After half a month, a dark shadow in the depths of the “Black Blood Valley” was quickly shuttled in the dark haze and fog that covered the sky and avoided the sun. It was dressed in the “Sky Eagle Ink Stained Robe” In Liu Yu, the deep landform of the “Black Blood Valley” is completely different from the outer poisonous forest. There are no trees, a bald area, and a series of raised hills, forming a series of valleys of different sizes.

Liu Yu used the Imperial Wind Technique, stepping on the raised strange rock, and rushing forward, all around the soil with wisps of black smoke turning from time to time, stretching out a pair of black and festering bone hands, one The carrion with cultivation hidden in the ground, smelling the vitality of Liu Yu’s body, is climbing up from the soil.

When these clumsy carrion corpses crawled out of the soil, Liu Yu had already flown far away. The carrion corpses dragged their rotten body and sniffed the air remaining in the air, limped and walked out dozens of steps in the air. The remaining breath had long since dissipated, and the carrion corpses used their hands and feet to dig a hole in the ground and buried themselves in the soil.

Liu Yu sometimes hangs some carrion beasts, wolves, leopards, etc. behind him. The body is relatively complete, and the running speed is not slow, but it cannot catch up with Liu Yu. After a distance, It will naturally be thrown away by Liu Yu.

Dense fog shrouded, the mountain breeze passed by, accompanied by the sound of devil cry, wandering in the air with heavy ghosts, a large number of ghosts wandering in the wind unconsciously.

Several ghosts spotted Liu Yu running close to the ground, swooping down in the air, walking right into a trap and hitting the golden-yellow elliptical hood raised by Liu Yu, bursting out A cloud of black smoke, these “wandering souls” level ghosts are too weak for Liu Yu.

Soon, Liu Yu came to the bottom of a large valley. The poisonous miasma and haze deposited all around became thicker, and the bottom was a huge crater like a volcanic crater.

At this time, the pit is spewing out with bursts of black smoke, forming a hurricane eye. A large “yin vein” is connected below the pit, and the yin wind that gushes out is extremely pure The “first negative eclipse”

Liu Yu took the Grade 3 “Breaking Pill”, came to the pit cave several hundred meters behind a turbulent stone to avoid the wind, and at the same time cast the spell “hidden technique” to hide his own cultivation base and breath , Staring at the huge pothole that gushes “Yin Qi” like a fountain, and whether you can find the “Early Yin Demon Qi” mentioned in the “Astral Fiend Taiji Hua Yuanshu”, just look at this pothole.

Beneath the “Five Great Blood Grounds” are the five largest “yin veins” in the black and white mountain range. According to the ancient book, the large “yin veins” tend to breed a special kind of ghost “soul spirit”. After the death of the living spirit, the “living soul” has not dissipated. Remnant Soul is stimulated by Yin Qi and transformed into an acquired ghost.

“Essence of evil spirit” is a kind of semi-congenital yin soul born in large yin veins. The soul body is composed of a large amount of pure “Yin Demon Qi” wrapped with a trace of “Yin Demon Qi”, which is spherical, naked eye Invisible, born in the depths of the Yin veins, rarely appear on the ground.

The potholes at the bottom of these valleys in the depths of the “Black Blood Valley” are connected to the underground “yin veins”, and the air currents gushing outwards are rumored to sometimes rush the “scary essence” in the depths On the surface, Liu Yu stood by the pothole to verify the authenticity of this rumor.

One of the few sources in the remarks of “Astral Fiend Taiji Hua Yuanshu” mentioning “Early Yin Demon Qi”, it mentioned this semi-innate ghost “Essence”.

If you can capture a large number of “Essence of Evil” and extract the trace of “Yin Demon Qi” from its soul within the body, and accumulate less and more, you can make up for the cultivation “Astral Fiend” The “Early Yin Demon Qi” used.

Two hours later, Liu Yu still crouched behind the turret, pouring mana into his eyes, casting “Opening Spirit Eyes”, staring at the violent black smoke vent, the pit hole hovering nearly a hundred heads The “Shadow Soul”-level ghost is greedily absorbing the pure “Earth Erosion Qi” gushing from the ground.

Suddenly, the dozen or so souls near the entrance of the pit are thick and close to the “Yin Demon” level shadow souls. They all went mad and rushed toward the wind’s eye openings. Liu Yu fixed his eyes to see that a pitch-black gleaming sphere the size of a washbasin was blown out of the eye with the violent yin wind. It was not the “scary spirit” described in ancient books.

Obviously, these shadow souls gathered in the pit. In addition to absorbing the pure cultivation of the “first negative eroding gas”, they also have a glance. Like Liu Yu, they are all squatting and occasionally being carried by the stormy wind. The “Evil Spirit” that came out of the ground, the soul of “Evil Spirit” within the body, the “Early Yin Demon Qi”, to Shadow Soul, is undoubtedly an item of great nourishment.

“peng”, mud was splashed, and a ground at the entrance of the pit exploded beyond ten meters. A blood shadow burst out. It was actually a “blood corpse” hidden in the underground cultivation, and corroded ulcer The “carrion corpse” is very different. This “blood corpse” has a complete body, and the rough stiff skin that surrounds the whole body is blood-colored, very hideous, and the five fingers have long nails, sharp as claws.

I saw this “blood corpse” exploded like a cannonball, and the target was also the “evil spirit” that was blown out of the pothole by the yin wind. The last few ghosts of the “Evil Spirit” were torn apart, and then they let out a roar like a wild beast to deter the swooping ghosts.

Nearly a hundred ghosts wailed harshly, forced by the fierce power of the “blood corpse”, wandering in mid-air and dared not approach it. Then the “blood corpse” turned like a headless fly. With the violent yin wind, he tried his best to rush into the eye of the wind, and then the “Evil Spirit” returned to the ground and flew away.

The yin wind at the mouth of the wind’s eyes is too violent, and the soul body of this “Evil Spirit” is obviously too weak, and it is blown chaotically, just like a dead leaf in the violent wind. eye”.

When the ferocious “blood corpse” rushed forward, the soul body of the “Evil Spirit” divine light flashed and cast the innate talent spell “Shadow Escape”, turning into a black smoke and fleeing away quickly.

“Essence of evil” is a kind of ghost, which has no entity and has always been extremely fast, and “Essence of evil” is one of the well-known figures, and the speed of escape is even more amazing. But the “Blood Corpse” had already been equivalent to the Foundation Establishment Stage, and it was not too fast, so it chased after it.

“Illness!” Liu Yu immediately recruited “Golden Village Sword”, displayed “Sword Controlling Art”, and at the same time inspired “Profound Blood Escape Ray”, broke out of the sky and caught up.

Second Layer “Profound Blood Escape Ray”, escaped so fast, and after a while, he caught up with the “blood corpse” in front. The “blood corpse” saw a cultivator approaching, roared, and turned to Liu Yu He rushed, his long nails glowing with blood light, and grabbed Liu Yu top of the head straight.

“Golden Yuan Deep Earth Shield”, Liu Yu immediately drives the “Golden Yi Tu Yuan True Qi” in Purple Mansion, condense in front of him. The golden-yellow dazzling light shield, the light shield contains both the earth Spiritual Qi’s peculiar thickness is infused with Metal Spiritual Qi’s sharpness, outstanding defense, and easily blocked the sharp claw of the “blood corpse”.

Liu Yu did not entangle the “Blood Corpse” much, and went over the “Blood Corpse” to chase the escaped “Evil Spirit”, and the blocked “Blood Corpse” suddenly fell into violent violence, Blood Fiendish Qi poured into his body, his eyes flushed, and he hit the light shield in front of him.

Several smashing, collisions and collisions smashed the “Golden Yuan Deep Earth Shield”, and then a few huge hard rocks on the ground flew directly into the air to the “blood corpse” Coming, this is Liu Yu cultivation’s unique control over soil and stone after the “Jin Tu She Dao Jing”.

The “blood corpse” poured into the Iron Fist of the Blood Fiendish Qi smashed the few flying boulders in front, and was directly hit by the last boulder. The “blood corpse” was a Copper Skin & Iron Bones. He won’t be injured by the boulder, but this delay has fallen a long way, and Liu Yu is no more than a hundred steps away from the “Evil Spirit”.

I saw Liu Yu quickly knotting the celestial master’s handprint with both hands, pointing to the front of the dharma seal, and yelling: “The celestial master’s edict, Origin Qi leads the gods, chases the soul, and calms down!”

As soon as the “Filming Technique” came out, the “Evil Spirit” who fleeed in front stopped at the sound, and was held in the air by an invisible force.

Although it has not been refined into the “Tianshi Mantra·Dao Soul Heart Sutra”, this type of “Tianshi Mantra·Constant Words” has a mediocre formidable power, but it is used to deal with the “Essence” which has no fleshy body shelter. , The cultivation base is more than enough for the soul body equivalent to “Shadow Soul”.

After “Come!”, Liu Yu immediately recruited an Aoki bottle gourd carved with gossip patterns, and sucked the “Essence” fixed in the air into the bottle gourd. This Aoki bottle gourd is Liu Yu bought a special Grade 3 high-class Magical Artifact with a total of 7,000 yuan for the low-level Spirit Stone, which is called “Bagua Refining Soul Gourd”.

“Bagua Refining Soul Gourd” is refined by Breitling Sophora wood and Soul Jade. It has the effect of imprisoning and refining ghosts. It is the Magical Artifact that Liu Yu prepared in advance to refining “Evil Spirit”. It came in handy right now.

“moo! moo!” The blood corpse in the rear roared after seeing the prey being robbed, got up and chased after it, but Liu Yu didn’t intend to pay attention to the mad blood corpse, and directly displayed “Profound Blood Escape Ray” “, retreat to the distance, where the Yin Qi is rich, the Spiritual Qi is lacking, and the mana cannot be replenished in the “ghost land”, it is not suitable for fierce fighting.

Liu Yu is not afraid of this “blood corpse”, this “blood corpse” has not retreated its dead skin and has no shameless armor. It is obviously a blood that is equivalent to Foundation Establishment Early Stage. The corpse, if it’s not in the “ghost land”, which is not good for him, Liu Yu really wants to use this “blood corpse” to try his current battle strength.

Cultivation World divides the Foundation Establishment Stage “blood corpse” into three stages according to the appearance of the Foundation Establishment Stage “blood corpse” and the degree of Blood Fiendish Qi aggregation. The period of alchemy corresponds to the early, middle and late stages of foundation building of Dhamma.

“Blood corpse” in the coagulation period, Blood Fiendish Qi first gathers, still with a rough and tenacious blood-colored stiff skin, and in the blood phase A, Blood Fiendish Qi is thick and condenses around the body Formed into a tight air armor, the “blood corpse” at this time looked like a soldier wearing a blood red Battle Armor.

When it comes to the pill coagulation period, the “blood corpse” will be like the law to repair, in the body condense a “blood pill”, if you are lucky enough to survive the Thunder Tribulation, the “blood pill” is in Tianlei The cultivation base is the Golden Core Stage of Fa Xiu, which is a region’s Overlord.

Besides being in the “ghost land”, afraid of fighting with the blood corpse, attracting other ghosts and being trapped in the crowd, even if the blood corpse in the coagulation period is killed, there is not much benefit.

In addition to a tenacious dead skin that can be made into leather armor, the blood corpse in the coagulation period can also be seen by Evil Cultivator, or it can be added as a spiritual material for some poison to kill.” “Blood corpses” such as Copper Skin & Iron Bones, extremely difficult ghosts, have always been thankless work in Cultivation World, which makes most people uninterested.

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