Chapter 1054


Xiao Wu looked at him for a moment, just about to get angry, but turned his head to see a handsome young man in a golden robe and several demon evildoers of the Xiao family’s lineage have arrived behind him.

“Young… Young Master?”

“Still unwilling to compromise?”

The young man in the golden robe was named Xiao Moyi, and he was the young master of the Xiao clan nowadays. He was extremely talented and had a fierce personality.

At this moment, although there was a gentle smile on his face, the gloom in his eyes was chilling.

Behind him, there were two men, one woman, and an elderly man, both of whom were the real pride of the Xiao Clan.

although! !

The Xiao clan is hidden from the world, and few people know the details of this clan.

But as for Xiao Moyi’s name, no one in Qing Cang knew.

It is said that this person stepped into the venerable state when he was 180 years old.

This body is weird, can transform flames with spiritual power, and contains extremely terrifying poison.

Such a talent can be called the strongest of the Xiao Clan in ten thousand years.

Therefore, even those long-lost ancestors of the Xiao Clan agreed that Xiao Moyi was the opportunity for the rise of the Xiao Clan.

As for Xiao Peng, the way he comprehended was indeed wonderful, but three hundred years later, this young man was still at the level of a god emperor, showing that his talent could not be compared with Xiao Moyi at all.

A clan is destined to have only one master.

Comparing the two, Xiao Peng is naturally the one that was abandoned.

“Young Master! Give me a few more days, and I will definitely make this Xiao Pover kneel at your feet.”

There was a fright on Xiao Wu’s face, and he naturally understood Xiao Moyi’s methods.

Regardless of the gentle appearance of this young master, his heart is extremely cruel and bloodthirsty.

The ancestor once said that such a temperament may be related to his awakened divine body.

However, looking at ancient times and modern times, how many of those who have achieved the throne of emperor have not stepped on the sea of ​​corpses and walked up step by step?

“no need.”

Xiao Moyi shook his head, raised his feet and walked to Xiao Peng, “Xiao Peng, I will give you one more chance at last, the minister or not?”

“What about my sister! What have you done to my sister?”

Xiao Peng gritted his teeth, the scarlet light flickering in his eyes.

“Xiao Yu’er ignored the rules and was self-willed. I sent her to a place where she should go.”

Xiao Moyi’s tone was calm, and he didn’t even pay attention to the killing intent on Xiao Pin’s face.

How does a sleepy beast hurt people?

“Ah!!! Xiao Moyi!!! You will regret it! You will definitely regret it!”

Xiao Peng roared in pain. He didn’t have too deep feelings for the Xiao Clan.

In the memory, his parents died in the Lower Realm conquest. Since then, he and his sister Xiao Yuer have depended on each other for fate, but they have really seen the coldness of this ancient clan.

If it hadn’t been for Xiao Peng to show off some talents and be able to establish a firm foothold in the Xiao Clan, I’m afraid their brothers and sisters would not have fared much better.

The weak and the strong, especially for the ancient tribes like the Xiao Clan who have the ambition to conquer the sky, all waste has a damn reason.

Even now, there are ancestors in the three lines of the Xiao Clan, and they have always struggled and talked with their strength.

“Regret? No one in this world can make me regret Xiao Moyi, let alone you, even the young master of the realm master can’t do it.”

Xiao Moyi shook his head indifferently, stretched his hand over the cage, and lightly patted Xiao Peng’s face, “Aren’t you still waiting for your master to rescue you?”

“Young Master Ling Xiao, it’s my poor master Xiao, not the master, he will definitely come.”

The killing intent in Xiao Peng’s eyes was awe-inspiring, but his hands and feet were trapped by the thunder chain, and he had no room for resistance at all.

To be honest, he guessed that his sister Xiao Yu’er would not be better in the Xiao clan for the past three hundred years.

But he really didn’t expect that Xiao Moyi was so mad, he didn’t know where to imprison his sister!

“Hahahahaha! Xiao Peng, the High High Master you mentioned, isn’t it the Young Master of the Primordial Ling Clan?”

Hearing this, everyone burst into laughter, and their eyes were full of unconcealed sarcasm.

Looking at Qing Cang, there is only one clan whose surname is Ling, that is, the Primordial Ling clan, and only one is named Ling Xiao, who is the first young master of this clan in 100,000 years.

Although the Xiao clan has not been born for a long time, he still has a lot of fear for this clan.

even! !

According to the ancestors of the clan, the background of this clan is far more terrifying than the world imagined!

Can! !

What is the identity of this young master? And it has just been born within two months.

What is Xiao Peng’s identity? How can a god emperor be favored by Young Master Ling Xiao as a follower?

“Xiao Peng, I haven’t seen you in three hundred years. Your cultivation level has not risen much, but your bragging ability is not weak.”

Next to Xiao Moyi, several Xiao Clan evildoers sneered coldly.

“Xiao Peng, do you know why you have time to consider this month?”

Xiao Moyi looked up and looked at the young man in front of him calmly, “It’s because you mentioned the word Lingxiao in the hall that day.”

“Even if you really are his followers, why didn’t he come to save you this month?”

“What do you want to say?”

Xiao Peng’s face suddenly paled, and even the resentment in his eyes seemed to be flat.

With the Lord’s temperament, maybe… really abandon yourself?

“Can’t you guess it yourself? You are a god emperor, you are not worthy of Young Master Ling Xiao to provoke the Xiao Clan for you.”

Xiao Moyi sighed lightly, “If he wants to follow, I’m afraid that more than half of the supreme power of the blue sky will send the descendant Saint Son in an attempt to advance and retreat with the Ling clan, and you…what a thing.”


Xiao Peng staggered, and a touch of fear suddenly surged from the bottom of his heart.

In January, with the Lord’s means, if you want to inquire about your own news, it will not take too much effort at all.

But, he didn’t come, maybe… from the moment he set foot on the blue sky, he had already given up on himself?

Do not! !

On the day of the separation, the Lord clearly said that if there is any danger, it will be transmitted to him.

It was because I was too careless and was captured by Xiao Moyi and others, and I didn’t have time to notify the master by sound transmission!

It must be so! Although the Lord is cruel and scheming, but… he has always done what he said.

“Why don’t you speak anymore? Now, what else can you hold on? Xiao Peng, obediently surrender to me, I can keep you a dog.”

Xiao Moyi shook his head and chuckled.

This immortal journey is vast, it is best to always remember who you are.

“I have only one minister in my life, Xiao Peng, and I am Lord High Heaven. You are not qualified yet.”

Xiao Pin took a deep breath, his face calmed down again.

At this moment, he was fearless to die. If his death could arouse the Lord’s anger, he believed that Xiao Moyi and others would end up miserably worse than himself.

And Xiao Yu’er, perhaps there is still a glimmer of life!

“Puff! I’m pretending to be forced when I die!”

Xiao Wu and others shook their heads helplessly, with contempt in their eyes.

“In that case, Elder Teng, it’s hard work.”

Xiao Moyi nodded lightly and turned to look at the black robe old man behind him who had never spoken.

“Young Master, don’t worry.”

The old man’s voice was hoarse, giving people an extremely gloomy feeling.


Even Xiao Wu and others looked at this Xiao Clan elder with inexplicable fear in their eyes.

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