Chapter 323

Ling Xiao walked all the way to the Huo Clan Temple.

At this time everyone had dispersed, and the whole temple seemed extremely empty.

Although the Blood Moon Forbidden Domain opened as he wished and the trip was rewarding, he did not feel very happy.

As for how to make yourself happy quickly, the best way…

The rich woman is very good!

shut up!

I just want to improve my strength faster and step into the Qinglan world as soon as possible, so that I can reunite with Nian Qingjun!

Strength is the foundation of the villain’s destiny!

This immortal journey is vast, sadness and happiness are all just a flash.

Since this journey has its own cause and effect, why do we need to refute it?

“Yan’er, are you asleep?”

In the Huo Clan’s apse, Ling Xiao stood outside Su Yan’s room and asked softly.

“Huh? Son?”

When the door opened, Su Yan looked at the young man in surprise, her Qiao’s face a little sickly and shy.

“It’s so late, son…something?”

Anyway, she is also a lady of everyone, although this fairy road is not as restrained as the world, but this hour…

Moreover, who is Su Yan?

Descendants of Yunmeng!

The environment in which I lived since I was a child was the ups and downs of interests.

Although her talents are not as good as those of Nian Qingjun, Ye Qingchan and others, her control of people’s hearts is far from comparable to that of her peers.

From a young age, her father told her a truth, the more she wanted to get, the less she couldn’t show it.

In this way, you will not be disappointed, and you will not… lose!

Ling Xiao was very good, and even the moment she worked desperately made Su Yan particularly moved.

But…her essence is still a descendant of the business alliance.

After experiencing touching and trusting, I soon calmed down again.

“Ah, now the trip to the secret realm is coming to an end, I promised to give you a good luck.”

Ling Xiao smiled indifferently, with a touch of warmth between her eyebrows.

From the moment Su Yan acted on Lin Xi, he knew that this woman was not as gentle as she seemed.

Even her xinxing is far more terrifying than ordinary Tianjiao.

“Ah! Son… Come in quickly…”

Su Yan’s pretty face was taken aback, and she hurriedly walked into the room to meet Ling Xiao, looking forward to her beautiful eyes.

She knew that there was a spiritual fire in the latter’s hand.

I just want him to give it to himself, fearing that it is impossible not to pay anything.

And… Lin Xi hasn’t shown up for a long time, I don’t know…

“My son, drink tea.”

“No need, Yan’er, the spiritual fire you want…”

Ling Xiao waved his palm, and saw that Green Demon Guding suddenly appeared in his hand.

What was sealed in it was the scarlet spiritual fire on Lin Xi’s body.

“This breath…”

Sure enough, Su Yan’s pretty face suddenly condensed, and the desire in his eyes was not concealed at all.

This time she took a great risk to enter the secret realm, just for a heaven and earth spiritual fire!

With it, she might be able to live for more than ten or twenty years, but without it, she is afraid that there will be three years at most, and she will inevitably be tortured to death by the cold poison.

“There is a heaven and earth spiritual fire sealed in it. Yan’er, this tripod belongs to the mother, do you have any other artifacts that can seal the spiritual fire…”

Ling Xiao’s eyes were gentle, with a little apologetic tone.

“The son… this spirit fire…”

“I gave it to Yan’er. Didn’t I say it before? I will give everything Yan’er wants.”

Ling Xiao shook his head, without a trace of artificiality on his face.

Since it’s plundering luck, of course you have to pay a price.

As for whether this fire is meaningful or not, anyway, luck is worth it. If Su Yan does not have the heart to surrender, he will use some other means to make her surrender.

As for what means.

Don’t ask, ask is your guess.

“Give it to me…”

There was a dullness on Su Yanqiao’s face.

Even though Ling Xiao had said that she was looking for the Spirit Fire for her that day, she suddenly hesitated when she really saw the Spirit Fire right in front of her.

so easy!

After all, Su Yan still believes that there is no natural good fortune in this world.

Interest is the only criterion for interpersonal communication.

But at this time, hearing what Ling Xiao said, something she had insisted on in her heart… suddenly a little shaken.

“My son… Then after I go out, I will take you to my Yunmeng President…”

“Haha, Yaner, have you forgotten what I said? In my eyes, you are the most precious treasure of the Yunlai Business League. I know that some people may think that I am close to you because of your identity. I don’t want to explain anything. Now that Qingjun has just fallen, I really don’t have the mood to start a new relationship. Just… Let’s do this first, you put away the spirit fire, and when you go out, you find the container to remove it, and then move the tripod. Give it back to me, after all, it’s…mother’s thing.”

Ling Xiao seemed a little disappointed, but also a little uninterested, turned around and walked straight to the outside of the room.

“one two Three…”

“The son!!”

It was…inexplicably, Su Yan looked at the slightly lonely figure, and felt a kind of depression in his heart that he had never felt before.

Sorry, son.

Yan’er really shouldn’t… doubt you.

At this moment, she didn’t know why she wanted to call Ling Xiao, just… she didn’t want him to leave.

Very contradictory.

She knows that she must not be emotional.

But feelings defeated reason abruptly in this way.

“Dip! The Lady of Destiny is self-doubt, congratulations to the host for plundering luck for 300 points and the villain for 3000 points.”

“Huh? Yan’er, is there anything else?”

A smile was raised at the corner of Ling Xiao’s mouth, but his face was puzzled.

If you want to catch it, you want to retreat as you move forward.

Of course, the prerequisite for this is that he has known Su Yan’s intentions in the system long ago.

From the moment he killed Young Master Ancient Puppet, the girl’s mind changed slightly.

Today’s reservedness is more like a temptation… after calming down.

In other words, instinctively guarded.

Su Yan’s identity is respected after all.

The background of the wealthy and enviable state made her never lack of arrogance.

No matter how strong the background is, it seems naive and ridiculous in front of Yunlai Commercial League.

Therefore, she probably looks at anyone, but she has a purpose when she comes close.

What Ling Xiao has to do is to let her let go of this guard, and everything will happen naturally.

A spiritual fire of heaven and earth, even if you look at Shengzhou, it is priceless.

No one can resist the temptation of this fetish.

Of course, Su Yan probably couldn’t think of it, such a fetish, Ling Xiao… there are three ways.

“My son… Nian Qingjun, how did he die?”

Su Yan suddenly took a deep breath and looked at Ling Xiao seriously.

“Xia Chen is sinister and cast an extremely evil spell, Qing Yun blocked it for me.”

Ling Xiao lowered his head, his body trembled slightly, and even his palms clenched into fists unconsciously.

At this moment, there was a gloomy coldness on his body.

But this coldness did not make Su Yan feel scared and disgusted, but gradually softened her eyes.

She could see that Ling Xiao’s heart at this moment was painful.

Even in this pain, there is also despair.

Everyone in the world says that this Ling clan descendant is arrogant and has no true feelings.

But what she saw in this secret realm was a peerless son who dared to love and hate, and was upright and righteous!

The truth is really only in the hands of a few people.

Young Master Ling Xiao!

I… would like to heal your wounds!

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