Ye Jue came to hell again, not to the big starry sky.

Because the hell world and the big starry sky are originally two worlds.


The hell world is still escalating with the arrival of the world of mortals.

It had already enveloped the entire misery.

As for now…

It is no longer imaginable.

Once upon a time, the Black Wind Queen was defeated...

Ye Jue recalled what happened five thousand years ago.

The so-called memory...

It is to record a deep impression.


There is nothing left.

Ye Jue's body was healing rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Have been able to resume action.

Hoo ho ho!

at this time.

The black wind blows out a spiral hurricane!

With the breath of death, it wants to involve him in it.

Ye Jue didn't even avoid it.

Travel across the sky and travel through the past.

Approaching the entrance to the third level of hell.



An object bursts out of this path.

A handful of bones…

The whole body is white and glistening, and it is well preserved.

It had no head and saw Ye Jue flying slowly from below.

It's you?

Ye Jue looked over.

Four thousand years ago…

Saw it.

But this skeleton shines brightly and cannot even speak.

What on earth is this thing? Is it really the corpse of a strong man that has not yet gone cold?

Ye Jue can now handle it easily.

Not like before.

His arms glowed and energy surged, like thunder roaring.

With one swipe, the skeleton was caught.

Click, click, click!

The bones made a clanging sound as they were captured, and the bones were like thunder as they were incorporated into the earth's seeds.

The moment Ye Jue left...

The hurricane stirred the void and completely submerged the place where it was.

The entrance to the third level of hell.

Ye Jue looked pale and chopped the stone blocking the door into pieces.


These stones were so hard that he felt a powerful impact.


Dozens of collisions in a row.

This was eventually all cleared away, revealing the dark entrance.

There was a wuwu sound coming from inside, which must be blocked by the power of death.

Just like that, Ye Jue rushed towards the dark entrance.

His speed was so fast that the air exploded with a loud sound, like thunder exploding here.

Boom boom boom!

In an instant, the power of death blocking the entrance struck violently.

Ye Jue rushed out from the burst of black light,

Coming to the third hell, as expected...

It is also extremely desolate and a scene of deathly silence.

There were signs of fragmentation everywhere, and many black lines appeared around it.

Here we are…

The power of death has spread completely!

It was like a curse, constantly eroding Ye Jue's body.

The power of death is the power of hell.

Ye Jue flew forward.

His face was indifferent, these powers of death were no longer something to be afraid of.

Hell is empty, the devil is dead...

Heading to the fourth level of hell...

Blood Nest.

Bloodhive Hell was once a nightmare.

The wasteland is full of withered poisonous trees...

Tentacles continue to grow on the ground...

Pollutants and hazardous organic matter float in the atmosphere.

Even the air has become toxic.

If human beings want to survive, they have to race against time.

Clean out the toxin spreaders as quickly as possible and defeat the Demon God.

at the same time,

Blood pools will continue to appear on the land, and demons will crawl out of them, creating another fierce battle.


Everything in front of me is gone.

The blood nest, blood pool, and blood lin are all gone.

Even the traces of blood turned into dark brown lines.

Ye Jue entered the fifth level of hell, which was the endless demon cemetery.

The fourth level, the fifth level of hell...

He was the force that once destroyed his world.

But now...


Ye Jue walked in the rich power of death, as fast as lightning.

Chi chi chi...

at this time.

Already powerfully infiltrating people.

There are many places on his body that are bloody...

The skin peeled off layer after layer.

Death energy explodes in the sky...

Then it poured down, like a volcano erupting.

The dazzling golden light flooded the mountainous area.

As if to separate the heaven and the earth...

The entrance to hell is just ahead.

Tai Chi Golden Eye saw a vague direction.

Ye Jue flew over, the destructive power there was too strong.

He suffered a violent impact, his bones cracked and his body shook violently.

Ye Jue just flew in.

Tai Chi Golden Eye keeps triggering.

Both eyes sparkled with golden light, dazzling.

Can see…

A huge door ahead has collapsed.

The aura of death inside is immense,

It was like a vast ocean sweeping across it, extremely terrifying.

Ye Jue went in directly without any hesitation.

The rich aura of destruction and death distorted the space.

A special field is formed, spreading in all directions.

Ye Jue was blocked.

The biting power of death seemed to wipe him out.

at this time……

The feathered mirror has exploded with maximum power to deal with this distorted field.

Ye Jue also glowed all over, breaking through the void.

Fourth, the five levels of hell are incoherent folded spaces.

But a specific place of nothingness.

The moment you enter...

It overturned the three concepts and came to an unparalleled destination.

In the place where the devil is tomb, the blazing tower is gone.

Ye Jue didn't feel any surprise.

Spend analytical power to deduce with the divine calculator...


Ye Jue narrowed his eyes.

The seventh hell, the city of hell, the city of pain, the furnace of hell, the demon world of the Blood Temple...

It has been captured by the empire!

Now, they have reached the eighth hell.

That is a place where human beings have never reached a place of misery.

The speed of time passing in the Black Realm is different from that of the outside world. I didn't expect that the empire has already attacked the eighth level of hell.

Ye Jue raised the corner of his mouth.

He seems to have picked a good time to come to hell.

The empire must also want to enter the last road to hell, and the Starry Sky Emperor must have other plans.

This is just great.

He is here, and I have to say that if there is a grievance, there will be a vengeance.

The last strength to seize the land of creation is still guarding it.

The depths of the solar system are hazy and otherworldly.

Super carriers opened super wormholes one after another.

Tower-shaped buildings emerge one after another…

There is a quaint atmosphere everywhere.

The empire has surrounded the land that seizes creation.

I heard that the last bit of power that protects the land of creation comes from deep space.

The aliens above all started discussing.

Yeah, it's deep space!

Otherwise the earth would have fallen long ago.


Even if the mothership wanted to come over, it would be a narrow escape.

Must be the Imperial Super Mother Voyage.

Even though this galaxy is small, the scale of space folding is countless!

Yes, yes, the mission given to us by the emperor must be completed.

Take and seize the land of creation.

However, the technology on Earth has advanced again.

These people were shocked when they looked at the data fed back from the mother aircraft system.

I didn't expect that this kind of power still lives in the Land of Seizing Creation. It is the rarest pure blood race. In a certain era, its strength was so powerful that it is incalculable and unbeatable...

They told it like this.

It evoked many associations, and all the aliens present could not calm down.

According to the news, the Kingdom of the Gods is still on the land of creation and has been acquired by a monster. This is not something they can control now and must be controlled by our empire.

The voice of the empire echoed across the starry sky.

They drove away some weak alien races.

Squeeze their warships out of here, otherwise they will be sanctioned by the α War Agreement.

Turn off the camouflage mirror device!


A spherical covering of light gradually disappears.

This alien race with a super carrier descended and appeared in people's sight.

Launch the small drone to activate the weapon and activate the internal navigation system!

With a low drink.

Countless unmanned weapons flew out of the super carrier and landed near the earth.

Today, the earth is surrounded by everything, like a testing ground.

After collecting the data, start the system to drive and keep the host deuterium reactor nuclear fusion furnace running. All members are ready to attack!

Swish, swish, swish! !

Countless single bodies broke through the atmosphere and fell to the ground like burning meteorites.

Warning! Behemoth type, red witch type, gnosis type, giant type alien in vitro technology appears!!

For a moment.

The system on Earth responded, and many words and images appeared on the screen.

This is the empire's super mecha. It only needs to sit in the dragon root system to coordinate the code and integrate with the powerful external technology mecha. It can easily compete with us. The star rating has exceeded three hundred stars. The mecha has There are head wings and a virtual god’s head ring!”

Everyone on earth was shocked. According to the pictures and texts, these are mass-produced models.

The more advanced mecha is called the Excalibur type. Driving it only requires mental connection with the brain, and the body has been completely converted into the body code.

In other words, the mecha is them, they are the mecha, and they have been integrated with the external technology.

This is a super technology, can we analyze it and use it?

Someone's eyes sparkled.

Because their mecha technology is really not good enough to deal with the empire.

If they can take advantage of these super mecha modifications, they will improve again.

This won't work, because these imperial mechas are very special. Only certain genetic codes can use their technology.

A familiar voice sounded.

Everyone looked over.

Black and long eyelashes, crystal clear snow-white jade skin, a pair of soft, round and thin shoulders under the fair and delicate straight jade neck, standing gracefully.

However, there is actually a spiral horn on his forehead.

look carefully…

That face turned out to be that of a dragon girl.

Ms. Dragon Girl, the main force of the empire has already gone to attack Hell, and they have no intention of putting it on our side. Although these imperial mechas are powerful, they are not incapable of contending. I think this is a good opportunity, an excellent time to counterattack.

Someone below said immediately.

The last bit of protective power left on the earth turned out to be the female dragon who had been with Ye Jue for a while.

She didn't know what means she used to come back from deep space.

Dragon Girl brings some technology from deep space.

That's why the big starry sky fell, so we could stubbornly protect the final pure land.


She was still a day late.

When he came back, Aosheng, Ye Jue's daughter had been captured by the empire.


To be precise, others asked her to bring it back, and Laifu made a great contribution.

Director Wu and others worked hard to smuggle some technology out.

The result is...

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