Chapter 411

“Actually, Brother Hui…”

Qiao Shuang sighed and took the initiative to hold Sikonghui’s arm, “You must not say anything about overthrowing the Xia family, otherwise, once someone hears it, it will be a crime of genocide.”


Sikonghui’s body trembled, especially when he felt the temperature of the girl’s jade hand, a ripple was irritated in his heart.

“In fact, I feel that Emperor Xia should have also noticed that Xia Feng…something is wrong.”

Qiao Shuang gently pressed his face on Sikonghui’s arm, “Brother Hui, do you remember when you were a kid? We often come here to play…”

“Shuang’er? What do you know! Tell me, don’t worry, even if I die, I will definitely help you!!”

“In recent years, Emperor Xia has become increasingly wary of the eldest prince. I didn’t think much about it before, but a few days ago…”

Qiao Shuang hesitated for a long time, but in the end she shook her head and smiled, “Fall, I didn’t even find the mysterious son, I’m afraid I think too much…”

“Shuang’er, you are almost anxious to me! If you don’t say anything, I will immediately catch Xia Feng and beat him until he says it!!”

“I said! Brother Hui, can’t you help but be so impulsive?”

Qiao Shuang gave a bitter smile, but his face was inexplicably dignified, “Brother Hun, I went out to practice with Xia Feng before, and lost my memory for a while…but on the way back, I found him with a weird spiritual flower on his chest. Look Go up…it looks a lot like Lingjin, the imperial vein of Princess Dazhou’s eldest princess!!”


In fact, she hadn’t seen any Emperor Mai Lingjin, this rhetoric was not taught to her by Ling Xiao.

Don’t be too direct to plant and blame, otherwise it will appear deliberate.

Let others explore and discover by themselves, hey, the process of finding the truth will make people convinced.

At that time…Xia Feng’s “identity” was revealed, and then she became angry and killed her good brother…


The best director of this year, don’t you really consider me Ling someone?

“What…what? You mean!!!”

Sikonghui’s face turned pale, it seemed a little weird.

Dimai Lingjin, not by a demon…

Wait, the demon used the Xia family inheritance technique True Dragon Imprint! !

But… Although Xia Feng’s realm has risen extremely fast in recent years, he is only at the level of a divine general!

Is it possible that he is in collusion with the devil?

“Hey, I didn’t believe it at first, but in the past few years, he has become more and more evil, making me feel very strange.”

Qiao Shuang let go of Sikonghui, holding his arms with both hands, not knowing whether it was cold or frightened, his delicate body gradually trembled.

“What!! That’s it! That’s how it is! No wonder he was so afraid of that mysterious son, he has a ghost in his heart, for fear of revealing his identity!”

Sikonghui nodded and sneered, with murderous intent in his eyes, “But what does he do all this?”

“I heard Xia Feng inadvertently before. He seems to have an enemy. He is very powerful. Even with Da Xia’s strength, he may not be able to kill him. So… I guess he might be hated and wanted to become strong. Bar.”

The loneliness on Qiao Shuang’s face didn’t seem to be fake, and Sikonghui’s doubts in his heart were instantly dispelled.

“Shuang’er, don’t worry! If this Xia Feng is really a demon, I will never let him go! Don’t worry, tomorrow I will use discussion as an excuse to invite the great ministers and powerful people in Daxia to reveal Xia Feng personally. A mask of hypocrisy.”

Sikonghui had no doubts about what Qiao Shuang said.

Moreover, if the Lingjin strain on Xia Feng’s body was really the one lost by Da Zhou, everything would come to light.

Even if he is not a demon, he is bound to have nothing to do with the demon.

At that time, the sky and the earth will be great, and this Xijiang will no longer have a foothold for him.

Even though! !

He didn’t take Na Lingjin with him, just to learn from him, and he would not expose Sikong Hun’s purpose.

After all there is still time, he will definitely find a way to break through Xia Feng’s conspiracy.


Do you think that our Sikonghui is just brave and brave?

I rely on my unparalleled intellect! !

“Then Brother Hui, are you in danger?”

Qiao Shuang seemed to be worried. After all, Xia Feng’s strength was indeed very strong, at least looking at Daxia’s younger generation, he could rank among the top three.

“Huh! Don’t worry, Shuang’er, just look at it. Even though Xia Feng is strong, he is no more than the second rank of the god general, one rank higher than me. Besides, since he is a magic cultivator, he definitely doesn’t dare to display his true strength, when the time comes… ”

“But Brother Hui…I don’t want you to take risks at all.”

Qiao Shuang’s beautiful eyes were red, and she was about to cry.

“I know I know! Shuang’er, I will definitely protect myself. Just rest assured.”

When the words fell, the two hugged each other tightly, and the picture was very warm.

However, at the end of the long street in the distance, Xia Feng calmly looked at the two figures that merged into one, without the slightest resentment or anger on his face.

With his strength, he couldn’t even eavesdrop on what the two said.

But this pair of dogs and men is obviously selfish.

In this way…

what can I do?

Of course forgive her and fulfill him!

In Xia Feng’s eyes, whether Qiao Shuang or Sikonghui, they were just tool men.

And all he relied on in Daxia was the power behind these two people.

Once he parted ways with Sikonghui, there would be no possibility of him getting involved in this great Xia Jiangshan.

Although Xia Feng was able to know the opening time of the secret realms in all parts of Western Xinjiang, and even the ancient treasures hidden in it, relying on the memories of previous lives.

But if he doesn’t have the status of Daxia’s prince or prince, how can he compete with other dynastic princes for good fortune?

Prophet’s foresight is indeed his golden finger, but the premise is that you have enough strength to take down the treasure.

Moreover, the most ancient secret realms are all restricted, and when they are opened, there are often gods and fairy scenes, for fear that others will not know that it is about to be born.

Even if Xia Feng knew their location, it wouldn’t be able to get in unless it was born!


Go in other people’s novels.

That can only be said, not rigorous.

Otherwise, you see, the serious rebirth of the destiny hero, who secretly dug up the remains of a continent?

It must be the birth of the relic, which has attracted countless arrogances. With the memory of the past life, the layout and planning will come to a strong face.

No one, how do you pretend?

Don’t pretend to be forced, what’s the use of my cheat? !

So at this time, Xia Feng decided.

He must first let this couple of dog men and women exert their extreme light and heat.

As long as Daxia gets it, her position will be stable, and then, huh, who I want to kill is not easy?


Before that, he had to make a deal with Qiao Shuang to completely control the granddaughter of the national teacher.

Thinking like this, Xia Feng’s eyes suddenly flashed cold, and he turned and headed towards the Central Bank of the Imperial City.

And shortly after he left, Ling Xiao’s figure appeared above the void, her eyes were clear and there was a hint of surprise.

This son of destiny is Zhen Gou.

This fiancée was held in her arms, so she could still be calm?

Well, since you are not on, then you can only… let Sikonghui come to fight you!

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