Chapter 414 The Death of Qiao Shuang

“How do you feel?”

Sikonghui frowned, suddenly remembering the rainy night in the border gate.

On that day, he rushed to kill the enemy camp and fell into a trap. It was Xia Feng who led Baiqi and descended from the sky to rescue him.

At that moment, to be honest, Sikonghui was moved.

Especially the countless scars on Xia Feng’s body made him secretly swear that no matter what he becomes in the future, he will… follow him to the death!

Not for protecting the dragon, not for fame, but for this bloody battle tonight.

Teenagers at that age are all passionate and righteous.

Even if the father kept telling him again and again, the emperor’s house has no sincerity.

But in Si Konghui’s heart, there was still a gratitude for Xia Feng.

only! !

He never dreamed that Xia Feng summoned him into the palace today for…

“For my whole life, I was struggling, what I said and did, I couldn’t help it, I was cautious and humble, and worked every step of the way, for what?”

Xia Feng smiled bitterly, with sad eyes.

“I lost my mother when I was ten years old. I forbeared and worked hard. I was in the palace and was targeted everywhere. Even the father and the emperor were on guard against me!!!”

The more Xia Feng said, the more emotional he became, “Do you think I can act recklessly like you and do things with my heart?”

“If I can’t get the world, there will only be a dead end, and you, with the support of the Sikong family, will never fall into desperation!!”

“Sikonghui, do you think I don’t want to give Shuang’er happiness? I…can’t do it!”

“How many people in this imperial capital are expecting me to die? If I care too much about Shuang’er, she will eventually become a pawn in the eyes of others!!”

“Fine! Rather than three people suffering, it is better to let me bear it alone! You are my brother, she is my love, and I am relieved to entrust her to you, so that I can have no distractions and concentrate on… fighting for the emperor!”


Outside Xia Feng, a spiritual light suddenly rushed into the sky, and the temperature of the entire hall was cold for no reason at this time.

Sikongxun stared at the young man in front of him, his lips trembled, and he hadn’t spoken for a long time.

“Big…Big brother!!”

turn out to be! ! !

Big brother’s heart is so complicated and bitter! !

What if he is a demon?

Who said that all demons are ruthless and cruel?

I think Big Brother is very good!

For the sake of Shuang’er’s happiness, bearing her own pain, she actually entrusted her to me!

Such a person becomes a demon just to…be stronger, so that he can protect the one he loves.

For the first time in his life, Sikonghui felt that the magic was different from what he had imagined.

“Brother Hun, are you enlightened?”

Xia Feng sighed lightly, but his eyes were strangely gloomy.

Sagong Hun, one day, I will uproot Sagong’s house.

“Big brother!! I have realized it! Don’t worry, I will definitely use the power of the Sikong clan in the future to help you ascend to the throne!!”

Sikonghui took a deep breath and looked at Xia Feng with gratitude.

Everything makes sense, everything makes sense!

Xia Feng was in the devil, afraid it was for strength, he deliberately showed indifference to Shuang’er, in fact, he was protecting her!

But… why did he kill the eldest princess of Zhou Dynasty and seize the emperor vein Lingjin?

Could it be that your eldest brother’s body…is sick?

Correct! It must be so!

Although the realm of the cultivator is fast, but the mood is often unstable.

This is what the world often says, the reason why demons do whatever they want, it’s really they, it’s hard to control their minds!

And this Lingjin is a great treasure of the Great Zhou Dynasty. It is said to be able to warm and nourish the heart, calm and concentrate…

“Big Brother! You…”

“It’s not good, it’s not good!!”

Just when Sikonghui looked bitterly trying to inquire about Xia Feng, a panicked voice suddenly came from outside the hall.


Xia Feng frowned slightly, but turned around to see a guard of the Imperial Guard rushing in panic. When he saw Sikong Hun, he was stunned for a moment.

“What’s so alarming?”

“The Grand Prince…”

“But it doesn’t matter, General Sikong is not an outsider.”

“Yes! The prince…Miss Qiao Shuang…dead!”


For an instant, Xia Feng and Si Konghui’s faces were taken aback at the same time, and then they turned into a strong shock and resentment.

Damn it?

My fucking Sikonghui, who was finally fooled, was used by me, ready to launch a general attack, and ascended to the throne in one fell swoop. As a result…the chips are gone?

and! !

For some reason, at this moment, Xia Feng felt a faint anxiety in his heart.

I thought I was on the tenth floor, but now why do I feel that there are people on the eleventh floor? !

“what happened!!!”

Sikonghui grabbed the guard’s armor and hissed.

“The villain doesn’t know, but I heard that Da Guo Shi has already left the customs, and now the Qiao family is crying.”


Sikonghui gritted his teeth fiercely, ignoring Xia Feng behind him, and instantly swept away from the palace.

how is this possible?

He just imagined the scene of their wedding, Qiao Shuang actually died?

Parting yesterday, although she was haggard, she was obviously happy! !

who is it! !

Who killed my Shuang’er! !

From the beginning to the end, Xia Feng didn’t speak again, but looked at the Sikong Hun who disappeared in the distance with a solemn expression, secretly groaning in his heart.

what happened?

Qiao Shuang obviously likes Sikong Hun, otherwise he would not go to Lixiangyuan to find himself last night.

But why did she die all night?

The National Teacher’s Mansion was heavily guarded, and there was also a Sixth-Rank God Emperor named Qiao Yunli, a great national teacher.

Not to mention ordinary people, even the strong god emperor could not easily enter the mansion to punish Qiao Shuang.


Xia Feng’s eyes condensed slightly, and a figure appeared in her mind.

It doesn’t make sense, why does that adult kill Qiao Shuang?

As long as he thinks, the entire Daxia can be wiped out in a flash.

Is the queen? Or the second princes?

In the end, Xia Feng found two charms from Qiankun’s bag, held them in his hands, and walked toward the outside of the hall with his feet raised.

Today’s Qiao Shuang is still his fiancée in name.

She is dead, if she does not show up, she is afraid that she will attract more criticism.

He found the two magic charms from a historic site.

One can move the space, and the other can hit the god emperor.

Regardless of who killed Qiao Shuang, someone is going to attack him! !

The National Teacher’s House, a supernatural power rushes into the sky.

All the guards and maids knelt on the ground with a panic expression.

In the center of the hall, Qiao Shuang’s body was placed on a jade couch.

In front of him, an old man with gray hair and black robe stood quietly.

A ray of majestic momentum, like a shower in front of a mountain, is about to pour out.



It wasn’t until Sikonghui broke in from outside the hall that the silence and depressive atmosphere in the hall was broken.

Qiao Yunli frowned slightly, looking at the young man who knelt down in front of Qiao Shuangling’s coffin with a plop, deep flowing in his old eyes, it seemed that there were stars evolving.

“Are you… the kid from the Sikong family?”

“Grandpa Joe!! Shuang’er, how did he die!!”

Sikong Huilei’s eyes were blood red, and Qiao Yunli, who looked at him grimly on his face, was a little frightened.

He didn’t expect that the first person to visit today was actually this young master Sikong.


Immediately afterwards, another cry of sorrow came from outside the hall, Xia Feng’s figure fell from the sky, a black python robe gleaming, and a touch of shock and grief on his face.

It was just inexplicable, but the eyes of the two guards standing in the hall suddenly flashed a bit of murderous intent.

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