Chapter 452: The Plan of a Beautiful Man?


Hearing the voice, whether it was Emperor Zhou or Ling Xiao, his eyes were stunned.

Then he turned his head and looked in the direction from which the breaking wind came.

I saw a bloody torrent rolling over the sky at this time.

The endless blood stunned the clouds and obscured the sky, making people unconsciously panic.

Even the millions of army under the city, when they saw that bloody torrent, there was a look of fear in their eyes.

Daqin, Blood Dragon Guard.

There are some differences from the Great Zhou Golden Wolf Guard.

Although the number of this Great Qin Warguard was not large, each of them was above the vanguard.

The emperor once said that 10,000 blood dragons can be worth a million soldiers.

Only this time! !

Ling Xiao’s eyes were not on the Ten Thousand Blood Guards, but on a woman wearing a silver armor at the head.

The bright silver armor outlines her perfect figure more and more tall and straight.

Especially the pair of straight jade legs, well-proportioned and slender, an inexplicable sense of heroism rushed to his face.

The woman has silver hair tied behind her head, and her beautiful face clearly carries a touch of world-weary laziness.

Her beauty is completely different from Ye Qingchan, Han Qingqiu and others.

Seeing her, you can’t see the breeze and rain, and you can’t see the sun and stars.

Only… Sen Leng… Pity…

To the extreme cold gloom and despair.

Going deep into the bones, inexplicably wanting to escape.

As if there was only darkness in her world, there was never a trace of light.

And the red cloak on her shoulders was like a sea of ​​blood, trying to annihilate life.

“The female emperor of Qin, Qin Wushuang?”

Ling Xiao easily guessed the identity of this woman.

But at this time, there was a strong doubt on his face.

It shouldn’t.

Just as she can sit on the throne of the Great Qin in such a tortuous way, shouldn’t this woman be out of luck?

There was a familiar breath, especially the silver hair and the gloomy twinkling in her eyes.

But unfortunately, I can’t remember where I saw it.

“It’s Qin Wushuang, the female emperor of Great Qin! She actually came here in person.”

On the city wall, the officials of the Great Zhou Dynasty began to exclaim.

Qin Wushuang, not so much the Empress of the Great Qin, is actually more people willing to call her…the Demon Emperor of the Great Qin on the land of Xijiang.

Three years ago, the Great Qin emperor’s clan had a tremendous change.

Emperor Qin was slaughtered all over the house, and there was no one left in his family.

At this time, Qin Wushuang, as a female, led the Zhenbei Wangjun and rushed for thousands of miles to hate the emperor.

At that time, the Great Qin Dynasty had war songs on all sides.

Countless dynasties took advantage of the opportunity to attack Da Qin.


What is frightening is that this great Qin female emperor, almost by her own power, personally led the army and killed offenders from the Six Dynasties on the border.

There was not a single survivor of that battle.

The only thing known to the world is that in the Six Dynasties, 900,000 troops all died on the border of Daqin.

None of the 200,000 iron army who followed the Empress had survived.

In the end, only Qin Wushuang returned to the capital of the Great Qin Emperor and took the throne.

This is a weird thing, one hundred and one hundred thousand living beings all die overnight.

But Qin Wushuang survived.

The Demon Emperor of Qin has since become famous.

In the past three years, anyone who dared to offend Da Qin was destroyed by Qin Wushuang.

Today, Daqin has already gotten out of the predicament.

The destruction of the emperor’s clan not only did not cause Da Qin to fall out of the scope of the four dynasties, it even had the momentum to win the West.


The doubts on Ling Xiao’s face gradually dissipated, and a smile appeared instead.

No matter what kind of secret Qin Wushuang concealed, he will always know it in the future.

The immediate priority is to destroy the Great Zhou Dynasty.

“Hahahaha, Wushuang Empress, you are finally here.”

Emperor Zhou looked up to the sky and laughed, but there was no warmth between his eyebrows.

His guard against this demon emperor was no less than that of Ning Tiance.

He just didn’t expect that she would personally lead troops to come.

Ten thousand blood guards, all counted.

It is said that Qin’s most elite combat power will always be only 10,000.

Just behind these ten thousand people, there are still countless spare tires.

One person is dead and one is made up.

It is not that the cultivation base can be tyrannical to enter the blood dragon guard, but it must perfectly fit the blood dragon guard’s strongest method, the blood dragon punishment day battle formation.


As the Empress came in person, the Blood Guard followed.

Ning Tiance, today you… are dead.

Zhou Huang was suddenly rejoiced, fortunate that the young man who did not live or die had killed the old minister Wang Taifu.

In this way, he did not bear… the eternal humiliation of the king asking his ministers for sins.

“The Fifty Cities in the Northern Territory of the Great Zhou Dynasty belong to Da Qin.”

Qin Wushuang’s beautiful eyes scanned the millions of heroes below and…Ning Tiance and others.

Finally, his eyes froze on Ling Xiao for a moment.

She almost recognized the Tianjiao evildoers who became famous in Xijiang.

But this boy…who is it?

Can you stand shoulder to shoulder with Ning Tiance?

Moreover, at this moment, why is there a…playful color in his eyes?

“What? Northern Fifty Cities?”

Hearing that, not only Zhou Huang, but also the faces of the courtiers were filled with resentment.

This great Qin empress was obviously taking advantage of the fire.


It seems that using Fifty Cities to exchange Zhou Dynasty stability is not unreasonable.

“I… promise you.”

Zhou Huang nodded. By this time, he seemed to have no other choice.

Today, he wants to punish Ning Tiance and break through a million army. With his few god emperors in Zhou Dynasty, it is obvious that he is somewhat powerless.

“So… the blood dragon guard, the cloth blood dragon battle formation.”

Qin Wushuang did not see the slightest joy on his face.

What she wants is not only Dazhou Fifty City.

The northern boundary of the Great Zhou Dynasty was a place where the three dynasties converged.

As long as there are these fifty cities, she can use this to recruit troops and conspire to the world.

Wubao, don’t worry, in this world, my sister will help you beat it down.

“Hehehe, Monarch, with the help of Emperor Qin, this chaos can be settled!”

“Yes! God helped me Da Zhou, Emperor Qin came too in time.”

“Crazy people are bound to be miserable, Ning Tiance and Daxia Generals are doomed to escape!”

The officials of the Great Zhou who had looked desperate at this time seemed to be showing signs of doing things again, and they all raised their arms and shouted, with brilliant faces.

only! ! !

At the moment when their voices fell, before seeing Wan Jun, the young man in white suddenly shook his head and smiled, raising his foot to move towards the half-empty line.

“Huh? What is the boy going to do?”

Just… very inexplicable.

The former noisy officials of the Great Zhou suddenly felt a sudden chill in their hearts.

I have to admit that the looks and temperament of the white-clothed boy are absolutely extraordinary.

No, even the most enchanting young man in Da Zhou still looked dim in front of him.

Isn’t he… he wants to use beautiful male tactics?

Can’t it?

But… if this young man uses beautiful men’s tactics, I am afraid that no woman in the world can resist it, right?


It’s very annoying and panic.

At this time, everyone discovered that compared to Ning Tiance, this young man in white seemed to be… the protagonist of this rebellion?

“Brother Xiao?”

Ning Tiance frowned slightly, and obviously didn’t understand what Ling Xiao was going to do.

The female emperor of Qin Dynasty is known as a demon.

And those 10,000 Blood Guards were even more slaughter machines without emotions.

Brother Xiao…go here…will the end be like…the old man?

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