Chapter 300

“Waste…waste Danhai?”

If it had been before, Ling Tian would have laughed when he heard this.

But now, looking at the golden pill sea in Ling Xiao’s hand, he hesitated.

In other words, he was lost.

A Dan Sea comparable to a saint is now held by Ling Xiao, why doesn’t he use it?

Ling Tian had also thought that this Dan Hai might have just been acquired by Ling Xiao, and that he would not have time to merge in the future.

But before he hesitated for too long, Ling Xiao suddenly reached out and threw the golden Danhai towards him.

“Now, it belongs to you. My Ling clan has only one man of destiny, you, and I… just did what an older brother should do.”

Ling Xiao smiled very gently, even with a touch of kindness.

Even Ling Tian was moved inexplicably at this moment.

Just…Gave it to me?

Wouldn’t it be better for him to integrate himself?

Even if he just got it, even if he was doing a show, he could return the Yin and Yang Danhai to me, and use this stronger Danhai himself, wouldn’t it be more reasonable?

But… why?

Is it really… there is another hidden story?

What should an older brother…do?

“Exactly… why…”

“I only knew some of your mother’s past when I was ten years old. As for why I dug your Danhai…”

Ling Xiao raised his head, and his eyes had completely turned black.


The strange buzzing sound resounded loudly, and then Ling Tian was stunned to see that the young man in front of him suddenly became a demon.

The general trend of looking at the sky and the earth is like the great demon who fought against the sky in ancient times. A single glance is enough to break the mind.

“Because… In your Pill Sea, there is the aura of a heavenly devil.”

“Wh… what? God… the breath of a demon?!”

Ling Tian’s eyes condensed, his expression changed drastically, especially the demon shadow outside Ling Xiao at this time, making him completely sluggish.

Demon! !

Taboo physique! !

Once it appears, it is the enemy of the entire Holy State! !

how is this possible?

I… turned out to be a descendant of the demon?

The demon shadow outside Ling Xiao dispersed again, revealing that calm and indifferent face.


“So… you mean, in fact… you took the sin of the devil for me?”

“I think… this is what every elder brother is willing to do.”

Ling Xiao didn’t say much, there was a rare dignity on his face.

“Both father and mother know this, but in order not to make you feel too guilty, they have been hiding it from you…because…you have already carried too much on your back.”

“What’s my burden…”

At this time, Ling Tian had already begun to believe what Ling Xiao had said.

After all, he asked himself that there was nothing worthy of this elder brother’s calculation.

Whether it is the pill that can bring Ye Xun’er back to life, or the sea of ​​nine layers of pill in front of him, it can be called the good fortune of heaven.

Each one is more precious than Ling Tian’s life.

But he… still gave it to himself without hesitation.

Did I… blame him?

At this time, his world seemed to have opened a brand new corner.

It’s just that it is not light and love, but conspiracy and darkness.

Xuanyuanyue’s identity is indeed terrifying.

Even as early as when he was a child, he knew that the Ling Clan’s development and growth in recent years was indispensable for Danyuan Holy Land’s support.


Why would such a strong and doting Lingxiao woman put a Danhai full of the atmosphere of the heavenly devil in her son’s body?

Even if she wanted to protect herself, she could just throw away that Dan Hai, why should Ling Xiao bear such a sin?

“You are indeed talented, and you are protected by colorful sword shadows from birth, but your sword body must experience great pain to awaken. This is what your mother said on her deathbed, but it is the ancient precept of the Yun clan!”

“Of course, I admit that my mother has the element of gambling, because even if you dig out your Danhai, you are still a taboo physique, just to ease the explosion of your demon aura, once…you merge with the new Danhai , If you cultivate spiritual power in your body, your identity will still be exposed, so…”

Ling Xiao laughed suddenly, his eyes were like a demon god overlooking the world, filled with indescribable evil.

“Since my clan is already an enemy of the sacred religion, I am afraid that sooner or later they will be aware of your existence and act on my clan. Even if I have the Nine Layers of Pill Sea, the possibility of breaking the shackles of this region is still extremely small, so…Mother decided… Take a gamble.”

“You…you mean…”

Ling Tian trembled and looked at Ling Xiao in horror.

At this time, he had completely figured out the cause of the matter.

I am afraid that Xuanyuanyue merged Na Dan Sea into Ling Xiao’s body, intending to make the latter also gain the power of the Heavenly Demon.

In this way, even if Shengjiao goes to war with the Ling clan one day, the Ling clan also has a glimmer of… hope of victory.

after all!

The real body of the demon has always been jealous of such a taboo physique.

The two sons of the Ling clan are both inherited from the heavenly demons.

As long as one person can grow up, the Ling clan will not be completely passive.

Otherwise, it would not take too much effort to kill the Ling Clan with the power of the Holy Religion.

Moreover, Ling Tian was convinced that Xuanyuanyue was indeed a…resolute, powerful and domineering woman in his impression.

Her love for Ling Xiao even transcended her life.

The taboo physique is based on the world as the enemy, but as long as Ling Xiao can live, Xuanyuanyue will never care about how many enemies are standing in front of her.

One demon is completed, and all souls fall away.

Why not slaughter the world!

“I never understood the feeling of standing in the abyss and looking up at the sky, until I got used to the darkness and loneliness, I realized that this is the fastest way to grow.”

Ling Xiao sighed, and the corners of her mouth raised a gentle touch.

“In fact, my father was very opposed to my mother’s plan, because he didn’t want me to be the enemy of the world, so…they…”

In my mind, the system’s prompt sounds kept coming. It was obvious that Ling Tian had gradually believed him now.

“It turns out… it turns out that all this is because of me… it turns out that my father… mother and… elder brother have burdened me with so many sins.”

There was gradually mist rising in Ling Tian’s eyes.

At this time, he had completely believed every word Ling Xiao said.

Because! !

Even if the latter’s words are all lies, the fact that he has a demon body is true!

As long as he spreads this secret, whether it is Ling Xiao or Xuanyuanyue, there will be no place to bury him!

He wouldn’t take risks like this, especially… facing his brother who hated him for seven years.

It turned out… My brother’s love is so heavy, it is… breathless.

“Brother, give me that Dan Hai that contains devilish energy, let me bear this sin alone.”

“You…cough cough, what silly things to say! We are brothers. No matter what hardship we encounter, we must face it together. Otherwise, wouldn’t we betray the good intentions of our parents? Besides, the so-called sins are just because of us. It’s not strong enough. As long as our brothers can step into the pinnacle of this world, eradicate the holy religion, and avenge your mother, who would dare to be disrespectful to us?”

Ling Xiao gave Ling Tian a fierce look, stretched out his hand and patted him on the shoulder, “I know, everyone in the world says that the demon is evil, but brother, as long as we have the righteousness in our hearts, how can the only demon be able to influence you and me? Heart? Look at me now, is it not the same as being upright and chivalrous and praised by others?”


Ling Tian frowned slightly. Although he felt that there was something wrong with Ling Xiao’s words, he couldn’t tell what was wrong.


In this world, the evil is the human heart, not a demon, a title.

Just like the ancient Zhuxian sword in his hand, the sword masters of the past have all fallen into demons and murdered the world.

But didn’t he still keep his heart and not be disturbed by it?

At this moment, Ling Tian suddenly realized.

It turns out, brother, this is the reason why you flogged me and humiliated me.

You have been… sharpening my character and teaching me the principles of being a demon! !

I am a demon, and the whole world is an enemy!

But…Brother, with you, what fear do I have?

In the future, let us…brothers, unite and kill the sky!

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