You idiots like you want to stop me?


An incomparable voice sounded from the bottom of the well, and a tall figure stood there, watching them indifferently.

Fluctuations and sound waves can sweep across the entire area in an instant.

Trashy fish and rotten shrimp?

We have been sleeping for so long, and it seems that times have really changed.

you wanna die!

A powerful Golden Crow exuded the pressure of a top-notch god, with a gloomy face, and sacrificed his natal weapon.

The other powers did this one by one, preparing to seal this child.


The next second, the sky changed!


It was a fist that reached the sky and the earth, blasted out from the bottom of the well.

Ye Jue's body suddenly swelled, supporting the sky at the bottom of the well. His body was still emitting terrifying fluctuations that broke through the power of the ancient gods. His eyes were cold and unscrupulous, and he blasted out the ancient energy fists lawlessly.

At this moment, the rolling brilliant light, like a colorful waterfall, was magnificent and boundless.

It's not as simple as a punch, it's as if the whole world from the bottom of the well has come crashing down.




Immediately, these powerful figures let out tragic screams, were wiped out without a trace, and died completely.


Ye Jue took a deep breath and absorbed all the particles of these powerful men, breaking through the power of the ancient gods and gaining even more speed.

On his body, some ancient gods' laws were continuously oscillated and released, all of which solidified and rotated around him.

The Ganges Sand-level particles were running wildly, and they all lit up.

His light shines in all directions, penetrating all voids, as vast as an epic, as magical as a legend.

This power represents the supreme, supreme, and holy glory between heaven and earth.

These invincible powers all formed Ye Jue's arms.

This arm is already an ancient god particle. All the transformations are completed. It glows brightly like red clouds. With a slight wave, the power clangs.

Why doesn't anyone come?

Ye Jue deserves no one, referring to the leader of Chaos Zuma and the three pillars.

There is a high probability that Ye will not come.

Because as soon as they meet, the three corpses will break out.

So, the breakthrough went very smoothly.

Now the pattern is about to be opened up, and a new situation is about to be born.

Is there really no one stopping him?

It seems there really isn't.

Ye Jue murmured to himself, and his other arm also turned into ancient god particles.

Didn't those people really come to stop him?

This is the achievement of an ancient god!

If he succeeds, he will be able to crush all beings. Even top gods are no match for him and can be killed with just one slap.

Boom boom boom! !

Waves of ancient divine energy spread from him, and his lower body began to transform.

The entire earth world is boiling, the heat is flowing across the sky, and those power light balls are being consumed.

Two-thirds of it was consumed in just a short period of time.

Something is wrong, Ye Jue, your strength is insufficient!

Jin Yulan observed very carefully and couldn't help but be puzzled. She found that only after consuming the last bit of savings could Ye Jue barely transform his entire body, except his head.

Yes, only the head has not been transformed, and it still lacks some strength.

In this way, the world of mortals did not erupt.

I have discovered that the power consumed is too huge, far beyond imagination.

Ye Jue was shocked, and the opportunity to become an ancient god ended.

However, there is still a chance, just look for the strength to break through.

But right now.

A sudden change occurred!

A line appeared in the center of the entire space, instantly dislocated, as if it had been cut off.


Blood sputtered from Ye Jue's neck, and his head appeared to have been cut off.


Jin Yulan's heart was shocked. This cut broke the world under the well into two halves.

This strength is so terrifying, who is it?

It's you?

Ye Jueqian never expected that it was actually Ye Yi.

This man is holding a divine object, and the power of truth emerges. It seems to be a sword embryo, and many runes are emerging, turning into a sword dragon, stained with blood.

Ye Jue, when you became an ancient god, you triggered our destiny. The leader of Chaos Zuma had already been severely injured by me, and I captured half of the energy of chaos.

The sword of truth in Ye Yi's hand pulled out a long tail of light, like a shooting star, chasing the bright moon.

This speed was simply lightning fast, and he slashed over again all of a sudden.

It's useless. Free particles can't block the truth. There are many rules more powerful than freedom.

Ye Mian was expressionless as he exuded powerful spiritual thoughts in the air.

Ye Yi, I didn't expect it to be you. It has to be you. Are you here to help me break through the ancient gods? You know I still lack the last bit of strength.

Ye Jue spoke and narrowed his eyes slightly.

From the wasteland to the dark realm, attachment, evil, good...

These three chess pieces have been arranged until now.

Is there finally going to be a result here?

Let's fight.

Ye Yi struck out one by one, shocking the world. The vast and violent Taichu demon power and half of the chaotic energy blended together. From the Three Corpse Sword, loud noises were made one after another, shaking all the space to pieces.


Ye Jue used the Anti-Universe Cornerstone to block it, and swung the Three Corpse Ax with his right hand.

Boom boom boom!

The two figures burned hard, the sword light cut through everything, the divine ax was sharp, and a shocking sound broke out in the darkness and light.

Your attack just now failed without killing me. Why did you show up when you know you can't kill me?

During the battle, Ye Jue said loudly.

In the first blow, his head and the neck connected to his body were the weak points.

Unfortunately, that powerful slash failed to cut off his spine.


It was extremely dangerous just now.

Ye Jue tried his best to resist, and even his whole body began to burn lifespan. The lifespans burned violently before he could block the terrifying sneak attack.

At this point, Ye Jue knew that there would be no next chance, so he said this to Ye Yi.


Ye Yi suddenly smiled: I want to give you a great opportunity, because as you evolve, the ancient gods will be reshuffled. However, it is not enough. A greater impact is needed. I want to make the deep space fall, pull If you go down to the altar, Ye Jue, one of us will definitely die.


Suddenly, demonic power burst out from his whole body, and he rushed forward so fiercely that it directly shattered the space. The power in his body was like a sea and a prison, rising in waves.

The Three Corpse Sword can hurt Ye Jue, after all, it is the Sword of Truth.

One of them will die? That must be you, but what are you going to do? Such behavior is simply like committing suicide. As soon as you die, the three corpses and the ancient Qi Zun will be fully resurrected. Do you want me to destroy myself?

Ye Jue's aura enveloped him, and he couldn't figure out why Ye Yi did this.


Ye Yi didn't give him much time to think, he went completely crazy, his arms shook together, and turned into a huge body.

This body is his true self, a black ancestral corpse. With a long roar, the fire essence boils all over his body, and the endless laws of the great avenue turn into billions of divine lights to penetrate.


Ye Jue shattered the ancestor's corpse with one punch, and slapped the arm of the ancestor's corpse, causing it to spasm and cracks in the bones.

Is this guy crazy?

Jin Yulan was stunned.

She also knew the situation.

Ye Jue has always been ruthless in his attacks, especially now that Ye Yi possesses Ancient God Particles and the power of Ancient God, and has taken down the Ancestor level, it is not a problem at all.

But she saw it.

Ye Jue kept his hands on everything and didn't even want to kill him.

Instead, he wanted to seal it.

However, Ye Yi was always able to show off his skills at critical moments, catching the latter off guard.

Don't push me.

Ye Jue's eyes flashed with cold light, just as Jin Yulan said, this Ye Yi was crazy and wanted to drag him into the funeral at all costs.


who is he?

Yiran was not afraid and showed no signs of backing down.

Well, just kill!

Become an ancient god and explode in full force!

coming soon!

At this moment, no matter the three pillars, the leader of Chaos Zuma, or the group of ancient immortals in the ancient heaven, they were all watching the battlefield.

They had no intention of participating at all and just observed calmly.

It seemed that the battle between Ye Jue and Ye Yi had long been expected.

The same is true for Breakthrough Ancient God. They all know about this and will not stop it.

Because they know that the Red Dust Angel is coming soon.

Shooting the first bird...

This principle has been true since ancient times.


Ye Jue felt murderous intent in his heart!

This Ye Yi deliberately sought death and sent the evil energy and chaotic energy of Taichu.

He lacks these two ancient energies, as well as the power of good, which must enter his body.

So, come on!

Taikou Free Fist, Feathered Mirror, Reflection!

The wind and thunder are strong, and the lightning is intertwined!

The ancient free fist unleashed by the ancient divine power was full of murderous aura, transcending everything, and displayed the most powerful power without any scruples, spreading everywhere, completely controlling the world.

The next moment, blood splashed and the void collapsed...

The body of the huge ancestral corpse transformed by Ye Yi split open directly, shaking the origin, destroying the Yun Shanshan scroll in it, reversing the laws, and reversing the rivers and mountains.


Ye Yi laughed instead, his body shattered.


The power of good is coming!

The other two ancient energies also entered Ye Jue's body instantly.

They were not captured by Ye Jue on his own initiative, but he threw them over on his own, as if they had a will.

Ye Jue, my last strength is given to you to help you break through the ancient gods.

Ye Yi condensed into a Bodhi Seal and flew over.


Ye Jue was instantly ignited, and the power of the ancient god spread toward his head.

In an instant, thousands of brilliance bloomed across billions of parallel spaces.

Ho ho ho!!!

Ye Jue roared and turned into light.

The evolution of the ancient gods has just begun...

It's really crazy. How could things develop like this?

Jin Yulan was dumbfounded!

She was sure that Ye Yi and Ye Jue would have a shocking battle.

But unexpectedly, Ye Yi took the initiative to die, and the ancient god couldn't use it as an opportunity, so he rushed over to deliver food.

For what purpose?

Could it be that he really wanted to help Ye Jue and wish for himself?

No, absolutely impossible.

Jin Yulan said quietly.

She used the power of time, the wings of the demon and the magic of immortality to rush there.

Prepare to take away the last remnants of Ye Yi.


She was suddenly startled when she saw a familiar shadow among the remains of the Corpse Ancestor.

It's you?

Jin Yulan didn't expect that the Lord of the Black Domain would be one step ahead of her.

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