Chapter 249-Demon Shadow in the Wall

“Hehe, lady, you came really early, don’t you want to see me?”

Just as Nian Qingyun was meditating to herself, there was another faint smile in the distance.

I saw Ling Xiao’s figure falling from the sky, the unparalleled rays of light, and the full of charm, instantly attracted the attention of countless people present.

“You… don’t come over!”

Nian Qingyun’s pretty face was slightly cold, and she instinctively stepped back, keeping a distance of three feet from Ling Xiao.

“Lady, what’s the matter with you? Why are you so indifferent to me after not seeing you for a few days?”

The corner of Ling Xiao’s mouth raised a wicked smile, so scared that Nian Qingyun almost released her spiritual power and fled on the spot.

“Since…everyone is almost there, let me follow.”

In the Taoist palace, an old figure suddenly walked out, an ink-colored Taoist robe showing the bones of character, and a solemn expression on his face.

Especially those old and deep eyes, it makes people see a touch of ancient Taoist rhyme.

“It turned out to be the Taoist master!”

Countless ancient sect Tianjiao instantly changed their expressions and bowed to the old figure.

Just about this, the first emperor of Eastern Xinjiang ignored it, turned and walked towards the distant mountains, his face always despising the common people with indifference.

Behind him, all Tianjiao followed closely, with great momentum.

“Xia Chen didn’t come?”

Xiao Tu stood beside Ling Xiao, with some doubts in his eyes.

“Hehe, since this phaseless jade wall can see past and present lives, Xia Chen is probably afraid to come.”

Ling Xiao shook his head and smiled, the strong robbed the house, Xia Chen would not dare to expose such secrets easily.

Otherwise, once the Qingyang Divine Emperor knows it, it will inevitably be another disaster.

Although the boundary barrier is not easy to break, the most common thing in the world is accidents.

Can it live, isn’t it fragrant?

Until the crowd reached the depths of the mountain, at the end of the line of sight, a piece of spiritual energy filled the place, and an ancient stone wall that looked like a sky curtain stood quietly.

The golden light overflows on it, and the illusion is superimposed, revealing infinite mystery.

“Is this the Wuxiang Jade Wall?”

Many ancient Tianjiao are obsessed and look a little anxious.

After all, although this kind of thing is a legend, some people will always think that they are the luckiest one.

Probability has always been an opportunity for profit.

“Enlightenment once? Past and present?”

In the crowd, Ling Xiao shook his head and smiled.

Since this wall is so mysterious, why does Taixuan Dao master still live here in seclusion?

Indifferent to fame and fortune?

What is Dao’s heart?

Stop teasing, if a person has the strength, what he wants must be the master of heaven and earth.

“Everyone, let the gods and souls enter this wall, you can communicate the profound meaning, whether you can enlighten the way, it depends on your chance.”

Taixuan Dao master waved his palm, and saw the spiritual mist covering the jade wall instantly dissipate.

The Sanskrit sound of the Great Dao rang suddenly, resounding 30,000 li in an endless stream.

On the top of the enlightened mountain, a divine rainbow fell from the sky, covering the sky.

The countless ancient sect Tianjiao’s expressions trembled immediately, and they followed the main decree of the Taixuan Dao, letting their happy spirit enter the wall with their spirits.

Suddenly, there seemed to be mist rising on the phaseless jade wall, turning into an endless whirlpool, like a reincarnation illusion palace, blooming with dazzling fairy lights.

“This wall is changing in all kinds of things. Even if it is me, I have never fully comprehended. Whether it is bad or good, it depends on the definite number. Among the factors, only you can see it.”

When the words fell, Taixuan Dao Master turned around and wanted to leave.


Ling Xiao raised his head and glanced at the Taoist master.

At this time, the latter pair of old and deep eyes just looked at him.

Between the two staring at each other, Ling Xiao only felt black in front of him, and the magic in his body seemed to be drawn, and he wanted to gush out.


Ling Xiao’s face changed, and the power of the Tao Ze around her body was instantly surging, but there was a slight faint horror in her eyes.

Worthy of being the first god emperor of Eastern Xinjiang, even if he had ancient Pangu Stone guarding him in the sea of ​​knowledge, he almost lost his mind under his glance.

Moreover, why can he induce the magic in his body?

For an instant, a chill suddenly rose on the soles of Ling Xiao’s feet.

Since the journey, he has always been in control of the fate of others, and this is the first time that he has felt threatened.

Both Taixuan Daozi and the Taoist in front of him made him feel a sense of crisis unconsciously.

This feeling comes not only from the suppression of strength, but also from a panic of…out of control.

Sure enough, the journey might be too smooth and too easy.

Although Ling Xiao knew early in the morning, his celestial demon’s true body would be exposed sooner or later.

At that time, it will be a situation that the world cannot tolerate.

But for a long time, he seemed to think about this hidden danger too simply.

Ling Xiao originally thought that as long as he was more cautious and accumulated strength secretly, that day, he would easily resolve the risks.

The sacred religion is destroyed, no one dares to call him a demon.

But with the appearance of Taixuan Daozi, he only discovered that some things may not necessarily proceed as he thought.

Ease can only relax one’s vigilance.

Especially now, when his name appears more at the top of Dongjiang, it is bound to attract more attention.

Only the first emperor of Eastern Xinjiang, he still couldn’t compete, he didn’t dare to speculate.

What’s more, the Lord of the Holy Cult who controls the Holy State?

“You have to think of a way to do some layout in advance.”

Ling Xiao’s eyes condensed slightly, but his face had returned to calm.

The Master Taixuan also looked away and walked towards the distance.

“Previous life and present life? My soul wears here. I don’t know if this jade wall is seeing me or Ling Xiao himself?”

Ling Xiao pondered slightly, and finally raised his head to look at the weird stone wall, splitting a wisp of spirit, and rushing towards the stone wall.

Since Taixuan Dao Master has noticed him, I am afraid that he shrinks at this time, but it is even more obvious that there is a ghost in his heart.

Moreover, Ling Xiao didn’t believe in things like this in the past and this life, but he was also fearless.

He is a taboo physique in this life, not to say that he was also a taboo physique in his previous life.

Not to mention, his soul now comes from a place that is not understood by the world.

A ray of soul entered the wall, and it couldn’t affect his mind at all.


The ear-piercing buzzing sound resounded strangely in the Lingxiao Sea of ​​Knowledge.

Immediately afterwards, his figure suddenly appeared in an extremely strange space.

At the end of that space, a tens of thousands of high mountains rise above the sky.

A figure shrouded in magic light stood tall.

Beneath him, countless strange-looking creatures rushed in anger, like moths bashing into the fire, and on the whole body, there was a flawless divine light.

Farther away, four dazzling golden shadows stood in the void, and the whole body was vast and energetic, and they were looking coldly at the peak that was submerged by golden light.

At this moment, at the end of the line of sight, a black light suddenly tore through the sky.

I saw a black magic blade pierced through the void, slashing down in anger.

Time seems to stand still, and the world is sad for a moment.

And the thousands of creatures that were roaring and running suddenly stopped under the knife.

Then, Ling Xiao saw with horror, the blood flowers began to bloom, like the other side of the sea, gorgeous and enchanting.

In a short breath, all souls have fallen, and the blood has turned into a long river.

From beginning to end, the magic shadow on the mountain never moved a step.

It’s just that those deep bloody eyes, but at this moment, it seems to look at Ling Xiao through the ancients.


Ling Xiao’s eyes widened, and his whole body was almost unsteady as if being hit hard.

In the sea of ​​knowledge, the Primordial Demon Blade also pierced and screamed.

It seems to be telling, a sad past tens of thousands of years ago.

“Who is the Demon Shadow? Why can he… see me?!”

At this moment, Ling Xiao had never been confused before.

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