Four days later, at the “Ancestral Hall” on the mountainside of Yellow Sun Peak, Liu Yu and two other newly established “Purple Mansion” sect disciple knelt in the center of the great hall. There are 15 sect disciples approved for the foundation of “Yellow Spirit Cave”, and only their three people have successfully built the foundation.

“All Sect Founders, the ancestors are here! Junior “Sheng Yi”, bring the three newly promoted sect dísciples to come to worship! I hope you ancestors, bless the three, and the good luck “Sect Master “Sheng Yi Daoist” dressed in full costume, holding a pillar of big red long incense, bent over three times, and inserted the long incense in the “Golden Dragon furnace cauldron” on the altar, inside the furnace cauldron. Surrounded by fragrance, it will not go out for years.

After “Golden Dragon furnace cauldron”, there are thirty-five tall and solemn red jade soul cards. The first red jade soul card is engraved with “Yellow Saint Sect Founder Old Ancestor” With the words “Spirit Position”, these thirty-five ruby ​​soul tiles are the spirit tablet of the Golden Core Elder that has died in Yellow Saint Sect.

The spiritual position of the Golden Core Elder “Ling Xu Daoist”, who was unfortunately fallen in this battle, was placed among the few red jade soul cards in the last row.

“These are the golden core elders of the past, and the spiritual positions of the people who built the foundations of the sect within five hundred years. You come up to worship the incense.” Shengyi daoist finished the incense and turned to Liu who was kneeling below. The three Yu said.

“dísciple Liu Yu, worship the ancestors!” Liu Yu was the first to stand up, and stepped forward to take the long incense from the ancestral hall manager “Shangyang Taoist”. Fifteen ruby ​​soul cards bend over and bow for nine prayers, then turn sideways to the nearly 1,000 “soul life and spiritual positions” on both sides of the red jade soul cards that stand in great numbers like stars and moons. The incense is inserted in the “Golden Dragon furnace cauldron”.

“Xuannan, you guys will also get incense!” After Liu Yu’s three newly promoted dísciple finished incense, Shengyi daoist confronted Zhang Yuanzhen and the other two who came to the ancestral hall with dísciple. The middle-aged Taoist said.

“Okay, Sect Master!” Xuannan Taoist Zhang Yuanzhen, Daoist Jinshan Ji Zhenhai, Taichen Taoist Li Yuanhe, one after another replied.

“Okay, you get up!” After the three people retreated to one side, Shengyidaoist said to Liu Yu who were kneeling in the middle of the great hall again.

“dísciple, yes!” Liu Yu replied in the same voice.

“Let’s start! Jinshan, you come first!” Shengyi Daoist said to the Gaoyang Temple master Ji Zhenhai on one side.

“Okay, Sect Master!” Ji Zhenhai first gave Shengyi a daoist, and then said to the discipline Meng Shengming below: “Ming’er, not going forward yet!”

“Master!” Meng Shengming took a few steps forward and came to Ji Zhenhai’s side.

“Poor Daoist “Golden Mountain”, the mountain character generation, the 61st generation dísciple. Today, I will bring my disciple Meng Shengming, come to worship the ancestors, and invite the ancestors to give to the little ones Dao number.” Ji Zhenhai knelt down on his knees with the discipline Meng Shengming, and Ji Zhenhai cried respectfully.

“dísciple Meng Shengming, 41 years of penance, first built the Dao Foundation, opened the Purple Mansion, and asked the ancestors to give the Taoist name.” Meng Shengming shouted after a prayer.

“Meng Shengming?” Liu Yu, who moved to one side, bowed his head and waited, was taken aback when he heard this.

This person is not the mastermind of the “Tushan Two Bears”, but he instructs the “Tushan Two Bears” to rob and kill Loose Cultivator Zhang Liangsheng halfway, and also abolish Senior Brother Ai Yuanmu. Cultivation base, Liu Yu couldn’t help but see cold glow in his eyes, but the expression returned to the original in an instant.

“Poor Daoist is now Sect Master “Sheng Yi”, on behalf of sect ancestors gave you the Taoist name “Jun Mountain”, Jun, Tian Ye, Da Jun Broadcasting, Tuo Qi Wu Bian, Poor Daoist May you be good Like Dajun, it will nurture all things.” Shengyi Daoist bowed to the many spiritual positions on the altar, and then said loudly.

“dísciple “Junshan”, thanks to Sect Master Guo, thanks to all the ancestors!” Meng Shengming immediately bowed and said.

“Okay, get up!” Shengyi Daoist raised his hand to signal Ji Zhenhai and Meng Shengming to get up, and then said to the “Shangyang Taoist” on the side: “Bring things here!”

“Good Master!” Shengyi Daoist Head Disciple “Shangyang Taoist” Tang Yunfeng nodded, came forward with a delicate tray, on which there are four items, a “Yellow Saint Mingling Robe”, ten A brand new golden-yellow ticket, a jade token, and a wooden token.

“This “Yellow Saint Mingling Robe” and one hundred thousand low-level Spirit Stone, you put it away first, it is a reward issued by sect.” Shengyi Daoist said to Meng Shengming.

“many thanks Sect Master!” Meng Shengming couldn’t help but said excitedly, let alone the large amount of Spirit Stone that was rewarded, this piece is a bright yellow daoist robe with a Golden Dragon embroidered on the bottom. Grade 3 Advanced Magical Artifact is the facade of Yellow Saint Sect’s foundation cultivator. One piece per person is distributed by sect.

“This is the “spirit tablet” created by the new sect jade order and sect for you. You inject blood essence and a strand of soul silk into the sect jade order and wooden token respectively.” Yi Daoist continued.

“Okay, Sect Master!” Meng Shengming immediately handed over the original sect jade token to the “Shangyang Taoist”, and then forced a drop of blood essence to drop on the new sect jade order. Then another strand of soul silk was injected into the “spirit tablet” made of linghua wood.

“From today, you are the descendant of Benzong Mountain, the 62nd generation dísciple, and the road name is “Jun Mountain”.” Shengyi Daoist will engrave the jade order engraved with “Jun Mountain”. Later, he personally handed this jade order to Meng Shengming’s hands and said sternly.

“dísciple “Junshan”, thanks to sect for cultivation, and later set one’s mind on sect.” Meng Shengming took the jade order with both hands and replied respectfully.

“Okay!” Shengyi daoist nodded, let Shangyang Taoist take down Meng Shengming’s new “spirit tablet” and set it up. Only the “Shangyang Taoist” walked down and put this piece The wooden token is placed among the many “spirit tablets” on the side of the great hall.

There are also a large number of wooden spirit tablets on the left and right sides of the lobby of the “Ancestral Hall”, which have the same appearance as the nearly 1,000 “soul life and spiritual positions” enshrined on the altar, but the colors are different.

The “spirit spiritual seat” enshrined above the altar is black, and the wooden spirit tablets on the left and right sides of the lobby are azure. These 435 “spirit tablets” represent All the Chimen who write the genealogy of Yellow Saint Sect this generation.

“The next one!” After seeing the Daoist Shangyang put the “spirit tablet” in place, Shengyi Daoist said.

“Yu’er, come as a teacher!” Zhang Yuanzhen whispered to Liu Yu, and then the two came forward, one after the other knelt under the altar.

“Poor Daoist “Xuan Nan”, the generation of Xuan Zi, the eighth generation dísciple. Bring the disciple Liu Yu to come to worship the ancestors, and invite the ancestors to give the Xiaodaodao name. “Zhang Yuanzhen bowed his head and shouted.

“dísciple Liu Yu, who has practiced hard for thirty-seven years, created Purple Mansion, built Dao Foundation, and asked the ancestors to give the dao name.” Liu Yu followed and shouted respectfully.

Meng Shengming looked at Liu Yu who was kneeling in the hall, and frowned. This child has also built a foundation, and it is said that he has opened the “Sanfu”, thinking of Meng Shengming’s heart. There was a dark fire, and his own Dual Spiritual Roots also opened the “Yifu”. This grandson is only a three-spirit root, and he is so much stronger than him. God is blind.

At the same time, I was a little fortunate. Fortunately, I didn’t do anything to this grandson back then. I couldn’t say anything bad. I didn’t show up on that incident. The one who shot it was “Two Bears in Tushan”. This child should not have done anything. What he perceives is that he has met Liu Yu, but Liu Yu has never seen himself. Meng Shengming felt relieved by this.

“Poor Daoist “Sheng Yi”, on behalf of sect ancestors gave you the Taoist name “Xuanyu”, jade, gentleman, gentleman is better than jade Yan, gentle and moist, benevolent. Honest but not guilty, Righteousness. Flaws do not conceal Yu, Yu does not conceal flaws, loyalty. Qi is like a white rainbow, heaven is also. The world is not expensive, Tao is also. Poor Daoist May your heart be stronger than Xuanyu, dispel the common truth.” Shengyi daoist faced Liu Yu , Slowly said.

“dísciple “Xuanyu”, thanks to Sect Master Guo, thanks to the ancestors for giving the dao name! Zongbishop instructs, remember it in my heart!” Liu Yu said with a bow.

“Okay, this is your new sect jade order, and the “spirit tablet” established by sect. You infuse blood essence and a strand of soul silk into it.” Shang Yang Taoist held it. When the four items came, Shengyi Daoist raised his hand to make Zhang Yuanzhen and Liu Yu stand up and said.

Liu Yu accepted the “Yellow Saint Mingling Robe” engraved with his own name, and the 100,000 low-level Spirit Stone awarded by sect, and then injected blood essence and a strand of soul silk into the sect jade order. After finishing all this with his own “spirit tablet”, Liu Yu is the ninth-generation dísciple of Yellow Saint Sect from now on.

Yellow Saint Sect established the “character generation”, which was passed down from generation to generation by Golden Core Elder. The newly promoted Golden Core Elder of sect can choose to establish a new “character generation” or inherit the Ancestor Master “The character generation”, like Daoist Jinshan Ji Zhenhai’s “mountain” character generation was left by a Golden Core Elder when Yellow Saint Sect was opened, and it has been inherited to this day.

Unfortunately, as of today, the “mountain” character has never appeared in the second Golden Core Elder in sect. When the inheritance time was shorter, “Profound” was passed down from Elder to the seventh generation, and there was another Golden Core daoist, Liu Yu’s Ancestor Master, sect is now Fifth Elder “Daoist” Profound Wood”.

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