Chapter 251

“What do you know, this worry-free medicine, also known as the solution to the thousand sorrows, one cup of ecstasy, two cups of ecstasy, three cups of enlightenment, only three cups, and the way of heaven is your grandson.”

Ling Xiao took out another jade lamp from Qiankun Ring and placed it in front of Feng Ling, a flash of evil suddenly flashed in his eyes.

This little girl has obviously never drunk alcohol.

Why…get her drunk and explore her details?

“Relieve Qian’s sorrow? Can you become enlightened? Is it such a miraculous thing?”

A look of surprise flashed across Feng Ling’s face, and then he stared at Ling Xiao suspiciously.

“Why do you look at me like that…”

Ling Xiao smiled awkwardly, this little girl, didn’t she see through his intentions?

“Three cups? Can you fight with you like your fiancée after drinking?”

There was a flash of excitement in Feng Ling’s big black eyes.

Obviously, she was quite curious about that kind of battle.

“Uh…whether you fight or not, it depends… your mood, but you, why have you been there recently, why haven’t you seen me?”

“Huh! The spiritual material you gave me last time, I just ate it up and I have been sleeping recently.”

Feng Ling snorted coldly. Of course she couldn’t admit that it was because Ling Xiao blocked her spiritual sense and was angry.

Otherwise, wouldn’t it be very shameless.

“It’s for you?!”

Ling Xiao curled his lips. When did I give you the fuck?

Is Qiandu said so fresh and refined now?

“Actually, it doesn’t matter anymore. Come and taste my sorrow.”

Ling Xiao took out the wine jar and filled Feng Ling with a glass.

The latter suddenly frowned and took a sip.

Not to mention, this medicine is really interesting, the spiritual power contained in it is a bit richer than the spiritual materials she eats.

“Just now on that mountain top, what did you see?”

Just as Ling Xiao watched Feng Ling drinking insidiously, the little girl suddenly raised her head and glanced at him.

“Huh? Why do you look at me like this?”

“Ah, I, haha, hahaha, the way you drink the medicine is kind of cute.”

Ling Xiao smiled awkwardly.


If you don’t concentrate on drinking, you just can’t achieve great things at first sight.

“Huh, just now you looked strange on the top of the mountain, but…it was also a little scary.”

Feng Ling ignored Ling Xiao, sipping the immortal brew in the cup one by one.

Gradually, her pretty face turned a little red, and a pair of black eyes was rarely confused.

“How did you know?”

Upon hearing this, Ling Xiao’s expression trembled.

He clearly blocked the spiritual consciousness of Feng Ling, how could she know what happened today?

For this mysterious girl, he is not kind and unwilling to do anything to her.

It is really a Nine-Layer Great Demon, he is not emboldened enough.

Whether it is Taixuan Dao master or Daozi, it is still possible to lay out plots.

But this girl stayed in the Demon Suppressing Tower all day long, her breath was ethereal, and even the great demon who was good at illusion, Duan Ying, was played with applause by her.

Ling Xiao was afraid that once he showed hostility, he would be killed by Feng Ling.

“Since you went up the mountain, I came out.”

Feng Ling glanced at Ling Xiao disapprovingly, a faint smile on his face.

That’s it!

Every time I see this guy panicking and hesitating, I feel a little happy inexplicably!

Hmph, let you throw me into the broken stone, block my soul, and see how I can clean you up!

“You… came out? Can you see the mystery on the jade wall?”


Feng Ling shook her head, but when Ling Xiao was disappointed, her face raised a touch of cunning.

“However, there is a familiar aura in the old man and the young man next to him.”


In an instant, Ling Xiao’s expression was completely dull.

A breath that can make Feng Ling familiar?

Either… it’s a demon, or it’s… a demon slayer!

In Ling Xiao’s mind, the scene he saw on the stone wall began to emerge.

The blood blossoms that bloomed from the fall of thousands of creatures were the most splendid slaughter he had ever seen in his life.

However, those four creatures that have not moved are obviously the beginning of this battle.

Moreover, according to Ling Xiao’s thoughts, most of the magic shadow on the top of the mountain had fallen.

Otherwise, how can the legend of the gods and the four gods be left behind?

“who are they?”

Ling Xiao took a deep breath, her eyes revealing coldness.

“Why should I tell you.”

Feng Ling sneered, raised his head and poured all the fairy brew into his mouth.

“Uh, haha, wind chimes, how about my medicine?”

Ling Xiao raised his brows slightly, little girl, I will get you drunk later, I don’t believe you don’t tell me honestly.

Even Ling Xiao is already considering whether to put something fun in this wine?

But in an instant he dismissed the idea.

On that day, he prescribed Nian Qingjun because he had the ability to completely control the situation.

In other words, even if Nian Qingyun noticed the abnormality, she would not be Ling Xiao’s opponent.

But in front of this girl from the ninth floor of the ancient pagoda, Ling Xiao didn’t have the slightest confidence to deal with it.

Once the current relationship was destroyed, Ling Xiao couldn’t guess what would happen next, or said he didn’t dare to take any risks.

“Yes, I really feel full of energy after drinking.”

Feng Ling’s little head was dizzy with her husband, but he felt that this solution of Qian’s sorrow was really a good thing.

After drinking, there is a feeling of ecstasy.

For Feng Ling, this feeling is novel, wonderful, and joyful.

Thousands of loneliness, immutable darkness.

Sadness or joy is not much different.

It wasn’t until she met Ling Xiao that she felt that this tower had color.

“Come on, drink more, let me tell you, this elixir, I only drink it with my best friend, it is very precious.”


Feng Ling did not suspect that he was there, and drank nine cups of immortal brew again, his face flushed, and his eyes were full of confusion.

“Wind chimes, now you can tell me who the Supreme Profound Dao Master and Dao Zi are?”

Seeing that the time was almost ripe, Ling Xiao’s face suddenly raised a gloomy expression, and asked in a soft voice in Feng Chime’s ear.

“Huh? They…they are…”

Before Feng Ling had finished speaking, he suddenly tilted his body and fell directly to the ground, breathing evenly in his mouth.


Ling Xiao’s eyes condensed, his mouth opened slightly, and he couldn’t react for a while.

Gan! !

This girl is actually drunk! !

At this time, Ling Xiao couldn’t wait to kick the girl on the ground awake, but finally told him rationally that once he did that, the book might be over.

Immediately leaned down and punched Fengling’s chest with his fist, “Hey, hey, wake up!”


At this moment, Feng Ling suddenly burst into a terrifying trend, such as the suppression of mountains and the overturning of heaven and earth. With just one strand, Ling Xiao was overturned to the ground.

The whole restaurant, instantly resounded with countless breaking winds.

There are even some charming girls, even the clothes are in the future, and they fled to the street embarrassedly, attracting countless justice eyes.


“Smelly rascal!! Don’t look at it!!”

“Stupid girl!! Don’t cover it there, it’s the same there, cover your face!!”

“The volatility just now…Is someone crazy?”

“Not necessarily, it may be some quirks…”

“It’s terrible, I just peeed!”

Countless monks stood on the street, looking up at the top of the restaurant, with a strong sense of fear in their eyes.


Ling Xiao swallowed fiercely and climbed up from the ground embarrassedly, his eyes filled with shock.

But Feng Ling just turned his body, changed a more comfortable posture, and fell asleep.

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