Chapter 222 Three-tiered monster

Ten Thousand Dao Demon Sect, Peak Peak Courtyard.

Ling Xiao held a cup of tea and gently sipped it.

Beside him, Xiao Tu stood quietly in the distance, with a strong awe in his eyes.

“So, the Wangchuan clan really led all the forces to fight against the ancient Sect of Saint Cloud?”

The corner of Ling Xiao’s mouth was a little playful, and he didn’t expect that at the end of the story, there would be waves again.

It’s a world of great controversy.

“Yes! Young Master, it is said that the Holy Cloud Divine Emperor had swallowed the entire cloud millet fairy sect secretly, and was beaten to vomit blood and fled by the master of all forces.”

Xiao Tu’s eyes condensed slightly.

It was too calm, and the young master was too calm.

Could it be that this…he had planned it a long time ago?

“Oh! Where did Yun Yao go?”

Ling Xiao drank his tea, seemingly dissatisfied.


Not a tea made by a beauty, it really lacks a hint of fragrance.

“Junior Sister Fu broke through the paradox in her retreat.”

Xiao Tu’s expression shrank, and now every trace of Ling Xiao’s emotions seemed to arouse his panic.

This feeling is not only due to the soul seal, but also the shock of the young man himself.

Before he knew it, he seemed to have been completely overwhelmed by Ling Xiao.

Even if there is no soul mark restriction now, he is afraid that he does not dare to have a half-hearted feeling towards this young master.

“Well, it’s less than half a month, and it’s time for Wanzong to martial arts. You shouldn’t go out during this time. You should study spiritism.”

Ling Xiao nodded, and found several spiritual materials for warming and nourishing spirits from his body and handed them to Xiao Tu’s hands.

The latter had a joy in his eyes and hurriedly bowed and bowed.

“Go ahead.”

Now that Yun Mi has a thousand years of age, it has also saved him a lot of villain value.

Anyway, there are so many treasures on his body that he is not used to win people’s hearts. Could it be used to… pretend to be force?


It wasn’t until Xiao Tu’s figure walked away that Ling Xiao waved his hand, set up his formation, and called out the system.

Now his luck value has reached 6000 points, although there is still a gap with Nian Qingyun, but it is much higher than most Tianjiao in the east of the holy state.

As for the villain value, it has accumulated to 30,000.

“System, Ten Thousand Ways, add some points.”

It’s time to take that step. As long as his cultivation becomes a master, I am afraid that among the younger generation of Dongjiang, no one will be his opponent.

As for whether there are peerless evildoers in Xijiang, Ling Xiao thinks there should be.

After all, the chaos there is by no means comparable to East Xinjiang.

And the real evildoer always needs the baptism of battle.


At the top of the Ten Thousand Dao Demon Mountain, suddenly there was a cloud overwhelming thousands of miles.

But Ling Xiao’s figure had already hid in the Liuli Pagoda.

The robbery clouds above his head suddenly gathered, and the dazzling robbery thunder fell from the sky.

It’s just that Ling Xiao didn’t see the slightest panic on her face, instead she faintly smiled.


The real body of the demon is manifested, wrapped in endless robbery.

Everything is back to peace.

Three days later, when Ling Xiao’s eyes suddenly opened, a terrifying wave of heart-palpitations swept away in an instant.

The billowing demon intent turned into a tide, rushing crazily in all directions.

If it weren’t for this glazed ancient pagoda to be an ancient treasure, I’m afraid this power alone would be enough to completely shatter the space.

“Congratulations, Lord!”

The double shadow and Mi Yong’s figure emerged from the side, and the eyes of the white-clothed boy were also filled with awe.

When I first saw it, Ling Xiao’s cultivation base was only in Xuanqing, but he didn’t expect that this was only a month, and he had directly crossed the two realms and entered the level of the gods.

What an enchanting speed is this?

In other words, the word evil is no longer able to describe this lord.

“God will be a product.”

Ling Xiao smiled indifferently, whether his cultivation base breakthrough also indicates that the third floor of this glazed glass tower can be opened.

Since that day, when Ling Xiao threw the Liuli Pagoda into the soul palace, the wind chime has not actively appeared again.

Except when he plundered the cloud and millet, this girl had swept away a lot of spiritual materials. So far, Ling Xiao hadn’t seen her again for several days.

It seems that I am angry.

“Let’s go, let me meet the three-layer seal demon.”

Ling Xiao smiled indifferently, he did not deliberately block the wind chime consciousness.

It was really that the origin of this girl was too mysterious, Ling Xiao didn’t dare to reveal too many secrets of herself before she figured out her identity.

The villain, most of them died of Tuo Da.


The seal at the entrance of the third floor quietly shattered.

The thunder light flickered in Ling Xiao’s eyes, and there was a whirlpool quietly spreading all over his body.

According to what he thought, these three levels of demons must have already set foot in the realm of the god king.

And since it was a great demon a thousand years ago, the methods must be extremely terrifying.

Even if the Bahuang Liuli Pagoda suppressed, Ling Xiao had to be more cautious.

The endless darkness came again, and as Ling Xiao could see, the darkness receded, revealing a figure sitting in a quiet position.

That shadow is not considered stalwart, and there is no devilish energy radiating from the whole body, like a rock, motionless.

He was wearing a dilapidated robes, and the buddha beads on his chest were not golden, but a kind of cruel white.

It was a monk with a beautiful face!

Ling Xiao frowned slightly and walked towards him slowly.

Miyong and Duanying were both on their left and right, and they were equally guarded.

Eight waste glass tower, nine layers and nine demons.

The higher it goes, it proves that this demon cultivation base is stronger and demon nature is greater.

Both are ancient monsters, Miyong and Duanying naturally felt the horror of this monster.

But at this moment, the demon monk still closed his eyes, and didn’t seem to feel anyone approaching at all.

Even if it wasn’t for the breath exhaling from his nose, Ling Xiao thought he would have died in the endless years in this tower.

“Who are you?”

It wasn’t until the three of Ling Xiao stood in the land of Zhang Xu before him that the eyes of the demon monk slowly opened.

It was a pair of… Gu Jing Wubo’s deep eyes after experiencing the vulgar dust.

There was a golden light in it, but it disappeared in a flash.

“We are all spotted for all beings, our name and destiny are not different.”

The demon monk put his palms together on his chest and chanted the Buddha’s name in a low voice.


“Since there is no difference, how can the master remain persistent and not reincarnate?”

Ling Xiao smiled indifferently, judging from the Buddha nature of this demon monk, he must have been a high-ranking monk in ancient times.

But why did he fall into the demon?

Are you willing to be silent for hundreds or even thousands of years in this endless darkness?

It proves that he has attachments in his heart, whether he can’t let it go, or…cannot get it.

“Reincarnation and life are the same, all kinds of sins are the calamity I want to experience, everything in this world is illusion, like dream bubbles, like electricity and dew.”

The demon monk said indifferently, but was surprised when he looked at Miyong and the double shadow.

“Hehehe, the master looks broken, it’s just that the world is filthy, why don’t you go with me…to the other side?”

Ling Xiao smiled indifferently. The bald donkey’s mouth was very hard, but if he had no thoughts, why bother to talk about the Buddha with him?

This is nothing but his temptation.

“Saving people to the other side? Even if the poor monk sinks in this muddy world, how can I save people to the other side? The donor…joked.”

“Don’t eat soft ones? Then some hard ones?”

Ling Xiao sneered, and the air of the heavenly demon surged over his body, and he turned into the heavenly demon and walked towards the demon monk.

“If this is the case, then I will help the master to survive this life and go to reincarnation!”

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