The black and white mountain range is one of the five bloody places “Black Blood Valley”, a large “wasteland” in the central area. Twenty Yellow Saint Sect dísciples are arranged in a circle around the body Shrouded by the black haze and mist that obscures the sky and the sun, he is vigilant for the terrifying wailing coming all around, and the dark shadows that flash in the thick black haze from time to time.

A large number of ghosts in the black haze and thick fog linger and wander in midair, all around. There are dozens of fierce Demonic beasts lurking in the rocks on the ground. These are the living people of Yellow Saint Sect dísciple “Yang Essence Qi” “In this pitch-black “wrecked wasteland”, like a beacon in the night, attracting the prying eyes of many ghosts and Demonic beasts, many of them have reached the “Yin Demon” of the Foundation Establishment Stage cultivation base.

But the large number of ghosts wandering in the air did not dare to rush forward, tearing up these attractive living creatures, and devouring them. Next to the array of Yellow Saint Sect dísciple stood a middle-aged Taoist, this Taoist The heavy spiritual pressure exuding from his body makes many ghosts lingering in the dark shudder. It is the sect deacon Xiahouchuan who is the leader of this exploration of the “Black and White Secret Mirror” and owns the cultivation base of the eight houses.

Although the entrance of “Black and White Secret Realm” is erratic, it is randomly distributed in the black and white mountain range large and small thousands of “Black Haze Poison Forest”, but the central area of ​​”Black Blood Valley” When Secret Realm is present, there must be two to three entrances.

In addition to the leader Xia Houchuan, the sect disciple escorted the team, as well as the director of Beiluan City “Bright Jade Dao Ren” and deacon “Daoist Spirit Snow”. The two had separated from the others, and Yu Jian went to look for the entrance of Secret Realm. The entrance of the “Black and White Secret Mirror” is usually around three quarters, and the time is almost the same.

Xiahouchuan brought the sect disciple here to ensure the safety of all dísciples. The dísciple of the Refining Qi Stage cultivation base is very dangerous in the central area of ​​the “Black Blood Valley”, even if it is a group of people Row.

Secondly, this rocky wasteland is also one of the places where the secret mirror entrance is frequently present. Everyone only needs to stay here and wait. If the entrance appears here best, if not, the other two sect When deacon finds the entrance, it will also send a signal to notify everyone to go.

Dense fog lingers, all around it is pitch black, mountain breeze hu hu, with a biting cold air, accompanied by bursts of devil cry, making the faces of Yellow Saint Sect disciples arrayed With dignity outside, each clasped the Magical Artifact in his hand.

Tang Zhi’s expression is relatively calm among the various dísciples. A few years ago, when he came to the “Black Blood Valley” to hunt with the Senior Brother, he had already experienced this ghostly situation. Too panic.

Suddenly, a group of flashing red glow appeared out of thin air in the thick fog not far to the left, and it became brighter and brighter. It was the entrance of the “Black and White Secret Mirror”. Xia Houchuan took twenty The famous sect disciple hurried over immediately, and took out the “Thousand Intentions Communication Jade” at the same time, and notified the “Bright Jade Daoist” and “Daoist Spirit Snow” to come.

This group of red glow is a suspended circular vortex, which is spinning rapidly, and its range is expanding. The center of the vortex exudes a deep red glow, and the surrounding space is distorted and colorful. It is not yet close. Then you can feel a horrible spiritual pressure that makes your heart palpitating.

“When the entrance is stable, you will immediately enter Secret Realm. After entering Secret Realm, you will randomly transmit to any corner of Secret Realm. Everyone needs to be careful at all times. With the “black blood plate” in your hand, We must converge in one place as soon as possible, is that clear?” Xia Houchuan said to the dísciple behind him after carefully observing the forming space vortex.

“dísciple understand!” Everyone immediately replied in unison.

“Secret Realm has various spiritual medicines, but the most valuable ones are “Breaking Void Grass” and “Seven Stars Flower”. These two kinds of rare spiritual medicines can refine “Clearing Heart Pill” Secret Realm is home to a kind of humanoid “lizardmen”. There are large and small tribes of “lizardmen” in the Gobi, which is very dangerous.”

“Every “lizardmen” tribe is There are medicine gardens, among which there is a high probability of “Breaking Void Grass” and “Seven Stars Flower”. The larger the tribe, the higher the probability. “

” After you come together, you will work together Go to these tribes to pick spiritual medicine. After you quit Secret Realm, sect will give you rewards based on the amount of spiritual medicine you picked, especially the number of “Breaking Void Grass” and “Seven Stars Flower”.”

“If the total number of “Breaking Void Grass” and “Seven Stars Flower” reaches 50 plants, each person will be awarded a “Clearing Heart Pill”, and a large number of contribution points will be awarded. The more the number, the richer the reward will be.”

“Listen clearly, if the number of picking two flavors is too small, which is much lower than in previous years, not only will there be no reward, but also sect Punishment, after entering Secret Realm, we must meet as soon as possible, understand?” Xia Houchuan continued.

“dísciple understand!” Everyone replied excitedly.

Every time the “Black and White Secret Mirror” is turned on, each Great Sect will send an elite dísciple and enter the Secret Realm to pick the two spirit materials of “Breaking Void Grass” and “Seven Stars Flower”. This has always been the case, and always Plentiful harvest, “Black and White Secret Mirror” has long become a common resource point for all sects.

After a quarter of an hour, the red glow vortex quickly stabilized, forming a two-person red elliptical light group. After following the other sect disciple, Tang Zhi wore a “spiritual mask” in a nervous mood. Holding a sword in one hand and a Grade 2 advanced “Golden Spirit Thorn” Magic Talisman in the other, he walked into the oval light group.

At first it was dark, and then it was bright again. Tang Zhi appeared on a barren Gobi, with scarlet gravel and sand on the ground. A gust of wind blew through and rolled up the sky. dust.

The sky is shrouded in a thick blood-colored cloud, tumbling and surging, there is neither a scorching sun nor a silver moon, between Heaven and Earth is full of pale red light, just like a bloody veil before you , I looked up and saw a dry and deserted area, without a trace of life, exactly the same as what Senior Brother said.

Tang Zhi looked around all around. After seeing nothing unusual, he put away the long sword and Magic Talisman in his hand, and took out a palm-size scarlet copper plate. The center mirror is smooth, and the outer ring is engraved with Eight Trigrams of The Earlier Heaven Qian, Zhen, Kan, Gen, Kun, Sunda, Li, and Red are just a special Magical Artifact “black blood plate” issued by sect.

After a stick of incense, the “black blood disc” in Tang Zhi’s hand did not respond. Obviously, within two hundred miles, there is no sect disciple that has just entered the secret mirror together, otherwise the center mirror will surely show a prompt direction.

After a while, Tang Zhi frowned slightly, put the copper plate away, chose a position at will, called out the “Flying Foil Sword”, displayed the Imperial Sword Art, and broke through the air.

Tang Zhi’s imperial sword flew low in the air, looking all around from time to time. Although the “Black Haze and Blood Land” was very desolate, it was full of dry Gobi and Desert. However, Senior Brother said that among the endless gravel and sand, there are some small green spaces. There are various spiritual materials in these green spaces. If they arrive one step earlier, they will be able to gain little.

Two quarters of an hour later, Tang Zhi was delighted. Between the two low sand dunes on the front left, a green area appeared, which should be what Senior Brother said. Soon, Tang Zhi came to the sky above this green area. The ground was scattered with weeds, sea-buckthorn shrubs and other green plants, which was far from the expected large water source oasis.

Tang Zhi fell to the ground and began to search. Although this small piece of green land is barren, it is better than nothing. It is better than nothing. Soon Tang Zhi had a harvest. A Grade 3 low-level spiritual medicine “Sea Star Flower” was opened among the weeds.

This kind of spiritual medicine is shaped like a five-pointed “starfish” in the sea. It has been exposed to wind and sand all the year round. Its petals are hard and horny. The epidermis is like a “cactus” in the desert, with wool and barbs.

Tang Zhi cautiously pulled out the “Sea Star Flower” buried deep in the sand. Although this spiritual medicine has a weird appearance, it is very rare. It is an Earth Element high grade spiritual material and can be added in many kinds Among the valuable medicine pill, to upgrade the medical power of the medicine pill, a low-level Spirit Stone sells for 600 yuan.

This small piece of green land is too barren. Except for this “Sea Star Flower”, only one ash thorn tree was found. From the ash thorn tree, more than a dozen bright “ash After “thorn fruit”, there is no other spiritual material.

But this can be considered a good sign. Tang Zhixing jumped on the “Flying Foil Sword” and went to find the next “green space”, this kind of “green space” in the vast Gobi, I heard Senior Brother said that there are many more, first come first served, if you can find one more. “Greenland” can make more money.

At the same time, Tang Zhi did not forget that she took out the “black blood plate” from time to time to see if she could meet other sect disciples, converge earlier, and cultivate various rare species in the “lizard people” tribe. Compared with spirit materials, these “green fields” can only be regarded as petty profits.

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