Chapter 444 God’s Apostle Disciple

“Yes! You are fine. My Holy State needs a just like you. In the name of the Holy Church Divine Envoy, I declare that you will become the preacher of my Holy Church in Xijiang. I hope you will continue to work hard in the future!”

The Holy Church Divine Envoy, that is, the double shadow, took a deep look at Lu Yun, “Tell you Master, what happened here, and, in the future, Young Master Ling Xiao will be my spokesperson in Xijiang and secretly assist me. Act, but…Don’t speak up, so as not to attract the hatred of the real demon, this matter… only let your master know it.”

“Yes!!! Your lord!!!”

Lu Yun bowed, his eyes filled with envy, and he directly took out a sound-transmitting talisman and told his teacher about all the things that happened in this place.

God’s envoy spokesperson?

This is simply a step to the heavens! !

Not long after, there was also a red gold ancient decree in Duel Ying’s hand, and Palace Master Cold Moon’s voice came from it.

“My lord… what Lu Yun said…”

“It’s my intention.”

There is majesty in the voice of the double shadow, and it doesn’t say too much, which directly cuts off the connection.


Do you think Ling Xiao is superfluous?

He was just afraid that Palace Master Cold Moon would hear a flaw in the voice of the double shadow.

The villain died of talking too much.

It was conveyed by Lu Yun, and the overlapping shadow acquiesced, the matter was seamless.

The name of Ling Xiao will become the greatest awe in the heart of Palace Master Hanyue from today.

As for… Has the Lord of the Cold Palace secretly contacted other elders of the Holy Cult…

How about contact?

Isn’t it normal for the Holy Spirit to find a few eyeliners secretly when acting in Xijiang?

Moreover, the divine order is true, and the divine emissary soul card is not broken, and it definitely won’t attract suspicion from others.

Eight-Rank Divine Emperor, looking at Xijiang is already an invincible existence, who can easily capture and punish him?

Besides, even if the Palace Master of Cold Moon became suspicious afterwards, that would be something later.

By then, Ling Xiao might have completed the arrangement in Xijiang and moved to another place.

As for Palace Master Hanyue… it is natural to kill if you can kill.

If you kill one of the running dogs of the sacred religion, you will lose one.

And that loyal “God Envoy” can be killed at the same time.

In the end, this holy state is vast, and the holy religion will only record this grudge on Ye Qingchan or the real demon in this world.

I, Ling Xiao, the incarnation of justice, the vanguard of the evil spirits, who would easily doubt it?

“You wait and go, you don’t have to follow me.”

Duan Ying glanced at Ling Xiao, then turned and disappeared in place.

Ling Xiao also nodded towards Han Qingqiu, and raised his foot towards the direction of the mountain.

It wasn’t until the two of them disappeared that Lu Yun shook his head and sighed slightly, “Compared with Young Master Ling Xiao, Yun… is ashamed.”

“Brother, let’s go.”

The corner of Han Qingqiu’s eyes raised a bit of playfulness, but at the moment when her voice fell, Xing Shen, who had escaped, suddenly swept from the sky and reappeared in front of the two of them.

Me… Gan? !

Lu Yun’s expression became sluggish almost instantly.

Just as he clenched his palms tightly and wanted to use the magic talisman to escape, a flash of hesitation suddenly flashed in his eyes.

Seeing the demon energy outside the demon’s body, it almost covered the sky.

Is he afraid that others will not know that a demon is coming here?

With the strength of the Lord God Envoy, it should be easy to detect that the demon is back, right?

If I had left at this time and was seen by the envoy, wouldn’t I have another impression of…the courage?

If… I take the opportunity to show it, and the Lord rushes over, will it give me the supreme honor of being an image spokesperson in order to commend my bravery?

Just… Suddenly, Lu Yun pretended to light up the sound transmission magic talisman inadvertently.

Then, Yizheng screamed, “Junior sister, be careful, that demon is back!!”

On the other side of the sound transmission talisman, Palace Master Hanyue’s eyes condensed, but there was some doubt in his heart, “Yun’er, what happened?”

Only at this time, Lu Yun was completely immersed in his own plot, and of course he would not pay attention to her.

“Junior Sister!!” Hurry up and leave here with this talisman. The Lord God Envoy has already left. With the power of you and me, it is impossible to be the opponent of this demon!!”

“My lord is gone? Is there a big demon to seek revenge?”

In an instant, Palace Master Hanyue wanted to understand the whole story.

There are more than one demon in Daxia.

Even when Ma Jiangyu escaped, several great demons came and blocked Xia Huang and others.

Han Qingqiu sent back a letter specifically to warn the sect about this matter.


Palace Master Hanyue never dreamed that the demon of Xijiang would be so rampant.

As soon as the gods made the adults walk away, they dare to wait for an opportunity to retaliate! !

“Brother! I won’t go! Let’s go together!!”

Han Qingqiu’s voice was full of sadness, but Lu Yun snorted coldly from the bottom of his heart, “What are the ink marks! Only when you go, can I achieve my great reputation!!!”

“Junior Sister!!! Let’s go!!!”


The buzzing sound resounded, and in Lu Yun’s hand, a dazzling golden talisman flickered with dazzling aura.

Before Han Qingqiu refused, he printed it directly on her shoulder.


Seeing Han Qingqiu who disappeared in the same place in a flash, Lu Yun’s face was not even panicked, on the contrary, there was a hint of complacency on his face.

only! ! !

What makes him a little puzzled is why the demon is coming so aggressively, but the speed of looting… is so slow?

In this long time, hasn’t it fallen from the sky yet?


Just…somewhat inexplicably, Lu Yun felt a chill pouring from the top of his head, and it reached the soles of his feet.


The devilish air swept over the sky, after all, Lu Yun could not wait for the Lord God Envoy to come.

“No!!! My lord… my lord save me!!!”

The vast and incomparable emperor was crushed from the sky, and he stunned Lu Yun.

“Di, the Dao Heart of the Son of Destiny is broken. Congratulations to the host for plundering Qi Luck for 500 points and the villain for 5000 points.”

Ling Xiao’s figure emerged from mid-air, beside her, Die Ying Qiao also had a smile on her face.

Just when the latter was about to open his mouth, Ling Xiao shook his head slightly, then raised his foot and walked to Lu Yun’s side and stepped his palm under his foot.

A sound transmission magic talisman fell out and was burned to ashes by Ling Xiao’s wisp of spiritual fire.

“Lord, this Lu Yun…”

“Bring it back to the realm first.”

Ling Xiao smiled indifferently, turned his head to look at Duan Ying, “Next, you will wander around Xijiang, looking for traces of Demon’s Trace and Xia Feng, and show up at an appropriate time.”

“Subordinates understand.”

The double shadow bowed, turned into a shadow, and disappeared.

The situation in Western Xinjiang has largely fallen into Lingxiao’s control.

Only need to destroy Da Zhou and seize the power of the Qin Dynasty, this world should be renamed…Daling!

Ling Xiao smiled indifferently, and his figure appeared in the realm for a flash.

“Meet the Lord!”

When Han Zhan and others saw Ling Xiao, they quickly put aside the things in their hands and bowed deeply to the latter.

Ling Xiao just nodded, and then violently kicked the fainted Lu Yun beside him.


Lu Yun was in pain and woke up suddenly.

Just when I saw Ling Xiao in front of him again, a touch of ecstasy flashed on the face that was originally frightened and blank.

Is the spokesperson! ! It’s a spokesperson! !

Could it be that the adults and the spokesperson have rescued me from that demon? !

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