this moment, Ning’er’s figure suddenly appeared on the side of the temple, staring at the dragon shadow above her head in surprise.

“Wow, another dragon!”

She didn’t see the slightest fear on her face. In other words, she had seen a real dragon not only once when she was with Ling Xiao.

But at this moment, there seemed to be a hideous flash in that dragon vein fierce eye, and he actually leaned over to bite at Ning’er.


Ling Xiao’s expression changed, and the magic light all over his body was radiant, and he arrived in front of Ning’er in just one step.

Before he could launch an offensive, he saw the dragon vein phantom suddenly stagnating in midair strangely.

In front of him, a black figure burst out of the sky, a beautiful little face with a faint anger.

“Damn big bug, how dare you make a mistake!”

Then! !

Ling Xiao was stunned to see, the wind bell jade waved his hand lightly, and directly shattered the phantom dragon veins, turning it into a sea of ​​spiritual light.

“Nine Dragon Prisoners!!”


Above the void, a golden array emerged.

I saw a wild and ancient general trend coming down, swallowing all the dragon veins.


The four dragons raised to the sky and cried together, and the entire territory trembles for a moment.

The power of the prisoner spread over the sky, making the faces of Xing Shen and others trembled.

But at this moment, there was a flash of light in Ling Xiao’s eyes, and his gaze at Feng Chime became more and more confused and shocked.

Waved to suppress the dragon veins, and even shattered its shape.

But unfortunately, there was no trace of spiritual power fluctuations in her body.

Where does this girl come from?

Upper Bound?

But she also said that she was born in the magic tower?

What kind of secret is hidden in this tower?

According to Ye Fan’s template, this tower should indeed have a lot of origin.

But now it seems that its origin is still a little beyond Ling Xiao’s imagination.

“Wow, the little ancestor is so amazing!”

A smile bloomed on Ning’er’s small face, but Ling Xiao gave her a surprised look.

“What do you call her?”

“Isn’t it? Feng Ling’s little ancestor is his brother’s little ancestor, isn’t it Ning’er’s little ancestor?”


Ling Xiao gave Feng Ling a fierce look, but saw that the latter didn’t even look at him, stepped forward and appeared in front of Ning’er, “Do you believe this time?”

“Believe it! Little ancestor is indeed infinitely powerful!”

Looking at the awe on Ning’er’s face, it was quite sudden. Ling Xiao felt that her appearance just now was… too coincidental?

Could it be the wind chime… deliberately wanted to show her a hand in front of her?

“I’ll follow Xiaozu from now on, and drink spicy food.”

The size of Feng Chime is almost the same as that of Ning’er, but in front of the latter, he looks like an adult, which makes people laugh.

But after another thought, the smile on Ling Xiao’s face solidified.

A wind chime is enough for him to have a headache. Here Ning’er will learn from her again…

“Ling Xiao, your dragon let me play for two days.”

Feng Chime said indifferently, calling Huahua, carrying Ning’er towards the distant mountains.

Now this area is full of spiritual energy.

Both the mountains and the lakes contain vitality, and there are even signs of life in the depths of some high mountains.

Of course, with the wind chimes by her side, Ning’er’s safety does not have to worry about.

But I’m very worried, this girl’s character…

Three days, in the blink of an eye.

The Great Zhou Palace, before the main hall.

Ling Xiao looked at Ning Tiance and others in front of him with clear eyes.

“Brother, Da Zhou will bother you to take care of it.”

“Don’t worry, Brother Xiao, I will clean up the remnants of the Zhou Dynasty.”

Ning Tiance nodded and smiled, watching Ling Xiao, Qin Wushuang and the figure of the ten thousand blood guards walking towards the distance.

At the same time, news of the demise of the Great Zhou has spread throughout Xijiang.

Although the expeditions in West Xinjiang have not stopped, the dynasty has not been destroyed for more than two hundred years.

Although Da Zhou is not the top dynasty, it is also ranked among the eight dynasties anyway.

It’s really shocking now that it’s destroyed overnight.

Moreover, with the destruction of the Zhou family, an unfamiliar name swept the entire western Xinjiang like a storm.

Ling Xiao, a mysterious teenager.

Some people say that one hundred and tens of people of the Zhou clan, including the three great emperors and nine great kings, were all beheaded by this person.

Some people say that Ling Xiao was originally the god of the Xia Dynasty. He woke up from his deep sleep and wanted to dominate the Western Xinjiang.

Some people say that he is cold-blooded and ruthless, pulling the mountain with one hand, killing a hundred thousand blood spirits.

But some people said that he was upright and loyal, and he didn’t take the throne in his eyes at all. The conquest was only to…create a prosperous world without wars and disputes.

In any case, now in Xijiang, even if it is a rural child, he already knows that there is a young adult in Xijiang, named Ling Xiao, who is seventeen years old!

even! ! !

A merchant shop has begun to sell the portrait of Lingxiao, saying that it will be posted at home and be carefully enshrined, which can ward off evil spirits, suppress demons, add children, and increase luck!


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