After half a day, Tang Zhi has searched for three small “green spaces”. Now she is in the fourth “green space”, which is still a large green space with a crescent puddle in the center. The grass and shrubs were luxuriantly green, and Tang Zhi began to search excitedly as soon as it landed.

After a stick of incense, Tang Zhi has harvested three “Sea Star Flower”, more than 30 bright “ash thorn fruits”, and two more than ten years of silver angelica. This is just a search Less than 1/4 of the range made Tang Zhi excited, with a red light expression on her face.

At this time, a scarlet streamer flew in the middle of the air quickly, and fell to the other side of the green area. It was a burly middle-aged robust man wearing black leather armor and scars. , Not at all said hello, and when he landed, he lowered his body and began to search for spiritual materials.

As soon as this person appeared, Tang Zhi cautiously recruited the “Flying Foil Sword”. These “green fields” in the Secret Realm Gobi are always first come first served. Tang Zhi couldn’t help frowning while robbing the place, her expression unhappy.

But after thinking about it for a while, Tang Zhi put away the “flying sword”, not at all, speeded up the search for spiritual materials, and assumed the existence of this middle-aged robust man. The two were separated The small crescent puddles, one east and the other west, searched for all kinds of spiritual materials in the “green space”.

Senior Brother told her that after entering the “black haze and blood”, if she can avoid conflict with others, she will try not to take action. Tang Zhi has only now advanced to Refining Qi 8-Layer. Not long after, the cultivation base is not at all advantages among the cultivators entering Secret Realm. Refining Qi 9-Layer, even the fierce person of Refining Qi Great Perfection, are many.

As soon as Liang Hong landed, he used his peripheral vision to observe the beautiful female cultivator on the opposite side. For her arrival, this woman, although her face was displeased, did not at all, apparently admitting herself The cultivation base is poor.

Secret Realm’s “green field”, he understands the principle of first-come, first-served. This is the third time he has entered the “black haze and blood”. Far away he discovered that someone had arrived in this “green field” first, but when he discovered that it was a woman, Liang Hong deliberately landed on the ground with the mentality of a try.

If the opponent makes a move, he immediately retreats. This “black haze and blood” robs and kills continuously. Life and death depend on their own strength. If the opponent dares to make a move, he is very conceited of his own cultivation base, Liang Hong Since he will retreat, he is just a Loose Cultivator on the tenth floor of Refining Qi, and it is not comparable to those elite dísciples who have entered the Great Sect of Secret Realm.

From the attitude of the other party, it is obvious that this woman’s cultivation base is not high. Thinking of this, Liang Hong couldn’t help but look up and take a closer look at the small white as snow face of this woman, ecstatic, and swallowed secretly. Mouth hands, the corners of the mouth slightly raised, eyes shining.

After a stick of incense, Tang Zhi has searched the green space on his side and was about to use the “Royal sword art” to fly away. At this time, the strange middle-aged man on the opposite side suddenly greeted: “My fellow Li Shu, the first-order Loose Cultivator, I have seen Fairy, but I don’t know who Fairy is a master?”

“Yellow Saint Sect, Tang Zhi!” Tang Zhi frowned, replied out of courtesy.

Liang Hong couldn’t help but sink when he heard that this woman was the dísciple of Yellow Saint Sect, but he thought that she was in the “black haze and blood” and said with a smile: “Tang Fairy It turned out to be a good disciple of Yellow Saint Sect, this Li is fortunate to meet! In this vast Secret Realm, to be able to meet Fairy is also destined. If Fairy doesn’t dislike it, how about going in company? How about multiple people and multiple reference?”

“Tang Zhi is used to going alone, many thanks Fellow Daoist Li kindness!” Tang Zhi would not agree to it, and declined.

“In that case, this Li took the liberty, Fairy, please!” The other party was rejected and was not angry, and said politely.

“Farewell!” Seeing the other party not at all entangled, Tang Zhi relaxed, jumped on the flying foil, and left.

Just as Tang Zhi’s imperial sword was lifted into the sky, Liang Hong suddenly waved and shot Tang Zhi on the Flying Sword with a three-point cold glow. Liang Hong deliberately didn’t get entangled, just to let the opponent relax his vigilance. Suddenly in trouble, this trick is unsatisfactory. The three cold glow shots are three “corpse poisonous bone spurs.”

This “corpse poisonous bone spur” is made from centuries-old zombie ribs and several highly toxic things tempering. It is very venomous. Once injured, it will become very toxic. If not, the cultivation base will be greatly reduced. Take the high-end Detoxifying Pill in time, and within two quarters of an hour, the poison is bound to die.

Three muffled sounds of “click”. When the three bone spurs flew in front of Tang Zhi, they were blocked by a heavy azure iron shield. The bone spurs hit the hard cold iron shield, and they were all broken into pieces. segment.

Although Tang Zhi slackened a bit, she was not completely defenseless in the dangerous “black haze and blood”. As soon as the opponent beckoned, Tang Zhi immediately recruited this third-tier intermediate “thick “Iron Shield” body protection promptly resolved the sneak attack. As soon as he landed, Tang Zhi stared at the opponent angrily and said: “Despicable!” Seeing that a shot was defeated by Liang Hong, he secretly said in one’s heart A cry: “It’s a pity!”, if this woman only displayed the “Magic Mask” type of defense, she would be in the middle of her arms. The “corpse bone spur” has a certain power to break the law. After the foundation is built, it is difficult to resist the cultivation base, but she does not want to A high-level defensive magical artifact was recruited.

But Liang Hong is happy again. This heavy azure shield is not low-grade at first glance. When this woman is killed, this thing will be brought into her arms, and then she said with a smile: “Fairy is so careful!”

“Look at the sword!” Tang Zhi didn’t want to talk nonsense, the flying sword turned into a pink sword light, flashed out, and took the opposite door.

With a sound of “clang”, Liang Hong had an extra two-handed thick-backed sword in his hand, which split the flying Sword that came from flying with a single knife, and then burst into Tang Zhi with a big laugh. “Stripping Huashan” was so strong that Tang Zhi would naturally not stay on the spot and fight hard, and a thick-backed knife cut a deep rift into the ground.

Tang Zhi flashed to the side, not yet standing still, Liang Hong had already followed, and he was slashing diagonally with the knife in one hand, blocked by the “thick iron shield” of body protection, Tang Zhi Show and hide again, but Liang Hong’s movement speed is obviously faster than Tang Zhi, and he can always keep up immediately, dodge several times, but he can’t avoid it. If it hadn’t been for the “thick iron shield” to block Liang Hong’s continuous attacks, Tang Zhi would have already Injured.

“Illness!” After the thick iron shield blocked the opponent again, Tang Zhi immediately drove the “flying sword” to shoot the opponent from the back, and at the same time stimulated the Grade 3 “Giant Flame Bomb” Magic Talisman in his hand. , Turned into a huge flame Fireball, blasted towards the opponent.

With a loud bang, Liang Hong avoided the Flying Sword shot from behind, but due to a close attack, he was too close to avoid the fireball from the strikes. He could only Inspire a Grade 3 “Air Shield Talisman” and block this strikes. This Grade 3 “Air Shield Talisman” is worth nearly 3,000 low-level Spirit Stones.

Liang Hong is an elite member of the Big Sword Hall of the “Azure Flower Club” of the hunting gang. Because of the hideous knife-shaped scar on his face, he is nicknamed “knife scar”. He is very fierce and has rich fighting skills.

After just this rush and temptation, he can see that this Yellow Saint Sect female disciple named Tang Zhi, whose cultivation base and body skills are obviously below him, but has a high level Magical Artifact and body protection of magical talisman can’t help the other party for a while. If you want to get it as soon as possible, you still need to spend some money.

He is a bit lustful. He walks away when he sees a female cultivator, and is often teased by brothers in the hall. Seeing the angry red face of the woman opposite, and the curvaceous lithe and graceful figure of the purple daoist robe, Liang Hong’s heart is hot.

He has never enjoyed the aloof and remote female disciple of each Great Sect, especially the character like the one in front of him, with outstanding appearance and appearance like Fairy, but he is not the object of his secret obscenity, definitely more than normally Those vulgar fans I have been on are hundreds of times cooler.

Although Liang Hong felt distressed, he immediately took out a Grade 3 high-level magic talisman “Golden Spirit sword glow talisman”, which was energized and turned into a golden spirit sharp energy, blessed in his hands for the third-level intermediate Magical Artifact “Golden Wall” On top of the knife, the Magical Artifact in his hand doubled his attack power.

In this way, the defensive iron shield of this woman cannot be supported for long, and her own cultivation base and body skills are dominant. Sooner or later, it will be a matter of winning this woman, and you can enjoy it. , Thinking about it made Liang Hong’s heart burst, and then he lifted the knife and rushed over with a faint smile.

But things backfired, Tang Zhi took this opportunity to breathe and inspired a Grade 3 “Wood Spirit sword glow talisman” to enhance attack, a Grade 3 “Wind Spirit sword glow talisman” that enhances her stamina, plus The automatic defense of the “thick iron shield” is not afraid of Liang Hong, and will not fall behind after continuing to fight.

Instead, he threw out a “Giant Flame Bomb” Magic Talisman from time to time, forcing Liang Hong to dodge left and right, very embarrassed.

A quarter of an hour later, Liang Hong dodged a blazing Fireball, and there was no trace of joy on his face, the more he fought, the more chilling he got. This woman didn’t know where she came from. The high-level magic talisman in her hand was like no Spirit Stone. In a short time, she had thrown the ninth one, forcing him to waste several Grade 3 “air shield talisman”.

When meeting the opposite woman, and after taking out another weird dark gray Magic Talisman, Liang Hong slammed out a round of dense blade glow, forced the opponent back, and then jumped back and fled back quickly.

At this time, Liang Hong has affirmed that this woman must be a certain clan of Yellow Saint Sect. She came to Secret Realm to experience it. She looked away and kicked the iron plate.

I wasted a few Grade 3 “Aspiration Shield Talisman” for nothing. If I continue to fight, he is afraid that this woman will take out the high-level Magical Artifacts given by the elders in the clan, such as Tian Leizi, Spiritual Artifact, etc. The item to deal with him, then all his life may be lost here.

Seeing the other party fleeing, not at all catching up, Tang Zhi collected the “yin wind thorn” charm given by the Senior Brother in his hand, and inspired the wind spirit light blessed by the “wind charm”. Time At the end of the day, if this person does not escape, Tang Zhi is planning to use this person to try this “yin wind thorn” formidable power.

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