Chapter 445

There was a smile on Lu Yun’s face unconsciously, and even a slight contempt in his heart.

Especially Ling Xiao’s expression at this time was cold, arrogant and cold. He didn’t even look at him straight, as if he didn’t mean to put him in his eyes at all.

I’m gonna!

Look at it to you. Didn’t you just pretend to be a force, and happened to be seen by the divine envoy and sealed you as a spokesperson?

I was just trying to save Junior Sister, and I was scared by that demon… No, I fainted! !

This act of mine was just a real act of righteousness!

Since the envoy saved me, he must have seen my righteous and honest side!

So… spokesperson, preacher or something is still far away?

Suddenly, a smirk suddenly appeared on Lu Yun’s face, and the people around Han Zhan and others couldn’t help being surprised.

Could it be… the Lord caught a fool this time?

“My lord, what should I do with this person?”

Xing Shen’s figure fell from the sky, landed beside Ling Xiao, and then bowed deeply.


Why does this person look familiar?

Lu Yun frowned slightly, staring at Xing Shen’s old face.

Only then did the latter hide the magic light on his body, so he did not see his face clearly.


A bit like…

No… It’s very similar!

Gan! ! !

it’s him! ! It’s that big demon! !


Lu Yun’s body trembled, and his head had just regained clarity, and he felt a hint of hypoxia.

“Lord?! He called… God’s envoy spokesperson, Lord?”

This… even with Lu Yun’s experience, he didn’t fully react at this time.

Wait, let’s stroke it.

The Ling Xiao in front of him had just punished the demon and saved the junior sister. He was made a holy preacher by the envoy, and then the envoy left, and the great demon came back. He was saved, but the great demon shouted Ling Xiao. Lord? !


It seems…smooth!

This Ling Xiao actually influenced the great demon! ! !

Worthy of being a preacher of sacred religion, in the blink of an eye, he actually influenced a god emperor and great demon! !

No wonder! ! !

The divine envoy really has eyes like a torch. He must have seen Young Master Ling Xiao’s true-weiguangzheng potential and gave him the supreme name.

It turned out that there was such a big gap between my consciousness and the son.

“My son! You are fraternity, kindness, justice, cloud… ashamed of it!!”

Even the great demon can influence. What kind of broad-mindedness and benevolence is needed for this?

The ancients said… nothing!

In short, the son is awesome! !


Ling Xiao nodded indifferently, suddenly there was a bright soul in his eyes.

But before the awe on Lu Yun’s face was gone, it completely solidified.


At this moment, in the sea of ​​souls, an ancient cyan cauldron bloomed with profound brilliance, resisting the erosion of Lingxiao’s soul.


Lu Yun’s body trembled, and blood sprayed all over his mouth instantly.

Me… Gan?

What is the son doing? !


Suddenly there was a dragon chant in the distance, as if it contained pain, Ling Xiao frowned slightly, and turned his head and glanced at the direction of the temple.

“Open your mind or die.”

At this time, he could feel that there was a Taoist treasure pot in the sea of ​​Lu Yun’s soul, which should be his natal medicine pot.

With Ling Xiao’s means, it can naturally break open.

But in this case, Lu Yun was afraid that he would be sluggish for a long time.

Besides, there is a Taoist treasure Ding Lingxiao, but it is really a waste of alchemy for Lu Yun.

“Dead? Son…what are you talking about?”

To be honest, Lu Yun was a little dazed.

Why is this divine envoy spokesperson suddenly not so righteous?


But at the moment when his voice fell, Ling Xiao suddenly had a magic light over his body, shattering the entire sky in an instant.

The terrifying magic power spread, and that cold and evil feeling directly paralyzed Lu Yun on the ground.


magic! ! ! This is the breath of the devil! !

how is this possible?

This young son who has been respected by the divine envoy is actually a demon? !

Could it be… all of this was a game he deliberately set?

Even the ambassador was deceived by it?

Oops! !

It’s the feeling of self-investment! ! !

“Di, the Son of Destiny is desperate. Congratulations to the host for plundering luck for 500 points and the villain for 5000 points.”

“Be my servant, or die.”

Ling Xiao glanced at Lu Yun with a cold eye. The latter’s face was sweaty, but in the end he didn’t dare to hesitate at all, and obediently opened his mind.

At this time, his heart was full of regret, why, every time I pretended to be forced, I could get countless happiness.

But this time, it ended up like this?


The buzzing resounded, Ling Xiao’s eyes flashed with soul light, and he sank into Lu Yun’s soul sea.

The latter’s face immediately condensed and turned into calm.

“From today, you will be responsible for refining the Spirit Gathering Pill. I will not stop or stop, Han Zhan, you are responsible for providing him with spiritual materials.”

When the words fell, Ling Xiao turned and left.

Ju Ling Pill, the second-class pill, should not be difficult for Lu Yun.

Although this kind of pill does not have much mystery, it is the key to the cultivation of ordinary monks.

As long as there are enough, Ling Xiao can pile up a group of gods and gods.


The monks who rely on the pill pile are too empty?

Deadpool is nothing more than a lot of people have power.

As for their fairy way talent, do my bird things?

These are all disposable tools.

Until Ling Xiao’s figure appeared above the Temple of Heaven, the expression on his face was slightly surprised.

At this moment, Ye Qingchan stood in front of the stone table, waiting quietly.

Four side dishes and a pot of sake are placed on the table.

“Huh? Qingchan? You did all this?”

Ling Xiao smiled gently and took Ye Qingchan’s jade hand to sit down, but there was doubt in his eyes.

He could understand these three green vegetables. After all, this area was already full of spiritual energy, and there were various spiritual materials planted in Han Zhan.

But what happened to that dark meat?

“My son, try it while it’s hot.”

Ye Qingchan handed over the bowls and chopsticks, and filled Ling Xiao with wine glasses.

“You can eat it together.”

“The son…”

“Have you really decided? Going to find…that thing?”

Ling Xiao took a sip of the wine and tasted the meat, which was a bit hard and a bit sour.

“No! The prince asked me to go, so I went, but the prince didn’t allow me to go, so I won’t go anywhere.”

Ye Qingchan smiled sweetly, but his eyes were a little sad.

Upon seeing this, Ling Xiao pondered for a long time before he sighed, “Qingchan, I don’t want you to go, but now that the Holy Sect has sent a divine envoy to find you, I am afraid that I have made up my mind to kill you. Although it is the realm of the god king, but…”

“I know, the son is worried about Qingchan.”

Ye Qingchan picked up the jug and filled Ling Xiao with wine.

Suddenly, a touching smile burst into her face.

“You can still remember that when I was in the Four Desolations, I poured tea for the son like this. At that time, Qingchan looked at the son, only in awe and fear, and never thought that one day, I could be a son of a woman…”

“I understand… Young Master loves Qing Chan and doesn’t want to ask Qing Chan to take any risk, but… Young Master, Qing Chan wants to be a useful person to you.”

Ye Qingchan’s pretty face raised a trace of determination.

She clearly remembered what Xuanyuanyue had said to her on the first day when she came to Shengzhou.

If you want to follow Ling Xiao, you can only… work hard to become stronger and be a useful person to him, so that you won’t be abandoned.

She understands this truth.

Although his realm is higher now, he is afraid that he will be able to catch up soon with his talent.

She didn’t want to make a vase because it was fragile after all.

What she has to do is to understand Miss! !

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