Chapter 260 Mysterious Girl

“Swish swish!”

The sound of breaking wind resounded from the sky instantly.

In the sky above Wudao Mountain, colorful streamers bloomed, and countless figures turned into Changhong and swept towards the secret realm.

Ling Xiao raised his head and glanced at Xia Chen and Lin Xi in the distant crowd, a smile suddenly appeared at the corner of his mouth.

It’s up to you, my treasure hunt team.

“Let’s go too.”

Just as Ling Xiao stepped forward, his eyes condensed quietly when he was about to walk towards the entrance. When he turned his head, he happened to see Nian Qingyun standing in the sky, looking at him with a complex expression.

Today’s Nian Qingjun, although still looks absolutely cold.

But the fluctuations in his body were too ups and downs, which was obviously caused by the collapse of Dao Heart.

And Ling Xiao just nodded at her politely and smiled, then turned to look away.

“Master Ling Xiao.”

Suddenly there was a soft call from a distance, and saw a shadow in a red dress walking slowly, and soon arrived in front of Ling Xiao.

“Girl Su Yan.”

Ling Xiao raised his brows lightly, this was really…someone sent a pillow when he wanted to sleep.

Nian Qingjun’s heart collapsed, but it was clear that there was still a trace of confusion and hesitation in her heart.

If you want to get rid of all the confusion and hesitation, you can’t rush it, and…give her a little depression, a little heartbreak, and then a big surprise suddenly.

At that time, posture or something, it is bound to be able to unlock more.

It hurts her and makes her sore, and then put her aside.

With less expectation, everything you care about will be cherished.

“My son, the secret is open, please take care of me.”

Behind Su Yan stood several ancient Tianjiao who were not weak in aura, obviously some licking dogs who wanted to follow her.

At this moment, they looked at Ling Xiao’s gaze, with awe and jealousy. In short, it was very complicated.


We have licked Miss Su Yan for so long, and we have never seen her talk and laugh with us so politely.

Why did she show a completely different attitude when she saw you?

Isn’t you Ling Xiao a little more handsome than us, a little better than us, and a little more background than us?

But can you give Miss Su Yan all the sincerity?

Hmph, after a long time, the lady will definitely want to understand!

“Girl Su joked. With these licks behind you…arrogant, I’m afraid it won’t be necessary for Ling to take care of it.”

Ling Xiao smiled slightly. Although the tone was not right, it was extremely useful to everyone’s ears.

He…he called us Tianjiao?

It seems that this descendant of the Ling clan is not as arrogant and presumptuous as the rumors!

“Let’s go, let’s talk about Advanced Secret Realm.”

Ling Xiao raised his foot and swept forward first. Behind him, Su Yan smiled and followed.

In the distance, Nian Qingjun’s eyes were bitter, and Yu’s hand unconsciously grasped the cage.

It’s just the bottom of my heart, but I can’t help but sigh lightly.

Nian Qingyun, why do you feel sad, isn’t this what you want?

You are finally no longer someone’s fiancée, and finally, in front of the entire Dongjiang Tianjiao, you have cut off the unfavorable relationship with him.

Why! !

Do you feel lost again? !

“Perhaps, this is my…fate.”

In the end, Nian Qingjun just watched Ling Xiao walk away and disappear with clear eyes, then lifted his foot towards the entrance of the secret realm.

“Miss Goddess, why don’t we…walk together?”

At this moment, among the crowd, Xia Chen suddenly raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, and took the initiative to move to Nian Qingyun’s side, with a gentle and authentic appearance.

It seemed that although this Nian Qingyun was indifferent on the surface, she still had a trace of affection for Na Ling Xiao.

But now, the marriage contract between the two is annulled, I am afraid this Taoist goddess must be a little lonely in her heart at this time?


My chance seems to have come.

The best way to forget one person is not to fall in love with another person?

Nian Qingyun, I am willing to heal you! !


only! !

Just when Xia Chen tried to put on a gentle and caring appearance, in front of him, Qingyun only said the word coldly and disappeared.

Damn it?

So ruthless!

The smile on Xia Chen’s face was completely solidified before it dissipated!

Bitch! ! Really shameless!

Now you and Ling Xiao have cut off the relationship, and completely broke off on the top of Enlightenment Mountain.

How dare to be so arrogant!

It seems that the soft ones are not good, but the hard ones should be used!

The gloomy eyes in Xia Chen’s eyes, especially in front of Shui Yue’er, broke his noble self-esteem.

In the end, he didn’t say much, followed the crowd and stepped into the secret realm.

It wasn’t until all one hundred and sixty Tianjiao evildoers entered the secret realm that the Enlightenment Mountain deep prescription walked out of a figure, and disappeared in the direction of the entrance in a flash.


As Ling Xiao and the others stepped into Lingxuan, they only felt dizzy in their minds.

When I opened my eyes again, I saw Lingshan engulfed in the distance, and ancient trees became forests.

The dense aura like a tide fills the whole secret realm, and even breathing makes people feel extremely comfortable.

It is worthy of being the No. 1 Secret Realm in Eastern Xinjiang, and this aura alone is enough to make people feel refreshed.


Suddenly, Ling Xiao felt that there was a problem with Taixuan Dao Sect.

Guarding such an ancient spiritual land, but always hidden from the world.

Could it be that there are other secrets hidden in this land of the emperor’s fall?

Ling Xiao raised his head and glanced at the falling figures around him.

This secret realm did not disperse the disciples who entered it on their own, as described by the predecessors.

The crowd gathered in one place, in groups of three to five, to beware of each other.

Feeling Ling Xiao’s gaze, many ancient Tianjiao had already thrown away the girls, rushing towards the distance frantically.

“Which direction is Young Master Ling Xiao going?”

Su Yan stood beside Ling Xiao and asked softly.

“I plan to go to the north and have a look.”

“Haha, it’s not a coincidence, Su Yan wants to go to the south to take a look.”

A touch of loss flashed across Su Yan’s face, but his eyes flickered slyly.

Of course, how could Ling Xiao not know what she was thinking at this time.

Follow him, afraid that the soup will not be able to drink.

But fortunately, he didn’t intend to walk with people. After all, what he had to do was not only harvest good luck, but also… harvest human lives.

It’s always a little inconvenient to have others around.

Sheep flock, beasts can only walk alone! !

“Haha, it’s very unfortunate, then girl Su, we can only see each other in one month. Then, how about I show the girl my sunniest thing? Maybe the girl…would like it?”

Ling Xiao smiled evilly, and a flash of surprise flashed in Su Yan’s beautiful eyes.

Isn’t it… he has insight into what I think?

“Okay, okay, it’s settled, the son… Be careful, we’ll see you later.”

In the end, Su Yan just nodded and chuckled.


Just now! !

Above the sky, there was a soft drink suddenly!

“Which is Ling Xiao?!”


Hearing the sound, the group of Tianjiao evildoers who had fled with their legs suddenly stopped, and turned their heads to look in the air.

But I saw a beautiful girl in a black dress, standing in the air with her waist pinched, looking down at the crowd with pride.

“Fortunately caught up.”

The girl looked fifteen or sixteen years old, and although her small face was a little immature, she had already seen the beauty of the city.

White and delicate, pink and jade carved, the temperament of his body is even more ethereal, full of immortal luck.

Especially the black spear in her hand, which was almost three feet longer than her. At this time, she was holding it in her hand, which was really strange and shocking.

“Who is this little girl? What she just called…Ling Xiao?”

“Okay…it seems to be…”

“She is not from Dongjiang, right?”

“Gan! At this point, you are not from Dongjiang, otherwise, why rush to die?”

“But she is not from Dongjiang, so how did she come into the secret realm.”


Everyone’s eyes were filled with doubts and gloating.

It seems that there is a good show to watch again?

Good luck or something, you can’t run away again!

I missed this good show, but I might not see it!

The people who were in a hurry to run away also turned back far away and stood at the entrance again, their expressions indifferent, as if they had never left.


Ling Xiao’s eyes condensed slightly, and she looked up at the girl on top of her head, but the corners of her mouth raised a faint smile.

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