Chapter 1097

“Could it be…you…you are Young Master Lingxiao?!”

The corners of Xuanwu ancestor’s eyes trembled lightly, and his face was already pale.

Regarding the young master of the Ling clan, now the entire Qing Cang can be said to be unknown.

Even those ancient clans who avoided the immortal ancestors knew that there was a young master of the Ling clan, named Lingxiao, who was unparalleled in the world.

However, why did he suddenly come to the Spirit God Realm, and he is also involved in the line of the Golden Crow?

Inexplicably, the ancestor Xuanwu had a chill in his heart, his body was tight, and his soul consciousness covered the territory of thousands of miles.

At this time, he was very afraid, very afraid that an ancient order would suddenly appear in the sky, killing him on the spot.

When Ling Xiao was born, the scene of a certain supreme being of the Ling clan slaying Ye Zu with an order thousands of miles away has been carved into the heart of Qing Cang’s countless Heavenly Sovereigns.

Such an immortal situation can be called a demon barrier, so that every powerhouse who provokes Ling Xiao will unconsciously panic.


Seeing the panic on Xuanwu ancestor’s face, Ling Xiao didn’t have a wave of waves in his eyes, but only said calmly.

Suddenly, the void collapsed, and all the 10,000 demon guards were surrounded by divine glory blooming, densely packed, and like a whole.

The cascading killings gathered in one place, like the same ancient demon god awakening from a deep sleep, with endless ups and downs.

Rao was the three supreme powerhouses of Xuanwu, and at this time, he was shaking both physically and mentally. When he lowered his head to look at Jin Yuyang, his eyes suddenly flashed with panic.

At this moment, the ancestor of the Golden Crow stepped forward, and the whole body was hundreds of feet away.

That kind of deep and brilliant demon flame is full of extremely tyrannical aura of destruction.

Even people in the holy realm, I’m afraid that if they get a thread, they will burn to ashes.


Ten thousand demon guards hissed angrily, holding the halberd in his hand.

The general trend of killing fell suddenly, turning into a hundred-zhang demon halberd out of thin air, sweeping away the wasteland and clearing the quadrangle.

“Wait, wait a minute!!”

Seeing the halberd and the flames fall, the last hesitation in the eyes of the ancestor Xuanwu instantly disappeared, and he immediately shouted angrily.

A Third Stage Heavenly Sovereign, now it is a basalt problem.

Now that Ling Xiao is offended, the Xuanwu God Dynasty will be completely destroyed.

Upon hearing this, Ling Xiao gently raised his hand, and the falling war spirit demon halberd immediately stagnated in the void, and Jin Yuyang’s footsteps quietly suffocated.

“Young Master Ling Xiao…”

The ancestor Xuanwu took a deep breath and bowed to Ling Xiao, “I don’t know that the young master is here today. The sin is unforgivable!”

“It’s just that I heard that the young master is upright and righteous, and I hope that the young master will open up and forgive Xuanwu! Wu Zhong, remember the great kindness of the young master!”

“The demon came to this world, I came here as a punish demon. I didn’t expect your Xuanwu dynasty to be so arrogant. Not only did you want to grab my maid, but you also wanted to kill me here. It really opened up Ling’s eyes, my Ling clan. Never bully others, but the world deceives me, it is unforgivable!”

Ling Xiao’s tone was calm, but what he said made the powers of Xuanwu look embarrassed, and there was guilt in his heart.

The son’s righteousness is known to the world.

Now he came again to kill the devil, but was repeatedly humiliated by the Xuanwu people.

Not to mention the young master of the Ling clan, I am afraid that even those with a bit of spine in their hearts will not be able to swallow this bad breath.

“Young Master… My Xuanwu God is willing to present 100 pieces of spiritual treasures and ten exercises, just hoping to calm the Young Master’s anger.”

The ancestor of Xuanwu, whose real name was Wu Zhong, was the only strong person among the four dynasties who could contend with Yan Luopo.

But at this moment, facing this Ling Clan Young Master, there was no trace of arrogance on his face.

Compared to the Yanlong God Dynasty, even the vassal of the Heavenly Demon hiding in the dark, the young master in front of him was a truly terrifying existence.

“I said, Chen, or die.”

Ling Xiao shook his head slightly, his expression cold.

Baikie Lingbao? Ten exercises?

Patriarch, you are gone!

“Ancestor! How about we vote, with the young master, Yanlong Shenchao is afraid to make a second.”

The situation Xuanwu is facing today is a life of nine deaths.

Even if there is no Ling Xiao today, a single Jin Yuyang is enough for them to suffer heavy losses.

In this way, what is it to contend with Yanlong.


Wu Zhong thought about a hundred revolutions, especially seeing Jin Yuyang’s respect for Ling Xiao and her inexplicable breakthrough cultivation base, the eyes of the Xuanwu ancestor suddenly flashed a touch of splendor.

Immediately, he nodded lightly, and his figure fell from the sky, standing in front of Ling Xiao.

“Xuanwu God Dynasty, willing to be a vassal of the Ling clan!”

“The ancestor is afraid that it is a misunderstanding. I am talking about being my servant, not… a vassal.”

Ling Xiao smiled gently, but Wu Zhong’s face was stunned, and his lips trembled, but he didn’t know what to say.

Refusing at this time is no different from seeking death.

But he is so majestic that he is now reduced to a servant, which is simply…a great shame!

“Wu Zhong, surrendering son, maybe it will be your turn for the better.”

Jin Yuyang said indifferently, the profound meaning in the words was quite obvious.

At this time, she almost told this Xuanwu ancestor that her breakthrough in realm was the favor of the son.

“Good! Wu Zhong, I would like to surrender to the son!!”

In the end, the ancestor Xuanwu nodded silently, feeling a little inexplicably in his heart.

Sure enough, some are destined to be above 10,000 people by birth.

And some people, no matter how hard they work, still cannot escape worldly evil thoughts.

It is ridiculous that the avenue is public.

“Open the soul sea, don’t resist.”

Ling Xiao used his divine soul to transmit his voice, and there seemed to be soul patterns in his eyes.


With a buzzing sound, Wu Zhong’s face suddenly appeared at a loss, and then he felt an inexplicable divine power control his mind.

“Emperor!! Patriarch!!! It’s not good!!!”

In the distance, there was a sudden cry of exclamation, and a figure wearing a battle armor swept from the sky, full of blood, and extremely sluggish.


Emperor Xuanwu gave a thump in his heart, his face was frightened and said, “What’s the matter!”

“Emperor!! A demon broke into my Xuanwu imperial palace, broke the seal, and took away that… a god!”


Emperor Xuanwu turned pale, and turned to look at ancestor Wu Zhong with a frightened expression, “Old ancestor…we…”

“what happened?!”

Ling Xiao frowned slightly, and his face was also a little dignified.

“Young Master…you demons came to the Golden Crow while I was waiting, broke my seal and took away…that evil thing!”

Wu Zhongqing sighed, already guessing in his heart.

I am afraid that most of the rumors circulating in Xuanwu in the past few days have been deliberately spread.

The purpose is to lure everyone into attacking the Golden Crow and get the chance to win the treasure.

When the time comes, the Golden Crow and Xuanwu will both lose, and they will be able to reap the benefits of the fisherman.

What a vicious strategy! !

However, the Yanlong powerhouses are all out, and the Xuanwu clan has no choice at all.

“Evil? Tell me the ins and outs of the matter carefully!”

“Yes! Young Master… That’s it…”

Wu Zhong didn’t dare to conceal it at all, and told Ling Xiao all the things that had happened in the Spirit God Realm in the past few days.

“It turned out to be like this. No wonder this Spiritual God Realm is listed as a forbidden place in Qing Cang, and no outsiders are allowed to conquer. I didn’t expect your four clans to shoulder such a heavy responsibility!”

Ling Xiao nodded, and in the next moment, his eyes suddenly condensed.

“Crap! They used this method to calculate the Xuanwu and the Golden Crow dynasties. They are afraid that the death of the Yanlong prince will also be strange! The Yanlong God dynasty… is in danger!!”

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