Chapter 223 Supreme Profound Dao Sect

“God… Demon?”

The demon monk’s eyes condensed slightly, one look at the Buddha’s light, one look at the magical intent, but his face was somewhat shocked.

“Give… Lord, wait… wait a minute!!”

“Huh? Didn’t the master say that there is no difference between life and death?”

Ling Xiao’s figure suddenly stopped in midair, and a smile flashed clearly in his eyes.

“The poor monk has a wish.”

The demon monk stood up, a flash of pain seemed to flash through his eyes.

“Hehe, what is your wish? Is it the obsession of a master to become a devil?”

Ling Xiao nodded and smiled, he had already seen that the demon monk had a sense of clinging in his heart.

This attachment is not extinguished, and it is difficult for him to enter reincarnation.

“How about becoming a demon, so what about becoming a Buddha? The person in my heart is dead, I should have let her go, but I… can’t let go of the hatred in my heart!”

The demon monk began to have awe-inspiring magical intent, and the golden eyes gradually turned into blood.

Around his body, boundless devilish energy swept away, and even the bone rosary on his chest flashed with demon blood.

The person in my heart is dead?

No wonder.

To become a demon from a Buddha must have experienced great pain and a great realization.

It’s just that Ling Xiao didn’t expect that the dignified monk would turn a demon because of his affection.

“I don’t know where is the hatred in the master’s heart?”

“Anyway, not in this world.”

The demon monk sighed, and took a deep look at Na Miyong and the double shadow.

He was originally a human body, with the highest Buddha nature, and he should have become a Buddhist leader.

Unexpectedly, under that lantern, he made a misfortune by mistake.

She is a hibiscus cultivating in the mountains.

Achieving Taoism, without causation, without causing evil, but can’t escape a demon’s name.

The demon fell in love with the monk, and the monk wanted to save her demon body, but on the day of Hibiscus enlightenment, Buddhism noticed her, cut her way, broke her spiritual root, did not enter into reincarnation, and did not cultivate cause and effect.

On that day, Buddhism had a devilish air, and the blood was like a sea.

A generation of sacred monks, who are in love with the devil, claim to be…innocent.


Under this temple, there is no more her.

“If you are willing to follow, I will help you step out of this tower and this world.

Ling Xiao’s face was always calm, and the demon monk finally bowed his head and chanted the Buddha’s horn.

“Fate and hate, the poor monk crosses by himself, if the donor can bring the poor monk out of this world, the poor monk can fulfill the three wishes of the donor.”

“Three wishes? Haha, I will help you lift the seal first, so you can practice here on weekdays.”

Ling Xiao shook his head and smiled, his hand prints changed, and the white bone rosary on the demon monk’s chest suddenly bloomed with golden brilliance, sacred and mysterious, indescribably weird.

“Thanks a lot.”

The demon monk just bends towards Ling Xiao indifferently, as if everything in this world is vain in his eyes.

I can’t understand it, and I can’t let it go.

“You two, practice as well.”

Ling Xiao turned his head and glanced at Miyong and Duan Ying, and the figure disappeared into place in a flash.

This demon monk is a bit interesting.

I just don’t know whether the person he hates today is still alive, and at what level.

As for the three wishes…

If I can save you, I can kill you.

Your attachment is a flaw.

Half a month, in the blink of an eye.

It was just this half a month, but it was the most chaotic period in the east of Shengzhou in the past 100 years.

Numerous ancient sects were involved in disputes for no reason. Every day, monks died on this eastern frontier.

Clouds shrouded the sky, and the earth, which has been at ease for hundreds of years, finally ushered in a mountain rain.

Somewhere, unknown space.

A graceful figure stood in the air, a red and black imperial robe hunting and hunting in the wind.

Under his feet, there are countless soldiers wearing golden armor, hundreds of thousands of them.

At the end of the line of sight, a wall of ten thousand feet rises up from the ground, straight through the sky.

“Emperor, Yunxiao City, here it is.”

Beside him, a middle-aged man wearing a black armor and a tall figure stood respectfully. His eyes were as bright as the scorching sun, and the breath of the whole body was indescribable.


The red-robed female emperor nodded slightly, her face covered with golden face, her clear eyes exposed under the mask, were like a Wang Qingquan, touching her heart.


The Black Armored Warlord respectfully saluted, and turned to leave.

At this moment, the female emperor’s eyes trembled suddenly and she almost couldn’t stand steady.



The iron-blooded army, which was originally raging, suddenly stopped, looking at the emperor shadow in the sky in panic, with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

“You lead them to continue to attack the city. Within three days, I will see the first level of the heavenly monarch.”

The red robe empress took a deep breath, and the shadow disappeared instantly.

It wasn’t until her figure appeared in a magnificent ancient temple in the mountains, that a pair of frost-like bright eyes flashed with a touch of surprise.

what happened?

In her realm, how could she suddenly feel dizzy and palpitations?

She had never experienced this kind of feeling.

Could it be… someone was poisoned?

But what poison is there in this world that can hurt her?

There are still a hundred years, that is, a thousand conquests, this time losing again, the eternal immortal dynasty will be completely at its end.

Maybe recently, I’m a little tired, and I’ve got a lot of sleep.

“Hey… I hope you can cut off love in this life and help me step into that realm.”

The Temple of All Paths, above the square.

Countless disciples looked solemn, looking at the three figures standing in front of the hall, their eyes revealed awe.

In three days, it will be the biggest event in East Xinjiang, Wanzong Huiwu.

At that time, the evil evildoers of East Xinjiang will gather, and everyone will have their own guesses about who will reach the top.

But if you ask the disciples of the Ten Thousand Dao Demon Sect, there is only one answer, Ling Xiao!

Invincible Xianzi, Tao is close to you.

This Demon Sect Young Master has already crushed a generation.

It’s just to get rid of Ling Xiao, the goddess Nian Qingjun, the son of Yuanyue Xia Chen, the young master of the ancient puppet sect Qiu Yi, the heir of the ancient Zhou family Zhou Yang, the goddess of Tianxu, the saint Hua Yun, and other great evildoers. , It is rumored that it is also the supreme immortal posture, the combat power is against the sky.

Tianjiao gathered, a grand event kicked off.

Of course, this world’s Tianjiao, the holy land ancient tribe occupies 70%.

There are also three levels of people with good luck, although they come from small clans, but their methods should not be underestimated.

There are always a few dark horses in every ten thousand martial arts conference.

For example, if Lin Xi hadn’t come to provocation on the day of Ling Xiao’s engagement, how many people in the entire Eastern Xinjiang knew that in this world, there is still a young man who can play with fire like this?

“In this martial arts meeting, the three of you will represent my Ten Thousand Dao Demon Sect. I hope you…will not humiliate my Demon Sect’s prestige.”

Wan Dao Demon Lord looked at Ling Xiao and the three indifferently, and there was no emotion in the demon eyes.

He believes that with Ling Xiao Tianzi, there is no one in the younger generation to be his opponent.

He only hoped that this little ancestor would go this time and be able to kill two less saint sect young masters and descendants of the ancient clan, so he would be satisfied.

“Yes! Sovereign! This time I will be the Demon Sect of the Ten Thousand Dao Demon Sect and establish a century-old reputation!”

Ling Xiao smiled brilliantly, and the whole Ten Thousand Ways Sacred Mountain suddenly burst into cheers.

“Young Master is invincible!!”

“Young Master Tianwei!!”

Jiulong pulls away and flees from the sky.

At the same time, in this eastern frontier land, countless tyrannical figures walked out of Yunshan, Dachuan, and Saint Clan toward the enlightened mountain in the middle of the eastern frontier.

There is the oldest sect in the entire Eastern Xinjiang, where Taixuan Dao Sect is located.

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