Chapter 299

Ling Xiao looked calmly at the young man who drew his sword and crowed himself, and didn’t mean to stop him from beginning to end.

Three, two, one…


Just when the ancient sword in Ling Tian’s hand was about to fall to his neck, there was a slight coughing sound beside him.

The world is silent.

The decisiveness on Ling Tian’s original face almost instantly solidified.

Then he looked at Ling Xiao in horror, but saw a smile on the corner of his mouth, and said coldly, “I don’t want her to die, and the king can’t take it away.”


When Ling Xiao killed the Son of Cloud Millet, the system once rewarded him with a Nine Ranks Resurrection Pill.

Originally, he thought that he probably wouldn’t be able to use this kind of god pill.

After all, everyone else has fallen, so who would give him medicine to revive him!

Unexpectedly, I didn’t expect it to be of great use today.

As for why Ye Xun’er would wake up so just right…


Of course it is to set off the atmosphere. Why!


At this moment, Ling Tian’s whole person was dumbfounded.

He knew early in the morning that Ling Xiao was very strong and had a lot of means.

So over the years, he has been working hard to practice and drawing his sword desperately.

But he never dreamed that he could! ! !

Bring back to life! !


Ling Tian’s heart trembled!

“Ling… Junior Brother Ling Tian?”

Ye Xun’er’s eyes also flashed a little dazed, she looked up at Ling Tian, ​​and then at her palm.

Is it a dream, or… the other side?



Ling Tian could no longer suppress the excitement in his heart, and the ancient sword in his hand fell directly to the ground, pulling Ye Xun’er from the ground and rushing into his arms.

“Xun’er… I will never lose you again.”

At this moment, Ling Tian suddenly felt a new kind of happiness.

It turns out that this kind of warmth that can be embraced in his arms is so real.

The greatest blessing in life is probably so.

Lost and regained.

“Ling… Junior Brother Ling Tian…”

Ye Xun’er’s pretty face blushed, especially when she saw the playfulness in Ling Xiao’s eyes, she pushed Lingtian a little shyly.


But at this time, the little junior, who has always been shy and forbearing, seemed to be a different person, holding her tightly, without any intention of letting go.

“Junior Brother Ling Tian, ​​what the hell is going on? Your hair…”

“It’s all over… everything is over, Xun’er, let’s never separate again, okay? We… find a beautiful place and ignore the mess of the world… okay?”

Ling Tian lowered his head, rubbed the blue silk on the top of Ye Xun’er’s head, and whispered softly.

After this incident, he could hardly hate Ling Xiao any more.

Although seven years of shame, but… not worth the grace of this day.

As long as Ye Xun’er is alive, even if Ling Xiao wants his life, he will never frown.

“Di, the Son of Destiny is grateful. Congratulations to the host for plundering luck for 1,000 points and the villain for 10,000 points.”

“Huh? Escape?”

Ling Xiao raised his brows lightly, but a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

You are young, avoid your sister’s life!

Laozi worked so hard to play with you again and again, in order to save you from the world?

Shouldn’t you follow me willingly and be the sharpest sword in my hand?

You go first in the group, isn’t it good for me to hide behind and collect people?

Otherwise, I will leave a nanny to dry the bear for you?

You are qualified to take what I want to give.

I don’t want to give it to you, you won’t get anything.

“Ahem, you two… are you almost done?”

Ling Xiao’s eyes flashed with a touch of light, but her tone became cold for no reason.

“Ling Xiao… this time, thank you very much, our grievances have been wiped out.”

Hearing this, Ling Tian just let go of Ye Xun’er a little bit reluctantly, and turned to look at the man he had hated for seven years.

Perhaps he should thank him.

If it weren’t for digging the pill sea, he would not awaken the sword vein divine body, let alone step into the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Swords, and would never meet Ye Xun’er… this woman who would always stand in front of him.

“Hey, originally… I should be happy, watching you finally find your home, but…”

Ling Xiao sighed, his face seemed hesitant.

Upon seeing this, Ye Xun’er immediately faced Ling Tiandao obediently, “Junior Brother, I will wait for you.”

When the words fell, she bowed deeply towards Ling Xiao, with some inexplicable complexity in her eyes, turned and walked towards the distance.

Although she didn’t know why she didn’t die, it was clear that it was Young Master Ling Xiao who arrived in time to resolve the crisis.


After this difficulty, Junior Brother Ling Tian can completely solve the knot of happiness, and let the younger brother Ling Xiao calm down.

After all, such a brother is really…the only one in the world.

Until Ye Xun’er walked away, Ling Tian said coldly, “Ling Xiao, don’t think you saved Xun’er, I will be grateful to you, and I will leave Dongjiang, leave the Ling clan, and never again. Appear in front of you.”

“So, by now, you still don’t understand.”

Ling Xiao smiled indifferently, and looked up at Yuankong, with an indescribable complex color on his face.

Today Ling Tiandao’s heart is broken, he has gone from righteousness to evil, and because of love into attachment, so it is time to close the net.

Killing, kendo, the two ways are close to you, five thousand air luck, such a destiny son, even if he is placed in the upper realm, he is definitely the top class.

Besides, he still doesn’t have Dan Hai!

Once Dan Hai is integrated, what will Ling Tian be like?

Peerless sword repair!

One sword to open the sky?

He should be the one who has stepped onto the top of the earth!

“What are you trying to say! Ling Xiao! Why do you always pretend to be unpredictable every time! Why do you always humiliate me and give me another chance? What do you want!!”

Ling Tian gritted his teeth fiercely, an inexplicable hint of grievance in his eyes.

“I just want to make you stronger, stronger, because…Sooner or later, the Ling clan will be handed over to you, and I…after all, will be the enemy of this world.”

Ling Xiao smiled lonely, and suddenly turned to look at Ling Tian, ​​”But your temper has always been weak. If you don’t force you, I’m afraid it will be difficult for you to understand the rules of this world.”

“Hate will only become stronger. Talent will only become a constraint to your growth. As for your Yin-Yang Danhai, in fact, I…never paid attention to it.”

“Hahahaha, Ling Xiao, you are so ridiculous! Why do you want to win if you don’t put it in the eyes? If you don’t put it in the eyes, can you achieve today?!”

Ling Tian sneered, his face full of contempt.

If it weren’t for the miracle of Yin and Yang Danhai, how could Ling Xiao stand on the top of Eastern Xinjiang today?

“Because I have a mission and… hatred.”

There was a sudden gloom in Ling Xiao’s eyes, and before Ling Tian could react, the world in front of him suddenly became pitch black.

A mortal with no cultivation base, even if he understands the principles of the Tao, how can he resist his soul power.

“Where is this? Ling Xiao! What on earth do you want to do!!”

Ling Tian frowned, looking at the towering black palace in the distance, a faint flash of terror flashed in his eyes.

For some reason, he no longer fears Ling Xiao now.

Even instinctively feels that the latter will not do anything to hurt him.

Otherwise, why should he spend so much time and cut himself with a single sword.

“Do you think that your Yin-Yang Pill Sea is the best in the world?”

Ling Xiao said indifferently, and suddenly shook his palm, and saw a cloud of golden light instantly appear in front of Ling Tian, ​​which was actually a sea of ​​pill.

“Let me show you, my Dan Hai.”

“this is…”

Ling Tian’s eyes condensed slightly, he had never seen such a golden sea of ​​Dan Hai.

The fluctuations circulating on it actually aroused the resonance of Dao Ze in his body!

how is this possible?

“This sea is called Jiuzhong Danhai, which is comparable to a saint. It was originally in my body, so you think…why do I have to suffer the pain of changing the sea and use your one…waste Danhai?”

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