Chapter 322

Huo family land.

A group of powerful people in the secret realm gathered around, watching Ye Shen and others expertly slaughter the tribe, set up pots, and boil water.

Then put on the Lingjiao, Ling onion, and Ling ginger for the base.

On the side, Ye Lang waved his knife and chopped a dead dragon on the ground into sections and lowered it into the pot.

Four Jiao claws and two large white kidneys were put on the fire, roasted until golden, and sprinkled with some red powder.

At this time, although there was some grief in his eyes, there was a ray of crystal clear from the corners of his mouth inexplicably.


Around, a group of fire clan powerhouses used aura to transform the fire and boiled meat in a warm pot, and the heat control was just right.

“It’s so fragrant!”

The scent of meat drifted, and Bai Ling had already seen greed in his eyes. At this moment, there was a sudden rush of wind breaking in the sky in the distance.

I saw the figures of Ling Xiao, Ling Tian, ​​Ye Xun’er, Su Yan, Fu Yunyao, and Xiao Tu descend from the sky and land in front of everyone.

“Huh? It’s really fragrant, brother Ye Ginseng has bothered.”

“Haha, I have seen young masters, young masters, and young ladies. The one I slaughtered today has a great background. He is the sixth son of the former master of the Jiao Clan, Ye Liu. His nickname is Liuer. He has pure blood and a state of God. Everyone, wait for a while, then you can enjoy it.”

Ye Chan bowed towards Ling Xiao, the latter just nodded calmly, and under the guidance of the Huo Clan master, walked into a large hall not far away.

Ling Xiao didn’t have any interest in the origins of the Huo Clan, and now this clan’s surrender was just icing on the cake.

Even if there is no slave mark left by the ancient emperor, this clan is now afraid that it has been slaughtered clean.


Seeing the respect for Ling Xiao from the secret realm powerhouses at this time, Su Yan and the others suddenly felt a faint repression in their hearts.


No matter where this young man goes, will he become a much-anticipated existence?

God Emperor bowed his head, boiled Jiao congratulations?

This Tianwei, how many people are comparable to the younger generation of Shengzhou?

I’m afraid it’s the holy son of the holy religion, but that’s all right?

Before he knew it, Su Yan’s eyes became more joyful.

“Brother, why do you look so worried? And… is she… the sister-in-law?”

Bai Ling sat beside Ling Xiao, her dark eyes with a trace of concern.

At this moment, she was referring to Su Yan.

Especially when the latter looked at Ling Xiao’s gentleness, it made her think of the girl who was entrusted to Ling Xiao by Lin Xi.

Hearing this, Su Yan flushed and waved his hand in a hurry, but there was an unspeakable panic in his heart.

“I’m fine…”

Ling Xiao smiled indifferently, beside him, Su Yan looked like he wanted to talk but stopped.

“The son…I just heard that Xia Chen chased and killed the goddess, which eventually caused the goddess… to fall?”

A ray of sadness flashed in Su Yan’s beautiful eyes, and there was a faint look of anticipation.


Just before the battle in the valley, Ling Xiao didn’t deliberately hide his aura, it is inevitable that he would not be noticed.

Besides, he killed Xia Chen to protect Nian Qingjun, originally intending to remove Yuanyue Holy Land by the way with the help of Misty Dao Palace.

In this way, there will be no holy land in the entire Eastern Xinjiang that dares to contend with the Ling clan.

As for the shrine that suddenly collapsed into the void, others would not think too much about it when they saw it.


At this time, Liang Yi should almost take action to clean up the Dongjiang evildoers who entered the secret realm.

The reason why Ling Xiao brought Su Yan and others here was because he was worried that they would be slaughtered by the former.

He couldn’t explain the disappearance of Nian Qingjun, and the world simply made the world mistakenly believe that she had fallen.

In this way, you can take this opportunity to plot the…Yuanyue Holy Land where Xia Feng is!

Your holy son killed my fiancée, your holy land… always have to pay some price, right?

“My son…please…sorrow.”

Su Yan leaned slightly, but a smile appeared inexplicably at the corner of his mouth.

She was originally worried about how to compete for Ling Xiao from Nian Qingyun, but she didn’t expect…

It was really time that the goddess fell.

“Who is the goddess?”

Bai Ling glanced at Su Yan with some caution, a strong hostility suddenly appeared on his small face.

If she was the sister-in-law who was entrusted by Lin Xi’s dying brother, then it would be nothing.

But if it’s not…huh, no one is allowed to approach my brother!

Of course, Su Yan also recognized this girl at this time, who was the one who provoked Ling Xiao on the day the secret realm opened that day.

It’s just… Regarding how the two resolved the conflict, Su Yan didn’t worry at all.

Just rely on a… want a little girl movie that doesn’t matter, and still want to steal a man from her?

“Goddess, it’s your fiancée before Brother Ling Xiao…”

Su Yan smiled indifferently and straightened his chest without a trace.

Although the facts she said at this time fell into Bai Ling’s ears, she was suddenly shocked.

“What? Brother? Fiancee? Could it be…”


A bloody wave quietly diffused away, attracting countless attention from the hall.

No wonder my elder brother is so glum, looking strangely distressed!

But… who on earth dare to kill my sister-in-law?

“Xia Chen is dead, so don’t talk about it anymore.”

Ling Xiao shook his head, his face always calm.

“Young Master! The meat is coming!”

At this moment, Ye Shen and the others brought the Jiao pot and stood quietly aside.

Ling Xiao just took out a jar of fairy brew, poured it on himself, drinking one cup after another.

It’s just that today’s Jiao Meat or Immortal Brewing is a bit…bitter and boring.

Everyone was also silent, and the joy on their faces gradually turned into dullness.

Especially Ling Tian, ​​there was some worry in his eyes looking at Ling Xiao.

Contending for treasure in the secret realm is a common occurrence.

But Ling Tian knew that his elder brother loved the goddess so much. Now that she dies, his elder brother will definitely be sad.

Brother, you are like this, always suppressing the sadness in my heart!

If possible, let your brother share the burden with you, isn’t it good?


Huo Heng arranged a place for everyone, but Ling Xiao walked out of the ancient temple alone, standing on the top of the Black Mountain, silently looking up at the sky.

He is waiting for someone.


There was a light tremor in the space behind him, and then Liang Yi’s figure walked out of the darkness and stood beside him.

“Is it all cleaned up?”

Ling Xiao didn’t look back, but asked softly.

“Go back to the Lord, it’s cleaned up.”

Liang Yi bowed down, and did not talk nonsense.

“Have you been to this world above the Holy State?”

Ling Xiao asked suddenly, but Liang Yi hesitated for a while before shook his head, “No, the realm I came from is above the nine heavens.”

“Oh, if I ask you to destroy the Holy Religion, how sure are you?”

“Destroy the sacred religion?”

Liang Yi’s eyes condensed slightly, and he said bitterly, “If it was a thousand years ago, only a thought, now…I can’t do it.”

“Is it the shackles of heaven in this world?”

“It’s a shackle, but not a god… But, Lord, now you know too much, but it is easy to expose. Those people, once you feel your spiritual consciousness, will inevitably ignore the consequences. In this life, we still need to be cautious, and finally One day, I believe that the Heavenly Demon Palace will once again surpass Cangyu!”

“Oh! I’m going to take a few people out. Next, you choose some strong men in Eastern Xinjiang and train them in this secret realm. I want an army that completely obeys orders. They will also be an opportunity for the re-emergence of the Heavenly Demon Palace. Whatever you worry about, just be careful of the holy religion.”

Ling Xiao turned his head and took a deep look at Liang Yi.

Since he had stood at the pinnacle of heaven and earth, the methods must not be comparable to those of ordinary power.

Training his subordinates by him will naturally get twice the result with half the effort.

One day, I will rise above the sky, raise my arms, and the four borders will respond, Shengjiao…what can I do?

I change the blue sky for the day of the devil, wherever the sun shines, the devil is also a fairy!

“Yes! Lord!”

Liang Yi bowed, turned and disappeared.

It wasn’t until his figure walked away that Ling Xiao called out the system and looked at the three domain seed fragments.

“System, how to synthesize this domain seed?”

“The host needs to exchange the domain boundary seed composition symbol before it can be merged into a domain.”


Ling Xiao frowned slightly and opened the Villain Value Mall to browse for a while, but in the end he didn’t see the so-called synthesizer.


Isn’t this synthesizer to be exchanged for luck?

“Di, congratulations to the host for the correct guess, but there is no reward!”

Ling Xiao gritted his teeth fiercely. Sometimes, he always faintly felt that this system was more than just a tool.

He seems to be emotional and thinking…

This kind of thinking made Ling Xiao feel a little absurd.

Until he found the Territory Seed Synthetic Talisman in the Qiyun Mall, Ling Xiao’s anger finally couldn’t conceal it.

“Fixed the three Sons of Destiny, and finally gathered the seed fragments of the realm, but this composite talisman actually requires four thousand Qi luck points, which is higher than the luck of the two Sons of Destiny?!”

“In view of the host’s humiliation to the system, the Territory Seed Combining Talisman will be removed from the shelves tomorrow! I hope the host can gather the luck value as soon as possible, otherwise it will fall short!”

I… Gan! !

Ling Xiao gritted his teeth fiercely, turned and walked towards the Fire Clan Temple.

Now that he beheaded Lin Xi and Xia Chen and conquered Bai Ling, he had plundered a total of 3,000 points of luck.

Earlier today, I don’t know if it was Ye Qingchan or Lin Meng who broke through, and helped him get 500 luck.

And want to make up the remaining five hundred points…

I’m afraid I can only start from Su Yan!

After all, the only people of Destiny in the Secret Realm today are her, Bai Ling, Ling Tian and Ye Xun’er.

The last three people couldn’t provide him with luck in a short time, but it was Su Yan…

Haha, it’s time to test acting again.

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