Chapter 1055

This elder Teng, whose real name is Teng Zidu.

People of the Xiao clan don’t know much about this name, but they are used to calling him Elder Teng.

only! !

Regarding the origin of this elder, there are divergent opinions among the Xiao Clan.

Some people say that he was originally a well-known evil cultivator in Qing Cang.

It is also said that he was born in the puppet courtyard of the Taoist Academy and was the younger brother of Hong Guji, the master of the puppet courtyard. Because of his disharmony, he found another way out.

But in any case, the elder Teng’s ability to make puppets is the consensus of the entire Xiao clan.

Even when the Xiao Clan opened up the next domain, this elder Teng carried thirteen puppets alone, and made great contributions.

“Does the Young Master intend to retain a trace of this person’s intelligence, or… completely erase it?”

Teng Zidu looked up and down at Xiao Pian. With his second-grade holy realm, he wanted to refine a god emperor puppet.

“As long as he can use the rules of time, everything else depends on the elder’s mood.”

Xiao Moyi’s face was expressionless, a god emperor came out, if he didn’t understand the Tao, it would be mysterious, why he had to spend so much trouble, he could easily run him to death with a single finger.

“So, then keep a trace of his sanity.”

Teng Zidu nodded and smiled, took the chain from Xiao Wu’s hand, opened the cage, and violently pulled Xiao Peng’s figure out of it, and then stepped on his head with one foot.

“Young Master, this living person’s practice of puppetry is too bloody. I’d better go back first. After the practice is complete, you can come and fetch it again.”

“There is Elder Lauten!”

Xiao Moyi lowered his head and looked at the unwilling Xiao Pian, and said in an indifferent tone, “Xiao Peng, don’t blame me for being cruel. If you want to blame, blame you for not knowing good or bad.”

The principle of time is the ultimate.

It is said that the heritage sacred object of the immortal forces on the Qingcang side is a sacred tower, which can reversibly change the time and is a sacred object for cultivation.

I have a tower, but I don’t have it right now… the rule of time.

“What about my sister? What do you do to my sister!!!”

“Actually, Xiao Peng, you should thank me, your sister, I have found a good home for her.”

Xiao Moyi gave a gloomy smile, while Xiao Pian’s eyes were suddenly red.

Immediately, he saw the mighty power of his body, and he stood up from the feet of Teng Zidu forcibly in the realm of the god emperor, and rushed towards Xiao Moyi angrily.

Time seemed to freeze, and even Teng Zidu’s Saint Realm cultivation base was so confused at this time.

When everyone reacted, Xiao Peng’s figure had already appeared in front of Xiao Moyi.

only! !

At this moment, Xiao Moyi didn’t have the slightest panic on his face, but a sneer was raised at the corner of his mouth.

However, Xiao Peng’s palms that circled Linghui, after all, could not touch Xiao Moyi at all, and his whole body suddenly became tight and stood on the spot.

Behind him, Teng Zidu grabbed the thunder chain with both hands, and the spirit bloomed in his hand. A visible thunder blast fell on Xiao Peng along the chain, instantly causing blood to flow from the corners of his mouth, and his aura was completely wilted.

“Xiao Moyi, you must!!! I will regret it!!”

Xiao Pian gritted his teeth fiercely, even if his skin was broken and bloody, he never took a step back, just staring at Xiao Moyi like this.

“Regret? You dare to be tough when you die?”

Xiao Moyi shook his head slightly, sighed, and then turned to look at Teng Zidu, “Elder Teng, I have changed my mind. You can practice puppets here.”

“Haha, that’s okay.”

Teng Zidu nodded, naturally knowing Xiao Moyi’s intention.

At this time, countless Xiao disciples stopped around the square.

As Xiao Moyi was the young master of the Xiao clan, what he needed was prestige. What’s more, this clan originally had three veins, which was not harmonious.

Killing chickens and monkeys, and… if this chicken is killed, it can still have a very significant use for the prosperity of the Xiao clan, why not do it?

“This living person’s puppet training is about spirituality, which means…Although the body is refined into a dead thing, but the spiritual wisdom is not obliterated, it can use some of the martial arts and martial arts of his lifetime.”

Teng Zidu waved his hand, took out a long cowhide roll from Qiankun’s bag, and then slowly opened it.

Among them, there are all kinds of long and short blades and weird long tapers of needle threads.

A gloomy and bloody breath rushed toward his face, and even Xiao Wu and the others had a trace of fear in their eyes.

“In fact, to put it simply, it is to polish this physical body into a container, an indestructible container, or a human-shaped murder weapon.”

Teng Zidu chose a very thin blade and gently wiped it on his sleeve. “However, the most difficult step for this living person to refining is not to refining puppets, but…letting blood.”


Xiao Wu and others looked suspicious, and fear spread in their hearts.

Living a puppet, such a method, just listen to it, it feels cruel, Elder Teng deserves to be from a wicked background, this should be put outside, it is estimated that people have been punishable three hundred and sixty times.

“Yes! Bleeding, but you can’t shed all the blood right away, otherwise it will be troublesome to peel the skin later, you have to put it while peeling it…”

There was a gloomy look on Teng Zidu’s face, he raised his foot and walked to Xiao Peng’s side, holding a short knife in each hand, “Don’t worry, it will hurt, but… this is the last pain you feel in the world, I It will be slower, so you can realize it.”

“You will die countless times more miserable than me.”

Xiao Peng’s expression was calm, and there was no trace of panic on his face, but a bit of pity on his face.

That’s right, no matter why Ling Xiao didn’t come to the Xiao Clan, as long as he died, he would definitely come to the Xiao Clan with his heart and soul.

Can! !

Just when Teng Zidu raised his hand, preparing to pierce the short blade into Xiao Ping’s body.

At the edge of the square, there was a sudden exclamation from the Xiao Clan’s children, and everyone who was scared turned pale.

Originally, everyone was tense at this time, watching with all their attention that the shimmering short blade was about to enter Xiao Pian’s body.

At this time, he was interrupted by this exclamation, and there was a touch of panic and annoyance on his face.

Teng Zidu’s palm trembled lightly, and turned his head to look at the disciple who was screaming in anger, but saw that at this time, the person’s gaze was not above the square at all, but above the sky in the distance.

Everyone looked at him for a moment, followed his gaze and looked up, the next moment, their faces condensed.

At this moment, in the void, an ancient battleship slowly approached.

That dark and ancient color, like a robbery cloud descending from the world, is inexplicably depressing, and it has a kind of coldness through the body.

“what is that?”

“It’s a ship.”

“I can’t see that it is a ship? I mean, who is so rampant that dares to set up this battleship and violate my Xiao Clan realm?”

At this time, the faces of Teng Zidu and Xiao Moyi were also surprised.

Only Xiao Peng, on a pale face, suddenly burst into a heartfelt smile.

He could see that at the forefront of the battleship, a peerless figure in black was standing with his hands behind his hands. The fairy face was gentle, but there was a deep chill in his eyes.


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