Chapter 415: Xia Feng Is Going Crazy

“Da Guo Shi! Who killed Shuang’er by whom?!”

Xia Feng’s eyes were harsh, but not as distraught as Sikonghui.

Only at this time, Qiao Yunli did not open his mouth, but stood silently.

The atmosphere in the hall was gradually suppressed, making people breathless.

Soon, Emperor Xia, Sikongyu and many other dynasty emperors descended one after another.

After all, Qiao Shuang is the grandson of Daguo Shi, and the only descendant of the Qiao family.

Her death will inevitably cause a terrible storm.

Even all those involved in this matter are afraid that they will sacrifice their lives!

“Guo Shi! What happened?”

Emperor Xia stepped forward and walked to Qiao Shuang’s corpse, looking at the red line between the girl’s neck, her eyes condensed slightly.

“Early this morning, someone went to call Shuang’er to eat, only to find that she committed suicide in the room.”

Qiao Yunli’s voice was flat, and he couldn’t hear the joys and sorrows, but the more so, the more depressing people felt.

The anger of a sixth-rank god emperor made even Xia Huang feel extremely headache.

“Self… committed suicide?!”

Everyone in the hall was taken aback at the same time.

Good point, why did Qiao Shuang kill herself?

The identity of the Qiao family heir and the fiancée of the eldest prince is sufficiently honorable.

Although this talent of Qiao Shuang is not an enchanting evildoer, Daxia can barely be called Tianjiao.

Suddenly committing suicide?

conspiracy! !

This is the smell of conspiracy! !

“how is this possible?”

For no reason, Xia Feng’s heart was cold.

I’m gumpy.

This Qiao Shuang couldn’t be because last night, after he and her, he committed suicide in embarrassment, right?

But… she was the one who took the initiative at the time, and wasn’t she cheering also very happy?

Although until this moment, Xia Feng felt that the experience of last night was a bit unreal, but… Qiao Shuang’s gasp was in his ears, it didn’t seem to be a fake! !

“I heard that Shuang’er was rallying with you in Yunmeng Xianlou yesterday, during which someone forced her to dance?”

Qiao Yunli was in retreat all year round, so he never knew Ling Xiao’s identity.

Although the servants in the palace mentioned, in front of the mysterious adult, even Emperor Xia was humble and polite.

But… Even so, he Qiao Yun Hall Sixth-Rank Divine Emperor, the backbone of Da Xia, how could he fear a person of unknown origin?

Moreover, if it were in the past, Qiao Yunli would naturally not take the initiative to offend, but if Shuang’er really died because of this, then no matter who it was… it would have to pay the price!


The cold light in Sikonghui’s eyes flickered, it shouldn’t be.

Shuang’er was indeed embarrassed and angry at the time, but when the two walked to the stone bridge, she had calmed down and agreed on a plan to deal with Xia Feng.

Why in a blink of an eye…

“Emperor, how can anyone force me, Qiao Yunli’s grandson Xianwu, for the entire Daxia?”

Qiao Yunli turned his head and looked at Xia Feng, “And still in front of the eldest prince? Watching his fiancee dance for others?”

“This… Feng’er! What’s going on?!”

Xia Huang let out a cold voice, is it possible that Qiao Shuang was humiliated to death?

But… who has the guts?

Is this Xia Feng’s fucking brain broken?

How dare you to humiliate the grandson of a great teacher, your fiancée?

“Father… is… that lord.”

Xia Feng gritted his teeth and said softly.


Emperor Xia’s expression froze. Although Ling Xiao had planted his soul mark, his spiritual consciousness had not been erased.

So the shock at this time is real, panic… also real!

Dance for adults…How can it be said that it is humiliation?

This is obviously the glory of your Qiao family!

However, the lord has explained that he is not allowed to reveal his identity, so…how can I appease the great teacher?

How about…killed?

But this old man is the sixth rank of God Emperor, which is one rank higher than Emperor Xia. If he does it, I am afraid that the title of Daxia Country will be changed…

It is better to go back to the palace and report the matter to the master, let him decide.

“Master…Shuang’er’s death, my heart is so painful, I will return to the palace later, I will make an order to seal her…”


Before Xia Huang’s voice fell, Qiao Yunli had already interrupted in hatred.

“My grandson’s death is unclear. Isn’t the emperor intending to uphold justice for my Qiao family?”


The two general trends, like the collapse of the world, instantly changed the faces of everyone.

Especially the coldness that flashed in Qiao Yunli’s eyes at this time was even more so plain that there was an inexplicable shock in my heart.


Emperor Xia’s expression is gloomy, how can he be fair?

Do you want me to die in Daxia, or do you want me to go down with your granddaughter?


“I, Qiao Yunli, ask myself, I am committed to the court and loyal, and I have also made great contributions to Great Xia, Emperor, now my grandson has died tragically, shouldn’t you capture the culprit for his hatred?”

At this time, Qiao Yunli’s words were justified, but they weren’t words of punishment.

If Xia Huang did not agree to avenge Qiao Shuang today, it would definitely chill the hearts of the court officials.

If the hearts of the people are scattered, the team is afraid that it will be difficult to carry.

For a time, everyone in the hall changed their faces.

Especially the guards who were on duty during the two nights, there was even hesitation in his eyes.

Qiao Shuang’s death is full of doubts.

But the culprit, I’m afraid it’s not the mysterious lord at all, but…

Thinking of Qiao Shuang’s loneliness and despair when he returned last night, and the concern for them, the two looked at each other, and finally lifted their feet and walked into the temple.

“Master of National Normal University…”


The killing intent in Qiao Yunli’s eyes flowed, and a wave of heavenly might came out, almost killing the two on the spot.

“Miss last night…was called to Lixiangyuan by the eldest prince. It seems…it seems…”


Hearing this, not only Qiao Yunli’s face trembled, but even Sikong Hun’s eyes suddenly filled with murderous intent.


The largest inn in Longyun City?


“Oh? Feng’er, can this happen?”

Surprisingly, Xia Huang didn’t feel angry, but he was a little bit happy in his heart.

Xia Feng, Xia Feng!

You are really… well done! !

If you can use your life to calm the anger of the national teacher, this is simply… two birds with one stone.


The corners of Xia Feng’s eyes trembled, “You’re going to spit people out of your mouth when you wait!!”

“I am waiting to prove with my fate that the young lady returned from Lixiangyuan last night with disheveled clothes and desperate expression. I am afraid that…”


Before the guard could say anything, Qiao Yunli suddenly stretched out a hand and grabbed him directly. The soul light in his eyes surged, and he directly searched for his memory of his soul.

Upon seeing this, Xia Feng’s body trembled, and her palms suddenly clenched, apparently ready to escape.

“It turned out to be you!! Xia Feng!!! You beast!!!”

Sikonghui looked fierce, and the aura all over his body suddenly dazzled. He stepped out and rushed towards Xia Feng angrily.


Xia Feng didn’t hesitate at all, lifted one hand lightly, and the heavenly spiritual light turned into a seal, and slammed on Sikong Hun’s chest fiercely.

However, what made him feel terrified was that at this time, the young master Sagong seemed to be unafraid. He was impressed by himself, and his figure still appeared in front of him.

In the next instant, he saw his palm stick out, blood spilling from the corner of his mouth, and the shirt on his chest was shattered.

A lingjin suddenly emerged, protecting Xia Feng’s heart.

And Sikonghui’s face suddenly burst into a sad sneer.

“Sure enough! You really are a demon!! Shuang’er must have been driven to death by you!! It must be!!”


Everyone looked puzzled, why did Xia Feng become a demon? !

“Emperor Vessel Lingjin!”

It wasn’t until Sikong Hunya gritted his teeth and uttered the four characters that the confusion on everyone’s face quietly stagnated.

Then, he looked in the direction of Xia Feng’s heart with an unbelievable expression.

Me… Gan?

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