DC World.

Before he knew it, Batman's eyes were already filled with tears.

"Carry out this absurdity to the end……"

Ever since he put on this suit and this mask, he has been ridiculed by countless people, both openly and covertly.

Those vicious criminals think that this man wearing a bat mask is a psychopath. A more serious psychopath than the Joker!

After all, this Batman refuses to make money and insists on fighting criminals.

He even insists on his ridiculous principle of not killing.

All of this makes the criminals in Gotham City think that Batman is a lunatic.

Sometimes, even Batman himself thinks it is ridiculous.

He doesn't think he is a good man, and he fights criminals because of the trauma of his childhood.

As for where the seemingly ridiculous principle of not killing came from, Batman can't remember it now.

What's even more ridiculous is that since the existence of Batman, there seem to be more and more criminals in Gotham City.

This makes Batman doubt himself, is it better to be Bruce Wayne? Or is it better to continue to be Batman?

"He is right, let's carry on the absurdity to the end!"

Batman gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice.

Even if everyone thinks he is abnormal, even if everyone does not understand him, even if everyone wants to attack him.

Then he will firmly become the dark knight who protects this city!


The world of the bad guys.

Yuan Tiangang stared at the screen with his fists clenched

"My dream is to revive the Tang Dynasty."

"Even if the world doesn't understand, even if the world betrays me, even if it is the general trend, even if it is destined by fate."

He took off the mask, revealing his terrifying face.

"Then I, Yuan Tiangang, will also go against the will of Heaven!"

His voice echoed for a long time.

Then, countless bad people echoed

"We are willing to follow the Marshal and revive the Tang Dynasty!"

"The Marshal's wish is the wish of all of us bad guys!"

"Once a bad person, always a bad person!"


The world of strangers.

Zhang Chulan looked at Feng Baobao.

This woman who broke into his life at the speed of light.

At first, Zhang Chulan was still thinking about when he could get rid of her.

But now, he has to run around to find her previous memories.

Things in the world are unpredictable.

Thinking carefully about this journey, it is really absurd.

If there is no Feng Baobao, what will his life be like?

"Zhang Chulan, what are you looking at?"

Feng Baobao blinked and said softly.

Zhang Chulan came back to his senses and grinned.

"It's ok, sister Baoer, I just thought of some random things"


The world of the Black Patrol.

Butcher lit a cigarette and took a deep breath.

If he had told his former self that he was going to fight against those heroes as a mortal, he would have found it ridiculous.

After all, the heroes of Vought Company were omnipotent.

Even bullets could not blow their bodies apart.

And they were deeply loved by the people.

Wouldn't it be a suicide for him to fight against these heroes?!

But now...

"Now I am plotting to kill them day and night."

Butcher grinned,"So what if they are ordinary people!"

"It seems ridiculous, right? A mere mortal dares to challenge a hero who is so high above."

"But, I will pull down those high and mighty heroes one by one and kill them all!"


【Check out the five supreme divinities of the Foundation!】

【the third!】

【Three brothers of death!】


Doraemon World

"Eh? Are there three supreme deities this time?"Nobita was surprised.

"Well, I guess this supreme deity should be related to death." Xiaofu stroked his chin and analyzed.

Fat Tiger rolled his eyes at him,"Xiaofu, who can't see that this is related to death?"

"Could these three dead brothers have anything to do with life?"

Xiaofu scratched his head and grinned a little embarrassedly.

He wanted to show off a little, but he backfired.


Fruity Robo World

"This time there are three supreme gods. I wonder how powerful they will be?"Pineapple Blowing Snow asked curiously.

"I don't know, compared to the three idiots in our fruit world, who is stronger and who is weaker?" Lu Xiaoguo sniffed.


Hearing Lu Xiaoguo's words, Cheng Liuxiang opened his mouth wide. Can the Three Bad Guys and the Three Brothers of Death really be compared?

It feels like there is no comparison at all!

That is the supreme godhood, no matter how weak it is, it will definitely be killed in a minute!

"Lu Xiaoguo, your arrogance... no, it's your self-confidence that really makes me admire you."


Holy Lord World

"Hey, three brothers, we are also three brothers!" Rasu proudly puffed out his chest

"What should we call them, the Three Living Brothers?" Zhou suggested

"Forget it, this name is too ugly!"Afen curled his lips

"You guys are chatting here instead of looking for the talisman!"

Wallon roared.

The three of them sighed at the same time.

"Working people have such a hard life!"


American comic world

"It seems that the supreme deity this time is a family."Sol frowned slightly.

"It must be, but I don't know what the abilities of these three brothers are."Dr. Banner raised his glasses.

Nick Fury stared at the screen and said in a deep voice:"We can only pray that this time, the Supreme Deity will not come to the earth."

The Broken God and the Stag came to the earth and have caused great harm to mankind.

If it weren't for the Foundation and luck, I'm afraid the earth would have been destroyed long ago.

If the three brothers of death came to the earth again this time, Nick Fury's heart would not be able to bear it.

He twitched his mouth,"The earth is not a holy place to check in, so don't come!"


【[DATA EXPUNGED] On April 27, the Foundation received a video from Palestine】

【Below is the video content】

【In the yellow sand, a dirty-looking old man sat on the ground.】


Seeing this, everyone in the universe was a little confused.

"Hey, aren't they the three brothers of death? Why is there only one person?"

"Ouch! He has the aura of a demon, and three different auras!"

"This is strange, are they triplets in one? Is there two faces behind this old man?"

"Damn it, the Supreme God has landed on Earth again! Tired, destroy it, hurry up"

"That shouldn’t be the case. Why would he send the video to the foundation?"

"Look, he started talking. Don't speculate yet. Just keep reading."


【The old man spoke】

【His voice is not loud, but everyone watching the video can hear it clearly.】

【"I know, you are the Foundation, this video is for you"】

【"Everything I say below is true."】

【"I died in a war in my prime, but I couldn't accept my death"】

【"Out of arrogance, I challenged the three brothers"】

【"I claim that if they don't give me a chance to play, I won't leave."】

【"They thought it was interesting, so they gave me the chance and I won."】

【"But I won too much"】

【Although the old man's voice was still dull, his emotions were obviously excited.】

【The hands are constantly rubbing together, and it is difficult to sit still.】

【"I not only won my life, but also won the treasures of the three brothers, which angered them."】

【"Later I learned that the first brother was called smalldeath, and was in charge of personal death."】

【"From him I received the cup full of the water of life, a drop of which could drive away the first brother and bring back to life the dying."】

【"A drop of water seems very little, and the cup is filled with a lot of water, so I start to squander it as I please."】

【The old man picked up the glass and shook it gently. There was not much left.】

【"Finally, the water in the cup is used up."】

【"And it just so happened that at this time, my wife was seriously ill and I had no water to save her life."】

【The old man sighed】


DC World

"Is there such a magical potion in this world?"

"Just one drop can bring a person back to life?"

Mr. Freeze raised his eyebrows.

"If I had one drop of this, maybe I could save my wife Nora."

When talking about his wife, Mr. Freeze's eyes flashed with tenderness.

He loved his wife, but unfortunately, things are unpredictable.

His wife Nora suffered from a very serious disease and could only survive in very low temperatures.

"But unfortunately, he had already used up all the life potions.

Mr. Freeze sighed, but then he pulled himself together.

"No, as long as this water of life exists, I can definitely develop it!"

"For the life of my wife Nora, I must develop it!"

"I won't give up like this old man! I have to save my wife!"


【"Then, right before my eyes, the first brother appeared and took her away from me."】

【"The second brother is called greatdeath, and governs the great death"】

【"I got a deck of cards from him, and whenever there was a war, I would use this deck of cards to challenge the second brother to prevent the war from happening."】

【"Yes, kid, I've used this deck to stop every border skirmish, civil unrest, and riot I've come across."】

【"Each time you use the card, it becomes more damaged, and eventually the card loses its effectiveness."】


Three-body World


Wang Miao looked at the screen and had a thought.

Since this card can calm down the war, can it calm down the war between Earth and the Trisolarans?

Although this is a war between two species in the universe, this card is a thing of the highest divinity after all.

Presumably, calming down such a war should be a piece of cake!

"Hey, Professor Wang!"

Shi Qiang patted Wang Miao on the shoulder and said with a smile.

"Brother Wang, you are distracted. The old man has already said that he has used up all the cards."

"Therefore, we still need to deal with the Trisolarans ourselves!"


【"The third brother is called alldeath, who is in charge of all death."】

【"I got a bag from him that can hold everything."】

【"Including the worst natural disasters, it has the power to prevent all the most terrible disasters that may befall the earth"】

【"With this bag, I tamed the hurricane and put out the fire."】

【"Even the monsters from another world can be defeated easily, but I also abused this treasure"】

【"I have used bags to deal with many disasters that were short-lived and even human-solvable."】

【"This bag can only be used one last time, and you can only grab the last thing"】

【The old man paused when he said this.】

【The eyes gradually turned cold】

【"I know, I know how to escape this eternal damnation"】

【"The third brother was caught with this bag and threatened to kill the three brothers."】

【"Let them agree to end my life"】


【"The third brother never appeared in front of me again"】

【"He even stopped laughing at me."】

【The old man shook his head and smiled bitterly.】

【The expression on his face was full of sadness】

【"When an unknown force takes a person's life, all I am greeted with is emptiness and silence"】

【"In order to torture me, the three brothers of death also used the appearance of my dead wife to make a fake person that looked interesting."】

【"This dummy was later contained by you and is numbered SCP032"】

【"They left 032 with you so that I could ask you for help."】

【"I know their purpose, they want to destroy you"】

【The old man stared at the camera and said word by word】

【"Listen, don't look for me, I or the three brothers of death will bring you huge troubles"】


Beast World

"This old man is talking nonsense, and he seems to be a little mentally unwell."Hot Wheels blinked and asked with concern.

"Hot Wheels, show some respect to the old man."Pilihuo said in a deep voice.

Hot Wheels spread his hands,"Okay, but this old man is talking nonsense, what three brothers and what cloth bag, I really don't understand."

"Those are the abilities of the Three Brothers of Death, or the divine weapons of the Three Brothers of Death."

Luo Luo stroked his chin, his eyes narrowed slightly.

"Oh? A magical artifact," Hot Wheels was a little surprised,"That bag looks very interesting."

"If we can have that cloth bag, then we won't have to worry about the beast enemies outside the city."Thunderbolt said

"Oh, yes, yes, as long as we have that cloth bag, we can lock the Tiger King in it."Hot Wheels was also excited.

Lolo spread his hands helplessly,"Forget it, Thunderbolt Hot Wheels, stop daydreaming."


Peppa Pig World

"It looks like this old man is a hero."

Pig Man, who wanted to be a hero since he was a child, now looks at the screen with a look of admiration

"Little Pig, it's not easy to be a hero."

Mr. Mihu said earnestly:"Look at the old man on the screen, he can't live or die, and his life is so hard."

"Even if you have extraordinary abilities, so what?"

"He couldn't save the one he loved, and he would be trapped in this world."

However, Pigsy shook his head, thinking about his heroic attitude.

He didn't listen to a word of what the confused teacher said.


The world of American comics.

Deadpool stared at the screen silently, his eyes slightly moist.

"I can neither live nor die!"

"Isn't it the same for me?"

He touched his bumpy face, tears could no longer stop flowing.

Because of this face, he couldn't see his girlfriend.

Because of this face, he was forced to wear a hood to prevent scaring others.

Because of this face, he was looked down upon by countless people.

So, he wanted to die.

But the funny thing is.

He couldn't die!

Whether it was an explosion, flying into a zoo, falling from a high altitude, or even drinking toxic chemicals.

Deadpool couldn't die.

"It's really ridiculous, a person who can't die, but wants to die madly"

"The old man is right. Not being able to die is not a benefit, but a curse!"

Deadpool smiled bitterly.

"This old man can use the last bag to hold the third brother to achieve death. Although the chance is slim, it is still a chance."

"But what about me?"

"How can I die?"


【After receiving the video, the foundation did not take it seriously】

【However, in the following period of time, inexplicable chaos would occur wherever the old man passed by.】

【Including but not limited to war, plague, seizure of power】

【The Foundation, with the approval of the O5 Council, decided to contain】.

I love you: I love you

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