“Dísciple Xuanyu, please see the Master!” A quarter of an hour later, Liu Yu’s sword came to the stone gate of Master Zhang Yuanzhen’s Cave Mansion and shouted to the Cave Mansion.

“It’s Xuanyu! Come in!” As the voice of the teacher’s wife Zhou Yutong came from the Cave Mansion, the Cave Mansion stone gate rose in response.

“Dísciple Xuanyu, pay homage to my wife, and Ancestor Master!” Liu Yu stepped into the Cave Mansion and saw Zhou Lutong, the Dao Companion of Ancestor Master “Daoist Profound Wood” in addition to the teacher’s mother Zhou Yutong. Sitting in Cave Mansion, busy praying.

“No need to be polite! Xuanyu, come sit down and taste the new tea from my cousin!” Madam Zhou Yutong smiled and greeted Liu Yu to sit down and poured a cup of steaming jade green tea. .

“Many thanks, good intentions, Master! Master is not in the house?” Liu Yu was anxious, how could he be in the mood to drink tea, besides, the Ancestor Master-level Senior, the “Xuan Zhao Taoist”, was there, and he was not good. Leaning forward to sit down, asked with folded hands.

“Beiluan City sent back bad news, and your Master was called to discuss this!” Shimao Zhou Yutong frowns replied, and then continued: “Is there something to do with your Master?”

“dísciple I also heard about this. Rumor has it that sect sent to the “Black and White Secret Realm” to pick up spiritual medicine from the dísciple. There are very few survivors. I don’t know if it is true or false?” Liu Yu felt more in his heart when he heard that the Master was called by sect to discuss. disturbed.

“The rumors are indeed true. Only three of the two elite dísciple teams dispatched to Secret Realm survived,” said nodded, the teacher’s wife Zhou Yutong.

“The Junior Sister is her?” Liu Yu couldn’t help mentioning his throat and asked immediately.

“Don’t worry! Zhi’er is one of the three surviving.” Zhou Yutong saw Liu Yu hurried over, knowing that he wanted to ask about it, lightly said with a smile.

Zhi’er, this girl, unearthly, fits her temperament. This time she went to “Black and White Secret Realm”. Zhou Yutong also persuaded for a long time, but in the end she didn’t persuade her. He heard from Beiluan City. She was also taken aback by the misuse, but fortunately, she heard that Tang Zhi was among the three survivors, which was a false alarm.

“Very good!” Liu Yu was very relaxed when he heard this.

“Take a seat now! Come sit down, this new tea is only picked soon, and taste it soon.” Madam Zhou Yutong greeted again, and then introduced to Zhou Lutong on the side: “Cousin, this is Yuan Zhen The new dísciple I received a few years ago, Xuanyu!”

“dísciple has seen Ancestor Master!” Liu Yu worshipped again.

“Sit down!” Zhou Lutong took a close look at Liu Yu, lightly said, this child she has heard about it. It was originally the Direct Disciple of Junior Brother Tang Hao, and now it belongs to senior brother Yu Zhang Yuanzhen. , With the funding of the three spirit roots to develop “Purple Mansion”, if Little Junior Brother knows about it, I will be very pleased.

She and Tang Hao are under the “Daoist Profound Wood”, and the relationship has always been good. Tang Hao has collected the dísciples, she knows very well that they are all crooked melons and jujubes. This child can successfully build a foundation. , It can also be considered to retain some reputation for Junior Brother Tang.

“Thank you Madam!” Liu Yu just sat down and took the tea made by Madam Zhou Yutong. He took a sip, full of fragrance, and a breath of pure rain and dew unique to new tea. People refreshed.

This tea Liu Yu has had the honor to drink several times. It is called “Monarch Mountain Silver Needle”. It is considered to be the best in the middle grade among the many teas Liu Yu has drunk.

At the same time, in the apse of Topaz Palace, “Xuannan Taoist” Zhang Yuanzhen, “Mad Lion Taoist” Xiao Jinteng, “Jifeng Taoist” Xia Houhai, “Autumn Taoist” Huang Wei, “Haoyi Taoist” Bai Yucheng, “Hongyi Taoist” Yan Shuangcheng, six Yellow Saint Sect stewards have all arrived.

“Beiluan City sent back the news, I must have heard, the specific situation, Ji Junior Brother Feng or you tell everyone!” When everyone sits down, Hall Master Yan Shuangcheng The first to speak.

Yan Shuangcheng is the Head Disciple of Yellow Saint Sect Sect Master “Sheng Yi Daoist”, Yellow Saint Sect up and down matters, except for occasional important matters, Sect Master “Sheng Yi Daoist” must come forward. It is managed by Yan Shuangcheng and is regarded as sect Acting Sect Master. The status of sect is only under the five Golden Core daoist.

“This time the “Black and White Secret Mirror”, Sect Disciple suffered heavy casualties. In addition to the two elite dísciples sent by the team, only three of them survived. There are also many dísciples who worked in Beiluan City and joined the Secret Mirror. Collecting medicines, they were also killed, 54 people were killed in total.” Xia Houhai said with a gloomy expression.

Although “Black and White Secret Mirror” has always been a dangerous land, sect disciple has suffered casualties in the past, but there has never been such an almost complete destruction of the team. When “Wo Junior Brother Feng” returns to sect, it is determined I would like to ask how he became the leader of the deacon this time?”

“And the dísciple and cultivation base selected by sect this time are so unbearable, a small Yellow Grade high grade Secret Realm, how many casualties have occurred?” Huang Wei, who is tall and thin in a daoist robe and looks like a middle-aged Taoist, said angrily.

“What do you mean?” Xia Houhai’s face changed suddenly, and asked angrily.

This time the leader deacon is his Second Brother Xiahouchuan, “Wofeng” is the name of Xiahouchuan, and more than half of the two teams of medicine collection dísciples are children of the Xiahou Family, and the leader dísciple is Qi Lingyu. After going out to Xiahou Sea Sect, this time Secret Realm and his party, Xiahou Family was seriously injured.

Huang Wei, the old adversary, deliberately made things difficult for him at this time and fell into trouble. Xia Houhai, who was already heartbroken, became more angry and his face was very ugly.

“Okay! Junior Brother in the autumn, let’s just say a few words. The change in the “Black and White Secret Mirror” has nothing to do with the cultivation base of the selected dísciple. It is said that the lizard in Secret Realm A natural phenomenon is born, and some tribes have two or three “golden armor chiefs” at the same time. Their strength has greatly increased, making various sects dísciple completely unprepared.” Yan Shuangcheng saw the autumn day and the Junior Brother still had to provoke and immediately fight. He said.

“Oh! Really?” said by Hongyi Senior Brother, Huang Wei was lightly snorted, and he did not provoke Xia Houhai again.

This time, the Xiahou Family is vying for the post of steward of the task of collecting medicines. A large number of dísciples from the family are arranged into the medicine collecting team. I don’t want to try to gain an advantage only to end up worse off. Not only lost more than 20 dísciples of the clan, and even his Direct Disciple, with a “Rainlei Dao Body”, Qi Lingyu with good potential also folded in.

Seeing Xia Houhai’s pig liver color, Huang Wei felt very happy, Xia Houhai! Xia Houhai! Dumbfounded this time!

“The lizard people in Secret Realm did have a natural phenomenon. Not only did this Sect Disciple suffer heavy damage this time, but there were also very few survivors from the Spirit Ice Palace and Myriad Medicine Valley dísciples, and they were secretly reported. Heaven Gathering Secret Sect and Spirit Beast Sect are the same.” Bai Yucheng replied at this time.

“Why is this?” Zhang Yuan couldn’t help frowning and asked.

“Yes! These lizard people are inherently dull, and the tribes fight each other endlessly and kill each other. Even if there are a few more “golden armor chiefs”, each sect produces an elite dísciple with Magical Artifact. , Body protection of the magical symbol, it is reasonable to say that it is not a concern! How did such a large casualty occur?” Law Enforcement Hall Hall Master Xiao Jinteng is also very puzzled,

“From the mouth of the dísciple that survived various sects and some escaped Loose Cultivators According to the news, a wise man should have emerged among the lizard people!” Bai Yucheng continued.

“Haoyi Junior Brother, what is a wise man?” asked Xiao Jinteng, a tall and burly man with red hair frantically.

“The younger brother read many ancient books. According to the book, the lizard people in the “Black and White Secret Mirror” are natives. At first, each tribe was a clan leader of Shadowmoon, and there was a lizard man king. The name Shadowmoon Stormrage, the battle strength is close to Golden Core, the ancient various sects have joined forces to send dísciple to the Secret Realm for several times with secret treasures. After several bloody battles, they killed the lizardman king and destroyed the Shadowmoon clan.”

“After the fall of the Shadowmoon clan, the various lizardman tribes are like a plate of scattered sand, fighting each other endlessly. The “Black and White Secret Mirror” has become a picking place for various sects spiritual medicine. Tens of thousands of powerhouses will occasionally rise, which will unify the tribes. The dísciple of various sects has caused a lot of casualties, which is called the “wise man”,” Bai Yucheng slowly explained.

“This happened? What should I do?” Zhang Yuanzhen couldn’t help being dumbfounded. This “black and white secret mirror” has always been the picking place for various sects spiritual medicine. I don’t want to have such secrets in it. After the war, sect’s demand for the two spiritual medicines “Breaking Void Grass” and “Seven Stars Flower” increased greatly, and this change is happening now.

“Xuan Senior Brother Nan don’t need to worry too much. Whether there are “wise men” in the lizard people tribe needs to be determined. Even if it is true, send a large number of elite dísciples into Secret Realm according to the method recorded in the ancient book. , Kill this “wise man”, and all the lizard people will return to a pan of sand.” Bai Yucheng said confidently.

“If this happens, Secret Realm will be opened again, and the children of Xiahou Family are willing to fight for sect!” Xiahouhai clenching one’s teeth and said.

“Well, this matter needs to be discussed with Spirit Ice Palace and Myriad Medicine Valley, and we will discuss it later. Haoyi! Have all the Taoist “Traveling Youth Pills” take back the sect?” Yanshuang Cheng Qing frowned and interrupted Xia Houhai.

“All sects have been taken back, a total of 214 in half a year!” Bai Yucheng immediately replied and took back the “Traveling Youth Pill” of Taoist temples in various places. He is solely responsible for the collection. Procrastinate for a moment.

“Xuan Junior Brother Nan, how many people have successfully built the foundation of Sect Disciple in the past six months?” Yan Shuangcheng nodded, turning his head and asked Zhang Yuanzhen aside.

“Thanks to Senior Brother, in the past six months, a total of 29 dísciples have entered the foundation of the “Foundation Mansion stone chamber”, and two have advanced to develop the Purple Mansion.” Zhang Yuanzhen replied.

“From the secret report sent to the hidden door dísciple in Heaven Gathering Secret Sect and Spirit Beast Sect, the two cases are no different. There is a sect disciple Li Ruizong in the Taoist temple in Xicha, who violated the sect. Rules, **Several mortal women escaped into the mountain range of Xibao after the incident, and the law enforcement dísciple that had been tracked the day before was killed on the spot.” Seeing Hongyi Senior Brother looking to himself, Xiao Jinteng said.

“The official sect has nine thousand six hundred thirty two, Refining Qi dísciple nine hundred and fifty, and building foundation dísciple four hundred and 77.”

” The basic monthly salary for half a year is 1.8 million low-level Spirit Stone, sect task remuneration, job salary total expenditure One Thousand One Hundred 270,000 low-level Spirit Stone, meals, tool refining, drawing symbols, raising Spirit Beast, etc. It costs 110 million low-level Spirit Stones.” Huang Wei took out a thick book and said in detail.

“sect has 323 mines of various sizes, such as fine iron ore, copper ore, and spirit gold mines. There are 24 Spirit Stone Ore Veins (16 Mining, six retreats and nourishment veins, two unmined), six months of mining income of 65 million pieces of low-level Spirit Stone.”

“The total income of the shops and Yellow Saint Spirit Manor set up by sects in various places is 60 million. A piece of low-level Spirit Stone, sect’s spiritual field and Medicine Garden earn a total of 30 million pieces of low-level Spirit Stone.”

“Subtracting various expenses, the net income of sect’s inner library is about 30 million pieces of low-level Spirit Stone in the past six months. Spirit Stone.” After Huang Wei finished speaking, Xia Houhai also took out a thick book and said.

“Explain, starting from today, the rewards for all tasks of sect, Spirit Stone and contribution point rewards are all doubled.” After listening to Huang Wei and Xia Houhai, two managers of Myriad Works Hall, Yan Shuang Cheng said.

“Senior Brother! If this is the case, sect’s monthly expenditure and income will be close to the same, and there will not be much Spirit Stone in the internal storage.” Xia Houhai was startled and hurriedly reminded.

“This is specially ordered by the Sect Master. Just let it go.” Yan Shuangcheng breathes deeply. The Master’s intention is far-reaching, obviously after careful consideration.

In this sea of ​​clouds battle, sect disciple killed and injured more than 3,000 people, most of them were Refining Qi middle and late dísciples. For this reason, sect set up dojos in major cities, widely collected disciple, and sect was added. Four thousand Dao Children. Seven of these Dao Children became poor children. They were born in mundane homes without family support. It will be very difficult for them to grow their cultivation base in the future.

Master doubled the rewards for various tasks of sect. The direct benefit is the Refining Qi dísciple in sect, especially these poor children like Loose Cultivator, because sect builds the foundation of cultivator and each family Refining Qi Children, occupy 90% of Sect’s positions. Although the task rewards are doubled, the salary of each position is not at all increased.

The various scattered tasks issued by sect are almost all completed by these poor dísciples. These scattered tasks are usually time-consuming and laborious, and the rewards are not high. They have always been thankless and the bottom poor dísciples I don’t want to take the task, but I have no choice.

Sect Master obviously intends to improve the overall treatment of Refining Qi dísciple, in order to quickly restore the number of Refining Qi dísciples that have been sharply reduced during the Sect war, and also expect more Refining Qi dísciple Strike the Foundation Establishment Stage. After all, Three Sects, Heaven Gathering Secret Sect and Spirit Beast Sect are just an agreement to truce. Once a thousand years have passed, the war will reignite.

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