Chapter 453

“Hehe, the Wushuang female emperor has never heard of her, she is resolute in killing and killing, she has an eternal appearance, when I see it today, she is indeed well-deserved.”

Ling Xiao walked slowly, standing proudly in the air, with a bright smile on his face.

Sheng Yang seemed to bloom at the corner of his mouth, bright, dazzling, and dazzling.

“Wow! That boy is so handsome…”

“Yeah! Don’t say, he and the Wushuang Empress seem to be inexplicably worthy.”

“What does it mean to be a match? It’s a match for a face… The Wushuang Empress Leng Ao Bingsen, that son… warm as the sun… I’m afraid that only someone like the son can warm the heart of the Empress, right?”

“Are you so superficial? Only see the son’s face?”

“Yes, I just have no resistance.”

In Yunfang City, a group of beautifully dressed ladies from the noble family gathered together and looked up at the two people who were looking at each other, with a touch of envy in their beautiful eyes.

At this time, in their hearts, what kind of hatred of the family and the country, the disaster of the destruction of the dynasty seemed to be unimportant.

Only a pair of immortals and human beings who embrace each other can be regarded as a splendid scene on earth.

“Who are you?”

Qin Wushuang’s eyebrows clustered lightly, and then he shook his head, “No matter who you are, you deserve to die today.”

Endless evil spirits, like ice, rushed toward the face.

But Ling Xiao only shook his head and smiled, and there seemed to be wind and thunder under his feet.

Before Qin Wushuang could react, his figure appeared before him, and then! !

In the shocking gazes of countless people, that young man… actually embraced Qin Wushuang in his arms.

even! !

Even Qin Wushuang didn’t react at all at this time, his pretty face was dull and surprised, and turned into a touch of extreme coldness.

For many years, her body has never been touched by anyone.

But right now, she was carried into her arms by a young man of unknown origin?

Moreover, it is still under the witness of millions of people in the confrontation between the two armies?

“Fuck… Young Master Ling Xiao… awesome…”

Before the Wanjun, the faces of the northern generals burst into shock.

Qin Wushuang, the Great Qin Demon Emperor, had always killed him coldly.

Not to mention being so arrogantly held in his arms, some people even took a look at her and they killed the Nine Clan.



There is nothing to say, the son is awesome! ! !

“Wow! Hugged! That son, what a man, I really like…”

All kinds of screams were flooded in Yunfang City.

Especially for those rotten girls who don’t often get out of the boudoir, you can talk to her about the general trend of the dynasty, they naturally don’t understand.

As long as it is beautiful, it is enough to attract cheers!

Zhou Dynasty, Tang Chao, it is their concern.

Anyway, the dynasty was destroyed, and it was just another emperor, and there was no difference for them.

At this time, Zhou Qingcang and others’ expressions were completely dull.

I’m gonna!

What’s the matter with him?

Why are my reinforcements from Da Zhou embracing the enemy at this time?


A cold and evil spirit was quietly permeating, but Ling Xiao’s mouth raised an inexplicable smile.

“Cousin, are you okay? I have been thinking of you all these years.”


Qin Wushuang’s beautiful eyes filled with killing intent once again stagnated.


Is he…

“You are…”

“Cousin, don’t you remember me? I am Daqin orthodox.”

Ling Xiao got up, pushed Qin Wushuang away from her arms, and patted her shoulder gently.

“Cousin, you have worked so hard all these years. Now that I am back, you can be your princess in the future, Da Qin, leave it to me.”

“Hand… over to you?”

To be honest, Qin Wushuang was still dumbfounded at this time.

Why did you give Da Qin to you?

You said that you are the Daqin orthodox, what are you doing?

Even if you were to kill you, you would not be anymore! !

“Cousin, how did you know that I was here? He even led troops to rush to help.”

Ling Xiao looked at the ten thousand blood dragon guard, how could he not feel the killing intent in Qin Wushuang’s eyes at this time.

Obviously, my “cousin” doesn’t really want to return Jiangshan to his own hands.

But this is what makes Ling Xiao feel confused.

The disgust in this woman’s eyes was not pretended.

Even her temperament is obviously bleak and empty.

Why does such a seemingly desireless woman care about imperial power?

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon.

“Why cousin, you don’t want to?”

Ling Xiao smiled indifferently, but Qin Wushuang shook his head, “You said you are my cousin who has been missing for several years, do you have any proof?”

She really hadn’t seen the legendary cousin Qin Yu.

In other words, no one in Daqin has really seen the only living orthodox Qin.

The Great Qin State Seal and the Emperor’s Seal are all present, how can my little cousin prove his identity?

I have a match, is it the ancestor of the Qin clan?


The ancestral tradition of the Qin nationality means that if you say yes, I say no, it is still not.

Because now, I am the Emperor of Qin.

If I don’t give you this throne, you can’t take it away.


Ling Xiao frowned and thought about it, “It doesn’t seem to be there.”


Qin Wushuang’s beautiful eyes condensed slightly, and the words he had prepared suddenly got stuck in his throat.


Is this little cousin a fool?

Without proof, would you dare to come and ask me for a great Qin Jiangshan?


Without the slightest hesitation, Qin Wushuang suddenly stretched out a pair of jade hands, with slender fingertips, like ghost claws, falling toward Ling Xiao’s head fiercely.

The void smashed into pieces, like ice crystals, shattering a hundred miles of land.

The world is dark, and there is a kind of inexplicable coldness rising in the hearts of the world.

This feeling is a bit weird, but also a bit familiar.

But… shouldn’t be.

Which clan shouldn’t exist in this holy state land?

“Oh, I don’t know if it counts.”

Ling Xiao frowned slightly, then raised a finger, which was the ring finger of his left hand.

“Huh? What an arrogant young man, who even dared to provoke Emperor Qin by this time.”

Seeing the two people who were still hugging each other at that moment, and the killer suddenly fell in the next moment, Zhou Huang’s face suddenly raised a sneer.

Although he had heard of Ling Xiao’s name, he didn’t know where this young man came from.

But…not important anymore.

Looking at Qin Wushuang’s posture, I am afraid that he wants to kill that little beast more than himself.

As soon as he saw Wang Taifu, the old man lying on the ground, who was already cold, Zhou Huang felt a blockage in his heart.

You and him… the grand god emperor, killing a few people on the enemy and then being punished, is considered to have made a contribution to Da Zhou.

But you…

That’s it!

Since Ling Xiao is the commander-in-chief of Daxia, once he dies, the military will be in chaos. This chaos can be solved!

“court death!”

Qin Wushuang’s pretty face grew colder, his eyes faintly dimmed.

Especially the middle finger raised by the teenager at this time made her feel extremely angry.

provocative! This is Chi Guoguo’s provocation!

But even at this time, Ling Xiao still didn’t move, and there was no half-spirit flashing around her body, as if she was actively seeking death!

Just when Qin Wushuang’s figure appeared in the land of Zhang Xu in front of the young man, a gentle smile suddenly bloomed on his face.

Then! !

Everyone was stunned to see that black flames began to surround him outside his body! !

And above the middle finger, a bland stone ring suddenly lit up with blood!

“Meet the Dragon Lord!!!”

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