Who said you can do it now?

Ye Jue slapped Laifu on the head.


Laifu rolled his eyes again in dissatisfaction.

At this time, there was a faint light in the sky.

The continuous mountains in the distance are not tall, but they still lie at the end of the darkness like an ancient giant beast.

In this case, we will follow the route Comrade Laifu wants to take.

After discussing it all night, the sergeant and the others finally made up their mind.

You dodged a bullet.

Ye Jue smiled slightly.

Go to the Devil's Den?

There must be death but no life!

Currently, only Long Xiao's side has the strength to build a base city.

In other places, it will take a long time to develop.

A group of people marched forward mightily.

Ye Jue was at the front of the team, meaning to clear the way for everyone.

Everyone was very moved.

In fact, it is a dog breeding plan.

What is a dog fostering plan?

Then train Laifu to be an assassin!

Although Laifu is an evolver, his current level is too low.

Kill these demons!

Ye Jue captured the half-dead demon and left it to this cowardly dog.


Laifu happily bites them all to death.

If you have experience delivered to your door, how can you not want it?

Just like this, several days passed.


Laifu looked up to the sky and screamed.

He has reached level 6!

You know, every time he kills a wave, there is a swarm of demons, and a lot of experience points are thrown at him.

Finally, a level 6 evolver came out.

Even though it’s a dog!

This skill is concealed and suits you very well.

This is not bad, it can make you invisible for a while.

I can modify this piece of equipment so that you can wear it too.

Ye Jue personally modified the dog's equipment.

When Laifu reappeared in front of everyone, he was already armed to the teeth.


Laifu is obviously very satisfied with this equipment.

This combination of equipment and skills is perfect for this coward like him.

When you see a demon, you immediately become invisible.

When invisible, it will not make any sound.

When attacking, the invisibility will not be revealed and can be maintained for a period of time.

Simply the assassin among assassins!

Look! There! It's here!

The sergeant suddenly raised his arms and shouted.

Are we on the right track?

Great, it's finally here!

I was scared to death. I thought I was going to the wrong place!

The fire of hope instantly burned in everyone's hearts, and their emotions surged!


Fatty Qian was originally a fat man with a height of 1.8 meters.

Although there was a period of food shortage, the foundation of the Sunshine Age remained.

It's just that the previously bulging belly has shrunk inward.

But it still couldn't reduce his complacent aura.

After the devil crawled out of the ground, he didn't expect that he could become a new human being.

Moreover, while singing along, he also made friends with a group of people who had narrowly escaped death.

He had not experienced a wave of demons.

But he had heard horrors.

So he was very afraid, fearing that a wave of demons would suddenly break out in the abandoned city where he was.

I am also worried about what to do if the food and water are used up.

Waiting to die?


He and his brothers decided to go to Base City!

They brought enough food and water.

I had good luck on the road and even found a big bus that could be driven.

It’s only a short distance from the base city!

But Fatty Qian was trembling all over and snorted coldly!

They turned off the bus lights.

It was dark everywhere.

Almost through the car window to see the night sky and stars outside.

The night sky is beautiful though!

However, no one dared to make any sound.


Just under the crescent moon, there was a huge black shadow, staring at the car.

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