Chapter 457


Between heaven and earth, the space collapsed.

In the dark, it seemed that a world had descended, swallowing Zhou Zu’s figure in an instant.

Along with him disappeared, there was the tall and straight figure in white clothes.


Zhou Huang’s body trembled, and finally there was a hint of panic in his eyes.

Zhou Zu, is his last hole card of Da Zhou.

This trump card can be said to be against the sky.

Although he can’t help him to dominate the world, but above the dragon veins of this cloud city, the ancestor is an invincible existence.

But at this time, looking at the strange ancestor who disappeared, Emperor Zhou… panicked and panicked.

He seemed to feel that the Great Zhou Dynasty had already fallen.

“Zhou Qingcang, you have committed sins and cannot live.”

Ning Tiance stood on the void with the Qinglong sword in his hand.

Under his feet, a million soldiers shouted and slaughtered the Forbidden Army.

It’s over…

My Great Zhou is going to die!

Zhou Huang wanted to cry without tears, and had no intention to fight.

If it weren’t for the whereabouts of the ancestor, he was afraid that he would have voted directly at this time.

No, wait and see again.

How could the ancestor’s seventh-level peak god emperor and the fusion of the dragon veins of the Great Zhou pass away so easily?

Shengzhou, Central Xinjiang.

On a high mountain with verdant charm, Qi Yi looked at a broken soul card in his hand, shook his head slightly, took out another one from the side, and engraved a sea character.

In the realm.

Ling Xiao looked at the dull-faced Grand Ancestor Da Zhou indifferently, and the corners of his mouth raised a touch of playfulness.

“Ancestor, are you still invincible?”

“Where is this?”

Zhou Zu’s face was blank, and he looked down at the ground under his feet, and a chill suddenly appeared in his heart.

I… Gan.

I was indeed invincible in Yunfang City, but I didn’t say that I was invincible outside.

No, just how sacred this young man is, can he… move the space! !

“Hehe, my little friend, whose youth is not open! The old man just made a joke with you, you see, I have been defeated, in the name of invincibility, I am willing to surrender to you, no, you will be the Emperor of Zhou in the future. As long as you can give me a way out, I am willing to follow!!”

The older the person, the more afraid of death, this is true.

At this time, Zhou Zu didn’t even have a complete skeleton. He stood upright in a daze, pretending to be righteous and awe-inspiring.

“Oh, that’s how it is.”

Ling Xiao nodded and chuckled, his eyes revealing playfulness.

Although Zhou Zu pretended to be humble on the surface, spiritual power gradually converged on his body.

Although Ling Xiao’s methods are terrifying, his strength is unfathomable.

But how can he truly surrender to his grandeur?

As long as he can recover a little spiritual power, a young man can’t wave his hand to kill.

But at this moment, I saw the dragon gas suddenly spreading on the ground.

Zhou Zu looked shocked and suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed wildly.

“Hahahahaha! Dragon Qi! It seems that it’s just a blinding trick! Little beast, do you think you can fool me with this little trick?”

At this time, Zhou Zu seemed to have figured it out, fearing that this young man saw that he was brave and deliberately planted some kind of phantom formation, making him mistakenly believe that he had been in another area.

Not to mention, this phantom formation is indeed lifelike, even he couldn’t feel the connection between himself and the Great Zhou Dragon Vessel.


The underground dragon gas can’t deceive people! !

In the entire Great Zhou Dynasty, only the emperor Dragon Vessel had such a dominance! !

In this world, I am invincible! ! !

Looking at the arrogant Zhou family ancestor on his face again, Ling Xiao shook his head slightly.

“Old ancestor, think you can do it again?”

“Huh! Little beast, see how I can break your phantom formation!! Emperor vein dragon energy, condensed!!”


Like a sea dragon, it rushed from Lingshan in an instant, and turned into a long dragon standing on top of Zhou Zu’s head in a blink of an eye.

At this time, although he still failed to notice the trace of dragon energy in his body.

But… it can’t be wrong! !

This dragon vein is condensed, can there be fakes? !

“Dragon Luck of the Great Zhou Dynasty, give me everything!!!”

Zhou Zu shouted angrily, his eyebrows were full of disdain.

At the moment when his voice fell, he saw the dragon vein leaning over his head and pouring straight toward the top of his head.

Zhou Zu’s eyes flashed with excitement, in just a moment, I can crush you to pieces! !

His true cultivation level did not reach the peak of the seventh rank of the god emperor, but he also had the sixth rank, which was far more terrifying than Qiao Yunli.

At this time, even if he was seriously injured, if he fought back, it would be earth-shattering.

Therefore, Ling Xiao didn’t move, or even summoned Xing Shen and others, just watched the dragon vein aura pouring into Zhou Zu’s body.

“Hahahahahaha! I am invincible!!”

Up to this time, Zhou Zu was still laughing up to the sky, ridiculously smiling, he seemed to feel… as if something was wrong.

The spiritual power contained in this dragon vein seems a bit too huge.

Even…a steady stream, never meant to stop at all.

At such a speed, his body has no time to merge.

“Stop it!! Stop it…”


How can the spiritual power contained in a whole dragon vein be integrated by a mere divine emperor?

After a short breath, Zhou Zu’s body was completely shattered by the surging spiritual power.

And the spiritual power poured into his body once again turned into spiritual energy, condensing into a dragon shadow in midair.

The corners of Ling Xiao’s mouth raised slightly, and the blood flickered in his eyes.

And the soul-thirsty ghost beads that hovered in the air suddenly emitted a dazzling blood glow, and before Zhou Zu Divine Soul could react, they swallowed it directly.


The black soul palace was raised several tens of feet, and Ling Xiao’s soul level had completely entered the fourth rank category.

At the same time, a golden light fell from Zhou Zu’s body and fell into Ling Xiao’s hands, turning into an ancient scroll.

Da Zhou Inheritance Taoism, a picture of the emperor of the mountain and sea!

Are you invincible?


Ling Xiao smiled indifferently, and his figure appeared in Yunfang City in a flash.


At this time, with Ning Tiance and Qiao Yunli and others joining hands, Rao Shi Zhou Huang had already been hammered out of recognition, his breath was sluggish, and he was struggling.

The entire Yunfang City fell into a dead silence.

All the powerhouses of Da Zhou knelt down on the city wall, depressed, and no longer half-hearted.


At this moment, in the sky in the distance, suddenly there was a breaking wind resounding.

Soon the breath of the two gods fell in a distance, and tens of thousands of soldiers followed behind them.

only! ! !

Before the two great god emperors landed, the expression on their faces completely solidified.

That little blood… is Zhou Huang?

It seems to be.

This was… was beaten by someone?


Should we go down, or should we not go down?

“Daqi… everyone of Daqi!! Come and help me, I can still fight!!!”

Zhou Huang shouted vigorously, with joy in his eyes.

But at the moment his voice fell, he felt a sudden cold in his neck. When he wanted to turn his head to look, he saw his taller body for no reason.


The two emperors swallowed fiercely, looking tremblingly at the white-clothed young man who suddenly appeared behind Zhou Huang and the black blade in his hand that glowed with endless magic light, and a brilliant smile burst out on their faces for no reason.

“Hahahaha, I thought it was late, but I didn’t expect to catch up. This is Master Lingxiao of Great Xia Ancestor! I am Daqi Jingan Wang Qiyu, and I rushed to thousands of miles to come to He Master this battle!”

Qi Yu bowed, his face filled with joy.

At the place where his gaze fell, Yunfang City was full of black armor, which had obviously been occupied by Ning Tiance’s northern army.

Along the way, he had heard a lot of bad names about Ling Xiao.

Originally, he thought that this Xia Pilgrimage Saint Ancestor was just a gimmick and scare people.

But when he saw it at this time, he felt…that’s not the case.

How courageous is to slash the emperor with a knife?

It’s ridiculous that Emperor Qi still wants to make things difficult for Daxia, and the saint ancestors are all back! !

I don’t think you want to let Daqi die! !

“Oh? King Jing’an came to congratulate you, is this so empty-handed?”

Ling Xiao smiled indifferently, a hint of evil flashes in her eyes suddenly.

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