Chapter 259

Enlightenment in the city.

Ling Xiao returned to the restaurant and sat at the table alone.

Behind him, Xiao Tu and Fu Yunyao both looked at the young man in awe.

In today’s battle, Ling Xiao’s prestige is completely resounding in Eastern Xinjiang.

Whether it was him crushing Xia Chen with a palm or double-fisting the old Han Bi who was in the late stage of breaking the delusion, people could see the peerless demeanor of a young prince.

Although Ling Xiao was seriously injured in the battle with the Nian Goddess, she probably shed three liters of blood, but it was clear that the son was hurt by love and was willing to be stabbed.

Infatuated with Ling Shao, he became famous in the first battle.

Suddenly, countless arrogant girls’ worries about Ling Xiao’s fierce reputation were also wiped out in an instant.

Such a fierce, domineering and infatuated peerless son is simply the standard for the dreamer.

Especially… Young Master Ling Xiao, as a descendant of the Ling Clan, seemed to have the momentum to aspire to the first Young Master in Eastern Xinjiang.

Even Taixuan Taoism, if you really go to war with the Ling clan, I’m afraid it won’t be able to fight.

After all, the three emperors and ten kings of the Ling clan are not vegetarians, and it is a common occurrence in the path of comprehension that punching the master to death indiscriminately.

Although, this son of Ling Xiao has always been the title of the Sea King Scum.

But it’s very inexplicable… I want to be scummed by him!

“How is your injury?”

Ling Xiao raised his head and glanced at Xiao Tu, his face always calm.

“It’s okay, thank you young master.”

Xiao Tu bowed down with a humble attitude.

If it hadn’t been for Ling Xiao to take action today, he would have died in Xia Chen’s hands 100% of the time.

But even so, the pain of broken bones all over his body still made his breath a little sluggish.

“After entering the secret realm, you and Senior Sister Yun Yao can explore the periphery, and there is no need for you to fight for good luck.”

Ling Xiao nodded.

This Xiao Tu had some luck, but it was obviously far from Xia Chen.

Besides, there are only four people who have entered the land of the emperor’s fall this time.

The good fortune in the ruins was mostly prepared for them.

Ling Xiao only needs to pay close attention to the movements of Lin Xi, Xia Chen, and Su Yan, and harvest the leeks when the time is right.

As for Nian Qingyun…

Dao Xin was shattered, and she was afraid that her cultivation level would inevitably be damaged. If there is a chance for a hero to save the United States at that time, almost Ling Xiao will be able to completely take her down.

Even if there is no opportunity, we can create opportunities.

“Yes! Young Master!”

Fu Yunyao and Xiao Tu nodded and said yes, while Ling Xiao’s figure disappeared in place.

Enlightenment City, in a dark corner.

Shui Yue’er looked at the teenager in front of her with fear, and her beautiful eyes revealed confusion.

“Then Xia Chen ever suspicious of you?”

“No, Master, Xia Chen has completely trusted me now, and promised to enter the secret realm this time, and get good luck to share with me.”

There was no expression on Shui Yue’er’s face, like a walking corpse.

“Get good fortune? Does he know what kind of good fortune is hidden in the land of the emperor’s fall?”

“I don’t know, I listen to him, it seems that Lin Xi knows something, so he plans to let me seduce Lin Xi and act as a hidden son.”

“Oh? This Xia Chen is really insidious, but what he said is reasonable. When you enter the secret realm, you will find a way to get close to Lin Xi, stay with him, and be at my disposal at any time. As for Xia Chen…hehe.”

Ling Xiaosen sneered. It was Shui Yueer who led Lin Xi to meet the scene where Xia Chen molested Nian Qingyun.

Therefore, the young man playing with the fire should have a trace of gratitude for this Yin Brahma saint.

Following Lin Xi by her can also save Ling Xiao’s energy.

After all, his purpose in this trip is not just to cut these leeks.

In the secret realm of the Taixuan Taoist school, a murderer and blood-drinking demon appeared.

Then leave a few livelihoods appropriately to witness Taoism transforming demons with your own eyes.

If you want to come, it will be enough for Taixuan Dao Sect to be busy for a while.

In the end, how the Holy Church made a decision was not what Ling Xiao had to consider.

What he has to do is to create sufficient alibi for himself!

Then, by the way, find an opportunity to crush that Taixuan Daozi… to death.

Death has no evidence, and it has always been the highest state of framing.

You said you were not, did I say you were?

I just think Tai Xuan Dao Sect is too mysterious, there is no need for existence.

The saints act like that.

At this moment, in the depths of the mountain, a thin figure was sitting in the cave, and there seemed to be flames beating all over.

“Ling Lao… Tomorrow will be the day when the secret realm opens.”

The look in Lin Xi’s eyes was gloomy, especially the scene where Ling Xiao beat Han Bi to death with two fists today, which made him feel a bit of doubt in his heart.

Even if the second spirit fire is integrated, can I really beat him?

Shall we continue to tolerate a wave, wait until the burning of the scriptures is achieved, and then be ashamed?

“Well, I still remember the approximate location of the ancient emperor’s ruins. Don’t worry, Xi’er. Only I can break the barrier inside and open the ruins. You need to use…”

Halfway through Ling’s old saying, there was no movement suddenly.

For a moment, Lin Xi thought this old thing was belching.


Isn’t it old Ling?

Don’t pull your hips at the critical moment.

“Ling… old?”

“Xi’er, I suddenly remembered that, just in case, when I planted the enchantment, I used the ancient green magic cauldron as the front line. If I were in full prosperity…”

I’m gonna! ! !

Lin Xi’s face was taken aback, almost cursing.

You bad old man, you said you didn’t collude with Ling Xiao?

Your mother has even sent the key to the secret realm! !

“Then… Ling Lao, how can this be good?”

But no matter how angry he was, Lin Xi didn’t dare to really tear his face with Ling Lao.

After all, now that the secret realm is about to open, he still needs this old thing to point him in the direction.

Without grandpa, let alone Ling Xiao, he was afraid that Shui Yueer would not be able to beat it!

“Xier, don’t panic, there are survivors guarding the ruins. Even if Ling Xiao enters, they won’t necessarily be able to take advantage of it. Then we can take advantage of the chaos to fish. Of course, if it is a last resort, I can also open the ruins. It’s just…I’m afraid I’m leaving you soon.”

Ling Lao’s voice was a little tired, and Lin Xi nodded without speaking.

Now it seems that it can only be one step at a time.

One night, in the blink of an eye.

On the second day, the sky was just bright, and a spiritual wind swept across the sky over the city of Enlightenment.

Countless figures turned into streamers and headed towards the Supreme Profound Dao Sect.

At the same time, on the top of the mountain, a vortex of spiritual power seemed to evolve from the void, with a faint fairy light spreading, unspeakably mysterious and terrible.

Ling Xiao stood in front of the crowd, beside him, Fu Yunyao and Xiao Tu’s faces were full of joy.

The first secret realm in Eastern Xinjiang will be completely opened today.

Although, most of the Tianjiao present know that the good fortune inside, most of them will not be on their heads.

But this Xiantu was originally an experience, so much experience, and the tempering of Taoxin cultivation is very beneficial.

What’s more, it is a great honor for many Tianjiao evildoers to be qualified to enter the secret realm.

“I remind you again, once someone takes a chance and takes a strong person into the secret realm, and their cultivation reaches the level of the gods, they will surely be noticed by the survivors. At that time, no matter what your identity is, I am afraid that you will not be able to get out of this place. .”

Taixuan Dao Master’s figure appeared from the side of the spirit wheel, staring at the ancient clan Tianjiao with majestic eyes, and said in a cold voice.

“If there is nothing wrong, just go in.”

When the words fell, I saw a sudden wave of his palm, and the spirit wheel whirlpool instantly spurred and revolved, like the house of reincarnation, blooming with endless brilliance.

At the same time, a breath that seemed to come from the past, quietly diffused, shocking the hearts of countless people.

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