Fifteen minutes later, Liu Yu has thrown away the “blood corpse” behind him in a violent state, put away the “Golden Village Sword”, and landed on an empty gravel ground. Place two Grade 3 “Revolving Essence Pill” and slowly recover the mana that was just consumed in Purple Mansion.

After that, he used the “Imperial Wind Technique” and ran towards another valley. There was a “blood corpse” in the valley. Liu Yu naturally wouldn’t touch the mold, “Black blood There are hundreds of large and small valleys in the depths of “valleys” that are connected to the underground “yin veins”.

Soon, Liu Yu came to the wind eye of a valley. The landform was similar to the previous one, just like a volcanic crater, with a volcanic crater, and Liu Yu was hiding 100 meters away. Waiting for the wind and violent yin wind to blow the “Essence” out of the ground, wrapped in a black robe, like an ominous beast lurking in the shadows.

Five or six hours later, except for the large number of ghosts that have been lingering in the sky above the eyes of the wind, there is no shadow of “Essence” at all. Liu Yu sighed back and evacuated, shocking the midair for a while. Hundred ghosts chased after the ghost group, but Liu Yu was extremely fast, and soon shook away the ghost group behind him.

After one hour, Liu Yu withdrew from the central area of ​​”Black Blood Valley” and came to the middle area of ​​”Black Blood Valley”. Although this area is not as deep as the outer poisonous forest, the forest is deep. Like the sea, but also scattered with some shrubs, shrubs, swamps and waste grassland among the sparse woods.

Liu Yu came to a hidden earth cave. Before entering the central area of ​​the “Black Blood Valley”, Liu Yu stayed here to rest.

Now that it has been confirmed that the central area of ​​the “Black Blood Valley” can indeed capture the “Evil Spirit”, Liu Yu decided to use this earth hole as a foothold in the future. The capture of the “Evil Essence” does not happen overnight. thing.

The central area of ​​”Black Blood Valley” is too dangerous and not a good place to rest. This dirt cave is on the edge of the central area, which serves as a place to stay.

I saw Liu Yu slap the Spirit Beast Bag on his waist. The aura flashed. A giant snake with thick thighs and three feet long, with snow-white scales all over the body, appeared in front of the earth hole, triangular Xiaobai’s snake head, swallowing a dark green snake letter, making a “sizzle, sizzle” sound, it was Xiaobai.

Liu Yu patted Xiaobai’s icy snake body, turned around and walked into a narrow earth hole. The earth hole is very simple. Liu Yu took out a white jade futon from the storage bag and placed it on the ground. Next, he took out the green wood bottle gourd carved with gossip patterns.

The seals are formed on both hands, and mana is poured into the “Bagua Soul Gourd” suspended in midair. With the mana poured in, the aoki bottle gourd glowing in midair starts to spin violently, Liu Yu tightens I closed my eyes and began to refining the “Essence” caught in the bottle gourd.

Outside the earth cave, the thick and long jade snakes circled in front of the entrance of the cave, with the head of the triangular snake tilted up, alerting to the movement of all around. The pupils were infiltrating green. With a pair of white snake teeth that are as long as a barb, the jade snake is like a loyal guardian, guarding Liu Yu in the cave.

The Aoki bottle gourd spinning in mid-air with “chi, chi”, bursts of black smoke coming out all around, lasting 5 minutes of time, then Liu Yu opened his eyes and stretched out his hand Catching the falling Aoki bottle gourd, the “sickness” in the bottle gourd has been refined, leaving only a trace of gray smoke at the bottom.

“Xiao Bai is hungry!” When Liu Yu walked out of the dirt cave, the jade snake’s voice rang in his mind, and the snake’s head came over and rubbed Liu Yu’s sleeve.

“Let’s go!” Liu Yu patted the triangle snake head of the jade snake.

“very good!” With a whistling sound, the huge snake body rushed out. Since entering the black and white mountain range, the jade snake’s ration has been captured by itself, and Xiaobai’s current Body shape, at least half a sheep must be swallowed in one meal.

The jade snake swims quickly in the bushes and grasses. It walks and stops at times, looking left and right. The snake vomits and makes a “sizzle, sizzle” sound, sniffing the smell of all around. The snake is thick and long. A deep indentation appeared in the bushes afterwards, and Liu Yu was hanging far behind the jade snake.

A quarter of an hour later, the jade snake swims to a quagmire and stops. The snake’s head is high, staring at the muddy quagmire ahead. The sewage in the quagmire ripples out from time to time, and there seems to be living creatures hidden in the mud. Below, Liu Yu, who hung behind him, did not step forward, and cast the “Hidden Breath Technique” on the opposite side, hiding his own cultivation base and breath.

“pu”, silt splashed all over, a thick black shadow sprang out from the quagmire and rushed towards the jade snake. It was a green-gray python with a bloody mouth open and biting towards it. The snake neck of a jade snake.

With a muffled sound of “peng”, the jade snake snake’s head avoided the bite and swam forward for a certain distance. The snake’s tail swung its tail and pulled it on the head of the gray python. After a flash, he made a painful neigh.

The two snakes missed the separation of the snake’s body. The jade snake made a hit and took some advantage. The gray python was obviously very angry. The huge python’s head stretched forward, full of sharp teeth opened, and it kept shaking and hanging. The mud on the body, when the gray python shakes off the black mud, revealing the chloasma on the back, Liu Yu recognizes that this is an adult “black liquid python”.

“black liquid python” is a third-order Demonic beast, thick and long, strong as an ox, often hidden in water, hunting creatures close to it, very difficult, this “black liquid python” body length Sizhang, obviously an adult, is not only longer than Xiaobai, but also thicker, which is very dangerous.

But Liu Yu still hasn’t stepped forward. Xiaobai has been carefully fed over the years and swallowed a lot of Spirit Beast flesh and blood. Liu Yu also bought a lot of cultivated Spirit Beast medicine pill to give him a snake-length Very fast, but it has been kept in captivity all the time, with some animalism missing.

This trip to the black and white mountain range, Liu Yu deliberately enhances the inherent ferocity of the jade snake as a beast. Fighting is an excellent way for beasts to awaken their instincts. Never mind, Liu Yu will not intervene in the fight between the two snakes.

The “hiss, hiss” two snakes looked at each other and made a harsh roar. Then the two snakes rushed out and rushed towards each other, only to see the black liquid spouting “black liquid poison mist” from the python’s mouth. , The jet of black mist airflow is extremely fast, instantly covering the jade snake.

The “Zi” jade snake has a body of jade snake scales corroded by the poison mist, and emits puffs of gray smoke, and blood is also seeping between the scales, but only after a while, the jade snake snake The scales urged a white frost gas, which put a layer of gas armor on the snake body, repelling the poison mist.

The “hiss” jade snake was crying in pain. It turned out that the black liquid snake had already taken the opportunity to approach and bit the jade snake’s abdomen with one bite. The sharp teeth went deep and the blood spurted. If it weren’t for the jade snake to dodge, This bite bit on the snake’s neck.

The jade new snake is crazy when eating pain, not to be outdone, and bit on the hard back of the black liquid python with a bite. The two fangs of the jade snake are extremely sharp, even the black liquid python’s back is the most The hard scales were also bitten through, and the poison in the snake’s teeth, as the snake’s teeth deepened, all injected the black liquid python within the body.

The bodies of the two snakes are entangled with each other, rolling back and forth, stirring up all around the ground in a mess. Both snakes strangled each other with brute force, and their bones made a muffled noise. He can see Liu Yu brows tightly frowns. He doesn’t know whether Xiao Bai can hold it. You must know that this “black liquid python” is obviously thicker than Xiao Bai.

2.5 minutes later, seeing the two snakes tightening tighter, Liu Yu called out the “Golden Village Sword” and had to take action. At this time, the black liquid python started to loosen and bit the jade snake’s abdomen. The giant snake head was also let go. Obviously, the jade snake has inherited the innate talent of its mother “silverback snake”, which is very venomous, and it begins to function in the black liquid python within the body.

As time passed, the black liquid python gradually loosened the tightly entangled python body, and was slowly drawn out of its strength. Finally, it was motionless, and Xiao Bai loosened its mouth and collapsed to the ground. , A bloody mouth was bit open in the abdomen, apparently Xiao Bai was also severely injured.

Liu Yu first took out a Grade 3 detoxification “Bai Ling Dan” and a Grade 3 healing “Shen Yuan Dan”, and gave it to the jade snake which collapsed on the ground, and then took out a bottle of good quality “Golden Skin Medicine”, evenly sprinkle medicine powder on the wound on the abdomen of the jade snake.

“It hurts!” Xiaobai lifts the head weakly.

“Lie down, don’t move!” Liu Yu gently patted Xiao Bai’s head, comfortingly said.

Let Xiaobai lie on the ground to recover from the injury, while Liu Yu took care of the dead body of the black liquid python, cut off the snake head, peeled off the snake skin, and cut the entire snake skin into pieces, black Liquid pythons have hard snake scales. These snake skins are high-quality spiritual materials for refining leather armor and can sell some Spirit Stones.

The Jade Snake within the body has the bloodline of the ancient eighth-order Spirit Beast “Ice Snake”. The physique has a very strong restoring power. After one hour, the bitten opening in the abdomen has become flailed, and it is born under it. The new meat, after moving for a while, starts to swallow the flesh and blood of the black liquid python, which is swallowed by the tail section and stuffed into the abdomen section by section.

Black liquid python’s flesh and blood are poisonous to cultivator and cannot be eaten, but for the physique of the jade snake, these minor toxins are condiments, just like the food. Some sour vinegar is average, just to help promote digestion.

After a stick of incense, Xiao Bai had swallowed the whole black liquid python, lying motionless on the ground, his belly swelled up a whole circle, as if it would burst open at any time, if it were not for spiritual communication, Feeling the satisfaction of a lazily drink and rice patron from Xiaobai, Liu Yu thought Xiaobai was going to die!

Liu Yu took the jade snake back into the Spirit Beast Bag, and it seemed that in the next few days, he didn’t have to consider this guy’s food problem. Returning to the dirt cave where he temporarily settled, Liu Yu took out five Grade 3 “air shield charms” and one “psychic formation charm” scattered crystal powder as a front line, and placed a simple Defense Talisman formation at the mouth of the dirt cave.

Then take three “Hexin Pills” and the last “Wuchen Pill” in the storage bag to start daily cultivation to flush out qi and expand the size of the Purple Mansion space.

Since you can capture the “Essence of Evil” in the depths of the “Black Blood Valley”, the two precious medicine pill “Wuchen Pill” and “Golden Cherry Pill” used for daily cultivation, Liu Yu I intend not to buy it again.

In the next few years, save a batch of Spirit Stones. After refining a sufficient amount of “Essences”, go to Hundred Apricots Forest and purchase a Grade 6 spiritual material “Gang Yuan Ginseng”. The “Astral Fiend Taiji Hua Yuanshu” secret technique produces “Dao Soul True Qi”, which assists the cultivation “Tianshi Mantra·Dao Soul Heart Sutra”.

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