Desert In an unremarkable dirt cave, Wang Ping sits in the cave with disheveled hair and bloodshot eyes. Over the past three days, he has been condemned in his heart, hesitated, restless, and confessed. After waiting, the emotions rushed into my heart, like a stray dog, hidden in this dirt cave, afraid to look at people.

“Drip, drip, drip”, the “black blood plate” hung on his waist suddenly made a sound, scared Wang Ping’s whole body trembled, and then slowly a wave of decisiveness appeared in the dull eyes color.

First, I cleaned up my appearance, then took off the “black blood plate” and walked out of the dirt hole, followed the direction indicated on the “black blood plate”, and the sword broke through the air.

After a stick of incense, Wang Ping caught up with the team shown on the “Black Blood Plate”. There were 13 people in this team. Ten of them were Yellow Saint Sect dísciple and the other three were Loose Cultivator, the leader is an elite dísciple whose cultivation base has reached the tenth level of Refining Qi, named Xiahou Pian.

Xiahou Pian is a branch disciple of the Xiahou Family, but with extremely high posture, it is the Water Element Heavenly Spiritual Root. It is a rising star in the Xiahou Family, and was adopted as a dísciple by Xiahou Hai, the “Jifeng Taoist”.

The last time Secret Realm was opened, Sect Disciple suffered heavy casualties, making Xiahou Family a little bit uncomfortable. In addition, Xiahou Hai’s protégé Qi Lingyu was lost in Secret Realm. In this Secret Realm conquest, Xiahou Family took the initiative to send many elite children to prepare for a shame.

“In the next Xiahoupian, the Master’s name is “Jifeng”, I don’t know what Junior Brother calls it!” When Wang Ping arrived, Xiahoupian’s team was standing in an open place, obviously deliberately When Wang Ping landed, Xia Houpian greeted him with a smile.

“Little brother Wang Ping, Master Dao name “Xuanyu”!” Wang Ping still knows the name of Xia Houhai. After all, “Jifeng Dao Ren” is one of the major deacons of sect. Listen The other party stated that he was actually Xia Houhai’s dísciple, and he replied in a hurry and politely.

“It turned out to be Junior Brother Wang! Fortunately! Fortunately!” The other party’s Master said “Xuanyu”. Xia Houpian thought as if he had heard it, but he couldn’t remember it for a while. What a great character, but still smiled.

After all, one more person will have more power. If you encounter a lizardman, it will be easier to hunt down! These three days everyone had a frightening life. People like them thought that it would be dangerous to enter the “black haze and blood”, but they never thought it was so dangerous!

Shortly after entering Secret Realm, most people were chased by the lizardmen. Many people died as a result. This time almost all members of the team were chased and killed by the lizardmen and escaped. Later, they slowly got together.

In the past three days, this team has been chased by lizardmen several times. Everyone fought or fled. If it weren’t for Xiahou’s superior battle strength, this team might have been broken up. Therefore, when Wang Ping arrived, he was warmly welcomed by Xiahou Pian and the others.

In the next few days, this team continued to be joined by new people, and the number of personnel increased. Under the leadership of Xiahoupian, several lizardmen tribes were captured. A large number of lizard people also beheaded a “golden armor lizard warrior”.

On the eighth day of entering Secret Realm, the team has reached nearly forty people, most of them are Yellow Saint Sect dísciple, and each is a survivor, with extremely strong battle strength.

At this moment, everyone is settling down on a high slope, looking out at a huge lizardman fortress in front of them.

This fortress has a high stone wall made up of huge stones. The stone wall firmly protects the entire tribe. It is like a small town. The stone wall is full of red-armored lizard warriors. With more than a hundred heads, it is the largest lizardman tribe I have seen these days.

The scale of this lizardman tribe is very unusual. After everyone discovered it, not at all rushed to attack, but watched carefully from a distance.

Soon after, as the leader of the team, Xia Houpian sent a few people to contact the other conquest teams that had met these days and then separated.

Before the mission of this conquest, more than 20 elite dísciples, including him, received special instructions from sect. There may be a “wise man” born in the lizard family in Secret Realm, who should be some The leader of a large tribe, let them pay more attention.

If an anomaly is found, we must work together to eliminate it first. Xiahou surmises that this huge lizardman tribe in the distance may be the target of the high-level Sect.

If you can wipe out this tribe, you will be able to make great achievements. But with their talents, it was obviously not enough, so Xia Houpian sent people to find reinforcements.

While Xiahoupian looked at the fortress of the Frost clan, Frost Longtan was also standing on the stone wall, looking at the group of strangers on the high slope in the distance. The two leaders, Frost. Seth said annoyedly: “Patriarch, why not let me take clansman to kill those strangers?”

“Foreign people can fly with witchcraft. When you take clansman, these strangers are early saw that the situation was far from good and ran away!” Hanshuang Longtan said solemnly, more than one hundred “brown lizard birds” raised by the Hanshuang clan were sent out to rescue other clans.

Frost Longtan’s face is heavy, he still underestimates the battle strength of the stranger, this time the stranger just appeared, the clans dispatched hunting teams to hunt down the strangers according to the previously discussed plan. People, in the first few days, all the clans had a fruitful battle, and killed a large number of single strangers.

But a few days later, as the fleeing strangers met and joined together and formed teams, the clans began to suffer casualties.

And the situation changed suddenly. In the following days, small and medium clan tribes continued to be captured by foreigners, and even large clan fortresses such as Chenxi and Chisha were also besieged by foreigners.

So the Frost Clan sent a hundred clansman to ride the “Brown Lizard Bird” to support the major clans.

Now, even outside the fortress of this clan, a group of strangers appeared. They were peeped by strangers. The severe situation of the lizard family made Hanshuang Longtan a little breathless.

“Hey!” Hanshuang Ses patted the wall irritably, gritting his teeth while watching the alien on the high slope in the distance!

“Huh, huh!” At this time, seven or eight “lizard birds” burst out of the thick blood-colored cloud above the Ministry of Prohibition. The leader is a tall golden armor lizard war. The lizard warriors carrying the lizard warriors on the backs of the “lizard birds” were a little dejected in their expressions.

“Gru is back!” The rough-headed Frost Seth said excitedly.

“Let’s take a look!” Seeing this, Hanshuang Longtan made a secretly thought, and hurriedly got off the stone wall and walked toward the square.

He sent Gelu to support the Dawn Tribe. Why did he return at this time? And why did the forty tribal warriors who were brought back with only so few people?

“Gru! What happened?” Frost Longtan came to the square and hurriedly asked.

“Dawn Clan Cypriot was captured by a foreigner!” Hanshuang Glu said with his head down.

“What?” Hanshuang Seth couldn’t help turning pale with fright. The Dawn Clan is one of the few large tribes in the lizard clan. There are two golden armor chiefs in the clan, and there are as many as two hundred brave warriors. , Battle strength second only to them

How can the Frost clan be captured by foreigners?

“Tell me about the battle at the time!”? “Frost Longtan asked with expression grave.

“I took 40 tribal warriors to the Dawn Fortress. Nearly a hundred strangers have gathered outside the fortress. Soon after, the strangers launched an attack. . “

“The witchcraft and witchcraft of the foreigners are too powerful. The Warriors of the Dawn Clan clan couldn’t resist them at all. They died in battle one after another. Among them was a stranger who waved his hand and the sky was cold and the ground was freezing. Dawn patriarch winds. , Was frozen into ice by this stranger with a magic weapon. “Frost Gelu said fearfully after a while.

If he hadn’t taken the warriors of the clan and rode the “lizard bird” in time to break through the encirclement, he would also fall with the entire Dawn Clan.

The words of Frost Glu made the great patriarch Frost Longtan involuntarily silent, as powerful as the Dawn Clan, and were captured by foreigners. The situation of other small and medium clans can be imagined.

Moreover, the tribal warriors sent to support the Horn and Chisha clans have still not heard from them.

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