Ten days later, at the beginning of the month, it was the day when sect issued this month’s monthly salary. The Resting Immortal Town at the foot of the mountain was crowded with people today, and it was more noisy than usual. A strip extending from the west side of the main street A new store is opening on the Cha Street “Fuguang Street”, and a group of lion dancers are invited in front of the store to beat the gongs and drums to make it lively.

At the moment, with a burst of “boom, boom” drums, two vivid golden flower lions, one left and the other, moved and flew together, jumping together, hanging on the door plaque The red cloth flower ball was taken down from the left and right together, revealing the three characters “Jade Fulou”.

“Okay!” The people watching the excitement suddenly clapped their hands and applauded.

At this moment, a young man dressed in a solemn “Yellow Saint Mingling Robe” stepped to the front of the store, cup one fist in the other hand to the crowd onlookers, said with a smile heartily: “Everyone, I’m the owner of “Xuanyu” here, and I am the owner of the “Yufulou”. I thank all the guests for their cheers and visit the shop.”

“The owner sells all kinds of charms, with two styles of each level.” Body Protection Talisman”, Grade 3 intermediate “Giant Flame Bomb” and Grade 3 advanced “Breath Concealing Talisman”, etc., also sell Magical Artifact, medicine pill, spiritual materials, etc., our shop buys and sells small, all prices are favorable.”

“To celebrate the opening of this store, the entire store’s goods are 10% off today. In addition, today we have 20 Grade 3 intermediate “Body Protection Talisman”, each for only 2,500 low-level Spirit Stones. The store’s customers are limited to one purchase per person, on a first-come-first-served basis, while stocks last.”

“”Xuanyu”? Could it be that the three-spirit root who was enthusiastic a few days ago successfully built the foundation Xuanyu Martial Uncle?”

“Who else can it be? Isn’t it this Xuanyu Martial Uncle. To be able to open a store in this Resting Immortal Town, it seems that our Martial Uncle is very rich, but it doesn’t look like it According to the rumors, I was born in a humble background, and I have been in poverty all the way to the present!”

“Grade 3 intermediate “Body Protection Talisman”, a piece of 2,500 low-level Spirit Stone? Really?”


“That’s right, I just saw it in another talisman shop just now. A Grade 3 intermediate “Body Protection Talisman” sells for a full 2,800 yuan low-level Spirit Stone!”

“Yes, yes!”


As soon as Liu Yu finished speaking, people onlookers and even walking on the street stopped one after another, and talked about it. .

“Yes! Shopkeeper’s, isn’t it true? Could it be that it’s fooling people.” A fatty with a big belly and a big belly in front of the crowd shouted.

“Who is fooling people, you are fat…” Tang Zhi, who had a cheerful face, immediately started cursing when he heard the words of this fatty, but Liu Yu interrupted: “This Brother, if you don’t believe me, why don’t you come in and take a look?”

“Just come in, everyone will go in with Fatty Zhang and see if this shopkeeper will fool people.” Fatty said with a grin .

“Please!” Liu Yu turned sideways to open the shop, raising his hand to ask.

“Yo! It’s really in stock!” Many people who watched the excitement rushed into the “Jade Fu Lou” along with this fatty. They saw a jade cabinet in the front, one by one. Spread out, there are exactly 20 Grade 3 intermediate “Body Protection Talisman”, and each is marked with 2,500 low-level Spirit Stones.

“Can you show me it?” Fatty said unwillingly.

“Senior Sister Murong, take one out and show it to this guest!” Liu Yu calmly said lightly with a smile.

“Jade Fulou” opened in a hurry to catch up with the beginning of the month. In addition to Tang Zhi, Liu Yu only invited Senior Sister Murong Yu to come to help. Originally, Mu Tianming would also come, but something happened temporarily. Only Liu Yu, Tang Zhi, and Murong Yu have three people. Murong Yu comes from a prominent family and has never had such an experience, but it feels a little fresh.

“Here!” Murong Yu smiled and handed a “Body Protection Talisman” to the fatty.

“Ah! Many thanks Fairy!” Murong Yu is tall and stylish, with a green silk draped to the fat, with a gorgeous appearance and a charming posture. The fatty can not help but be somewhat absent-minded.

“This talisman is really true, shopkeeper, it really only costs 2,500 yuan for a low-level Spirit Stone?” This Body Protection Talisman was passed in the hands of the fatty and other guests, and entered the shop to watch the fun. Among the people, those who know the goods naturally can see that the quality of this Body Protection Talisman is not bad, and it is not a defective product of playing the yú to make up the numbers, said fatty brace oneself.

“The store opened, specially prepared, it is naturally true.” Liu Yu solemnly said to everyone.

“Uh! I don’t have so many Spirit Stones with me, I will go to Spirit Manor to change the Spirit Stone, and come again!” Under the crowd, Fatty suddenly felt a little guilty. He is a Loose Cultivator. There are so many Spirit Stones that I just made a fuss, just to have fun. This is a bit if you ride a tiger, it’s hard to get off. I found an excuse, put down the Body Protection Talisman and started to walk outside.

“This guest needn’t bother! Our store also accepts cash tickets.” Liu Yu pointed to the “spirit jade board” placed on the account counter and said politely.

“Cut…” When this fatty heard Liu Yu’s words, he ran faster, which caused the crowd in the store to boo.

“If the shopkeeper speaks the words, I will ask you for one, shopkeeper, click on it.” At this time, a middle-aged man with a knife back took two blue tickets, two green tickets, and a bunch The fragmented Spirit Stone pushed on the counter and said gruffly.

“Okay, this magic talisman belongs to Brother, and I hope that Brother will patronize our store more business in the future.” After Liu Yu tapped, he put the Grade 3 intermediate “Body Protection Talisman”, Handed the knife back to the man and said.

“Definitely!” The man with the sword didn’t think that this Grade 3 intermediate “Body Protection Talisman” would really only cost 2,500 low-level Spirit Stones, and said happily.

The man with the back knife is a Loose Cultivator. He has been alone in Cultivation World for decades. He knows that such a Grade 3 “Body Protection Talisman” is a life-saving thing at the critical moment. I have long wanted to buy it, but It was too expensive, and I was a little reluctant. When he encountered such good things, he saved hundreds of Spirit Stones at once. How could he be unhappy!

“Martial Uncle, Junior wants one!” Seeing that it is so cheap, a young Yellow Saint Sect dísciple said immediately.

“I want one too!”

“And me!”

“The old man wants one too!”

The crowd watching the excitement in the store, all those who have enough Spirit Stone on their bodies, scrambled and said that this Grade 3 intermediate “Body Protection Talisman” is only 2,500 yuan of low-level Spirit Stone, no matter if you buy yourself Use it, or resell it to others, it is considered a big advantage.

“Exactly two thousand five hundred low-level Spirit Stones, this is your magic talisman.” Tang Zhi one after another received the Spirit Stone, and after the test was correct, he handed out a sheet of Grade 3 Intermediate “Body Protection” Talisman”, in less than 2.5 minutes, eight or nine cards have been taken away.

“Let’s go, let’s tell Senior Brother Chen that he didn’t say he wanted to buy a Grade 3 “Body Protection Talisman” last time, but did he think it was a bit expensive?” A young Yellow Saint Sect dísciple He took the Grade 3 intermediate “Body Protection Talisman” that he had just bought, turned around and immediately said to the friend on the side.

“Yes, hurry up, I don’t know if I am in a hurry to come!”

“Senior Brother Chen also went down the mountain today, let’s look for it!”

The two whispered to each other and hurried out of Yufulou.

“Senior, Junior wants one! But you don’t have enough Spirit Stone on your body, you can prepay 2,000 low-level Spirit Stones, and send the rest in a while, and you can reserve one for Junior “?” A tall and thin man saw that the special “Body Protection Talisman” in the cabinet was reduced one by one, and rushed to Liu Yu to say, pleading.

“The rules have been set, first come, first served, you’d better go and collect the Spirit Stone!” Liu Yu counted the Spirit Stone handed in by a guest, and then replied.

“Well then!” The tall and thin man immediately ran out of the shop, went to find an acquaintance to join the Spirit Stone.

“Hey, big brother Kou, come and look at this shop. A bottle of “Golden Origin Powder” only costs 320 yuan for the low-level Spirit Stone, which is three times cheaper than the pharmacy we bought last time. Ten yuan a bottle.” A short-haired girl who had come into the shop with the excitement, when looking around in the shop, suddenly found four bottles of “Golden Origin Powder” placed in a cupboard, and immediately asked the shop excitedly. Shouted the older man.

“Shopkeeper, can you take out the “Golden Origin Powder” in the cupboard over there for a look at it?” The man came to the short-haired girl and looked at the “Golden Origin Powder” in the cupboard. For the price, a look of joy suddenly appeared on his face, and he rushed to Liu Yu to ask.

“Zhi’er, this guest’s Spirit Stone, you will collect it later.” Liu Yu first gave the Tang Zhi branch to the side, remembering that he only bought a “Giant Flame Bomb” charm. The guest’s Spirit Stone then greeted the man and said: “Let’s go!”

“Shopkeeper’s, these four bottles of “Golden Origin Powder”, Kou wants them.” When Liu Yu ordered four bottles “Golden Origin Powder” was taken out, the man pulled out the cork and smelled it, and found that the quality of these “Golden Origin Powder” was even better than the last time he took it, and he immediately said excitedly.

“Then let me pay for the Spirit Stone in front.” Liu Yu nodded and said.

“shopkeeper’s, this “snake vanilla”, seventy-five yuan of low-level Spirit Stone, right? I’ll take it next.” Before Liu Yu took the two to walk back to the front desk, halfway Another guest called him.

“This guest, let’s go ahead!” Liu Yu took out the “snake vanilla” from the cupboard and said.

“Three people, please wait a minute and hand in Spirit Stone again!” At this time, someone was queuing up in front of the counter to check out. Liu Yu took four bottles of “Golden Origin Powder” with that plant “Snake Vanilla” was placed on the shelf beside Tang Zhi, and after asking the price, he went to greet other customers in the store.

These spiritual materials and spiritual medicine are all spoils of war seized on the battlefield by Liu Yu. On the first day of opening, the price is generally not high. As more people enter the store, the business will increase. The better you come, and soon Liu Yu, Tang Zhi, and Murong Yu are all busy and a little confused.

Tang Zhi stayed at the counter and received Spirit Stone. Liu Yu and Murong Yu hurriedly greeted the customers in the store. On the first day of opening, the business should not be too hot, and the customers entering the store seem to be more and more.

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