Chapter 458

“This…haha, hahaha, of course not! In order to congratulate the adults on the Great Week, I specially selected a gift.”

Qi Yu waved his hand, searched for a long time from Qiankun’s bag, and finally took out a high-grade Taoist implement.

“My lord, this sword is called Qiankun Ancient Sword. It is a treasure of my Jing’an Mansion. I will give it to my lord today. Congratulations to my lord for the victory in this battle.”

“Oh? Just a high-grade Taoist artifact?”

Ling Xiao shook his head and chuckled, leaning over to take out the Qiankun bag from Emperor Zhou, and then thrust another knife into his heart.

“Hahahaha, how could it be this one…”

Qi Yu gritted his teeth fiercely, and finally gave the entire Universe Bag and the Universe Bags of several great Qi masters behind him to Ling Xiao, before he cried out sadly, “My lord, this time I am in a hurry, I am not prepared enough, etc. Your lord has time to go to Daqi next time, I will prepare better.”


Ling Xiao glanced at Void coldly. This time Qi Yu came to help Emperor Zhou. Although there were not many people with him, they were all elite soldiers and strong generals.

Two emperors and three kings, killed, should be considered a kind of…attack for Da Qi, right?

“King Qi, I think this mole on your face has a great influence on the general situation of Western Xinjiang, so it’s a shame.”


Qi Yu’s expression changed and he turned around to escape, but saw that Qiao Yunli and others had surrounded him, imprisoning the entire world.

“Ling…Ling Xiao, I am the brother of Emperor Qi. If you dare to kill me, Da Qi will not let you go.”

“I, as a person, have never liked to have enemies, so if anyone is an enemy of me, I will wipe them out as soon as possible, so…there will be no enemies at all.”

Ling Xiao said indifferently, raising his foot and walking towards the officials of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

For him now, the divine tool Lingbao has not much use, but the blood soul of the god emperor, but the magic knife tonic.

If this Primordial Demon Blade could truly wake up, it would be much more useful than any Taoist artifact.

“Little lord, little lord forgive me! I am willing to follow you!!”

“My lord!!! Forgive me! It’s all Zhou Qingcang… No, it was Zhou Qingcang who forced me. When I saw the adult, I knew that the adult was the leader of the people, the real dragon of Xijiang, and Zhou Qingcang was a fart. what.”


Before the great Zhou Zhongchen’s voice fell, Ling Xiao lifted his sword and dropped him directly to send him to the west.

“I’m Ling Mou the most annoying this kind of flattering person in my life. What else can you do besides flattering?”

“Huh? This…”

Hearing that, the eyes of the remaining Great Zhou Divine Emperor flickered, and he suddenly shouted angrily, “Ling Xiao!! You thief, how dare you kill me Great Zhou Dijun, even if I’m a ghost, I won’t let you go!!! ”


This Ling Xiao doesn’t like people who slid their beards and shoot horses, they must be the righteous people who appreciate the loyal and unparalleled!

Yes, it must be so.

Otherwise, how did Ning Tiance be taken into account by the adults!

Just in the heart of the god emperor, he was secretly happy, thanking that he was the first to stand up and pretend to be such a wonderful force, but he saw the black light flashing in front of him, and then his head rolled to the ground.

“If you are a ghost, you won’t let me go? Then you can be a ghost. I can kill you once, and I can kill you a second time, huh ~ push.”

Seeing this scene, the remaining great Zhou experts suddenly fell to the ground, wanting to cry without tears.

Devil! !

This kid is obviously a demon! !

This is hard and soft, so we all don’t know which way to beg for mercy.

“You guys, do you want to struggle a bit?”

Ling Xiao looked at the remaining people coldly, but saw their lips move lightly, but in the end he gritted his teeth severely and closed his eyes.


Several people’s heads fell, Ling Xiao waved his palms, and put away the corpses of everyone.

At the same time, above the midair, Qi Yu and other great Qi powerhouses have also been captured by Qiao Yunli and others.

But after seeing the fate of the great Zhou ministers, Qi Yu’s eyes suddenly flashed with a touch of determination, and then he resolutely blew himself up.

“Even if I die, I will die with you!!”


Ling Xiao’s eyes condensed slightly, one of them suddenly turned blood red.

At this moment, Qi Yu was on the verge of collapse, and his spiritual power had already been exhausted.

Before he could react, he saw that the world in front of him suddenly became dark, and a round of black moon ran across the sky, exuding monsters of blood.

“In front of me, if you want to die, you have to get my permission.”

Ling Xiao’s expression was indifferent, and the black knife in his hand cut out.

In a short period of time, the heads of several powerful men fell neatly.

From beginning to end, Qin Wushuang didn’t say a word, but stared at what was happening before him with a cold expression.

Suddenly, this young man… actually killed six god emperors?

What’s wrong with this world?

Today’s god emperor has fallen into such an unbearable situation?

Kill if you say it?

Hard to die?

Especially the indifference on Ling Xiao’s face made the Great Qin Demon Emperor feel a deep coldness.

and! !

What made Qin Wushuang even more strange was that the figure of the young man, like a ghost, said that he would disappear immediately without a trace.

“Brother, you first lead your troops into the Imperial Palace of the Great Zhou, all the officials and generals of the Great Zhou will be killed without mercy.”

This truth cannot be fully burned by wildfires, it has been there since ancient times.

Although Xijiang is just a small stop on the way to Lingxiaoxian.

But… the villain, I’d rather kill the wrong one than let it go.

In the realm.

Ling Xiao looked at the pile of corpses in front of him, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and the black blade inserted in his hand, instantly swallowing all the corpses of those powerful men.

He had a hunch that today this Primordial Demon Blade will completely bloom its magic splendor.


really! ! !

As the last corpse of the god emperor turned into ashes, a cloud of magic light suddenly lit up on the Primordial Demon Blade.

In an instant, thousands of magic shadows have evolved.

There are dragons rising above the clouds, there are giant shadows tearing apart the clouds, there are gods who are unwilling to roar, and there are big birds crying and dying.

Even Ling Xiao had never seen most of them.

But the spiritual power radiating from them can be regarded as destroying the heavens and the earth, and dying forever.

One strand can destroy a domain era.

Inexplicably, Ling Xiao seemed to feel that these terrifying creatures had fallen under this magic blade.

In the ancient times, gods and demons competed.

How many true immortals are in the world, Supreme, Ling Xiao doesn’t know.

But there is no doubt that the master of this magic blade is the one who stands on top of the thousands of gods and demons.


Just as Ling Xiao was secretly exclaiming, there was a loud hum in his ear.

Then, a demon shadow appeared to come over the ages and stood quietly in front of Ling Xiao.

At this moment, his figure was a little fuzzy, as if it was gathered by demonic energy, and he couldn’t see his appearance clearly.

But the aura on his body is a kind of domineering domineering in heaven and earth.


Thousands of gods and demons screamed in an instant, which contained pain, anger, despair, and a trace of fear that had never been concealed.

I saw that Demon Shadow suddenly grasped the Demon Blade and chopped it down gently.

“Swire nine styles, the first style, fine day.”

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