Doraemon World

"What a horrible ritual! We have to eat sea children alive?!"Nobita's teeth were chattering.

"Yes, and I also drink olive oil, and I also cut that thing."Shizuka was afraid and embarrassed.

"It's really scary, Doraemon, isn't that right?"Fat Tiger asked.

Everyone realized that Doraemon had disappeared.

"Hey? Where is Doraemon?"Nobita asked in confusion

"Will he be caught and taken to perform a ritual?

""Doraemon, where are you? Don't scare us!" Fat Tiger made trumpet shapes with his hands and shouted

"Don't, don't shout, I'm here."

Doraemon opened the closet tremblingly, looking embarrassed.


Pig World.

Pig Man's lips trembled with fear

"Oh my god, what kind of ritual is this? Why do we have to perform such a cruel ritual?"

Not only do we have to cut Gaowan and swallow Kaido, but we also have to drink olive oil.

Fortunately, there is no pork in the ritual, otherwise Pigsy would be so scared that he would be speechless.


Seeing how scared Pig Man was, Bobby snorted.

"I didn't expect that you, Pigsy, would be so scared. Look at my boss, Superman Qiang. My boss is not scared at all."

Hearing this, Pigsy looked back and saw that Superman Qiang was standing there motionless. He didn't even blink.

"Superman is strong!"Pig Man frowned and then shouted


Superman was as if he had just woken up from a dream. He cried out"Ah!" and collapsed to the ground, trembling all over.

"It turns out that your boss is not unafraid, but has been frightened, hahahaha!"

Pig Man put his hands on his hips and laughed.


Holy Lord World

"Do you want to grill and eat sea children?"

Xiaoyu looked at the screen and couldn't help swallowing.

Sea children? That's me!

When Xiaoyu thought about being grilled and eaten, she got goose bumps all over her body.

"Why do I always feel that this ritual is weird?"Chen Long rubbed his chin and murmured.

Although he didn't know as much about magic as his father, he had learned a lot from what he saw and heard.

In his opinion, the most important thing about a ritual is the result.

Even if there are things that are not done properly in the process, as long as the ritual runs normally and achieves the desired result, it will be fine.

But this ritual doesn't care about the result at all, but is very demanding in the process.

For example, in procedure 430, the specific gifts are irrelevant, but the value of each gift must not exceed $4.28.

Chen Long couldn't figure out why this was the case.

Could it be that this $4.28 is the key to controlling the stag?

And procedure 410 looks like an absurd drama, and this drama doesn't even have a script. The winner depends on the dice.

Could it be that this dice is also the key to controlling and containing the stag?

Chen Long held his forehead and was really confused.

"It's not just you, Chen Long. My father doesn't understand this ceremony either."

"In fact, Dad has never seen a similar ceremony."

Dad frowned and said in a deep voice.

He has been immersed in the magic world all his life, and he thinks there is no ceremony in this world that he can't understand.

But today, watching the ceremony on the screen, Dad said he couldn't understand it at all.

In fact, he has never even seen it!

He can't analyze what the purpose of this ceremony is.


The super beasts armed the world.

Pluto also frowned

"This is strange. Since it is a ritual, the result is not important. Why is this?"

As the top powerhouse in this world, and also sealed in the Mysterious Nether Coffin.

Hades naturally knows a lot about rituals and seals.

But facing this absurd and weird ritual, Hades was still confused.

"Strange, it's so strange!"

"There seems to be no connection between these rituals, and they cannot mobilize the laws of the universe."

"It seems that it is just some cruel and absurd behavior."

Speaking of this, Hades suddenly laughed.

"It seems that my strength is not enough and I cannot comprehend the mystery!"

"The stag is so powerful that perhaps such absurd rituals are needed to control and contain it."


The world of American comics.

Everyone gasped as they watched the ritual on the screen.

It was cruel and bloody, and more importantly, weird!

It was really weird!

They strictly required the process, but didn't care about the results at all.

Can this really control the containment of the stag?

"This ritual must be fake. Such a ritual cannot borrow the power of God at all.々. 々. "Thor frowned and questioned.

Hearing this, everyone nodded slightly.

This ritual was really confusing.

But at this time, Tony stood up and said,"Impossible, how could the Foundation use a fake ritual to control the stag?"

"Maybe a powerful supreme deity like the stag needs to be restrained by such an absurd ritual?"

Everyone was stunned when they heard this, and then suddenly realized it.


This stag is a supreme deity, and its strength is unbelievable.

For such a powerful being, it seems reasonable that the ritual to control and contain it is a bit weird and bloody!


【On the computer screen, move the mouse to open a video】

【A female doctor in a white coat sat on a chair and said with a smile】

【"Hello! My successor"】

【"Maybe you've been working on this site for a while, or maybe you're just new."】

【"It doesn't matter. Since you can see this video, this site will be yours from now on."】

【"Let me tell you what you already know."】

【The doctor lit a cigarette and looked serious.】

【"According to the Foundation's records, the Stag came from the stars."】

【"Although they like to make up lies with records, they didn't lie this time."】

【"The stag literally fell from a comet."】

【"As for the comet, what was unusual about it? In what year did it pass by the Earth? None of this matters."】

【"The important thing is, here comes the damn deer!"】

【"Almost in an instant, the sea churned and half of the city was destroyed."】

【"As long as it wants, it can destroy the entire foundation in an instant, and then wander around, it will bring an xk-level doomsday to human society."】

【"It can even evaporate an entire galaxy with just a thought."】

【The doctor took a deep breath, paused, and continued】

【"Afterwards, the Foundation quickly dispatched a mobile task force to control the stag."】

【"Then it will be driven to your current site"】

【The doctor blew out a smoke ring and his face became more serious.】

【"Then, in order to contain and control the deer, the Foundation had to perform cruel, bizarre rituals involving blood and sacrifice."】

【"These rituals are terrifying just by looking at them in writing."】

【"But as you can imagine, we have to"】

【"In order to preserve human society, we need those rituals"】

【"Although those rituals were cruel and bloody"】


Seeing this, people from all over the world couldn't help but sigh.

"Yeah, there's nothing we can do about it.���For the safety of the earth, this is the only way"

"But where did this absurd ritual come from? Could it be that the O5 Council came up with it specifically to control stags?"

"Although the ritual seems illogical, it is to contain the Supreme Nerve after all. Maybe there is a purpose in the ritual that I don't know about."



【The doctor's mouth was grinning all the way to his ears.】

【He laughed so hard that the cigarette in his hand fell to the ground.】

【His tone was full of disbelief】

【"Listen, you won’t believe what I’m going to say next!"】

【"It is not the supreme divine stag at all, it is just a stupid roe deer!"】

【"Yes, you heard it right, it is the silly roe deer!"】

【"It’s so stupid that we humans can control it with our IQ!"】

【"Those so-called rituals, those confusing rituals, those rituals that don't care about the results"】

【"It's all fake!"】

【"After the Stag arrived on Earth, the Foundation drove it to a containment site. This is the official record."】

【"But what is the reality?"】

【"We just tricked it with a freaking pizza!"】

【"We lied to it and said, if you eat this pizza, you will be free and you can leave here."】

【At this point, the doctor laughed out loud.】

【"That silly roe deer actually believed it!"】

【"He followed us into the containment site obediently."】

【"And those absurd rituals are of no use at all!"】

【"It doesn't matter whether you take out a step from the ritual or add some absurd actions!"】

【"The entire ceremony will not generate any supernatural energy and will not change anything materially or spiritually!"】

【"These absurd rituals are just to make the stag believe that humans are stronger than it!"】

【"Yes, this is a scam, a complete scam!"】

【"Fortunately, we succeeded"】

【"Because of the deer's stupidity, we have been deceiving it until now!"】


Peppa Pig World


Pig Man took a deep breath

"In other words, these are all lies?!"

The confused teacher at the side raised two fingers.

"First, these rituals are real and must be performed in earnest."

"Second, they are not deceiving people, they are deceiving deer."


Pig Man scratched his head and nodded

"It's really scary. If I were in that containment site, I would definitely be too scared to leave."

"Humph, what a coward!"

Superman said disdainfully, but his legs were still shaking uncontrollably.

Even Bobby couldn't stand this funny scene.

Boss, we can't pretend, so let's not pretend!

It's really embarrassing to pretend!


Fruity Robo World


Pineapple Blowing Snow was the first to lose control and burst out laughing.

"How stupid! He has such a powerful force, but he was fooled by humans!"

Cheng Liuxiang raised the corner of his mouth,"I was also curious about how the Foundation drove the stag to the containment site. It turns out that they used pizza!"

"Stupid, so stupid!"

It's obviously a deer that can destroy the earth in an instant, and even the entire galaxy, but I didn't expect its IQ to be so touching.

Even the not-so-smart Lu Xiaoguo now feels superior.

"You can't even catch up with me, you're such a fool!"

Lu Xiaoguo curled his lips and said with disdain.


The world is so gray.

Feiyangyang's eyes lit up and he whispered softly:

"This silly roe deer is so stupid, even with my intelligence, I can probably lure it over."

"¨「 ¨「 When the time comes, if I make friends with Mei Yangyang, Mei Yangyang will definitely like me, hehehe."

Before he could finish his thought, Lazy Sheep, who had been eavesdropping beside him, patted him on the shoulder.

"Forget it, Feiyangyang. Even if you can find it, your current IQ is not as good as that of the deer."

"Your mind is full of Mei Yangyang now. A bootlicker like you is even more stupid than a stupid roe deer."

Fei Yangyang:"……"


Bears are everywhere in the world.

Bald Qiang held his stomach and laughed so hard that he could hardly breathe.

"Hahahaha, I'm really laughing to death!"

"This stag is so strong, yet it is fooled by humans!"

"It's ridiculous that we can't even leave the site now!"

Before he could finish prying a stone, it hit him on the head accurately.


Guang Tou Qiang picked up the chainsaw, his eyes wide open.

"Bald Qiang, you are still laughing at the deer. You are so powerful, but I am still being fooled by the two of us?"

Xiong Er said while twisting his buttocks, looking like he deserved a beating.

""Damn Xiong Er, don't run!"

Bald Qiang picked up the chainsaw and was about to chase him, but a stone flew behind him.

""Bald Qiang, there is also my Big Bear!"

In an instant, countless stones flew from both sides.

Bald Qiang was stunned by the"two bears attack" tactic and hurriedly fled with the chainsaw.


Holy Lord World

""Ah?!" Chen Long opened his mouth wide.

He could not imagine that the truth of the matter was like this!

"You are the supreme deity, but your IQ is so low?"

"Why is it happening like that?!"

"Does this deer have no idea of its own strength?!"

Not only Chen Long was shocked, but everyone else was also shocked.

"Hahahaha! Interesting, very interesting!"Xiaoyu clapped her hands and laughed.

"What a contrast! Dad really didn't expect this to happen."The always cold-faced dad smiled slightly at this moment.


【The doctor took a deep breath and slowly put away his smile.】

【"Now you should know what you are going to do, right?"】

【"That's right, we must not let the stag know that we are lying to it."】

【"If one day he really knows, then that day will be the day of our human destruction."】

【"So sing���, dance, say those weird words, do those absurd things"】

【The doctor waved his hands wildly.】

【"When you feel like there's no point in all this"】

【"Remember what I said today"】

【"The ritual itself has no meaning, and the result of the ritual is also unimportant, but the effect they bring is very important."】

【"For the sake of us humans, carry out those damn absurd rituals to the end!"】


American comic world

"Knowing it's absurd, do you still want to go on?"

Dr. Banner chewed on this sentence in his mouth, and a little moved inexplicably rose in his heart.

In fact, Dr. Banner never thought that the Avengers would last long.

Because of the Hulk in his body, he has been on the run for many years.

Those official people think he is a monster and are afraid to avoid him.

However, now he is standing here, standing with these heroes who look righteous.

"Revenge on those evil forces."

Dr. Banner shook his head and thought this sentence was ridiculous.

Who do you think you are? I am the Hulk, I am a monster. You want me to save the world?


So, Banner always wanted to leave, always wanted to leave here.

Because he always felt inferior when he stayed here.

There seemed to be a voice in his heart telling him: You are the Hulk, you are a monster that destroys the world, how can someone like you be a hero?

It's ridiculous!

Dr. Banner has always thought so.

But now

"Carry out that damn ridiculous ritual to the end……"

Dr. Banner laughed

"It is so absurd, but it can truly save mankind and the earth."

""Interesting, very interesting!"

He laughed loudly.

Seeing Dr. Banner's excitement, everyone was a little nervous.

"Hey Dr. Banner, are you okay?"Natasha's eyes revealed concern.

Banner shook his head,"I have never felt so relaxed.".

I just wanted to say: Tamago

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