Not to mention.

The demons will also reveal various black technology blueprints.

Energy shield...fully automated weapon...

High-energy laser weapons...hysonic vehicles...

Even space-based weapons!

Space-based weapons are weapon systems deployed in Earth orbit.

It is condescending and can strike quickly and accurately against targets on the earth's land, oceans and atmosphere.

Known as the Rod of God.

But the blueprints can only be revealed by demons after the Sixth Hell.

As for why the demon exploded the equipment...

Only Ye Jue knows this secret in this world.

The wasteland is no longer a secret in the afterlife.

That was done by a group of mysterious people wearing hoods!

They are not human beings. Judging from their energy, they are definitely a higher-level race.

They call themselves source!

Yuan edited the experience settings, equipment settings, prop settings, potion settings... and everything!

Once upon a time, the human heroes got a chance to ask the source.

The hero was silent for a long time and asked: Why do you do this?

Because you are too weak, we decided to give you a chance.

The humans got this answer and fell silent.


Without the source editor's settings like this, humanity would have perished long ago.

Not to mention the Demon God Arena, there is no qualification at all.

Ye Jue stepped on the butt of the cigarette under his feet and looked at the moon in the distance.

the next day.

Let's go to the lair area on the ground. All the demons there are out, maybe even none at all. It's the safest place to go!

A new human said.

No, there are ordinary people in our team. Once contaminated with demonic substances, you will be sick even if you die!

The sergeant frowned.

They die faster when they encounter demons. The incident with the mutated ants last night has already reduced their number by one-third.

The man was tit for tat.

Listen to me, my opinion is to take the edge and take care of both ends!

Someone else chimed in.

Comrade Laifu, please share your opinion.

The sergeant couldn't help but look at the man.

Your destination is Longxiao Base City. I can show you a way. The base city is over there!

Ye Jue said.

Over there? No way? Are we going the wrong way?

The base city is over there?


Many people are skeptical.

Because the direction Ye Jue pointed was completely different from their planned route.

Believe it or not, you are lost now.

Ye Jue shook his head.

These people are so blind!

If you want to live in the wasteland, you must forget your previous knowledge.


The sergeant had not expected this.

Do we really want to change the path forward?

They had already discussed it and agreed that this road was the route to the base city.


It was actually overturned.

You guys can discuss it slowly. Anyway, I want to go in that direction.

Ye Jue grabbed Laifu with one hand and walked aside.

Ouch!! Ouch!!!

Laifu grinned!

He knew what this man was thinking, so he resisted with all his strength!

Have you had enough fun? As long as you obey my arrangements, I can consider giving you this magic core.

Ye Jue took out the magic core like a magic trick.

This magic core is as big as the palm of your hand and it is so delicious!


Laifu's eyes suddenly lit up, and he took another bite of air.

As long as you promise me that.

Ye Jue chuckled.

Going to the underworld to steal a treasure? How could I be so virtuous!

Laifu rolled his eyes and yelled angrily.

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