Wasteland, one-click extraction, permanent immortal buff at the beginning

Chapter 994 Begins to break through the ancient gods

The Feathering Mirror directly reflects the power of the Heaven-Stealing Claw into the world in the mirror. The flames are leaping and beating, and the blazing and terrifying power is brewing inside.

Stealing the sky!

Ye Jue's big hand thrust forward, and the power of stealing the sky wrapped around his palm, and he suddenly grabbed it into the depths of the black hole.


At this moment, it seemed that the depths of a certain world had been opened.

He saw towering palaces, and their magnificence shone through.

Is this the ancient heaven?

Ye Jue's eyes narrowed.

The ancient heaven is on a blazing star, somewhere in the black realm, with terrifying power fluctuations. It seems that even the Immortal Emperor will be reduced to ashes if he casually enters.

Each building is engraved with patterns unique to the mythical era.

This is the manifestation of civilization.

What is left over from the previous era is lifelike.

However, there are some other places worth paying attention to, because apart from these buildings, some of the buildings nearby are in a state of disgrace. The stone pillars are broken and only the shelves are left.

It was obviously a shocking battle, with a sense of vicissitudes of history, left behind by Zeng Jingyuan, which can make people immersed in a special atmosphere.


As soon as the reflected sky-stealing claw passed through, the world in this black hole disappeared without a trace.

The two sacred objects were still taken away.

The Heaven Stealing Claw and the Thousand Lamp Stone that will last for ten thousand years.

There is no way around this. These two things have already recognized their owners, and they need more powerful force to suppress them under the plunder.

The master of Jade Hand is obviously stronger than him.

The mottled main hall, with Taoist patterns still there and traces of it immortal, looks very much like the ancient heaven.

After Ye Jue finished handling the scene, he put the Aurora Conferred God Sword into his bag and muttered to himself.

Now his strength has increased a lot again.

Gu Tianting has finally been exposed, Ye Jue, you did a good job this time.

At this time, the shadow of the Lord of the Black Domain appeared, with a solemn expression.

Huh? You are the heart of the Black Territory, but you don't know where Gutianting is?

Ye Jue frowned.

Shouldn’t the power of this Lord of the Black Domain be reflected all over the world?

It seems that the birth of Gutianting also shocked it?

Although I am the Lord of the Black Domain, there is a cancer that affects my power. You don't know it.

The Lord of the Black Domain shook his head.

Now my strength should be able to help you clean up the cancer. No matter how strong the leader of Chaos Zuma is, he can't be stronger than me now.

Ye Jue traveled through the decaying world, flying in various alien spaces and deep mist.

In those places, you can no longer see your fingers. Even with the eyes of the Immortal Emperor, he cannot clearly see the land thousands of miles ahead.


The Tai Chi Golden Eye exerts its power and penetrates the distance in the air. Outside the axis of the black world, long green rivers, like poisonous rivers, flow in the black world.

These are poisonous gases, containing extremely poisonous gases that corrode everything and can easily melt any god. Just like the Lord of the Black Realm said, the power of poisonous tumors is affecting it.

Indeed, Yuhuajing's promotion this time has brought you an extremely powerful improvement. It's time for Ye Jue. Almost all the gods in the black world have pledged their allegiance to Free Heaven. The power accumulated in your earthly world can allow you to attack Ancient God, get ready!

The Lord of the Black Domain suddenly said.

Attack the Ancient God?

Jin Yulan, Buried Immortal King, Xi Chuangyue, Ming Yue, and Wang Qi all heard it with expressions of disbelief on their faces.

Didn't it mean that if the attack on the Ancient God was successful, the Red Dust Heaven would descend and destroy everything?

Ming Yue said quickly.

You have never experienced the coming of the mortal world. It will not destroy everything in an instant. The mortal angels will come first. It will take at least a hundred years from the beginning to the end of the great catastrophe!

The Lord of the Black Domain continued to tell the secret.

If I attack the Ancient God now, my enemies will definitely not let me succeed easily.

What Ye Jue is most afraid of is the three pillars, and top gods like Ye Yi, who will besiege him at that time.

Yes, are you sure that the power of the three corpses in Ye Jue will not explode?

Xi Chuangyue said in astonishment.

Just as they were talking, a group of powerful gods suddenly appeared in the rolling mist. This group of gods was very strange and had no murderous intent.

Moreover, they all look the same and look like clones, which is very scary!

Their faces and facial features seemed to have been fabricated, very strange.

However, the strength should not be underestimated, the aura is powerful, the lightning is flying!

All of a sudden, it tore apart the space and descended, arriving in front of Ye Jue.

This is the ancestor-level pinnacle immortal soldier and general puppet that I trained.

The Lord of the Black Realm said: I used the technology left over from the last era of deep space to create tens of millions of them.

Tens of millions! Ye Jue was also shocked. Immortal soldiers and generals? Isn't that the fairy world of three pillars? Are they all at the pinnacle of the ancestor level? !

You know, there are not many immortals in his land who are at the peak of the ancestor level.

This Lord of the Black Domain has secretly gathered such a powerful force.

But it's a pity that these fairy soldiers and generals puppets can't directly provide you with power, because they can't sign the scroll of destiny. They can only accompany you to fight and protect you when you break through the ancient gods.

The Lord of the Black Domain said.


Ye Jue did not continue to speak.

He is using the divine calculator to calculate his various changes.

Breaking through the ancient gods, he will be superior to all gods, including the leader of Chaos Zuma.


These top gods are also just a step away from evolving into ancient gods.

They are waiting too.

When he transforms into ancient god particles, he will madly seize him.

When he breaks through, he will be the target of everyone's competition.

But as long as it succeeds, the ability can reach all the heavens and the earth, eliminate the cancer, and allow the Lord of the Black Domain to fulfill his long-cherished wish for the new world.

Okay, I'll choose an address.

Ye Jue looked around, unable to accurately locate the trillion-level black world.


As long as you keep flying down, you can reach the bottom of the well.

The bottom of the well is now in a mess, because Wanxiang and Santaizhu once fought here, and the fight was so dark that it was impossible to fight.

There are traces of Taoist seals everywhere.

When Ye Jue came here, an extremely powerful aura spread out in ripples, turning into concentric circles one after another.

Bahba bahb…

This concentric circle expands outward, forming a world.

Puff puff puff puff puff! !

The Yuhua Mirror, Thunderbolt City, and black sticks all flew out.

Gods of the world, mobilize your power and help me!

Ye Jue roared.

no problem!

We do our best!

Become an Ancient God!

Princess Jiutian, Lu Yanjun and others all looked up to the sky and made sounds.

Click, click, click!

In an instant, the billion-level powerful light balls collected in the ground began to shatter.


Ye Jue sat cross-legged in the void, and the Ring of Ancient Gods appeared behind him. Countless flames spurted out from his body, sweeping and intertwining all over the sky!


A vast heavenly sound emitted from his body, making it look sacred and solemn, as if an ancient god had truly arrived.


Ye Jue's body was filled with precious brilliance, and every inch of flesh and blood was filled with powerful power.


This force is so strong that the particles are quenched, and the body is constantly disillusioned and changing.

It was thunder, rumbling, and like the ground, very dull.

It's hard to imagine what kind of power this is, if the Saint Ancestor's body hadn't reached its extreme.

I'm afraid that the moment he broke through, he would burst open.

But the cracks are cracks, and death is death.

How many people are stuck at this level? This step is always difficult to overcome.

Now, he, a human being, is about to open the door to this world and become the first living ancient god.

What kind of power is this, and who is doing what?

Incredible, why do I feel that an extremely terrifying existence is about to be born?

“Why do you feel that way and where does it come from?”

It seems to be a carrier of the great avenue, and it seems to be a change of yin and yang. What exactly happened?

I feel there is a force to break free from the shackles, become the only one in this world, break the shackles of the universe, and transcend!

Oh my god, who will tell me what happened?

At this moment, the gods in every world sensed the vibrations between heaven and earth, as if there was a fairy voice coming out. This power was spotless, transcendent, and unimaginable.

In this world, there are actually people who have broken through to the top of the previous era, want to reach the top, transcend the present, and achieve the ancient body?

There was a powerful force that aroused strong and magical power. I sensed something and suddenly opened my eyes, which was full of incredible things.

Who is it? The three pillars, the leader of Chaos Zuma, and others?

They were stunned, but the immortal brilliance covered their bodies, and they couldn't tell who was making the breakthrough.

This fluctuation comes from the bottom of the well!

What, it's at the bottom of the well, this...

No way?

The gods felt even more incredible!

No matter who this person is, he has accumulated and accumulated huge power. He can attack the ancient gods. Only those few people...

But I think this person is most likely the leader of the Free Sky Alliance!

That's right, the leader of the Free Sky has almost unified the Black Territory and is secretly accumulating strength. Isn't it just waiting for this moment?

These people were greatly touched, and they were also VIP members of Freeday.

Is it really the alliance leader who is making a breakthrough?

Their leader…

Isn't that Ye Jue?

By deduction, it turns out to be Ye Jue. Over the endless years... he was the one who took the first step!

The gods have mixed feelings in their hearts.

The majestic aura and majesty make people involuntarily awe and make them breathless.

This existence will soon turn into the most dazzling star, engraved with new traces of myth.

Boom boom boom!!

However, many mysterious places in the black world erupted, and waves of power rushed to the bottom of the well. They were all extremely violent auras and mysterious existences.

We can't let him become an ancient god, otherwise the world of mortals will explode!

These superpowers are all at the pinnacle level of the ancestors and have been dormant and sleeping for a long time.

There was a being who seemed to be a god and flew over to suppress the breaker.

At least we can't seal him now!

That's right, it's too early to completely erupt into the world of mortals!

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