Chapter 412: Falling into the Illusion

Outside the National Teacher’s Office, Sikonghui said goodbye to Qiao Shuang, and walked back and forth towards the distance.

Qiao Shuang’s eyes also revealed reluctance, but after the figure disappeared completely, her face became cold inexplicably.

Now that the consciousness is charged, the Qiao family’s strongest Great National Teacher has closed the deadlock.

Therefore, no one has discovered that soul seal in Qiao Frost’s soul sea.


Outside the house, the two guards bowed to salute, and just as Qiao Shuang walked forward indifferently, a gentle laugh came from behind him.



Qiao Shuang’s face was taken aback, and when he turned his head to look around, Xia Feng’s figure was already in front of him.

“The Grand Prince?”

Gan! !

Before today, I was also called Brother Feng, the damn short day, the eldest prince was called!

Regardless, what is a woman?

It will only affect my steps to reach the top of the world!

You are just a tool in my eyes!

Oh, the Hanyue Immortal Palace is different. Although she is also a woman, it will not affect my ascent to the top of the world, and will help me become an immortal!

“I have something to discuss with you.”

Xia Feng gave a wry smile, seeming a little lost.

And Qiao Shuang looked at him in a puzzled manner, “The prince, it’s so late, let’s talk about something tomorrow.”

“This matter is very important, and it is even related to the future of you and the National Teacher’s Mansion, Shuang’er, I have booked a room in Lixiangyuan, you can come over when you think about it…”

In the end, Xia Feng didn’t persuade him much and turned and left.

He believed that Qiao Shuang would definitely come.

Because she felt guilty for herself in her heart.

So she would be upset, and would eagerly want to know what Xia Feng asked her for.

At the same time, she would never dare to gamble on the future of the National Teacher’s House.

“Miss, do you want us to accompany you…”

Outside the National Teacher’s House, the two guards on duty walked to Qiao Shuang’s side and asked coldly.

It is now late at night, this eldest prince actually asked his own lady to open the room?

Although the two have been married, if such behavior is spread, it will still have a lot of bad effects on the Qiao family.

But there was an inexplicable coldness on Qiao Shuangqiao’s face.

Xia Feng, Xia Feng, you really… are good at assisting.

“No need.”

Lixiangyuan, the top accomodation.

Xia Feng sat on the limp, drinking a cup of tea, her brows seemed solemn.

There is less than a year left, that is the day that the secret realm of the fairy palace opens.

The entire Western Frontier knew that there was a great fortune in that secret realm that could make people break through the last step.

Xia Feng didn’t know whether the rumors were true or false.

After all, in the previous life, he died before the secret realm was over.

But the many spiritual treasures hidden in the secret realm are truly mysterious.

For example, the blood mark of the black flood that he cultivated, although it is the inheritance of the magic way, but… it does have the power against the sky.

At this time, in his mind, he clearly remembered several other places in the secret realm that contained inheritance.

As long as he can go in smoothly and bring enough little brothers, Gou Zai secretly, Xijiang…Who can compete with him?

“The Grand Prince…”

A gentle female voice suddenly heard outside the door, and the corner of Xia Feng’s mouth suddenly raised a smile.

“come in.”

When the door opened, Qiao Shuang seemed to have a touch of tension on her face.

snort! Just be nervous!

What do you think you can hide from me?

Bitch, now you are alive, just because you are still useful!

Wait until you run out of usefulness, and see how I torture you with blood!

“The prince… it’s so late… what do you want me to do?”

Qiao Shuang’s face was flustered, keeping a relatively safe distance from Xia Feng.

Of course, all her actions at this time were all pretends.

After all, there is the guidance of the best director and best actor behind him, acting, of course everyone is serious!

To be substituted! Be realistic!

The emotions must be rendered to the extreme! !

“I can’t find you if I have nothing to do?!”

Xia Feng sneered. After all, there are no outsiders here, and he no longer has to pretend to be harmless to humans and animals as before.

“The prince is serious…”

“Where did you go?”

The corner of Xia Feng’s mouth raised a cold arc, but Qiao Shuang’s face was inexplicably pale.

“I… After I left Yunmeng Xianlou, I went straight back to the house.”

“Oh? Really? I was wrong? On the stone bridge in the west of the city…not you?”

“The Grand Prince!!!”

There was a panic in Qiao Shuang’s eyes, and then he knelt on the ground with a plop.

After all, this country belongs to his Xia family.

But tonight she and Sikonghui’s actions were tantamount to slap the royal face.

Once the incident spreads, the Qiao family will not only have no face to protect her, but may even take the initiative to sacrifice her to protect the family.

“Huh! Qiao Shuang, I have so much confidence in you! You actually… If I report this matter to the emperor… You said… what price will the Qiao family and Sikong family pay?”

Xia Feng got up, walked to Qiao Shuang, and gently squeezed her chin, “Oh, with the current strength of our Xia family, it used to be impossible to deal with your two families at the same time, but now… that adult is still in the palace. Do you say that with his strength, Daeguoshi and Uncle Zhongyi dare to oppose?”

“The prince…I…I…”

Qiao Shuang looked a little at a loss, her body slumped to the ground tremblingly.

“However, now I can give you a chance. If you swear by Dao, you will be loyal to me in the future and help me ascend the emperor with the background of the Qiao family. Not only will I not blame you, but I will take the initiative to give you to Sikonghui! I like him, right?”

Seeing that the time was almost ripe, Xia Feng’s expression suddenly became serious.

“What! The prince…you…do you really blame me?”

Qiao Shuang looked up, her eyes seemed to have unbelief.

“Yes! Not only don’t blame you, as long as you behave well, I will protect your Qiao family’s prosperity for a hundred years!”

Xia Feng snorted coldly, there seemed to be domineering between her eyebrows.


“I…I am willing! I swear by Dao Xin that I will help the eldest prince ascend to the throne at all costs, and only hope that the eldest prince… can let Brother Hui a horse!”

Tears flickered in Qiao Shuang’s eyes, but in the end he gritted his teeth and made a heartfelt vow.

“Let him go?! Hahaha, it’s really a concubine’s intention!”

“As long as you can let Brother Hui a horse, Shuang’er… Shuang’er is willing to do anything.”

Qiao Shuang’s face blushed, and the deep meaning was self-evident.


Xia Feng looked at him for a moment. He hated the dog and the man, but he didn’t think too badly.

After all, we are a son of destiny, how can we be as shameless as a villain?

“Brother Feng, I am willing to compensate you… Please preserve the dignity of my Qiao family.”

When the words were over, Qiao Shuang took the initiative to pull on the long skirt, revealing her white fragrant shoulders.


Xia Feng is Gou, but after all, he is a man.

Qiao Shuang is so proactive…

no! Be restrained!

After all, some guards saw him bring Qiao Shuang to Lixiangyuan tonight.

But, it was very inexplicable. There seemed to be a group of evil fire burning in his heart, and an abnormal scarlet flashed in his eyes.

Just now! !

He seemed to feel that the world in front of him was suddenly dark for a moment, and then… the figure of “Qiao Shuang” actually rushed towards him.

At the same time, in the Accord, Ling Xiao’s figure suddenly appeared out of thin air, with a flick of his finger, the powder instantly turned into fly ash.

Then, he looked at the shy and ruddy face in front of him, and a smile was raised at the corner of his mouth.

Before Qiao Shuang could react, she directly picked her up and pressed her under her body severely.

I have to admit that this Qiao Shuang is known as the number one beauty in Daxia, and his figure is pretty good.

Although it is not superb, it is small and exquisite, with unevenness.


Throughout the middle of the night, Xia Feng could hear cheers from beside him.

And he was lying on the floor fascinated, doing the same movement to the air.

On top of the collapse, Qiao Shuang’s pretty face flushed, panting, and looked lazily at the youth below.

At this moment, his appearance is really…like a dog.

“Know what to do!”

Ling Xiao stretched out, his extraterrestrial robes condensed, and a sneer appeared on his face as well.

Now that Qiao Shuang surrendered, the next Xia Feng’s goal must be Sikong Hun.

With his IQ, naturally there can only be a deep brotherhood that will perfect you.

Sikonghui was moved, his sister-in-law became a wife, what a great happy event!

This big brother is really good! !

such a pity!

Your routine is doomed to fail.

Qiao Shuang’s value has roughly been squeezed out by now.

Therefore, she should not survive the next chapter.

The villain, of course you have to be more cautious in doing things.

If you don’t want to be found flaws, then only the dead are the most suitable.

And then…

What? !

Shuang’er was taken to Li Xiangyuan by Xia Feng last night?

After the brotherhood is over, it should be… the punch is angry as a beauty!

Xia Feng! ! You are a real demon! ! !

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