“Little Brother, don’t hesitate to look at it, our store is being cleared, and Magical Artifacts and spiritual materials in the store will all have discounts!” The middle-aged Taoist who was wiping a long sword saw customers entering the store. Busily put down the sword in his hand and pile said with a smile.

“The shopkeeper’s, are these the only ones?” Liu Yu aimless went around in the store and found that the twenty-odd Magical Artifact middle grades on display were only one grade. 2 The high-level “Tiger Bronze Gun”, the price is not high, only 750 low-level Spirit Stone, said casually.

“Sorry! This shop is ready to transfer, so only these are left. But the price of each Magical Artifact in this shop is much lower than other shops. If you see it, the price can be negotiated “The middle-aged Taoist pays said with a smile.

“Oh! This shop is going to be transferred?” Liu Yu asked casually.

“Don’t hide Little Brother, after the Yun Prefecture war, Magical Artifact’s business was too difficult to do. If our store can’t make ends meet, it can only be transferred?” the middle-aged Taoist said. A large number of Magical Artifacts flowed out of the battlefield, and the supply exceeded demand for a while, causing the price of Magical Artifacts on the market to drop again and again. Most family stores like them can’t sustain it.

“If you dare to ask the shopkeeper, how many Spirit Stones will this shop sell?” Liu Yu asked the middle-aged shopkeeper with a faint smile.

“Brother…, uh, this Han cultivation base is low, unable to see the identity of Senior, if you offend, please Senior!” This customer in the shop suddenly broke out In the imposing manner, the middle-aged shopkeeper couldn’t help being surprised. The other party was so young that he was already a senior, and he stammered.

“It’s okay! Shopkeeper Han, let’s tell you, I deliberately bought a store when I went down here, so I didn’t look at the store’s transfer, so I came in and asked!” Liu Yu stopped going around and said bluntly.

Liu Yu has drawn a lot of charms and is already an experienced Talisman Master. He has mastered four Grade 3 charms and more than 50 Grade 2 charms drawing skills, from the mountainside night market in Wo Ma Lake The volume acquired in China records a series of “Body Protection Talisman” talisman cases, which Liu Yu has already been studying.

This brown talisman book depicts dozens of “patterns” of spells, ranging from the first grade elementary to the grade 3 advanced level. There are two types of Body Protection Talisman, “cover type” and “shield type”. Liu Yu below Grade 3 has basically mastered it, and above Grade 3 can draw successfully, but the success rate is too low, and more practice is needed.

But Liu Yu has now advanced to the Foundation Establishment Stage, and the Soul Power strength of the soul has been greatly improved. For the strength control of drawing magic symbols, bring it up a level, plus rich experience, and then draw these With Grade 3 magic talisman, you can be familiar with it, and it will not take long to go from entry to proficiency.

In addition, Liu Yu also has an animal skin spirit book obtained from the Cave Mansion in Shifeng Mountain. It contains more than thirty kinds of high-level charms “Talisman Cases”, these charms range from fourth to sixth. There are all levels, which will be the basis for Liu Yu to walk in Cultivation World afterwards, so you need to master it as soon as possible.

sect, the family trains a qualified “Talisman Master”. The most difficult time is in Early-Stage, which requires a lot of financial resources to use Spirit Stone to hard stack drawing symbols. “Talisman Master” was a money-losing item in the early stage, and the situation will not get better until after the most difficult entry stage and mastering several Grade 3 charms.

Liu Yu started to become a talisman in the “Thousand Talisman Tower” and was carefully taught by the old Talisman Master Shi Changming. He often went to the “Fuyuan Tower” to take part in the job. During the war, he was also transferred to the “Huafu Institute”. month.

This way, it took a lot of time, energy and financial resources to accumulate a lot of experience in drawing symbols. After the introductory stage, Liu Yu will naturally go on with “talisman”.

“Senior, you can see that our shop faces south and north. It has two floors, the first floor is a shop, and the second floor is a pavilion. The shop is three feet and six feet long, two feet and eight feet wide, and the store is spacious, facing the main street. Two hundred steps away is the most prosperous Yellow Saint Street in Resting Immortal Town, with ample daily passenger flow.”

“The second-floor pavilion can be used as a warehouse or for people to live in. It is extremely convenient. If it is not a change in the clan, Absolutely, this shop will not be transferred out. If Senior really intends to sell, it will be considered as a low-level Spirit Stone of 1.1 million?” Han shopkeeper first talked about it and tried to explain the location of this shop, and finally opened it. price.

“1.1 million low-level Spirit Stone!” Liu Yu frowned. It was too expensive. Although Liu Yu could take out this Spirit Stone, it would be sold at this price. When he left this shop, there were no more Spirit Stones left on him. When he arrived, he would take a symbol to open a shop and do business.

After Liu Yu killed Hu Yanshi, he got more than 900,000 Spirit Stones from his storage bag, plus 100,000 Spirit Stones awarded by the Advanced Foundation Establishment Stage sect, and died in the war. The Heaven Gathering Secret Sect dísciple and Samsara Guards held by Liu Yu are no less than 30 people. There are more than 20 storage bags seized from them, among which the Spirit Stone totals more than 200,000.

In fact, in addition to the more than 1.2 million existing Spirit Stones and spiritual tickets, Liu Yu also has a large backlog of Magic Talisman, medicine pill, Magical Artifact, and various levels of spiritual materials, but It cannot be changed to Spirit Stone in a short time. This is one of the reasons Liu Yu wants to open a store.

After opening a store, Liu Yu will sell all the captured Magic Talisman, medicine pill, Magical Artifact, spiritual materials, etc., in the store, and will draw a batch of high-end Magic charms, such as Tier 3 “Body Protection Talisman”, “Air Shield Talisman”, “Giant Flame Talisman”, etc., will open a grocery store mainly selling magic charms.

Liu Yu predicts in his mind that the batch of Magic Talisman, medicine pill, Magical Artifact, spiritual materials and other sundries that he had accumulated in his hands would be worth more than 200,000 low-level Spirit Stones if they were all sold.

“Senior Brother, why are you here! How about this “Taixu Tie”? It is said that it came from Zhong Prefecture Overwhelming Sect.” Then Tang Zhi rushed into the store and took out one. The deputy pen and ink Tibetan Feng said vigorously and vigorously.

This pair of “Taixu stickers” cost her 100 yuan of low-level Spirit Stone. The word stickers produced by Overwhelming Sect have always been very popular in Cultivation World. Tang Zhi also selected several landscape paintings and screens. The hanging page is good for decorating the hall of Profound Jade Cave, adding some elegance.

“The ups and downs, unrestrained imposing manner, really good words!” Han shopkeeper clapped his hands in praise.

“Shopkeeper, although the location of this shop is not bad, it is not on the main street. The price is too expensive. Can you lower it?” Liu Yu said after considering it for a while.

“Senior Brother, do you want to take this store?” Tang Zhi asked in surprise.

“Shhh!” Liu Yu motioned Tang Zhi not to speak.

“This, this, um! Senior, if you are really interested, our shop would like to drop another 50,000, which is the lowest price.” Han shopkeeper expression was entangled, and after thinking about it for a while, he felt heartache. Said the appearance.

“It’s still a bit expensive!” Liu Yu remained unmoved and said.

“Senior, to tell you the truth, 1.05 million low-level Spirit Stone is really not expensive. If it weren’t for the current market, our shop could sell 1.2 million at any time.” Han shopkeeper said painfully .

“Han shopkeeper is the owner of this shop?” Liu Yu lightly said with a smile.

“This shop is a family business. The owner is Young Patriarch. This Han is a shopkeeper. Although he is only operating and looking after, he can also be the owner!” Shopkeeper Han hurriedly explained.

“Then, let’s go and see other stores first, and compare one or two. I really want to buy another store. If this store is willing to lower the price, it’s best. If Korean shopkeeper can’t do it If you are the Lord, please ask the person in charge to come and come back later, how about?” Liu Yu said calmly.

“Well, then! This Han will invite Young Patriarch to come to the store. If Senior returns to the store later, he can discuss with Young Patriarch himself.” Shopkeeper sighed then said, nodded Said, in fact, the price offered by Korean shopkeeper at this time is already the lowest price negotiated by the family.

“Senior Brother, you really want to open a store!” Tang Zhi asked in a low voice after leaving the store.

“en! You also know that Senior Brother can draw symbols. If you open a store, you won’t be able to make a profit, but at least you won’t lose money. If you set up a new property, you won’t have to sit back and eat.” Liu Yu said in his heart. The idea, one after another, gave Tang Zhi.

“Very good! Then, when the shop opens, Zhier will help Senior Brother to see the shop! Senior Brother, this salary is indispensable.” Tang Zhi said with a grin.

“Okay! Okay! Okay! Give you the start-up money, let’s go to other stores first to check the price, so as not to be taken advantage of.” Liu Yu couldn’t help being amused by Tang Zhi, said with a smile.

“Yes, go, go!” Tang Zhi continued Liu Yu excitedly.


Two hours later, Liu Yu and Tang Zhi returned to the store, and there was an embroidered clothed youth in the store. This person was the previous Korean shopkeeper. Young Patriarch, also a Yellow Saint Sect dísciple, named Han Mu, Dual Spiritual Roots, Refining Qi tenth floor, is preparing for foundation construction.

“It turned out to be Xuan Senior Brother Yu, this Han admires!” After the two sides greeted, Han Mu cup one fist in the other hand said.

He heard that Uncle Han sent someone to say that a young foundation building cultivator wanted a shop, and Han Mu rushed to the shop, but he didn’t get to this young foundation building cultivator. The newly promoted foundation dísciple “Xuanyu” has been spread to a lot of insiders.

“Junior Brother Han, you are welcome!” Liu Yu said with a smile in return.

“I heard Uncle Han say that Xuan Senior Brother Yu intends to take the store?” Han Mu said bluntly without much words.

“en!” Liu Yu nodded.

“Uncle Han said that Senior Brother thinks this shop is a bit expensive, so what price does Senior Brother think is right!” Han Mu asked directly.

“Ninety-five thousand!” Liu Yu said tentatively.

In fact, after only two hours of inquiries, Liu Yu knows that the Korean shopkeeper’s price is not high. There are currently any Young Sect Master stores in Resting Immortal Town that are renting or transferring, and the approximate price is also Understand that the transfer price ranges from 800,000 to 2 million. The closer you are to the main street, the higher the price.

“1 million low-level Spirit Stone, plus a copy of the “Double Pill Tempering Field” secret technique used by the Xuan Senior Brother Yu to build the foundation, how about?” Han Mu said confidently. The location of this store in the family is acceptable. If it is not for the urgent use of Spirit Stone, after a few years, 1.2 million low-level Spirit Stone can be sold casually.

“Okay! When do you want it?” Liu Yu didn’t say much, nodded responded. He used the “double pill quenching field” secret technique to build the foundation, which is no secret in sect. After success, Liu Yu’s “double pill quenching field” secret technique was immediately handed over to sect.

Han Mu wanted the secret technique of “double pill quenching field” in his hand at this time, and Liu Yu naturally would not hide it. In fact, there are “double pill quenching field” in sect and some Great Family. The secret technique of “” is also roughly the same, except that the formula of “Quentian spiritual liquid” is different.

Furthermore, the “double pill quenching field” secret technique is used to build the foundation. Not only is the process very dangerous, but the most important thing is the preparation of several main medicines of “spiritual liquid quenching”, which are extremely rare spiritual materials. , Not at all is so easy to collect, if Han Mu wants to build the foundation with the “double pill quenching field” secret technique, he is afraid that he will make a wrong calculation.

“No hurry! Xuan Senior Brother Yu, let’s go to the sect shop first tomorrow, register and hand over some procedures, then hand over the Spirit Stone in one hand and the land deed on the other hand.” Han Mu said readily. He wanted this copy of the “Double Pill Tempering Field” secret technique, but only wanted to refer to one or two, and he didn’t have to use this technique to build the foundation.

The most important reason for such a refreshing is that Han Mu urgently needs a Spirit Stone to purchase “Clearing Heart Pill”. You must know that the price of a “Clearing Heart Pill” on the market today is as high as three. One hundred thousand low-level Spirit Stone.

Han Mu is the Han Family Young Master of Lou Fengguo Yaozhu. His father is Han Family patriarch. He is also the only one in the clan to build a foundation cultivator. He has a cultivation base for building six provinces and is also a third-tier cultivator. Master tool refining, this shop was opened by his father.

In addition, Han Family has a small refined copper mine in Yaozhu City, which can mine a lot of tool refining spiritual materials “refined copper” every year, and the Magical Artifact produced has an advantage in cost, so Han Family’s tool refining shop in Resting Immortal Town has been doing pretty good business, and Han Mu has not missed Spirit Stone.

Unfortunately, Han Family patriarch fell unexpectedly in this war. The tool refining division was gone. After the war, the price of Magical Artifacts of all levels dropped all the way and the market was extremely depressed. The business of this tool refining shop is extremely poor.

What’s more terrible is that during the time when Heaven Gathering Secret Sect occupied Loufeng Country, Heaven Gathering Secret Sect ransacked all materials in Loufeng Country, and Han Family’s industry was not spared. Not only did clansman kill more than half of his injuries, but the copper mine was also taken.

After Heaven Gathering Secret Sect withdrew from Loufeng Country, the Han Family people discovered that the copper concentrate had been over-exploited and it was in a mess. If they wanted to re-mining, they needed to invest a Spirit Stone to repair the mine. Dao is good, in addition, Han Family has nearly 30 cultivators up and down, daily cultivation, and urgently need a Spirit Stone.

So Han Family now lacks Spirit Stone in all aspects. As Young Patriarch, Han Mu has no choice but to choose a low price to sell this shop as soon as possible in exchange for a large amount of Spirit Stone for his own preparation. At the same time, it is also good to maintain Han Family’s daily expenses. Otherwise, if it drags on, Han Family may really be scattered in his hands.

In the next few days, Liu Yu handed over Spirit Stone, transferred the store to his own door, and invited people to re-decorate the store. The layout of the store remained the same, with minor changes in details. It was impossible to pay, and another management fee was handed over to sect, which would cost 10,000 low-level Spirit Stone a year.

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