Chapter 248

“Su Yan?”

Ling Xiao frowned and picked up a piece of letterhead on the table, seeming to have a guess in his heart.

“Master Ling Xiao, Lin Xi is in this city with the emperor guarding the way behind him, so be careful.”

“The emperor protects the way?”

Ling Xiao shook his head and smiled, not only was it a god emperor, it was probably an ancient venerable.

It’s a pity that now he’s afraid that he won’t even be able to get out of the ring.

However, using his soul power to scare the Lingbao Pavilion Master should not be a problem.

“This Su Yan is a bit clever.”

Since Lin Xi exposed the existence of that old grandfather, I am afraid that Su Yan really did it on him.

Now the latter made a special trip to send a letter to remind him, naturally, to please Ling Xiao or… to avoid some unnecessary misunderstandings.


The two destined people who should have sentimental lines fell to today’s end just because of Ling Xiao’s anomaly.

If Ling Xiao expected it to be good, this line is probably…

Su Yan approached Lin Xi for an excuse, trying to snatch the spirit fire from him, but didn’t want to encounter danger in the secret realm, and happened to be rescued by the Son of Destiny.

In the end, Lin Xi was transformed into a secret realm, crushing a generation, and helping Su Yan to solve the suffering of the cold body, and the arrogant girl’s mind changed unconsciously.

As for now…

It’s hard to say that the arrogant girl’s mind has changed, but she will definitely not escape Ling Xiao’s palm.

Dongjiang Tianjiao, now all gathered here.

Except for Xia Chen and Su Yan, few of the remaining ancient sect evildoers can enter the eyes of the Lingxiao technique.

On the contrary, the Taixuan Daozi had a sense of reincarnation on his body, but he did not have luck.

“Could it be that a strong person deliberately blocked his luck?”

I can’t.

In this world, the strongest person is no more than a god emperor. No matter how strong the Supreme Profound Dao master is, I am afraid that he has not taken that step.

Moreover, even if he has the best means, how can he conceal the system?

It’s kind of weird.

This feeling of being out of control is really uncomfortable.

Blind man, breath of reincarnation, mysterious background.

In any book, this is by no means so simple.

What secret is hidden in this Supreme Profound Dao Sect?

Enlightenment to the top of the mountain.

The figure of Taixuan Daozi descended from the sky and into the temple.

At this moment, right above the hall, an old figure wearing a black robes opened his eyes instantly, and behind him, there seemed to be three Taoist figures looming.

The boundless and vast momentum dissipated in an instant, but the temple gate suddenly closed at this moment.

“Daozi, you are back!”

What is incredible is that at this time the terrifying old man suddenly stepped out, appeared in front of Taixuan Daozi for a moment, and then respectfully bowed down to him.

“Daozi goes here, can there be gains?”


Taixuan Daozi’s face was calm, but those dull eyes revealed a vicissitudes of life that did not belong to this age.

It seems to have gone through the ages, giving people a deep feeling of overlooking.


The old man’s eyes condensed slightly, and the whole hall instantly rippled, showing how shocking his heart should be at this time.

“The troubled times have come, but…I can’t see through this time, and the breath can’t be wrong, but…I can’t see through, and it feels strange that it’s him and not him.”

Taixuan Daozi sighed, his tone a little inexplicable.

“Yes… and no? What does Daozi say? There are still people in this world who can escape you…”

“Open the Wall of No Phase Illusion tomorrow, I want to see who he is.”

But Taixuan Daozi didn’t say much, raising his foot towards the depths of the hall.

The entire Enlightenment Mountain suddenly fell into a weird silence.

All the candlelights extinguished instantly, like an endless dead zone.

On the second day, the morning glow shattered on the edge of the day, and the enlightened mountain peak, there was also a divine light straight into the sky.

In the city of Enlightenment, people began to walk out of the pavilion and swept in the direction of the divine light in the distance.

Standing in front of the window, Ling Xiao looked at the endless stream of people on the street, his face always calm.

Xia Chen’s chess game was under his control.

But this Taixuan Daozi was a bit too mysterious.

“Is it because I think too much? That breath of reincarnation… not just as simple as Dao? The rebirth of the fairy king? Or am I… too sensitive.”

In the end, Ling Xiao still didn’t think clearly.

How can a person who is clearly contaminated with reincarnation be a waste of no luck?

In other words, if he had no luck, how could he comprehend such a terrifying Dao?

Three thousand avenues, five elements, wind and thunder are all trails.

Even though it can open the sky and crack the sea at the extreme point of cultivation, it is still a bit weaker than the principles of void, reincarnation, swallowing, and killing.

Especially the power of reincarnation, immortal and immortal, can be called vast.

“Little Lord.”

Outside the door, Xiao Tu’s voice suddenly came.

Ling Xiao sighed lightly, turned and walked outside the door.

Even in the principles of reincarnation, he never paid attention to it.

No matter how strong the Taixuan Daozi was, he could only break through the late stage realm.

He wants to kill him, and still doesn’t take too much effort.

“Let’s go, go to see and see the holy artifact of the Supreme Profound Dao Sect.”

Ling Xiao smiled indifferently, and his figure disappeared instantly.

According to the rumors, Taixuan Dao Sect avoided the world precisely because of the existence of walls and no phases.

It is said that this wall contains the meaning of no Taoism, which can glimpse the past and present lives, and you can comprehend the avenue through understanding.

It’s just that these gods have never been enlightened by outsiders.

Unexpectedly, the Taixuan Taoist School was so generous this time, and actively let go of the jade wall for the various Tianjiao to observe.

The main peak of enlightenment, the popularity is noisy.

Countless figures with tyrannical aura fell from the horizon and walked along the mountain.

In a short moment, thousands of figures gathered in front of the Taixuan Taoist Palace.

Almost all of these people came from various Dao lineages and ancient sects in Eastern Xinjiang, and they have the name of Tianjiao.

But in the end, there were only a hundred people who could enter that ancient secret realm.

Lin Xi hid in the crowd, her face changed to a new look.

Yesterday, he revealed his identity, which might have caused Xia Chen’s dissatisfaction.

Moreover, a person who can plot against a brother and a woman is naturally unreliable.


Ling Xiao suddenly appeared to fight Xia Chen last night, which was somewhat beyond his expectation.

It’s okay, let you fight a fish to die, it’s best to hurt both, when the time comes…

“Look, it’s the Taoist goddess Nian Qingyun.”

In the sky in the distance, a white figure suddenly fell, and the moonlight was melodious, and it was unspeakable.

“You don’t want to live anymore, quickly wipe the saliva from the corner of your mouth.”

“Can I see if it works?”

“Are you stupid? Last night, Yuanyue Shengzi showed his admiration for Nian Goddess, and the result was…”

“As a result, Young Master Ling Xiao’s face was smashed.”

“If the City Master of Enlightenment hadn’t appeared, then Xia Chen would probably be cold.”

Hearing what the crowd said, the eyebrows were slightly clustered, one person stood on the side of the crowd, and a faint surprise flashed in his beautiful eyes.

It turned out that Xia Chen fought Ling Xiao last night.

This bastard, really domineering, dare to humiliate the saint son of supreme morality.

But why is there a strange joy in my heart?

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