“The dísciple is “too much”, thanks to Sect Master Guo, and thanks to all the ancestors for giving the road number!” The last new dísciple was named Li Sui, Yue Kingdom Li Family, said with a bow.

“Okay! Go to the Treasure Pavilion and choose a cultivation technique!” After giving Li Sui a new sect jade order and placing his “spirit tablet” in the hall, Shengyi Daoist said .

“dísciple, yes!” The three pairs of master and disciple in the hall all replied in unison.

After everyone exited the “Ancestral Hall”, they recruited Flying Sword, and the sword flew to the Scripture Pavilion in the middle of Yellow Sun Peak. The newly promoted foundation dísciple had a free choice of majoring in the cultivation technique. Zhang Yuanzhen, Ji Zhenhai, and Li Yuanhe are in front, and Liu Yu, Li Sui, and Meng Shengming are behind.

“Senior Brother Ji, Junior Brother Li, really long time no see!” Time is not in a hurry, and the people controlling the sword are not fast, Zhang Yuanzhen said with emotion.

“Yes!” Daoist Jinshan looked down on the clouds and mist from high above, just like the Yellow Saint Mountain nodded replied of Immortal Realm. Ji Zhenhai, as the master of Gaoyang Taoist temple, oversees a area, normally rarely returns to sect. If Meng Shengming didn’t learn to build a foundation, he wouldn’t rush back on this trip.

Sect “Mountain” generation, although the inheritance is long, but the highest cultivation base of this generation is “Daoist Jinshan”, which has the cultivation base of the seven provinces, and the cultivation base is lower than Zhang Yuanzhen, but age He was slightly older than Zhang Yuanzhen, and he was considered to be of the same generation. He met him very early, and Zhang Yuanzhen respectfully called him Senior Brother.

“Senior Brother, oversee a area, I should be very busy these days!” Zhang Yuanzhen lightly said with a smile.

“Fortunately, it’s just a bunch of trivia, which is a headache.” Ji Zhenhai smiled bitterly and replied. During the war, Gaoyang Taoist Temple was taken away by 80% of the dísciple. Although the war is over, the manpower is still insufficient. A bunch of trivial things such as the recent “Measuring Spirit Conference” and “Outer Disciple Selection” made him really unable to get away.

“Who said no!” Taichen Taoist Li Yuanhe also smiled and replied. After the war, sect a lot of things, they sect deacon, no one thinks about being quiet.


“Under Li Sui, I have seen Brother Liu!” When Zhang Yuanzhen and the three were chatting, the three behind were not idle, and Li Sui Yujian took the initiative to approach Liu Yu greeted.

“Now Liu Yu, Brother Li is polite!” Liu Yu hurriedly bowed his hands in reply.

“Brother Liu, built the foundation as the three spirit roots, and his perseverance is really a model for our generation. This Li admires!” Li Sui learned that Liu Yu had developed the “Three Houses”, and his heart was born. Admire said.

“Yes, I am also very impressed by the next, my younger brother Meng Shengming, I have seen two brothers.” Meng Shengming also leaned over and spoke actively.

“It’s just a fluke, the two Senior Brothers don’t crack a joke.” Liu Yu was busy and politely replied.

“Brother Liu, too humble.” Li Sui said with a smile.

“Yes! It is said that the three spirit roots have been successfully built. Sect has only been brother Liu in the past 100 years. If you want to come, Brother Liu will soon become a major celebrity in this sect.” Meng Shengming also said jokingly. .

“Yes!” Li Sui agreed.

“By the way, I heard from my cousin Li Chen about Brother Liu. He said that it was his cousin when he was still in Yellow Saint Mountain cultivation, and he was a good friend who talked about everything.” Li Then suddenly said.

“Oh! Li Chen Senior Brother, how are you doing these days?” Liu Yu asked hurriedly. When Liu Yu was in the Wood Essence Courtyard cultivation, but Li Chen was such a talkative friend, and Li Chen was not only a chatter, but also very lustful, always telling Liu Yu some gossip about sect female disciple.

“Hey! Cousin, he failed to build the foundation two years ago, and he is still recovering from Hanyang City.” Li Sui sighed then said.

“Senior Brother Li, he…” Liu Yu didn’t know what to say for a while.

Soon, Liu Yu and the others came to the Scripture Pavilion in the middle of the Yellow Sun Peak, a huge cylindrical pavilion with cornices and corners. The golden dragon of auspicious clouds is carved on the bronze outer wall, simple and atmospheric. Dao Rhyme is full.

From a high altitude, it looks like an inverted bowl. There are 6-Layer in total. There are several millions of books in it, various cultivation techniques, experiences, pictorials, etc., all inclusive.

The first 4-Layer is a public area. As long as you have enough contribution points, you can browse, debit, and copy. The last two layers are the Treasure Pavilion, which contains the cultivation technique, experience, spell, etc. It is a fine product selected from a thousand miles. Only those who have made significant contributions to sect and made great achievements can gain access.

Fortunately, the three Liu Yu, who are newly promoted to build the foundation dísciple, once entered the Treasure Pavilion and selected the benefits of majoring in the cultivation technique for free. Moreover, Liu Yu received a sect award a few years ago. Treasure Pavilion chooses a high-end spell. This time Liu Yu intends to honor this reward and choose a suitable high-end spell.

And Liu Yu has a goal in mind, but Liu Yu is not very sure. Whether there is this high-level spell hidden in the Treasure Pavilion, I can’t help but feel a little worried.

Zhang Yuanzhen took Liu Yu and the others lightly and landed directly on the entrance suspension platform of Scripture Pavilion 5th floor. Scripture Pavilion 4th floor and 5th floor are not connected, but there is another entrance, suspension platform. Straight through the gate of the Treasure Pavilion, Fourth Elder “shangqingdaoist” sits in the Treasure Pavilion all the year round, and rarely goes out unless there is something important.

“Dísciple Zhang Yuanzhen, brought the new dísciple to choose the cultivation technique, and asked the uncle to open the array to prohibit it.” Six people came to a wooden door, and there was a gossip in front of the door. The light spell curse, Zhang Yuanzhen arched his hands and shouted into the door.

“Come in!” A deep and vicissitudes voice came out, the gossip curse that appeared in front of the door dispersed, and the wooden door opened.

“dísciple Zhang Yuanzhen, Ji Zhenhai, and Li Yuanhe pay homage to Master Ancestor!”

“dísciple Liu Yu, Li Sui, and Meng Shengming pay homage to Ancestor Master!”

Six People came to the quiet room behind the door and saw a white light, red light Elderly sitting behind a coffee table, immediately bowed his hand and said.

“It’s Yuanzhen! Come sit down.” Elderly is Fourth Elder “Shangqingdaoist”, beckoningly said.

“Thank you, Uncle!” After Zhang Yuanzhen, Ji Zhenhai, and Li Yuanhe sat down, Elderly personally poured fragrant tea for the three of them. The tea was pale-silver, which was the famous tea “Monarch Mountain” produced by Monarch River Peak. “Silver Needle”, and it is one of the finest items, the three of them rushed to thank them.

“Come on, give your sect jade order to Poor Daoist to see!” Elderly waved to the three Liu Yu who were standing aside.

“Ancestor Master, here!” Meng Shengming was the first to rush forward and handed out his sect jade order, and then Liu Yu and Li Sui also handed the sect jade order to Fourth Elder “Shangqing Daoist”.

“”Jun Mountain”, gold and water Dual Spiritual Roots, building a foundation, shaking the sea, is your discipline?” Elderly picked up Meng Shengming’s sect jade order, Spiritual Consciousness dived into it , Said immediately.

“It is Martial Nephew’s disappointing discipline!” Ji Zhenhai replied busy.

“en! Jun Shan, you can choose a major cultivation technique that does not exceed Profound Grade from the Treasure Pavilion, go!” Elderly quickly said to Meng Shengming.

“Thanks Ancestor Master!” Meng Shengming bowed and bowed, turned and walked out of the quiet room, and walked quickly to the library hall.

“”Too Yi”, Earth Spirit Root, the second building of the base, not bad! You can choose a major cultivation technique that does not exceed the primary level of Earth Grade, go!” Elderly then picked it up. Li Sui’s sect Yuling, took a look, lightly said with a smile.

“Thanks Ancestor Master!” Li Sui bowed and turned and left the quiet room.

“”Xuanyu”, Metal, Water and Earth spirit root, Zhuji Sanfu, Yo! Interesting! Yuanzhen, your discipline?” Elderly finally picked up Liu Yu’s sect jade order, Spiritual Consciousness looked at it and couldn’t help but exclaimed, and then said with a smile to Zhang Yuanzhen on the side.

“It was Martial Nephew’s Direct Disciple of Junior Brother Tang Hao. After Junior Brother Tang was killed, Martial Nephew took in as a disciple and took care of it.” Zhang Yuanzhen explained.

“It is not common to build a foundation with three spirit roots. It is even rarer to build a Dao Foundation and build a Sanfu. If you want to come to your discipline, there should be a fortuitous encounter, and a great opportunity! Yes, “Xuanyu” is it!” Elderly nodded, looked up at Liu Yu and said.

“The dísciple is here!” Liu Yu immediately bowed his head and responded.

“According to this sect rule, the three spirit roots can only choose one Profound Grade intermediate majoring in the cultivation technique, but since you have developed the three houses, you can get sect preferential treatment. You can choose a Profound Grade advanced majoring in the cultivation technique “

“. But Poor Daoist looks at your resume. He killed the high-level Evil Cultivator twice, and made an exception in this battle. Allow you to choose an Earth Grade primary major in the cultivation technique.”

Shangqing Daoist is Sect Elder, with extremely high authority. You can easily view Liu Yu’s sect resume over the years through the sect jade order, several times Doing meritorious service for sect is really rare, so he said.

Yellow Saint Sect’s newly promoted foundation dísciple can choose to major in the cultivation technique, which is closely related to its own spirit root aptitude and the size of the space to open up “Purple Mansion”. The higher the level of cultivation technique, the more stringent the cultivation conditions are, or it consumes money, and requires some rare spiritual materials to assist the cultivation, or it takes time and requires a long period of hard work.

The cultivator aptitude and lifespan are limited, and most people will not be able to advance to the cultivation base of the Jiufu in their lifetime, let alone hit the Golden Core realm.

Know that it takes an average of 50 years for Foundation Establishment Stage to advance to a government. There are a lot of medicine pill assistance, but when the cultivator develops the “Purple Mansion” and builds the Dao Foundation, Heavenly Dao Union blessed and promoted its 200 to 400 years of life.

Heavenly Dao’s blessing, the increase of lifespan is related to the aptitude of the cultivator itself and the luck of the Tao. There is no exact law, but it is certain that the later the foundation is built, the less lifespan will be promoted , Some aptitudes are mediocre, and those who build the foundation late have no chance to attack the Golden Core environment.

Take Liu Yu as an example. He builds a foundation at the age of thirty-seven. After the foundation is built, he will know his destiny. He can perceive his lifespan of three hundred and forty years, plus his remaining seven. After more than ten years of life, Liu Yu now has more than four hundred years of life.

According to a 50-year government, Liu Yu is now a three-family, and it will take three hundred years to build the foundation of the nine-family. If nothing else, Liu Yu has a good chance to hit the Golden Core realm.

If Liu Yu only opened one mansion when he was building the foundation, it would take 400 years to advance to build the foundation of the nine mansion. It seems that there is still a chance of impacting the Golden Core realm. In fact, it is very slim. To the Foundation Establishment Late Stage, the more difficult the cultivation will be, and the time may be much more than four hundred.

But if Liu Yu, like most of the second spirit root dísciple, builds a foundation after the age of fifty, his ascended lifespan will almost certainly be less than 300 years, unless this person is blessed by Heavenly Dao. Yuan will exceed this number.

In this way, this person will lose the possibility of impacting the Golden Core environment due to insufficient lifespan.

Because of this, most of the sect disciple from the moment when the “Purple Mansion” was developed, but they are destined to stop at the Foundation Establishment Stage in this life, and sect will not issue high-level major cultivation techniques. Waste more sect resources for it.

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