Chapter 419

“This place is too small, just follow me.”

Ling Xiao smiled gloomily and waved his palm suddenly.

Above his head, the gate of the realm became apparent, and the eyes of the arrogant daddy suddenly exuded horror and shock.

“Is this… the entrance to the secret realm?”

“Could it be that Dabi is a treasure hunt in the secret realm?”

“Good luck! This is the good luck I’m waiting for!!”

“Swish swish.”

The sound of breaking the wind resounded instantly, and streamers swept across the sky and swept into the domain.

And Ling Xiao just glanced at Emperor Xia calmly, and said in a cold voice, “Notify the national division, tomorrow, and follow me to the surrounding borders.”

“Yes! Your lord!!”

Ling Xiao’s figure disappeared, and the original lively square instantly became empty.

Thousands of Tianjiao stood on a vast plain in the world, with a strong curiosity in their eyes.

At this moment, there were several figures standing still above the plain, and the whole body was transformed into an array, blocking the world here and the earth.

The void was rippling quietly, and Ling Xiao stood on the top of the sky, whispering softly, “Let’s start, one hundred people who survived in one day can become my servant.”


When the arrogance heard the words, their expressions changed drastically.

Is this… called Big Bi?

What about the good fortune of heaven?

Are you sure this is not… the demon door selects disciples? !

“I want to go home!! Let me out!!”

“I retire!! I retire!!”

“If you don’t kill, you can only… be killed.”

Ling Xiao shook his head and sneered.

I saw a biting sword light instantly tearing through the clouds and falling towards the crowd.

In an instant, dozens of young people turned into blood mist, and their heads were in different places.


Suddenly, between the heaven and the earth, there began to flicker, and the blood began to diffuse quietly.

Ling Xiao didn’t even look at everyone, but raised his foot and walked towards a distant mountain.

Since he is picking people with luck, how can he have time to look at them one by one, causing them to slaughter each other, and in the end, those who are alive are either strong and tough, or they are lucky.

Only in this way can they have the qualifications to be cultivated.

While conquering the strong, at the same time, train a group of dying men of luck, so the Heavenly Demon Palace will have a day to truly reappear!

Longyun City, in Yunmeng Restaurant.

Qiu Qinghan, dressed in white, was sitting by the window, drinking a pot of hot wine.

At this moment, her eyes revealed confusion.

Another true demon has appeared.

It was in the Great Xia Dynasty again.

Is it a coincidence or…someone is making doubts?

The land of the Holy State has not been seen for 300 years.

But now, in just a few days, Daxia actually has two demons appearing in succession.

There is a problem. It seems that the adult must be notified.

A day’s time is fleeting.

In the realm, Ling Xiao stood with his hand in the void, looking at the blood-stained earth below.

A black knife fell from the sky and plunged into the soil.

Then, a frightening scene appeared.

I saw the blood that had dried up, and the scattered stumps suddenly began to surging, and eventually turned into a sea of ​​blood, drowning the black knife.

There are fewer than a hundred people who are still alive.

Among them, more than a dozen people were seriously injured and dying, with their faces desperate.

Ling Xiao smiled indifferently and stretched out his fingers, turning them into unmatched sharpness, directly sending those dying people into reincarnation.

“Very good, now you, will be the first group of dark guards in my Heavenly Demon Palace, double shadow.”


The void trembles, and the figure of overlapping shadows emerges.

At this time, her realm seemed to be the third grade of God King.

“These people will be handed over to you. Collect a ray of their soul consciousness and train them to become dead men.”

When the words fell, Ling Xiao bowed his head, and from the eighty-three great summer arrogances, he selected ten people with luck, “You follow me.”

It is still only the number of one hundred and two hundred if he is carrying luck.

These people can’t become the protagonists of heaven and earth, but they are always lucky, and their savvy and talent are considered good.

Even two of them understood the Five Elements Principles, one is the law of fire and the other is the law of water.

It’s a pity, it’s just a comprehension, there is no meaning to swallow it.

But today’s arrogance, no longer has the previous arrogance, one by one lowered their eyes and heads, like slaves.

Deep in the realm, in a valley of green mountains.

Not yet near, the smell of medicine is already coming.

Ling Xiao led the ten youths and fell into the valley, which immediately drew everyone’s surprise.

“It’s Baise Shanzhi!!”

“This is… Snowy Shenlian!!!”

“My God…this valley is full of spiritual things from heaven and earth!!”

The rich spiritual energy accompanies the fragrance of medicine, permeating the sky.

I saw in the middle of the valley, a young man in a black robe was sitting cross-legged with his eyes closed. There seemed to be a fairy haze around his body, with his hands folded in front of him, among which there was a fairy plaque shining with golden brilliance.

It was the son of the mortal who was imprisoned by Ling Xiao here, Han Zhan!


As if feeling the breath of Ling Xiao, Han Zhan opened his eyes, stepped on, and bowed deeply to Ling Xiao.


“Well! These ten people will follow you in the future, take care of my Heavenly Palace Medicine Garden, and divide the mark in your soul sea into ten ways and plant them in their soul sea.”

Ling Xiao said indifferently, “This is the god of medicine in my heavenly temple. You can grow medicine with him and receive resources for cultivation every month.”


Today’s Han Zhan, Ling Xiao has planted a soul mark, and there is no room for resistance at all.

The soul light in his eyes flickered, and it instantly fell into the eyes of ten people.

A faint feeling rose from the bottom of Ling Xiao’s heart. It was obvious that these ten people had become his servants.

At this point, the trip to Great Xia came to a successful conclusion.

Kill a destiny and release a treasure hunt.

The two black pots are fastened firmly, and no one should notice him in a short time.

So… it’s time to rescue that great brother from the cage.

Daxia, the frontier.

It is adjacent to the northern border of the Great Zhou Dynasty, the southern part of the Great Qi, the Eastern Desolation of the Great Qin, and the junction of the Four Dynasties, which has been chaotic for many years.


Today’s Great Xia Border City Feilong City, but it seems quite lively.

I saw Flying Dragon City Lord, Daxia Guardian Li Kuo standing on the city with a silver armor, looking out towards the direction of the imperial capital.

Beside him, the generals of Daxia stood quietly, seeming to be waiting for something.

“Have you heard? This time the Great National Division personally led his troops to the frontier, saying that he was going to attack Da Zhou.”

“Why do you fight Da Zhou?”

“I heard that it was because Emperor Zhou slandered me Daxia has a demon…”

“Stigmatize? Isn’t Daxia that I have a demon? Aren’t both the prince and the horse demon disappeared?”

“Shhh! Silence, you don’t want to live anymore?”

“I went to you…, didn’t you say it first?”

In the border town, countless soldiers were standing in front of each other with solemn faces.

Until the sky in the distance, suddenly there was the sound of breaking wind.

On the earth, there are thousands of horses galloping, and everyone’s eyes just condensed fiercely.

Above the void, a figure stepped on slowly, with a gray robe grinning outside, as if a terrifying spiritual might evolve into Xuanhuang.

At first he was in Skyrim, and he reached the city in just one step.

Various visions are floating around him, and the vast emperor threatens the world.

It is Daxia Guoshi, the first strongest in the dynasty, Qiao Yunli, the sixth grade god emperor!

“Welcome the National Teacher!”

Soldiers all over the city bowed their heads.

Even the guard Li Kuo, the second-ranking god emperor, also bowed deeply, showing awe.

only! !

What surprised everyone was that Qiao Yunli at this time did not fall from mid-air, but stood still, seemingly…waiting for others?


Could it be that… the emperor and the imperial driver personally recruited it?

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