Chapter 420-Conquering Western Xinjiang

Until the sky, there is a monster attack.

All the soldiers in Feilong City saw with shocking eyes, a Nine Dragons Golden Dragon came from the sky and stopped beside Qiao Yunli.

Above it, a handsome young man in a white robe holds a jade cup and sips a drink.

In her arms, she even hugged a girl in Tsing Yi.

It’s just that girl…

Hiss! !

What a nice view! !

The fairy face is picturesque, the eyebrows are tired and lazy, and the frosty chill is revealed in a pair of deep eyes, like a nine-day snow girl, strayed into the world!


This is a border crossing, a bloody battlefield.

Standing in the city are all ardent soldiers who defend their homes and nations.

What is the origin of this dude boy, who can actually lead the Chinese teacher to bow down?

Could it be that the illegitimate son of the emperor came here to experience and accumulate military exploits so that he could return to the court?

What happened in the Imperial Capital of Great Xia, although it has long been spread throughout the West.

But Ling Xiao’s identity was tightly guarded by everyone.

Therefore, even Li Kuo had doubts between his eyebrows at this time.

It’s just that, in any case, the ability to make the sixth rank god emperor bow his head, it can be seen that this young man must have a lot of background!

“Welcome your lord!!”

After Qiao Yun prayed, he never got up.

Ling Xiao nodded indifferently, walked down from the front, and glanced at the generals in the city.

“Prepare to send troops to attack Da Zhou.”


Li Kuo and others looked at each other.

I’m gonna!

Do you know how to march and fight?

Didn’t even discuss the battle plan, just sent troops rashly?

“Are you deaf? This lord, holding a dragon talisman in his hand, is the highest person in my Daxia, who overrides the emperor! Don’t hurry to prepare!”

Qiao Yunli shouted coldly, his majesty shocked Yun Xiao.

But Li Kuo and others had more doubts in their eyes, but they couldn’t help but secretly speculate.

The highest man?

Overriding the emperor?

Could it be… this person is the father of the emperor? !

Just inexplicably, a touch of panic and excitement suddenly appeared in everyone’s eyes.

Yes! !

At the sixth stage of the national teacher, he must be respectfully served, presumably the strength of this young man is still higher than him.

What kind of marching formation, what kind of plan strategy, in the face of absolute strength, are like a child’s play!

wrong! ! wrong! !

This is a blitz, this is a blitz! !

Surprisingly, do not give Da Zhou time to prepare!

Now that the national teacher and the adults have first arrived in the frontier, no one else will know! !

At this time, he led the army on the expedition…

Wonderful! !

“Boom boom boom!”

The war drum rang, and the sound of iron hoofs stomping on the ground in Feilong City.

Even the generals of the other dynasties stood on the city dumbfounded at this time, looking towards this place.

Daxia is… is he going to die?

The prince’s husband turns a demon into a demon, and the emperor steals the dynasty.

Today’s Daxia is swaying by wind and rain, so dare to take the initiative to send troops at this time?

It’s just inexplicable, everyone feels a little uneasy in their hearts.

Who are they going to beat?

It wasn’t until Qiao Yunli took the lead and led the three guards of Daxia to approach the Great Peripheral Pass with the momentum of the wind and cloud, the place in the north was completely boiling.

Daxia is… directly declaring war on the Dazhou dynasty?

Xiongguan in the north, Tiance City.

Originally, this city was not called by this name, but it was later renamed Tiance because of Ning Tiance’s ordination.

I saw that the Baizhang city wall that was inserted into the sky was already darkened by blood.

At this moment, above the city wall, the five generals stood shoulder to shoulder, looking into the distance.

There, thousands of troops came under the pressure, and the pitch-black armor was as fierce as a flood, which made people tremble at first glance.

“General, as soon as I got the news, Daxia State Master Qiao Yunli led 10,000 Iron Wolf Cavaliers to arrive today, and immediately led his troops out of the city and rushed towards my Tiance City!”

Behind the five people, there was a spy report.

“Huh! Da Xia is so guilty that he has eaten Xiongxin Leopard, dare to take the initiative to commit the crime?!”

The head of the person, with a tiger-backed waist, a square face and thick eyebrows, has reached the fourth stage emperor realm.

Ning Tiance was recalled to the capital, and the nominal commander of the Northern Territory was General Zhang Liao who had descended from the imperial capital.

But in fact, in the hearts of thousands of soldiers in the north, the general in front of him was the soul of Heaven’s Strategy.

And he is also the most loyal old division of God of War Ning Tiance, Admiral Yuan Fei!

Shenmu Dao Ze, once used his own power to cast a ten thousand zhang wooden prison, kill the enemy and 30,000 cavalry, and became famous in the first battle.

After Ning Tiance left, he led the army in the north, guarding Tiance, and Wei Yi was in danger.

“Qiao Yunli actually came in person.”

At this time, Yuan Fei’s face also showed dignity.

After all, the commander-in-chief of the imperial conquest is very important.

Soldiers go through tricks, and can unite the power of thousands of people.

But if this general is inadequate in his own strength, how can he break the power of a thousand troops and stop the power of thousands of horses?

Although Qiao Yunli had never comprehended the principles of Taoism, he had already reached Rank 6 in strength. Yuan Fei was fearless, but he could not gain the upper hand.

Moreover, the dynasty has not sent rations for a year, and morale in the north has fallen into a cold valley.

Playing at this time is not in line with Bingdao.

“General, what shall I do when I wait?”

“I don’t believe it if I defend Tiance City firmly, they can break my Xiongguan!!”

Yuan Fei gave a cold snort, his eyes solemn.

If…the God of War is here, why should they shrink back? As long as the God of War gives an order, who would dare to commit a crime in this frontier?

Unfortunately, in a blink of an eye, he has been away for more than ten years.

Ning Shen, I wonder if you were in the emperor, have you missed the borderline years?


Just as Yuan Fei sighed secretly, another figure swept across the city and bowed down.

“General Yuan, the commander has ordered, Kaicheng, fight!”


Yuan Fei’s eyes widened, and his spirit power straddled the sky, almost shattering the void.

He hates, hates this Liao and never spares the lives of his soldiers in the north!

He was helpless. Of course, this move was deliberately done by Emperor Zhou.

The purpose is to smooth out the awe of Ning Tiance in the hearts of the generals.

Ten years of conquest, millions of soldiers died and wounded countless in the north.

Not only did the dynasty never give compliments and rewards, but instead repeatedly deducted its military rations.


The God of War is still in the imperial capital, they dare not move lightly!

“Tell Commander Zhang that this battle cannot be fought.”

Yuan Fei took a deep breath, his eyes suddenly calmed down.

If the city gate opens wide and Da Zhou meets, perhaps the northern border will fall today.

Qiao Yunli alone can shake two god emperors.

As for Li Kuo and others, it was enough to punish the two remaining generals in the emperor realm in the northern realm.

At that time, both fate and fame will be lost.

Of course, since following Ning Tiance, Yuan Fei and others have already committed their lives to the battlefield.

But looking at the generals being slaughtered, this feeling for the generals is…a shame!


Beside Yuan Fei, the generals looked grim, and it was obvious that they could not bear the humiliation.

That Zhang Liao didn’t take the lives of the soldiers in the north in his eyes at all! !

“Can’t fight? General Yuan, I advise you, this is a military order, are you going to disobey the military order?”

The visitor got up with a touch of disdain on his face.

“Don’t dare! It’s just that I am a guard in the north. Although I am dispatched by Commander Zhang, I have the responsibility of guarding the border. If this battle is fought, I will be defeated in Great Zhou. If I lose the city like this, I dare to ask Commander Zhang to take up this responsibility. NS?”

Yuan Fei gritted his teeth fiercely, his eyes were burning, and there seemed to be an ancient tree through the sky behind him, revealing endless magic.

Depressed for ten years, he seems to be on the verge of collapse.

“Hahahaha, General Yuan’s words are bad!”

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