Chapter 252


Fortunately, he didn’t fall asleep while taking advantage of the wind chimes, thinking about other things.

Otherwise, I am afraid that tomorrow’s Wanzong Huiwu will have an extra quota.

That kind of suppressive power just now is not spiritual power, nor is it a Taoist power, it’s more like a source of power!


Except for the evolving origin of the heavenly path, what is there in this world that can directly cultivate the origin?

At this moment, Ling Xiao’s face was inexplicably serious.

It’s more terrible!

The image of this wind chime in his heart is now beyond the scope of the devil.

But such a powerful loli… but she is someone who has never been in the world.

The simpler and purer the character, the harder it is to master it.

But those who have experienced setbacks, even if they have no time for Taoism, will still have desires after all.

The wind chimes are different. It seems that she has never walked out of the Liuli Ancient Pagoda, so everything in the world is pure and white to her.

For such a person, it is difficult for you to really lure them with anything.

After all, she didn’t even know what was precious or ordinary.


Ling Xiao sighed, didn’t dare to lightly move the wind chime, turned around and walked to the window, closed his eyes and went to practice.

The second day.

As the day lightened, Ling Xiao’s eyes suddenly opened.

The space in the entire room oscillated for a moment, but Feng Ling disappeared before his eyes.


Ling Xiao frowned slightly, and his figure appeared in the Demon Suppression Tower for an instant.


Just before his figure fell to the ground, a stern roar came instantly, making Ling Xiao’s body tremble with fright, and he almost swung a knife on the spot!

“You fucking…”

Ling Xiao gritted his teeth fiercely, and when he turned his head to look around, his eyes suddenly widened.

At this moment, Mi Yong’s figure stood in an extremely embarrassed position behind him.

A monkey face was swollen into a pig’s head!

“Why…what’s the matter?”

Ever since Ling Xiao put the Liuli Ancient Pagoda into the Soul Palace, although the wind chime’s spirit prying has been blocked, the spirit of Mi Yong and others have also been isolated from it.

Is it the double shadow… or the three-story demon monk?


Miyong knelt on the ground with a thump, embraced Ling Xiao’s thighs with both hands, and wailed loudly, “Lord, I beg you, in the future, don’t let Master Feng Ling drink any more!!!”


Ling Xiao opened his mouth slightly and looked at Mi Yong with an incredible expression, “You mean…”

“Master Feng Ling came back last night and insisted on making gestures with me… Oh, my lord, I beg you, don’t let the adults drink anymore!!”


Ling Xiao suddenly shed a cold sweat on his head. It seemed that this girl’s wine did not seem to be very good.

It seems that you have to change your strategy in the future.

Otherwise, one day she will have to make gestures with herself, won’t she be beaten to death?

Can beat Miyong of the eighth grade of Shenhou like this, that little girl’s combat power…


“Little Lord!”

Xiao Tu’s voice came from outside the door, Ling Xiao’s eyes condensed slightly, and he withdrew from the tower, looking at Xiao Tu and Fu Yunyao standing in front of him, his expressions were inexplicably heavy.

With his strength, naturally he didn’t pay attention to this group of Dongjiang Tianjiao.

Even if Xia Chen had a hole card that even the god emperor coveted, he wouldn’t dare to use it easily if it wasn’t the time of life or death.

As for Nian Qingyun…

Now that Ling Xiao is a strong god, and the three ways are close to him, how can Nian Qingyun be his opponent even if his luck is high?


Today Xiao Tu is bound to challenge Xia Chen, and the strength of the former, this battle is afraid that it will be more fortunate.

I just don’t know, can Xiao Tu use means to force Xia Chen to expose that trump card?

“Xiao Tu, in today’s battle, don’t act too hastily. You can’t kill Xia Chen. I can kill you and save your life.”

Ling Xiao glanced at Xiao Tu deeply, then turned and walked outside the building.

Hearing this, a gloomy flash suddenly flashed in the latter’s eyes.

How didn’t he know that he was not Xia Chen’s opponent, but he had some grudges, and others had avenged him, so he wasn’t happy enough!

Today’s Wudao Mountain, the sky is full of fairy clouds, the divine sound is vast, and it is a lively scene.

In front of that mountain hall, a bluestone battle platform of thousands of feet appeared out of thin air, and its upper part was faintly divided into eight areas.

There is also a high platform in the middle, which can accommodate as many as a hundred people.

Taixuan Dao Master and all Dao Sect elders stood in front of the main hall, staring coldly at the countless Tianjiao evildoers in front of them.

Today, after the meeting of martial arts, the secret realm opens.

I just don’t know, how many lives, deaths, and victories of these young people in Eastern Xinjiang?

“Oh, so many people.”

Ling Xiao’s figure descended from the sky, looking at the crowds in front of him, with a smile on his face.

Among these thousand people, although there are some unlucky people, they can be compared with Xia Chen, Nian Qingyun and others, but they are also far behind.

After Lin Xi was hidden in the crowd, he changed his appearance.

This leek is almost mature, and this secret realm is the beginning of his reincarnation.


It wasn’t until the sky was high above the sky that the voice of Taixuan Dao Master came leisurely.

Suddenly, Zhong Tianjiao only felt that the sea trembled, and the shock was already seen in his eyes.

Worthy of being the first emperor of Eastern Xinjiang, all words and deeds contain supreme majesty.

But at this moment, Ling Xiao’s mouth raised a smile inexplicably.

After the Secret Realm, this Taixuan Dao Sect was afraid that it would be a matter of trouble.

It doesn’t matter whether Taixuan Daozi can enter the secret realm, it’s always Duel Ying who wants to enter.

By the time…

Daozi don’t wow! !

Daozi is true, the devil! !

“The Wanzong Huiwu will be opened today, but this year, there are too many people, so… I am too Xuan Dao Sect decided to change the rules, you wait… Do you have any comments?”

As far as Taixuan Dao’s eyes came, all Tianjiao evildoers bowed their heads.

“A battle platform, eight areas, I will put you into it right away. In the end, 20 people who can stand on each area can go to the central battle platform to decide the place and win fame and treasure. Of course, this One hundred and sixty Tianjiao will also have the opportunity to enter the land of the emperor’s fall.”

“Emperor Fallen Land? Is this the real name of that secret realm?”

Numerous Tianjiao suddenly changed their expressions.

Compared with the title of Tianyuan Secret Realm, it is obvious that the land of the emperor’s fall is more compelling and… even more shocking!


Since it is the Fall of the Emperor, I am afraid that there must be inheritance in it, but why the Supreme Profound Dao Sect has been guarding for hundreds of years, but has not taken it as his own?

“Tao Master, the disciple doesn’t understand. In this way, even if a disciple who is powerful but has no background, wouldn’t he face the situation of being beaten by a group?”

Among the crowd, Tianjiao suddenly took a step forward and confronted Taixuan Dao Master.

And beside him, Lin Xi also took steps, obviously wanting to express his opinions, but he was rushed by others.


Why is it never my turn to show off?

“Very good! You are right. You can go down the mountain. Does anyone have an opinion?”

The Supreme Profound Daoist didn’t even explain a word, and with a wave of his palm, he saw the Tianjiao disciple who was still filled with righteous indignation, and his figure instantly disappeared in place.


Beside him, Lin Xi swallowed fiercely, and then quietly moved back.

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