Chapter 1098

“What? The young master said…”

Wu Zhong’s expression changed, and his eyes suddenly flashed with panic.

At this time, he finally discovered that from the beginning to the end, he underestimated the four characters of the vassal of the demon.

That’s right, the group of demons can deceive the Xuanwu Divine Realm, but if it is Yan Luo Po and the others, it is probably also a plan to adjust the tiger away from the mountain.

In this way, the Yanlong Emperor Palace at this moment…

“Quick!! Send someone to the Yanlong Emperor City to find out!!”

“It’s too late! The top priority now is to keep the two seals of the Golden Crow and Gu Lin! Since this evil treasure is divided into four places, even if the demon gets two of them, it will be of no use.”

Ling Xiao sighed lightly, then turned to look at the void in the distance, “It shouldn’t be too late, ancestor Wu Zhong, you will lead the powerful Xuanwu to guard the Golden Crow Emperor Palace, and ancestor Jin Yuyang and I will now rush to Gu Lin. God Dynasty, I hope I can stop this disaster!”


Wu Zhong wanted to speak but stopped, and now the Xuanwu Emperor City must have been a waste of life.

On this expedition, he brought almost all the Saint Realm powerhouses of Xuanwu.

In other words, as long as it is a holy realm, it is now invincible in Xuanwu Emperor City.

“The seal is a big deal, and I hope everyone in the Xuanwu Kingdom can let go of their personal feelings and put the world first!”

Ling Xiao’s tone was indifferent, but inexplicably filled with awe-inspiring righteousness.

“Young Master, don’t worry! I’ll wait… to distinguish the importance!”

The basalt powerhouses nodded and responded, while Ling Xiao turned his head to look at the person who spread the letter, “What realm are those demons in?”

“Holy realm, second and third grade of holy realm.”

“In this way, Emperor Xuanwu can go back to the court to investigate the magic traces, and if you find any, report it in time! It should not be too late, ancestor Yu Yang…”

“Don’t worry, Young Master! I will help Young Master to stop the big plan of the demon!”

Jin Yuyang stepped out, and a pair of fire feathers appeared behind him, and Ling Xiao immediately stopped hesitating and took Wu Kui into the realm, and stood on top of the ancient Xuantian ship.

Beside him, Xuanyuan Weiyang and Yao Guangqiao’s faces were also somewhat solemn.

The demons are insidious, visible today.

Fortunately, Qingcang has a son Lingxiao, who is not afraid of demons and cares about the common people. It is the blessing of all souls.

“Go! Gu Lin God Dynasty.”

As Ling Xiao’s voice fell, I saw Wanli Void instantly ups and downs with countless waves.

The black war intent tore through the Cang Ming, destroying the blue sky, and the ancient Xuantian ship directly turned into a stream of light and swept away towards the distant sky.

Before the Golden Crow Emperor Palace, Jin Han’er’s eyebrows were lightly clumped, especially when she saw Yao Guang and Xuanyuan Weiyang standing beside Ling Xiao, there was a gloomy flash in the depths of her eyes.

“My son! I heard that the demon once appeared in the Void Realm and fought with you. With your strength…”

Xuanyuan Weiyang looked at Ling Xiao with some curiosity, but saw that the latter’s face was solemn, and he shook his head slightly, “This demon has a battle armor on his body, which can be called evil. With my current strength, it may not be his opponent, but there is Buddha’s help. , Maybe it can be a battle, after all, Buddhism has always had the power to suppress demonic nature.”

“Amitabha! If the demon appears in this world, the poor monk will naturally do his best to help the young master punish the demon.”

Yaoguang’s expression remained unchanged, chanting the Buddha’s name lightly.

And Xuanyuan Weiyang also nodded seriously, “Don’t worry, son, Weiyang will try his best to help son.”

“Hehe, so, the devil can be punishable.”

Ling Xiao smiled indifferently, her eyes were deep, with a hint of purple faintly glowing.

He had just received the voice transmission of the double shadow, and the shards of the dark disk and the blood of the Xuanwu God Dynasty had already been obtained.

And Lingxiao’s body has also been outside the Yanlong Emperor’s Palace, and can join Chen Qingshan at any time, and completely detain the black pot of this shocking conspiracy on the head of the god Gantian.

Now it seems that this chess game is over. Next, he should also prepare for harvesting the Holy Infant.

There must be an amazing secret hidden in the Taiyin Mingpan, and now it seems that this secret is mostly related to this holy infant.

at the same time.

In the realm, Ling Xiao’s body descended from the sky, beside him, the chaos divine body offered the reincarnation magic blade with both hands, and then disappeared.

“My son! Where did you get this mentally retarded?”

Feng Ruge’s figure stepped from the temple, and she looked at Wu Kui, who was lying on the ground slowly, with a pretty face in surprise.

“Find a few Yaodian disciples, and feed this person some spiritual pills every day to forcibly raise his cultivation to the supreme level.”

Ling Xiao said indifferently, this Wu Kui had an extraordinary talent and good luck.

Once stepping into the supreme level, physical defense must be extremely terrifying.

At that time, he will be refined into a spirit treasure, and his rank is definitely not low.

“By the way, Ruge, I asked you to refine the armor, how is it?”

“My son, look.”

Feng Ruge chuckled slyly and waved his hand to take out a strange armor from the Universe Ring, which was 90% similar to the one on Qin Chen’s body before.

even! !

In the center of this armor, there is also a blood-red orb inlaid, which looks the same as the eyes.

“My son, this precious orb is a blood spirit orb. You only need to use spiritual power to light it up.”


Ling Xiao stretched out his hand to take the armor, looked up and down, a smile suddenly appeared at the corner of his mouth.

When Qin Chen appeared in Yanya Ancient City, it was precisely with this armor that he killed countless disciples of his clan and “severely inflicted” Ling Xiao.

It can be said that this magic armor is now a symbol of the demon.

It has been more than a month since the end of the Supreme Secret Realm, but there are divergent opinions about the whereabouts of the Heavenly Demon Qin Chen.

only! !

Since Ling Xiao was holding the pot, Ling Xiao would naturally not let Qin Chen disappear completely, and sometimes show up in chaos, in order to stimulate more righteous destiny to appear in the evil devil.

After all, these four dynasties are already hells on earth, especially the ancient lin dynasty. Whether it is ordinary people or the ancient lin clan, it is now a dead end.

That’s right, such troubled times are dominated by demons.

But, it was the demon who killed people, what’s up to Ling Xiao for me?

Of course, we must show up at the most critical moment to protect justice in the world! !

Feng Ruge, as a traversing person, is by no means comparable to the arrogance of this world, regardless of his thoughts and means.

From the first time I saw her, Ling Xiao knew that this woman was very dexterous and was a great help from Xiantu.

At the very least, this “Fusang Battle Armor” is done in a similar way.

“My son, when will you take me out, I’m going to die of suffocation.”

Feng Ruge pursed red lips, with a grudge on his face.

“After a few days, I will take you to see the evil demon in the Azure Realm.”

Ling Xiao smiled gently, squeezed Feng Ruge’s pretty face, and disappeared in place.

With Feng Ruge’s scheming strategy, Ling Xiao had already figured out where to go for her.

Calculating the time, Yu Hanyan and others have been away for several months, and I am afraid they have found a lot of people from the lower realms.

When they return, Ling Xiao should also start to create a power that truly belongs to him.


Ancient Lin Emperor City, a hundred miles outside Ruiguang City.

Chen Qingshan and a group of Gantian disciples stood in the mountains, looking at the waves of spiritual power above the imperial city from a distance, and their eyes were filled with a touch of fear.

Even a ray of power in the hands of Heavenly Supreme Powers can be regarded as destroying the world.

What’s more, today’s Yanlong and Gu Lin two powers are almost fighting with their lives.

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