Tang Zhi saw the tall “Golden Lizard Warlord” face looks sinister, drooling and walking towards him, her heart trembled, and if she fell into this monster today In his hands, the consequences were disastrous, he immediately took out a “Giant Flame Bomb” Magic Talisman, excited it and threw it at the coming “Golden Lizard Warlord”.

“Hiss!” Faced with the huge flame ball, Frost Worm opened his bloody mouth and smiled contemptuously. He smashed the huge flame ball with both hands with a sledgehammer. Going out, just listening to the loud noise of “hong”, the flame ball exploded, exploding into a rain of fire.

Then I saw a smug-faced Frost Worm with a hammer in his hand, got up and jumped, and grabbed the young female stranger. Yes, yes, he wanted to catch this female stranger alive. Man, he finally had such a chance to eat alone, he couldn’t bear to smash this strange woman.

Tang Zhi hurriedly jumped a distance, first shot the “flying sword” in his hand, and then threw a “Giant Flame Bomb” Magic Talisman, this “Golden Lizard Warlord” strong As an ox, she didn’t dare to be close at all, and her body protection was probably unable to stop the hammer of this “Golden Lizard Warlord”.

Shan Frost Worm is in a good mood. This female stranger can’t escape his palm. “Golden Spiritual Fighting Qi” poured into his hand with a sledgehammer, two hammers one after another, and the flying sword “It broke with the huge flame ball, and saw that the female stranger threw a small silver marble again. Without thinking about it, the sledgehammer in her hand threw it out again.

“Zi” saw the silver marble hit the hammer, bursting out a group of flashing red thunder, it was actually a thunder, twisting thunder and lightning passed through the hammer, and instantly lingered in the cold Frost Worm’s whole body was trembling with electricity, and the sledgehammer in his hand dropped directly and hit the ground.

Seeing a hit, Tang Zhi was immediately delighted, and immediately took the Magic Talisman from the finished apprenticeship brother, the only remaining mana in the dantian, poured it into it frantically, ready to give it a go .

This “yin wind thorn” rank surpasses Tang Zhi’s own cultivation base. Although this charm has requirements for cultivation base and spiritual Consciousness, compared to other charms of the same rank, it is greatly reduced, but it wants to stimulate , It still takes a lot of time.

At the same time, Tang Zhi took out another Tian Lei Zi. The two Tian Lei Zi were relics left to him by his father. They were made by imprisoning high-altitude lightning on a rainy day. The formidable power is huge.

But the “Golden Skin Lizard Warlord” skin is rough, flesh is thick, and has a weird strength body protection. Tian Leizi is not enough to kill it, and can only be killed by Thunder Strength Paralysis, making it impossible to move even a little bit.

Seeing that the flashing electric wire on the body of “Golden Lizard Warlord” weakened, and his hands and feet began to regain consciousness, Tang Zhi threw the second heavenly thunder son, and the thunder net suddenly appeared, once again this head” “Golden Lizard Warlord” enveloped him, buying time for himself to inspire “Yinfeng Sting”.

“Hiss!” Frost Worm fully drove the “golden spirit fighting spirit” within the body to resist the erosion of the thunder mans body, his mouth was bloody, his heart burst into anger, wait a while Being able to move, he would definitely want to remove the skin and bones of this hateful stranger.

After a few breaths, Tang Zhi’s “Yinfeng Sting” absorbed enough mana, bursting out a burst of strong spiritual power, which instantly shot out, turning into a gray ink sword glow to the “Golden Lizard Warlord” scale A shot from the thinnest throat, flashed past, piercing the neck of the “Golden Skin Lizard Warrior”, opening a fist-sized blood hole.

“Uh!” The dark blood surged, Frost Worm put his hands on his neck, curled up on the ground, making groaning sounds, and the cyan-green pupils gradually lost their luster. Human witchcraft is so powerful. Before he died, he was both frightened and regretful. Why would he be greedy to chase it alone?

At the same time, the corpses in the “Dawn Buddhism” were everywhere. There were lizardmen and Spirit Ice Palace dísciple. The main herbal gathering team of Spirit Ice Palace died in battle, even the Core Disciple Nangong Family. The direct descendant of Nangong Chuo, relying on two pieces of high-level Spiritual Artifact protection, also failed to get away, only to be split into two by Frost Longtan.

“Hey, here!” Wang Ping put a brocade-colored paper box on the table in front of Zhang Kexin and said softly.

Today, when Zhang Tianci was going to the “Building Equipment Hall” as a errand, Wang Ping and Zhang Kexin watched the shop. Normally, Zhang Tianci and Zhang Kexin worked together.

Wang Ping rushed to Yufulou early, opened the door, scrubbed, bought breakfast, and waited for the arrival of Junior Sister. After noon, he deliberately bought a box of “Dragon Beard Crisp”, he knew Zhang Kexin loved it.

“Senior Brother! Don’t buy it in the future, it’s too expensive!” Zhang Kexin looked at the “Dragon Beard Crisp” in front of him, sighed then said to Wang Ping.

“Got it! I won’t buy it next time, try it soon!” Wang Pinghan said with a smile.

This box of “Dragon Beard Crisp” will cost hundreds of low-level Spirit Stones. From helping the Master to see the store and receiving 200 yuan of low-level inspiration, Senior Brother Wang will give her every month Every time she buys a box, she asks Wang Ping not to spend money and keep the Spirit Stone for later cultivation, but Senior Brother Wang always says not to buy it next time.

“Senior Brother!” Zhang Kexin opened the brocade box, took out a piece of white as snow pastry, took a bite, it was crispy and sweet, really delicious, after two or three bites, he took a piece , Handed it to Wang Ping excitedly.

“It’s too sweet, Senior Brother doesn’t like it!” Looking at Kexin’s joyful smile, Wang Ping’s heart is warm. If he can stay like this, stay alone with Junior Sister, it would be fine Up.

“Eat slowly! Senior Brother will give you a cup of tea!” Seeing Junior Sister eating several pieces, Wang Ping got up and said.

“en! Thank you Senior Brother!” Zhang Kexin said shyly.

At this time, Zhang Tianci hurried in from the door, and asked anxiously: “Ke Xin! Where is the Master?”

“Brother Tian, ​​what’s the matter?” Zhang Kexin saw Zhang Tianci. Face anxious, asked hurriedly.

“Tianci, what happened? Master painted the talisman on the second floor.” Tianci has always been steady, and rarely has such a hurry. It must be a major event, Wang Ping said immediately.

“I’ll talk about it later, I will find the Master first.” Zhang Tianci immediately walked to the second floor.

“What’s the matter?” Liu Yu had heard the movement on the first floor and placed it on the talisman. When Zhang Tianci opened the door and entered, frowns asked.

“Master, it’s not good! News came from Beiluan City just now that sect sent two teams of elite dísciples from Secret Realm to pick spiritual medicine, and suffered heavy casualties!” Zhang Tianci said hurriedly.

Zhang Tianci was working as a errand in the “Building Device Hall” today, helping to refine iron ingots. He didn’t want a news to spread in sect suddenly. It is said that after Black and White Secret Realm was closed, he waited outside Secret Realm. Picking up the sect deacon of the picking team members only waited for two or three people.

Other sect disciple, including Qi Lingyu, second in sect influential figure Illusory Martial List, and Xiahou Xing of Xiahou Family died in Secret Realm, and suffered heavy losses.


Liu Yu’s face changed suddenly, and then he got up and asked: “Is there any news about your Martial Uncle?”

“No! “Zhang Tianci shook the head because Martial Uncle Tang Zhi also went to the Black and White Secret Realm. Hearing the news, Zhang Tianci would immediately take leave, rush down the mountain and notify the Master.

“Look at the store, find the Master for your teacher, and ask for news about your Martial Uncle!” Liu Yu hurriedly went downstairs, out of the Yufu Tower, then broke through and headed towards the Yellow Sun Peak. Fly away, leaving Zhang Tianci, Zhang Kexin, and Wang Ping extremely anxious.

“My God! Martial Uncle, she must be fine, right?” Zhang Ke said anxiously, apparently hearing the conversation upstairs.

“Ke Xin! Martial Uncle is a lucky person, and there will be no accidents.” Zhang Tianci stepped forward and hugged Zhang Kexin into his arms, comfortingly said.

Wang Ping thought of comforting himself, but when he saw this scene, he turned around silently and came to the entrance of the store, leaving a separate space for the two of them. His face was particularly ugly!

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