With a loud noise of “hong”, a tall and thin Yellow Saint Sect dísciple came back to his senses, gritted his teeth and threw out a huge “Blast Inflammation Link” Magic Talisman blasted away several lizard clan “red armor warriors” standing in front of him.

Then I posted a “Divine Movement Talisman” to myself, used the Imperial Wind Technique, and rushed away.

The remaining few people couldn’t help but froze, and then each used box-pressing methods. Some used spells, some threw out huge might Magic Talisman, explosive beads and other artifacts to repel the blocking lizard-men and screamed. And scattered.

No one is stupid. The long-armed Senior Brother who was holding the “golden armor lizard warlord” was killed. If he doesn’t leave at this time, will he stay and wait for death?

Zhang Tianci and Wang Ping looked at each other. The two first affixed a Grade 3 “Wind Spirit Talisman” to themselves, and then Zhang Tianci drove the “Golden Tiger Shield” to protect their bodies.

Wang Ping drove the “Ice Demon Sword” to attack the lizardmen all around, attacking and defending, and the two combined their efforts to highlight the lizardmen’s encirclement, cast the Imperial Wind Technique, and fled quickly to one side.

“Chasing!” Seeing six strangers scattered and fleeing, Frost Gru was annoyed loudly roared. The lizardmen divided into five groups and chased the fleeing strangers. There was a “lizard bird” in the sky. “Staring, these strangers can’t escape.

“Senior Brother, what should I do?” Zhang Tianci looked back and couldn’t help being shocked. The “golden armor lizard warrior” actually brought two red-armored lizardmen to chase them.

Luck was so bad that everyone scattered and fled. This “golden armor lizard warrior” did not chase others, but instead chased them both.

In fact, in other directions, only one person ran away alone. The two of them were together, and Zhang Tianci and Wang Ping killed the most lizardmen. Frost Gelu didn’t chase them. ?

“Run first!” Wang Ping raised his head to see the three-headed strange bird hovering in the sky. At this time, the sword lifted into the sky and he was sure to be attacked. He could only run first. I hope these lizard people have little patience. Don’t chase.

About a quarter of an hour later, he saw the lizardmen behind him still chasing him, and the duration of the “Wind Talisman” was approaching. Once the “Wind Talisman” expired, he and Zhang Tianci slowed down. Will soon be overtaken, Wang Ping couldn’t help being extremely anxious.

“Godsend, I can’t run away! For a while, you will contain the “golden armor lizard warrior” for your brother. You will kill the other two “red armor warriors” as soon as possible, and then deal with this “golden” together. Armor lizard warlord”.” Wang Ping clenching one’s teeth and said, because he can’t escape, it’s better to take advantage of the 50% mana in the dantian and fight hard.

“Senior Brother, I have “Golden Tiger Shield” body protection, or I will contain the “golden armor lizard warrior”.” Zhang Tianci also knows that this escape is also a dead end, without the slightest hesitation replied.

“Alright!” Wang Ping has “Ice Demon Sword” in his hands. It is easier and less time-consuming to kill the two “Red Warriors”. This is also the best response decision.

Zhang Tianci and Wang Ping first each took two capsules of “Revolving Essence Pill”, and then began to slowly stimulate the Grade 4 “Qi Shield Talisman” in their hands. After the “Qi Shield Talisman” turned into a spiritual shield, After swirling around, the two suddenly turned around and stopped, accumulating energy to cast spell.

Zhang Tianci used the cultivation technique with his own spell “water turtle bomb”, condense five blue air bombs in front of him, while Wang Ping used the auxiliary spell “golden glow technique” to give Zhang Tianci the “ice Demon Sword” sword body, blessed with a sharp aura.

In a few breaths, the three lizardmen behind him have chased, and five blue gas bombs blasted out quickly.

But the burly “golden armor lizard warrior” holding a heavy Bone Blade, with only a strong body, smashed five blue gas bombs unharmed, and cut out a knife, will follow The flying “ice Demon Sword” knocked into the air.

Zhang Tianci took a step forward in response to the rushing “golden armor lizard warrior”, mana was madly injected into a golden iron shield the size of a door panel, and a roaring tiger head faintly appeared on the shield surface.

With a sound of “ka!”, the Bone Blade smashed the golden shield heavily. Although the golden shield blocked this blade, the shield surface was smashed by a crack.

Followed by a series of knives and intensive knives, every time the “Golden Tiger Shield” blocks a knife, the more cracks in the quality surface, the split like a spider web in a moment, the strength gap between the two sides is too big. The “Golden Tiger Shield” could not last long, and Zhang Tianci couldn’t help showing a bitter expression.

Wang Ping drove the “Ice Demon Sword” to force a “Red Armored Lizard Warrior” back with a sword, and at the same time dodged to avoid the impact of a “Red Armored Lizard Warrior”, holding the Grade 3 “Giant Flame” in his hand. Bomb” magic charm, thrown at this “red armor lizard warrior”.

The sound of “hong” and the fire blasted the “Red Armored Lizard Warrior” into a scorched corpse, and then began to fully use the Sword Controlling Art to drive the “Ice Demon Sword” to the other. Red armored lizard warrior”, launched a rapid attack.

But the remaining “red-armored lizard warrior” was either cunning or fearful, not at all rushing to attack, trying to get close to Wang Ping.

Instead of using agile posture to dodge the back and forth spurs of “Ice Demon Sword”, Wang Ping’s sword attacks frequently failed, and his heart became more and more anxious!

“pèng! “At this moment, the “Golden Tiger Shield” driven by Zhang Tianci, after blocking more than 20 slashes, was chopped to pieces by the last heavy slash, and the golden shield exploded.

The Magical Artifact was destroyed. Zhang Tianci was shocked by the Spiritual Consciousness backlash. He didn’t have a hurry to dodge, and he was kicked away by the “golden armor lizard warrior”.

He spit a bit of blood on the ground, if it weren’t for the gas shield of the Grade 4 “qi shield talisman” to block most of the strength, this foot would be immortal and disabled.

Zhang Tianci didn’t care about the breath adjustment within the body, and the blood and blood rolled on the spot, avoiding the slash of the “golden armor lizard warrior”, and the heavy Bone Blade split the ground open. A deep ditch was made and a knife was missed. The “golden armor lizard warrior” raised the Bone Blade and looked towards Zhang Tianci, who stood up.

“Come!” Wang Ping saw this scene and knew that it couldn’t be delayed anymore. The Junior Brother was given the life worry at any time.

I took back the “Ice Demon Sword” immediately, gave up the sword attack method, and rushed forward with the sword. He could not care about the danger of being close to the lizardman. He must immediately kill the remaining “Red Armored Lizard Warrior” to help Zhang Tianci.

“Dead!” When Wang Ping rushed forward, the militant “red-armored lizard warrior” did not shrink back. The tall body directly rammed Wang Ping and waved his sharp claws at the same time. He didn’t dodge or dodge, and ran into him.

Driving the air shield transformed by the Grade 4 “Air Shield Talisman”, while blocking the sharp claws of the Lizardman, the “Ice Demon Sword” in his hand pierced the Lizardman’s chest.

Then Wang Ping was knocked out by the huge force of the lizardman, and with this force, “Ice Demon Sword” also pierced the “red-armored lizard warrior” Heart is cool.

“Illness!” Wang Ping was hit and flew into the air. He couldn’t care about his own injuries. He immediately displayed his sword art. “Ice Demon Sword” turned into a sword spirit, Xiang Zheng chased Zhang Tianci up. The jumping “golden armor lizard warlord” shot away.

But the “golden armor lizard warrior” turned the “Ice Demon Sword” into the air with an easy knife.

“Senior Brother Wang, use the “Yinfeng Thorn” charm given by the Master, I can hold it for a while!”

The lizard warlord was attacked by the “ice Demon Sword” Blocked, Zhang Tianci got a respite. Firstly, he used the cultivation technique with his own spell “golden armor technique”, put himself a layer of golden armor protection, and then loudly shouted.

Zhang Tianci decided to continue to contain the “golden armor lizard warrior” and fight for Wang Ping time to inspire the Magic Talisman of the “Yinfeng Talisman”. At this moment, he can only trust the Master to give this Grade 4 Magic Talisman giant Huge might, enough to severely damage this “golden armor lizard warrior”.

Wang Ping heard this and saw Junior Brother Zhang Tianci awkwardly pinning the “golden armor lizard warrior”, and immediately took out the “Yinfeng Talisman” Magic Talisman, ready to mobilize the dantian mana to inspire Magic Talisman in his hand.

At this moment, or with a demon barrier, the sweet face of Junior Sister Zhang Kexin appeared in Wang Ping’s heart.

Followed by Junior Brother Zhang and Kexin Junior Brother entering the team, envious of the various scenes of others, and the silhouette of the lonely corner in the corner. With all the thoughts in his heart, Wang Ping held the hand of Magic Talisman “Yinfeng Sting”, and couldn’t help trembling.

Wang Ping’s eyes are red, his expression is crazy, and his expressions such as fear, doting, viciousness, and unwillingness are tangled together, and finally reveals a chilling and fierce look. Wang Ping’s eyes are getting colder and he actually put it away. Magic Talisman, the “Yinfeng Sting” in his hand.

Next, he took out another azure charm, which was a Grade 3 high-level “crazy blade charm” that he had exchanged from Yellow Treasure Hall before he descended the mountain and almost consumed all his contribution points. This Magic Talisman was originally a life-saving thing that Wang Ping exchanged for.

Wang Ping Rong was cold, gritted his teeth and jumped on the “Ice Demon Sword” and used Sword Controlling Art to lift off. When the three-headed strange bird hovering in midair charged at him fiercely, he immediately threw out the ” Crazy Blade Talisman”.

After a burst of strong light, Magic Talisman turned into more than 20 sharp blades, cutting the three-headed strange bird into pieces.

After that, Wang Ping went away without looking back. He didn’t dare to look back. He was afraid that once he turned around, he could not control himself and wanted to stay.

“Senior Brother, come on!” Zhang Tianci, who tried his best to contain the “golden armor lizard warrior”, kept dodge through her body skills, but the “golden armor lizard warrior” attack was too dense, and soon he was slashed. In the middle, Zhang Tianci was chopped into the air, spitting out a mouthful of scarlet blood.

Although this blade did not take the life of Zhang Tianci, it also defeated all the defensive spirit strength blessed by the “golden armor technique” and the Grade 4 “Qishield Talisman”.

Zhang Tianci anxiously urged Wang Ping to speed up inspiring Magic Talisman “Yinfeng Sting”, he was almost unable to support it.

Zhang Tianci’s all minds are focused on containing the “golden armor lizard warrior”, and he does not know what is happening behind him. At this time, his Senior Brother Wang is taking off his sword and abandoning him. escape.

“Master…” did not hear a response, Zhang Tianci couldn’t help turning his head to take a look, and then he was stunned on the spot. There was already no one behind him. In midair, a sword light was flying away quickly, too far away. Far away, I can only look at the fuzzy back of the man on Flying Sword.

“Ping Senior Brother, take good care!” Zhang Tianci’s eyes were confused, angry, and Gonai, and finally returned to clearness, calmly facing the blade glow smashed by the “golden armor lizard warrior”. Shouted with closed eyes.

“I’m sorry!” Hearing Zhang Tianci’s shout behind him, Wang Ping gritted his teeth and couldn’t help but shed a line of tears, thinking that when he was young, he played with Tianci and Kexin. The scene, said silently in his heart.

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